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Will Trump become President?



  • Rizzo said:

    Dazzler21 said:

    If trump becomes President of the USofA I genuinely don't know how I'd react... it is the most terrifying threat to planet earth since a large meteor hit the planet...

    I'm not sure what's more scary. The thought of Trump in the Oval Office or the thought of scores of millions of people who will actually vote for him in a few weeks time. What the hell are they thinking. I know we're supposed to respect the opinions of others but I literally cannot have any respect for anyone who would vote for this moron.

    You're talking about desperate people who have seen their parents well paid jobs outsourced and have been forced into trailer park reservations (or fear they will soon) by sky high housing/living costs. Does it really surprise you that they're somewhat unenthused by establishment politicians? Why should they vote for Hillary who will deliver more of the same?
    I understand that but Trump has proposed nothing substantive that will help them because he basically has no policies (but you know, he's sure going to get some and they're just going to be so great). They'll believe anything he tells them despite being a proven liar. Despite it not making any sense. Despite it contradicting what he said 5 minutes earlier. Sorry but I simply cannot respect anyone who is prepared to vote that person into the most powerful job in the world.
  • He has one policy.

    He'll build a wall.
  • But the Mexicans will pay for it.
  • Rizzo said:

    Rizzo said:

    Dazzler21 said:

    If trump becomes President of the USofA I genuinely don't know how I'd react... it is the most terrifying threat to planet earth since a large meteor hit the planet...

    I'm not sure what's more scary. The thought of Trump in the Oval Office or the thought of scores of millions of people who will actually vote for him in a few weeks time. What the hell are they thinking. I know we're supposed to respect the opinions of others but I literally cannot have any respect for anyone who would vote for this moron.

    You're talking about desperate people who have seen their parents well paid jobs outsourced and have been forced into trailer park reservations (or fear they will soon) by sky high housing/living costs. Does it really surprise you that they're somewhat unenthused by establishment politicians? Why should they vote for Hillary who will deliver more of the same?
    I understand that but Trump has proposed nothing substantive that will help them because he basically has no policies (but you know, he's sure going to get some and they're just going to be so great). They'll believe anything he tells them despite being a proven liar. Despite it not making any sense. Despite it contradicting what he said 5 minutes earlier. Sorry but I simply cannot respect anyone who is prepared to vote that person into the most powerful job in the world.
    Flip it the other way. Would you respect someone who voted bovinely for a candidate that promised more of the same despite the status quo having obviously failed them? Trump is terrible but in financial terms the alternative offered by Hillary to the masses isn't much better.
  • We were walking through Manhattan on Saturday after flying in and we walked past Trump Tower by happenchance just as he arrived at a rally. We just caught the very top of the Donaldian toupee as he disappeared. Shortly after this photo was taken my son was nearly arrested for making what can only be described as a "slaphead" gesture in the general direction of, potentially, the next leader of the free world.
  • edited October 2016

    We were walking through Manhattan on Saturday after flying in and we walked past Trump Tower by happenchance just as he arrived at a rally. We just caught the very top of the Donaldian toupee as he disappeared. Shortly after this photo was taken my son was nearly arrested for making what can only be described as a "slaphead" gesture in the general direction of, potentially, the next leader of the free world.

    I'm not sure that black lady at the front with the Trump/Pence sign wants to be there. It looks like they've chained one of her wrists to the railings.

    Edit - Sorry Donald. She does appear to be there of her own free will (two hands on the poster). It's still striking how few people of colour (supporters) you see at Trump rally's/photo ops.
  • edited October 2016
    Donald Trump suggesting drug tests for both candidates before the last debate. If there is a law about the amount of Orangina one person can consume a day then Trump is busted.
  • It's worth noting that before this election, and even now really, CNN anchors are known for just sitting there and letting talking heads talk, so the fact that things are being said that are so outlandish that they feel the need to jump in is telling.
  • The new Clinton ad focuses on Trumps allegiance with Alex Jones and Infowars. Am surprised they would highlight Infowars just for the reason of putting their name out. Alex Jones head will be about the size of a pumpkin now.
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  • Wait so you're telling me that @The_President isn't actually the president?!
  • I'm writing this about an hour into the debate. Hilary is really, really fucking good tonight. And Donald Trump has just said that he will not necessarily respect the outcome of the election.

    I'm off to buy canned goods and a generator for the upcoming coup.
  • edited October 2016
    SDAddick said:

    I'm writing this about an hour into the debate. Hilary is really, really fucking good tonight. And Donald Trump has just said that he will not necessarily respect the outcome of the election.

    I'm off to buy canned goods and a generator for the upcoming coup.

    That sounds totally and utterly nonsensical, if very worrying.

    I switched off Family Guy to try and watch the last 20 minutes of Sky Atlantic's coverage; and they've been discussing the possibility of anarchy, and how a large number of his supporters are anti-establishment - to the point of viewing some of the media coverage as a form of election rigging! The whole mentality and extremes at work here are utterly bizarre. What's going on at the moment?

    I'm confused by the Trump supporters though, are they traditionally Republicans - or do the Republicans look at Trump as a bit of an outcast? I can't imagine many traditional Republicans considering themselves as anti-establishment, nor can I see many welcoming foreign intervention in to US politics. There seems to be a lot of role reversal going on, and blurring of party lines.

    Interesting to hear some of the fact checking going on though.. demonstrates what an un-inspiring choice the two are.
  • SDAddick said:

    I'm writing this about an hour into the debate. Hilary is really, really fucking good tonight. And Donald Trump has just said that he will not necessarily respect the outcome of the election.

    Seem to remember the defeatist speech worked for Farage.
  • Hilary was good tonight although somewhat robotic. Trump never explains his policies in any detail and just attacks her every time he can. I can't believe how many supporters he actually has. I look at people I know over here who will vote for him and it totally puts them in a new light and I am talking intelligent people. Most are hardcore republicans who will never vote democrat but saying that a lot will not vote. His comment about not accepting the election result will not go down well. A lot of people have died defending democracy over the years and for him to question the electoral process is heresy in my book. He has not got a chance in hell of winning. I am looking forward to seeing his concession speech.
  • He has many mental disorders this bloke. A real serious piece of sh*t.

    I've always considered the obvious "feminism" basic principles to be common sense. Of course women should have equal rights on all levels and be respected. I probably think this way due to where I am from. I've never witnessed any kind of mistreatment of women for the specific reason that they are women, in my lifetime

    So I always kind of thought that it's just a group of people that want to moan.

    I now feel rather differently. I think feminism should have major increased endorsement.

    Hilary Clinton is far more intelligent, relevantly experienced and rational then Donald Trump will ever be.

    It is ESSENTIAL she becomes the next president of the United States.

    It's getting more likely by the day

  • There is not a lot more you can say about Trump that hasn't already been talked about. I caught bits of the debate last night and will mention a couple of things

    1 - why did Trump say he had to apologise to his wife for things he hasn't done?
    2 - If he says he won't accept the result of this election as he says he has seen terrible things happening with voting ( when the voting has not even started properly ) will he not accept being President if he wins?

    I can only imagine the American public in general are getting election fatigue just like we had over here with Brexit and want to get this election done so they can get back to normality.
  • What Trump said about possibly not accepting the result, was political suicide, madness, whatever was he thinking! He contradicted his running partner, his chief of staff, even his daughter, it doesn't make any sense. Unless, unless he knows something we don't, like a future Wikileaks release that proves his case that the election is in fact rigged.
    If we as Charlton fans, lost in the FA Cup final to Millwall to a last minute disputed penalty, and we subsequently found out that the referee had been paid off by the Millwall chairman, would we accept the result? I know I wouldn't. I deplore corruption and am sick of it invading and affecting the lives of decent honest people.
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  • I watched an MSNBC interview with Kelly Ann Conway prior to the debate and apparrently Donald Trump will defeat Islam if made president. are not at war with Islam!
  • What Trump said about possibly not accepting the result, was political suicide, madness, whatever was he thinking! He contradicted his running partner, his chief of staff, even his daughter, it doesn't make any sense. Unless, unless he knows something we don't, like a future Wikileaks release that proves his case that the election is in fact rigged.
    If we as Charlton fans, lost in the FA Cup final to Millwall to a last minute disputed penalty, and we subsequently found out that the referee had been paid off by the Millwall chairman, would we accept the result? I know I wouldn't. I deplore corruption and am sick of it invading and affecting the lives of decent honest people.

    Unless! Oh, unless! Oh CORRUPTION! Put that dog-whistle DOWN, sir!
  • I'm just back from Florida. I honestly couldn't believe the amount of political shirts and attire on show. Just seemed alien to me. I genuinely walked past a man in Universal (a place full of kids and families) with a T-Shirt that said "Hillary for Prison", a woman also had a T-Shirt on that read "Trump can grab my pussy"! I also saw about 20 people wearing "Make America Great Again" hats (as an aside, when exactly is their point of reference that America was so "great"? Something tells me with this mob that it was before the abolishment of slavery to be honest) and plenty of "BlueLivesMatter" T-Shirts supporting the police in the current struggles over there against the "BlackLivesMatter" group. I saw very very few pro Hillary tops but there was 1 or 2 but no where near as many as pro Trump.

    Now, this could be because Trump supporters feel the need to wear the stuff far more that Hillary supporters do, which is probably likely, but it really did strike me as mad, especially the woman with the "he can grab me" top on, I almost wanted to stop her to take a picture, but she looked terrifying!
  • I'm just back from Florida. I honestly couldn't believe the amount of political shirts and attire on show. Just seemed alien to me. I genuinely walked past a man in Universal (a place full of kids and families) with a T-Shirt that said "Hillary for Prison", a woman also had a T-Shirt on that read "Trump can grab my pussy"! I also saw about 20 people wearing "Make America Great Again" hats (as an aside, when exactly is their point of reference that America was so "great"? Something tells me with this mob that it was before the abolishment of slavery to be honest) and plenty of "BlueLivesMatter" T-Shirts supporting the police in the current struggles over there against the "BlackLivesMatter" group. I saw very very few pro Hillary tops but there was 1 or 2 but no where near as many as pro Trump.

    Now, this could be because Trump supporters feel the need to wear the stuff far more that Hillary supporters do, which is probably likely, but it really did strike me as mad, especially the woman with the "he can grab me" top on, I almost wanted to stop her to take a picture, but she looked terrifying!

    Yeah...yeah. I think it's worth noting that Orlando is a real condensation of middle America, and America in general. It's where so many from the south and midwest go on holiday. It's WAY too much America for me, and I'm not particularly surprised by it to be honest. Also, yes, some of the things on shirts and that are said at Trump rallies are very terrifying . As he's really started embracing it it's really started to register with me (and I am very jaded and cynical about the political and moral lows of this country, they didn't start with Trump and they won't end with him) just how disturbing this rhetoric is when stirred up by a presidential candidate.
  • Dave2l said:

    He has many mental disorders this bloke. A real serious piece of sh*t.

    I've always considered the obvious "feminism" basic principles to be common sense. Of course women should have equal rights on all levels and be respected. I probably think this way due to where I am from. I've never witnessed any kind of mistreatment of women for the specific reason that they are women, in my lifetime

    So I always kind of thought that it's just a group of people that want to moan.

    I now feel rather differently. I think feminism should have major increased endorsement.

    Hilary Clinton is far more intelligent, relevantly experienced and rational then Donald Trump will ever be.

    It is ESSENTIAL she becomes the next president of the United States.

    It's getting more likely by the day

    You have provided such an excellent definition of feminism, and I completely agree, Trump has laid bare just how much it is needed in this country.

    Trump had a line last night, "What a disgusting woman, what a disgusting woman" that was just dripping with the tone of what he thinks about women. It is repeated by the numerous women who have now claimed he sexually assaulted them, it is echoed by one of his former female executives, and yes you can absolutely see it in the way he sometimes treats Sec. Clinton.
  • edited October 2016
    Condensation of middle America ?
  • Seriously, that q_a post there is completely hilarious and I'd like to invite everyone to explore the thought processes that led to its wording. Unless, unless I too am in the control of The Elders! Unless it's like I'm Millwall and you're all Charlton and I'm going to eat you! Corruption stinks! CROOKED HILLARY DECENT HONEST PEOPLE OH SHIT MY MASK JUST SLIPPED
  • I don't have a lot of faith in either .. last night/this morning, Clinton mopped the floor with Trump, she aced the trump, she was coherent, clear and on the case, Trump was a mumbling no nothing ..

    I hope for the free world's sake that she can walk the walk as well as she talks the fight .. America is in a mess and needs a strong leader to clean it up .. I'm not sure that Clinton is up to the job, but one thing gets increasingly clear, Trump is definitely not presidential material
  • SDAddick said:

    I'm just back from Florida. I honestly couldn't believe the amount of political shirts and attire on show. Just seemed alien to me. I genuinely walked past a man in Universal (a place full of kids and families) with a T-Shirt that said "Hillary for Prison", a woman also had a T-Shirt on that read "Trump can grab my pussy"! I also saw about 20 people wearing "Make America Great Again" hats (as an aside, when exactly is their point of reference that America was so "great"? Something tells me with this mob that it was before the abolishment of slavery to be honest) and plenty of "BlueLivesMatter" T-Shirts supporting the police in the current struggles over there against the "BlackLivesMatter" group. I saw very very few pro Hillary tops but there was 1 or 2 but no where near as many as pro Trump.

    Now, this could be because Trump supporters feel the need to wear the stuff far more that Hillary supporters do, which is probably likely, but it really did strike me as mad, especially the woman with the "he can grab me" top on, I almost wanted to stop her to take a picture, but she looked terrifying!

    Yeah...yeah. I think it's worth noting that Orlando is a real condensation of middle America, and America in general. It's where so many from the south and midwest go on holiday. It's WAY too much America for me, and I'm not particularly surprised by it to be honest. Also, yes, some of the things on shirts and that are said at Trump rallies are very terrifying . As he's really started embracing it it's really started to register with me (and I am very jaded and cynical about the political and moral lows of this country, they didn't start with Trump and they won't end with him) just how disturbing this rhetoric is when stirred up by a presidential candidate.
    Just seemed so mad to me that they'd happily wear them out in "public" (and especially Theme Parks) as it were and not confine them to the rallies or other political events.

    Whilst I was in New York the second debate was on, every bar in Brooklyn seemed to have it on, with many having people standing outside on the street watching through windows of bars. I don't think it had really registered with me quite how much the political game in America is such a "show". It kind of made me realise finally quite how a reality tv star has done so well.

    I've recorded the third one which I'll watch later tonight, it doesn't sound like there was much controversy as it seems quiet on the social media front so far. Apart from the refusal to accept the result as mentioned above.
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