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Will Trump become President?



  • edited October 2016
    I find the comments indescribably bad. His attitude, which is, sadly, probably shared by many famous and/or wealthy people (footballers included) is abhorrent.

    However that, in my view, pales into insignificance compared to his attitudes on a more macro political level. As much as I despise the lack of honesty that Hillary Clinton seems to demonstrate I am genuinely concerned about the future of the world if Trump gets in.

    Most politicians tend to do and say what they think will make them popular and if any of the TV dramas, or the stories I've heard first hand about the behaviour of politicians are true they are all a little like Mrs Clinton just, perhaps, cleverer at hiding their indiscretions, and keeping their secrets better.

    I am concerned, but not terribly surprised, that the Americans would line up these two undesirables to be the leader of the remaining Super Power (all be it that I realise that China are in that category now). I just hope that if he wins Trump turns out to be as reliable in sticking to his promises as his checkered past suggests. If he really does carry out all of the things that he's promised it could be a disaster for everyone, not just in the US.

    Only in America eh?
  • Pretty sure that if Trump ends up winning, he'll be assassinated within 6 months.
  • WSS said:

    Pretty sure that if Trump ends up winning, he'll be assassinated within 6 months.

    By the survivors of the nuclear holocaust he unleashed in a fit of pique in the first week of his term?
  • WSS said:

    Pretty sure that if Trump ends up winning, he'll be assassinated within 6 months.

    Can you imagine what would happen if Trump was elected and was then bumped off. His supporters are largely angry, paranoid and heavily armed, it would set off a bloodbath.
  • WSS said:

    Pretty sure that if Trump ends up winning, he'll be assassinated within 6 months.

    Can you imagine what would happen if Trump was elected and was then bumped off. His supporters are largely angry, paranoid and heavily armed, it would set off a bloodbath.
    You have describe the exact situation that would have happened in 2008 if Obama was assassinated.
  • Trump is gross on every level but just as well they didn't have recordings of the Kennedy brothers when John, Robert and Edward were comparing Bedpost scores.
  • If he's smart enough he can limit the damage by turning this around onto Bill Clinton and the sordid nature of the Clintons "past"

    I doubt this will materially impact on his already faltering campaign. Certainly Hillary needs to tread carefully attacking him on this one otherwise she might end up with a bit of egg on her face too.

    Facinating stuff.

    What he actually did in the debate was to trivialise the incident: "I apologise but this is nothing - there's alot of bad stuff in the world... let me tell you about ISIS"

    The moderators asked him again about the issue and he said it was "locker room talk".

    To be fair Clinton used it as a cue to line up every issue of racism and sexism seen to date but she wasn't that hard hitting.

    Later on Trump pulled off a very clever segueway between not paying tax for 20 years to this being Clinton's fault for not legislating properly. And this because her backers don't pay tax too.

    Clinton is much sharper than the "remain" campaign dealing with Farage but the election is way too close to call. Polling in swing states suggest Clinton has the edge but there's a few weeks to go.
  • I've just watched the second debate.

    I hate the way Trump continually referred to Hilary Clinton as "she".

    He admitted this time that he doesn't pay personal income tax, but justified it that the likes of Buffett and Soros don't.

    I don't particularly like Hilary Clinton, but she's the only safeish candidate.

    Trump could cause all sorts of world problems. He really is a revolting individual.
  • Haven't read any of this thread, so apologies if the discussion has moved on a bit from this.

    My view on it. Obviously Trump is an absolutely awful human being. And Clinton is barely any better. It makes a joke of the US political system that it is down to a choice between the two of them.

    If I was an American I'd have to go least worst option. It's the only thing you can do..

    However looking as an outside you have the choice of Trump fucking up home policy or Clinton Fucking up foreign policy. Not sure which is the worst option.

    We do know that the one thing the US system is good at is restricting the power of a president as seen with Obama. So I expect 4 years of Trump not getting anything done.
  • Don't worry. Trump will feck up foreign policy as well. He literally has no policy beyond "I'll fix it the best you've ever seen it fixed." His responses to Clinton's measured answers weren't challenging her points, they were largely "Clinton has bad judgement" seemingly oblivious to the dark irony.
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  • I agree. I can understand that people might dislike Clinton and that they may have serious issues with her but she's not even in the same ballpark as Trump when it comes to being suitable for the job. That man is a fucking lunatic and the prospect of him being elected as president of the most powerful nation on Earth genuinely fills me with fear.
  • WSS said:

    Pretty sure that if Trump ends up winning, he'll be assassinated within 6 months.

    Can you imagine what would happen if Trump was elected and was then bumped off. His supporters are largely angry, paranoid and heavily armed, it would set off a bloodbath.
    You have describe the exact situation that would have happened in 2008 if Obama was assassinated.
    No...not even close to the same.
  • Greenie said:

    Its a straight choice between one bucket of shit and another bucket of shit.

    A giant douche and a turd sandwich
  • edited October 2016
    Trump has that sort of loudmouth arsehole in a bar quality, which, call me old fashioned, I think is not particularly high on the list of Desirable Qualities The President Of The USA Ought To Have.
  • Pencw has

    johnny73 said:

    What a great choice for Americans. A man who is trying to buy the election for his own ego or a woman who is entirely owned by big business interests.

    It's ok, we need a laugh but this is ridiculous!

    Whilst Trump is an out and out bad guy, you have a sense of underlying culpabilty with Clinton... oh dear!
    I think there's a lot of truth in the argument that Clinton is a Wall Street shill.
    I read the article it doesn't suggest that Clinton is a shill at all (she might be but if this is these are the highlights from 2,000 emails, I suspect not). The three stories here are:

    (a) Clinton said that experts in the financial industries might be well-placed to help shape new regulations relating to the financial industry.

    (b) A lot of the hatred for banks etc would have been avoided if banks had been a bit more transparent and open about how the financial crisis happened

    (c) It costs a lot of money to run for president.

    Have you got anything better than that?

  • edited October 2016
    And if you are still in doubt about his judgement then check out his view on the Central Park five that were sent to prison for between 6 and 13 years for rape and assault on a jogger in Central Park who were eventually acquitted because the real rapist admitted to it while currently in prison for previous rape and murder -

    Can't even admit to being wrong when DNA evidence proves he is.

    I truly believe Clinton is not going on all out attack mode because she has got more shit on Trump than we will ever know. She is letting him shoot his blanks before dropping a nuclear bomb on his orange face.
  • I can only wonder why Trump is trying to get everyone to ignore what he did 10 years ago and instead what Hillary's Husband did 20 years ago....
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  • Jints said:

    Pencw has

    johnny73 said:

    What a great choice for Americans. A man who is trying to buy the election for his own ego or a woman who is entirely owned by big business interests.

    It's ok, we need a laugh but this is ridiculous!

    Whilst Trump is an out and out bad guy, you have a sense of underlying culpabilty with Clinton... oh dear!
    I think there's a lot of truth in the argument that Clinton is a Wall Street shill.
    I read the article it doesn't suggest that Clinton is a shill at all (she might be but if this is these are the highlights from 2,000 emails, I suspect not). The three stories here are:

    (a) Clinton said that experts in the financial industries might be well-placed to help shape new regulations relating to the financial industry.

    (b) A lot of the hatred for banks etc would have been avoided if banks had been a bit more transparent and open about how the financial crisis happened

    (c) It costs a lot of money to run for president.

    Have you got anything better than that?

    Wall Street and big business have sewn up one (or both) candidates in every presidential election since the civil war. If you don't want to believe that Hillary is the latest in a long line be my guest. I'm sure you felt the same about Bill in 92.
  • edited October 2016

    Jints said:

    Pencw has

    johnny73 said:

    What a great choice for Americans. A man who is trying to buy the election for his own ego or a woman who is entirely owned by big business interests.

    It's ok, we need a laugh but this is ridiculous!

    Whilst Trump is an out and out bad guy, you have a sense of underlying culpabilty with Clinton... oh dear!
    I think there's a lot of truth in the argument that Clinton is a Wall Street shill.
    I read the article it doesn't suggest that Clinton is a shill at all (she might be but if this is these are the highlights from 2,000 emails, I suspect not). The three stories here are:

    (a) Clinton said that experts in the financial industries might be well-placed to help shape new regulations relating to the financial industry.

    (b) A lot of the hatred for banks etc would have been avoided if banks had been a bit more transparent and open about how the financial crisis happened

    (c) It costs a lot of money to run for president.

    Have you got anything better than that?

    Wall Street and big business have sewn up one (or both) candidates in every presidential election since the civil war. If you don't want to believe that Hillary is the latest in a long line be my guest. I'm sure you felt the same about Bill in 92.
    If that's all you meant to say, that's fine. Just don't link to an article in support of your theory and then complain when someone bothers to read it.
  • See, the thing is - it isn't. Hillary isn't great. In fact, she's a piss poor excuse for a presidential candidate. But this isn't a straight fight between two equally shitty candidates. It's a fight between a shit one, and one that quite possibly might bring about the end of the fucking world.

    I disagree Leroy, any Nuclear attack, (I am assuming you are referencing Nuclear) has to be confirmed by the US Secretary of Defence. However Trump is a worry.
  • Jints said:

    Jints said:

    Pencw has

    johnny73 said:

    What a great choice for Americans. A man who is trying to buy the election for his own ego or a woman who is entirely owned by big business interests.

    It's ok, we need a laugh but this is ridiculous!

    Whilst Trump is an out and out bad guy, you have a sense of underlying culpabilty with Clinton... oh dear!
    I think there's a lot of truth in the argument that Clinton is a Wall Street shill.
    I read the article it doesn't suggest that Clinton is a shill at all (she might be but if this is these are the highlights from 2,000 emails, I suspect not). The three stories here are:

    (a) Clinton said that experts in the financial industries might be well-placed to help shape new regulations relating to the financial industry.

    (b) A lot of the hatred for banks etc would have been avoided if banks had been a bit more transparent and open about how the financial crisis happened

    (c) It costs a lot of money to run for president.

    Have you got anything better than that?

    Wall Street and big business have sewn up one (or both) candidates in every presidential election since the civil war. If you don't want to believe that Hillary is the latest in a long line be my guest. I'm sure you felt the same about Bill in 92.
    If that's all you meant to say, that's fine. Just don't link to an article in support of your theory and then complain when someone bothers to read it.
    Putting the financial industry in charge of regulating itself is a little more contentious than your post suggests. The Clinton's also have an interesting history with both financial scandal and botched financial regulation which hardly inspires confidence.
  • Thought Bernie was the evil one we should all be afraid of?
  • edited October 2016
    Brilliant. I wondered how long it would take for someone to come up with a music video with some of the pics of them caught together with their mics. I was thinking more Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers...

    Some bad lip reading from the first debate
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