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A Bonkers Statement from Club - the infamous {...} one



  • Interesting it is to see the change in tone from Monday to Tuesday. Got me thinking either Gollum is now at the helm, or that Gerald Ratner is a new unwelcome addition to our comms team. If the message came from our dear CEO, but purported to come from RD, then the tail appears to be wagging the dog. However, I think it must by now be beginning to dawn on him that his investment is at risk and he is doing failure here, whilst looking to put the blame on us. Shame on him!
  • "Some individuals seem to want the club to fail."

    Yep and my money is on these two...............


    Didn't realise she was also a Nun in her spare time!!
    How do you solve a problem like Katrien ?

    She's always late for work
    And her penitence is False.
    She's always late for everything
    Except for every meal
    She never answer emails
    I hate to have to say it
    But I very firmly feel
    Katrien not an asset to the customers

    I'd like to say a word on her behalf.
    but Katrien . makes... me... Sick
    She finds it so funny
    when the ball goes in out net.

    How do you solve a problem like Katrien ?
    How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?
    How do you find a word that means Katrien?
    A flibbertigibbet! A will-o'-the wisp!
    A complete and utter clown!

    A Rodgers and Hammerstein and soapboxsam production.
    Soapboxsam, does this mean you'll be whirling round singing this, in full Mother Superior regalia with your acolytes (useful that it will comply with the Black & White dress code)?

    Footage of that would be worth money....

    Though blackmail is such an ugly word.

    Seriously though, very funny.
  • HarryLime said:

    One of the Belgian posters stated “he thinks he is Jesus but he’s really just a rich arsehole” And here lies the problem, we should now be entering the end game. The club is getting to the stage where it can’t be run, there will be little take up of season tickets, sponsors are pulling out, matches are being delayed, experienced staff have either left been dismissed or are being over ruled, there is even a creditable buyer waiting in the wings. A normal person would knock it on the head and realise that the wrong club was bought. This crazy project should be all over in 3 months, we and him can move on. But we are dealing with a man who puts gaffer tape on his shoes, I hope I’m wrong, but my gut feeling is this is going to go for years now, and what state the club will be in at the end I shudder to think.

    Disagree. He's cracking already.

    He'll be gone before 2017.
  • Roland i think if you actually bothered coming to our matches and had seen what we have seen this season, you MAY have a different opinion to the one you are currently hearing from your CEO, who is clueless , out of her depth, and deluding you.
  • It would be good if our media-connected members/CARD were to publicise the RD/Liege rant so that the media can present him as a serial offender when it comes to slagging off his customers.
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  • Although, in some respects, we see the comms team as the mouthpiece of the regime but we also know that there are supporters and sympathisers amongst them so I can see why no attempt has been made to hide the Statement. Most of the time you attempt to defend your boss but there comes a time when you have to stand aside and let the criticisms flow.
  • Have posted this before, but would it not be a good idea for card to organise all
    of us to attend the last. Home game of the season to show the RAT how
    it could be had he not screwed up big time.
  • Is he dead yet?

    The problem is, even if he expires any time soon, (get out the bunting)
    Can the Renaisssance happen if he has a son and heir ?
  • Welly said:

    Have posted this before, but would it not be a good idea for card to organise all
    of us to attend the last. Home game of the season to show the RAT how
    it could be had he not screwed up big time.

    Like the walk out though, if our championship survival depends on the last match (although i doubt it) then it will be attended regardless.

    If we're down then the club may arrange additional seating for the away fans. And attendances will be low enough anyway, allowing the club to ignore it.
  • Not convinced the police would allow extra Burnley fans - different reputation to AFCB supporters.
  • We need to form a new group to counter these daft statements released on the Internet by our glorious dear leader. We should call it Charlton Life Information Terrorists. Sign up now to join the C.L.I.T.

  • 1StevieG said:

    We need to form a new group to counter these daft statements released on the Internet by our glorious dear leader. We should call it Charlton Life Information Terrorists. Sign up now to join the C.L.I.T.

    Always good touch base with
  • 1StevieG said:

    We need to form a new group to counter these daft statements released on the Internet by our glorious dear leader. We should call it Charlton Life Information Terrorists. Sign up now to join the C.L.I.T.

    Didn't they use to organise coach travel to away games?
  • 1StevieG said:

    We need to form a new group to counter these daft statements released on the Internet by our glorious dear leader. We should call it Charlton Life Information Terrorists. Sign up now to join the C.L.I.T.

    I'm sure it will be very stimulating.
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  • LouisMend said:

    1StevieG said:

    We need to form a new group to counter these daft statements released on the Internet by our glorious dear leader. We should call it Charlton Life Information Terrorists. Sign up now to join the C.L.I.T.

    Didn't they use to organise coach travel to away games?
    That was the Charlton Life Independent Travel Team.
  • 1StevieG said:

    We need to form a new group to counter these daft statements released on the Internet by our glorious dear leader. We should call it Charlton Life Information Terrorists. Sign up now to join the C.L.I.T.

    Is there a specific spot we should be aiming for... If so does anyone know where it can be found?
  • 1StevieG said:

    We need to form a new group to counter these daft statements released on the Internet by our glorious dear leader. We should call it Charlton Life Information Terrorists. Sign up now to join the C.L.I.T.

    Is there a specific spot we should be aiming for... If so does anyone know where it can be found?
    Information provided once you're a member.
  • 1StevieG said:

    1StevieG said:

    We need to form a new group to counter these daft statements released on the Internet by our glorious dear leader. We should call it Charlton Life Information Terrorists. Sign up now to join the C.L.I.T.

    Is there a specific spot we should be aiming for... If so does anyone know where it can be found?
    Information provided once you're a member.
    Hmm might have to sign up just for the life lesson ;)
  • Will they start a new meeting in the summer for Target 10,000?

  • 1StevieG said:
    We need to form a new group to counter these daft statements released on the Internet by our glorious dear leader. We should call it Charlton Life Information Terrorists. Sign up now to join the C.L.I.T.

    Maybe Fanni world be interested in heading it up!!
  • I think that if Roly announced that the process of selling the club had begun I am pretty sure that it would give the players a boost, the fans would get on side and we would somehow manage to avoid relegation.

    There you go Roly, balls in your court.

    Canters, this would make a very good email to! Clear, precise and has an end game!
  • Can I ask where the he tapes up his shoes thing comes from?!
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Roland Out Forever!