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Will Trump become President?



  • If Trump points to Bill Clintons behaviour towards women and calls it reprehensible, then his own very similar behaviour towards women is by his own definition reprehensible too.
    At least that's how I see this one.
    As far as I can see Trump's best hope is to do the brexit approach which says 'if your life is chite right now, why vote for more of the same?'
  • Richard Keys for Prime Minister.
  • edited October 2016
    Like I said before , the USA is fucked. Choice of Trump (no need to list his bad stuff really) or Hilary the liar and her rapey husband.

  • Anyone watch the Louis Theroux documentary where he revisited his Saville work.

    Looking back,the signs were there.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this is the tip of the iceberg regarding instances of sexual deviance with Trump.
    There are probably hundreds of women who have been scared to speak out due to the fact they were violated by a huge public figure with the kind of capital the likes of Saville could only dream of.

    The signs are there.

    The yanks are bloody nuts.
  • Producer of Apprentice USA says far worse Trump remarks.

    Woman files a law suit that Trump raped her when she was 13. His lawyer has vigorously denied the allegation and said it is a vexatious case.
  • A lot of rumours that Pence is going to drop out in the hope it'll save his future prospects.
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  • I really hope Mark Burnett and co. drop more footage before the debate. It'd be brilliant to watch him panic and flail.
  • Think the amount of dirt to be dropped on Trump over the next couple of weeks will destroy the orange arsehole. Trump said the American Dream was dead. He's not wrong if a spineless clown of this magnitude can get so far.
  • How badly can this affect Trump? I'm pretty sure he has no supporters left who are at all appalled by any he has said in the past on any topic.
  • I agree, surely there are more buckets of self made shit just waiting to be tipped over him.
  • Fiiish said:

    How badly can this affect Trump? I'm pretty sure he has no supporters left who are at all appalled by any he has said in the past on any topic.

    I think there are a lot of people who, as Limey as said repeatedly, would hold their nose and vote for him because of the Supreme Court and wanting to turn it Conservative to overturn abortion. Those people tend to be of quite fundamentalist Christian beliefs and I think rather than losing hardcore supporters, people are just going to stay home.
  • buckshee said:
    It's so sad that sexual assaulting women has just become a talking point and a who did it worse in this campaign. I think this is really, really dumb by the Trump campaign. In listening to things as recently as Friday before that video dropped, the Trump campaign felt there wasn't much traction in going after Bill Clinton and his past. It seems that where they find themselves now is just doubling down.

    I fear that things will get worse in the next 30 days.
  • When your a star, you can do what you want. Anything. Grab them by the pussy, anything.
  • The 2nd of 3 live TV debates is on both Sky News & BBC news at 2 am or perhaps 3 am tonight/this morning.

    Record is set.
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  • and he said this to a guy called Billy Bush?
  • When your a star, you can do what you want. Anything. Grab them by the pussy, anything.

    For me, the first part of the quote is just as crucial as the second part.

    And yeah, apparently Bill Bush is an extended member of the Bush family too.
  • SDAddick said:

    When your a star, you can do what you want. Anything. Grab them by the pussy, anything.

    For me, the first part of the quote is just as crucial as the second part.

    And yeah, apparently Bill Bush is an extended member of the Bush family too.
    Are you David Essex?
  • Just watching the debate. He's a genuine, bona fide villain. I'm not sure I can watch the whole thing, he's utterly unbearable.
  • edited October 2016
    What a great choice for Americans. A man who is trying to buy the election for his own ego or a woman who is entirely owned by big business interests.
  • johnny73 said:

    What a great choice for Americans. A man who is trying to buy the election for his own ego or a woman who is entirely owned by big business interests.

    It's ok, we need a laugh but this is ridiculous!

    Whilst Trump is an out and out bad guy, you have a sense of underlying culpabilty with Clinton... oh dear!
  • Pencw has

    johnny73 said:

    What a great choice for Americans. A man who is trying to buy the election for his own ego or a woman who is entirely owned by big business interests.

    It's ok, we need a laugh but this is ridiculous!

    Whilst Trump is an out and out bad guy, you have a sense of underlying culpabilty with Clinton... oh dear!
    I think there's a lot of truth in the argument that Clinton is a Wall Street shill.
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