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Will Trump become President?



  • SDAddick said:

    So I feel like we've created a false dichotomy here, and I have certainly contributed to that.

    Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are not, by any stretch, on the same plane. It's not a case of "one is shit and one is less shit." It's the case that one is wholly unqualified to hold any public office at this point, let alone the highest office in the land, and the other has a career in public service, holding public office, and politics in a way that is unique given that she has the record of two people (her and her husband) with which to fall back on and more frequently defend.

    With a career in politics comes stances and opinions, and a need for donors. This is true of all politicians in the States, and will remain true until we remove money and private donations from our politics and election cycles. I've listed many times the policies that she's supported that I disagree with to the point of finding unconscionable (defense of DOMA, Don't ask don't tell, and voting for the Iraq war). I find the places she goes to get money--namely large Wall Street banks, to be highly problematic, least of all because this country continues to have a financial sector that is like the Wild West in terms of lack of deep-seeded regulations and consumer protections.

    But these are all criticisms that could be leveled against anyone with a history in politics and public service. This is disagreeing on stances and records.

    Donald Trump isn't even capable of mustering up enough know-how or nous to be judged on policy or stances. Not in his years as a businessman (though what he did say then wasn't good), and not now, when he's run an almost two year campaign without tangible policy. This is before you get to the fact that he is a sexist, a racist, an Islamaphobe, and according to the claims of his ex-wife under oath, a rapist.

    I've had my "I'm not taking this shit from you anymore" moment from Trump. He does not belong on the same stage as Clinton. He does not deserve to be considered "the greater of two evils." He deserves to be seen as the entirely unqualified megalomanic that he is, running for president on what I truly believe is a way to raise money for himself and boost his "brand." He is the mouthpiece of something that threatens to more fully transform my country in ways that caters to what can best be describe as intolerance and xenophobia, and what at its most dangerous is a white, Christian nationalism of scary proportions.

    So if we want to talk about issues with Clinton, then by all means, and there will be many times when I lead the way. But let's remember that members of the Conservative media* and even Republicans in congress (!!!! people who cannot and will not Legislate but will happily do this) have been smearing her on and off for almost a decade now, knowing that she was the presumptive Democratic nominee for president. We can talk about Benghazi all we want, but there have been TEN investigations into Benghazi in what a reporter for Newsweek describes as a potentially unprecedented use of Congressional funds to smear the opposing party's candidate for President**. Please read his article outlining what happened in Washington, Libya, and the fallout.

    So I'll get off my soap box now, but I will also admit that in the last week or so I have begun considering voting for Clinton knowing full well I will probably spend much of her time in office in loyal opposition to her policies and stances. But I increasingly have a desire to send a message that if there are not AT LEAST two qualified candidates, then I will suspend my personal and conscientious objections until there are.

    *This is a very specific sub-section, namely Fox news, and internet publications like Drudge and Breitbart

    **It's just come to my attention via an article by Glenn Greenwald refuting another article by Eichenwald that Eichenwald has, in the past, been favorable toward Hillary Clinton so while the article is thorough, it should probably be taken with some degree of skepticism.

    This is a very good post and just about sums up my feelings about the two candidates.
  • 1) I reckon that Trump will not become President of the USA
    (= good news)
    2) I reckon that Clinton will become President of the USA
    (= Oh dear)
    3) Obama saw fit to comment on the UK's EU Referendum campaign
    (= nosy parker)
    4) Khan saw fit to comment on the US Presidential Election campaign
    (= nosy parker)
    5) The BBC thrusts the US Presidential Election campaign at us morning, noon and night
    (= three cheers for the 'Off' button)
    6) I reckon that Trump will not become not become President of the USA
    (= good news)
  • Why did Team Clinton think it was a good idea to have Lothario Bill,
    so close to the Action. Against anyone else but Trump she would be wiped out by now.
    It's looked like Nepotism at Best and arrogance at worse when you are trying to show Trump as a Misogynist and morally Bankrupt.
    Hillary Clinton knew Bill had numerous affairs, yet stayed with him.
    If they had an open Marriage then fine. but it just makes her look like a doormat.
    How in 2016 can a woman running for President not jettison the deadwood from her Campaign.

    Trump is just a Panto Character( Oh no he's not) and the fact that he got so close to being President is just plain crazy.

  • Why did Team Clinton think it was a good idea to have Lothario Bill,
    so close to the Action. Against anyone else but Trump she would be wiped out by now.
    It's looked like Nepotism at Best and arrogance at worse when you are trying to show Trump as a Misogynist and morally Bankrupt.
    Hillary Clinton knew Bill had numerous affairs, yet stayed with him.
    If they had an open Marriage then fine. but it just makes her look like a doormat.

    How in 2016 can a woman running for President not jettison the deadwood from her Campaign.

    Trump is just a Panto Character( Oh no he's not) and the fact that he got so close to being President is just plain crazy.

    if she was the ex wife of Bill Clinton she wouldn't be where she is now.

    she needs the old shagger and knows it.
  • Trump has already warned that any more tapes come out about him and he will attack Bill Clinton again. Something juicy is getting lined up to finish him off then.
  • 1StevieG said:

    Something juicy is getting lined up to finish him off then.

    That's what you get when you're a 'star'
  • edited October 2016

    1StevieG said:

    Something juicy is getting lined up to finish him off then.

    That's what you get when you're a 'star'
  • Saturday Night Live have been having a field day with this. Alec Baldwin's Trump is disturbingly close to reality.
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  • edited October 2016

    I didn't say it wasn't newsworthy, nor do I (nor should I) reckon it of no interest to anyone else. I do find it overbearing and am glad, on occasion, to switch the radio off.
    I assist at at animal sanctuary and find that hugely more rewarding and pleasing that listening to powerful politicians who seem hell-bent on screwing up the planet.

  • Bob,
    I didn't say it wasn't newsworthy, nor do I (nor should I) reckon it of no interest to anyone else. I do find it overbearing and am glad, on occasion, to switch the radio off.
    I assist at at animal sanctuary and find that hugely more rewarding and pleasing that listening to powerful politicians who seem hell-bent on screwing up the planet.

    Fair enough - but you can't blame the BBC for wall to wall coverage of such a globally important event. Damned if they do and damned if they don't really - if it was buried in the metaphorical middle pages there would be a cry of not taking it seriously enough.

    As you say, the 'off' button can be used :)
  • Can you do anything about it? Probably not

    Is it interesting? Maybe

    Are there. Are there more important things one could spend their time upon? For sure.
  • Can you do anything about it? Probably not

    Is it interesting? Maybe

    Are there. Are there more important things one could spend their time upon? For sure.

    You can't say it is not interesting watching a 70 year old so called billionaire act like a total buffoon. And a buffoon that might be the most powerful man in the world. Now I thought George Bush would be bad for the country but Trump makes him look like Aung San Su Kyi.
  • Trump doing his best to burning bridges. He reminds me of Joe Pescis character in Goodfellas and we all know how that ends up.

  • Bob,
    I didn't say it wasn't newsworthy, nor do I (nor should I) reckon it of no interest to anyone else. I do find it overbearing and am glad, on occasion, to switch the radio off.
    I assist at at animal sanctuary and find that hugely more rewarding and pleasing that listening to powerful politicians who seem hell-bent on screwing up the planet.

    Awwwww pictures????
  • Poor old Trump. The talking heads are all closing for the kill. Fascinating stuff...
  • Poor old Trump. The talking heads are all closing for the kill. Fascinating stuff...

    I can see him going into meltdown during the final debate on 19 October - if he makes it that far!

    I might stay up for that one!
  • SDAddick said:

    And the allegation of sexual harassment and assault just won't stop.

    The list will be endless.
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  • Rizzo said:

    Why do I get the feeling that the Clinton campaign knew all about this and held it back until it was too late for Trump to be replaced?

    That's what is euphemistically known as politics.
  • bobmunro said:

    Rizzo said:

    Why do I get the feeling that the Clinton campaign knew all about this and held it back until it was too late for Trump to be replaced?

    That's what is euphemistically known as politics.
    I guess it's just Hillary being 'smart'. Trump should be proud of her.
  • SDAddick said:

    And the allegation of sexual harassment and assault just won't stop.

    Just wait until he lands the top job and reassembles the Vince Foster team. No one will have a bad word for Donald then.
  • Greenie said:

    I saw the woman being interviewed on the BBC this morning. She likened the Trump attack to being groped by an octopus, 'it was like he had six arms' she said, now I dont know about you lot, but I dont think I can really trust someones story if they dont know how many arms/legs an octopus has , and as much as I detest Trump it all seems a little too convenient.

    We're talking about a man who told his followers to vote nearly 3 weeks after the election date so picking someone up on this sort of thing seems trivial. In any case, she may actually be right. Octopi apparently have 6 arms and 2 legs.
    Claire Little, a marine expert from the Weymouth Sea Life Centre in Dorset, said: 'We've found that octopuses effectively have six arms and two legs. 'It had been thought they used four tentacles for movement and the other four for feeding and manipulating objects
  • Greenie said:

    I saw the woman being interviewed on the BBC this morning. She likened the Trump attack to being groped by an octopus, 'it was like he had six arms' she said, now I dont know about you lot, but I dont think I can really trust someones story if they dont know how many arms/legs an octopus has , and as much as I detest Trump it all seems a little too convenient.

    I think she needs to back this up with a lie detector. If she passes, he ought to be finished.
  • If there is footage of him making remarks about a 10 year old girl that is him finished. There will be no way back from that.
    Well, at least, one would imagine so...
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