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A Bonkers Statement from Club - the infamous {...} one



  • edited March 2016

    You REALLY didn't want to do that, Roland . . .

    I like the sound of that......
  • Rizzo said:

    Double wow. That`s not going to look good on her CV (Mel`s, I mean.) Sorry she got caught up in the car crash.

    To be honest, I think it will reflect quite well on her. The club employed her as head of communications but then either bypassed or overruled her on an important (and utterly bonkers) communication with the fans. It shows that a) she has principles and b) she takes her role seriously.

    I agree. You accept a job, you do well, you get overruled and communications go out that you wouldn't approve. Not everyone would have the guts or professional pride to resign.

    I'm thinking of you KM.
  • edited March 2016
    cabbles said:

    Simon E said:

    According to Richard Cawley, Mel Baroni - Head of Comms, has resigned.

    she'll always have that stolen night at Bromley supporters club with Henry Irving. You can't measure that or put it on any CV
    I reckon a contributing factor was that you never made a play for her and geared all your efforts toward Katy Merde. :wink: .
  • This club has SERIOUSLY affected my productivity at work this week. It's gone from being new developments every day to practically every hour!

    I have not done a stroke all week.
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  • RedChaser said:

    This club has SERIOUSLY affected my productivity at work this week. It's gone from being new developments every day to practically every hour!

    I have not done a stroke all week.
    Good man, it makes you go blind you know, well that's what my science teacher warned us at school :wink: .
    To say nothing of the "unique" looks your co-workers give you in the office....
  • RedChaser said:

    cabbles said:

    Simon E said:

    According to Richard Cawley, Mel Baroni - Head of Comms, has resigned.

    she'll always have that stolen night at Bromley supporters club with Henry Irving. You can't measure that or put it on any CV
    I reckon a contributing factor was that you never made a play for her and geared all your efforts toward Katy Merde. :wink: .
    @RedChaser anyone who reads my emails knows they're strictly business :wink:
  • cabbles said:

    RedChaser said:

    cabbles said:

    Simon E said:

    According to Richard Cawley, Mel Baroni - Head of Comms, has resigned.

    she'll always have that stolen night at Bromley supporters club with Henry Irving. You can't measure that or put it on any CV
    I reckon a contributing factor was that you never made a play for her and geared all your efforts toward Katy Merde. :wink: .
    @RedChaser anyone who reads my emails knows they're strictly business :wink:
    "What's an email?"

    Voice in background, "shut up squirrel face, you're not meant to say that"
  • Mods: Can we change this thread title to "The Statement?" I think that's what it will be henceforth known as.
  • How relieved must Squirrel Face be that this weekend's game is an away fixture!
  • micks1950 said:

    Simon E said:

    According to Richard Cawley, Mel Baroni - Head of Comms, has resigned.

    Who's going to answer all those 'fans' emails now....?

    Hey, I'm still waiting for replies to 4 e-mails to
    but good for you Mel Baroni - you were given an impossible task - thanks for trying.

  • RedChaser said:

    Here you go @cantersaddick the actual extract from this thread ;

    'Basically Roland invited the mayor of sint-truiden to the STVV stadium when he was getting it built to show him around. When they were walking around Roland's shoe tore at the sole, he was not very happy apparently, so said excuse me and stormed off, he came back and had wrapped duct tape around his shoe to repair the damage and continued his presentation to the mayor and co.'

    To be fair, who keeps a spare pair of shoes at work?
    Who doesn't ?
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  • What amazes me is that after 48 hours the statement is STILL THERE. Not just that but there has been no further word from them since to try and 'clear up' some of the mess that it has caused.

    There is surely no way they can see all the negative press around them, and think "well there is nothing wrong with that statement".
  • cafctom said:

    What amazes me is that after 48 hours the statement is STILL THERE. Not just that but there has been no further word from them since to try and 'clear up' some of the mess that it has caused.

    There is surely no way they can see all the negative press around them, and think "well there is nothing wrong with that statement".

    Probably easier and best for them from their point of view to just stay silent and leave it entirely.

    It's un-repairable damage...but all from their boss.

    What can you do?
  • edited March 2016
    So, anything smashing happened today in the sugar coated dreamworld that is Charlton Athletic?

    Or... has it been a continuing slide down the Kharsi?
  • Roland you are unique (meaning Weird)
  • Has 'THE STATEMENT' finally been taken down from the Official site (I couldn't see it just now) or has it been moved to a different part of the site?

    If it is gone it will nevertheless live on in the memory and must be included as a piece of digital history in the Museum as one of the most crass comments ever to have emerged on the Official site. That the Comms team were unable to prevent its appearance demonstrates that far from being an astute businessman (which he clearly was in electronic components) Roland D is treating Charlton as his own experimental plaything to do with as he wishes without any reference to staff in place who might be advising different courses of action and insisting on dictatorial executive decisions.

    Naturally, I don't include Meire in the above whom no doubt has only spun the positive to RD with any internal criticism not voiced. In fact Meire can only seem to react to criticism herself with a rictus grin, surely RD expected more from a lawyer - the least she should be capable of is defending herself with words.

    The decent thing for Meire to do now would be to resign and be spared the ignominy of being sacked or recalled and recylcled to Ujpest with Valerie Gys perhaps coming the other way.

    Surely the Meire countdown (and meltdown) is well underway now?

    Still on the NEWS page, but they're obviously trying tp publish as many non stories as possible so that it gets relegated to Page 2 and therefore out of sight.

    As for KM the lawyer defending herself, the trouble is that every time she opens her mouth she digs herself into an even deeper hole
  • If we thought the club were terrible at communication before this week, it will complete lockdown after the shambles of the past two days
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Roland Out Forever!