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A Bonkers Statement from Club - the infamous {...} one



  • LouisMend said:

    Is there a way to turn notifications off when somebody comments on your thread?

    Easy. Persuade Roland and Katrien to go and everyone will quickly move on ...
  • LouisMend said:

    I'm walking around in a long dark wig and with two beach balls up my shirt to try and avoid capture.

    Rest assured, it'd have to be a very "unique" individual who would want to capture you.

    Fragrant vision of loveliness though you no doubt are in such weekend attire.
  • aliwibble said:

    LouisMend said:

    Is there a way to turn notifications off when somebody comments on your thread?

    Bit late now Louis, but go to your profile (click on your name on any messages you've posted, or at the top of the screen), click on edit profile, then got to Notification Preferences, and change as desired.

    (Yes, I know I'm a spoilsport, but I think he's earned a bit of leeway with the scoop :smile: )

    he hasn't scooped this. Colin did..............Tomorrow.
    Actually I think you'll find it was @C4FC4L1f3 three days ago!
  • edited March 2016
    micks1950 said:

    I think this statement is 100% Duchatelet himself. The smug patronising superiority is identical to the Alan Turing interview from last year. Why won't you stupid customers just give me money and shut up? You'll see, I'm an unappreciated genius, you lot just lack the mental capabilities to understand!

    As it's not just the Turing reference. This is what he said about the Standard 'Ultras':

    Towards the end of our conversation, he lifts a corner of the veil after all. With a sigh. We are staring at the T2, the stand of the ultras: of the frightful fans: of the chants. Does that never bother him? He says:

    “Many of the guests who sit there are unemployed and have nothing else to do all day. They spend all their time on internet fora. Suddenly they know everything about Standard. They have nothing better to do the whole day long. i cannot compete with that.”

    For those not yet aware of the full extent of his arrogance and crackpot views in that interview here's a pdf of the whole interview

    Arrogance comes before the fall as they say, and you would've hoped that he'd learnt that lesson at Standard. Alas, as we all know now - Roland doesn't do learning lessons.

    Sun Tzu, in The Art of War, said "To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy." - a very powerful message that Roland is clearly incapable of following if he's consistent underestimating anyone he comes up against. Meanwhile, another Tzu message is "In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity" - something that we'd do well to heed now.
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  • Mackle said:

    I can't hear the name Colin without thinking of Warnock's nickname...

    I know mate they just go hand in to speak :wink:
  • LuckyReds said:

    micks1950 said:

    I think this statement is 100% Duchatelet himself. The smug patronising superiority is identical to the Alan Turing interview from last year. Why won't you stupid customers just give me money and shut up? You'll see, I'm an unappreciated genius, you lot just lack the mental capabilities to understand!

    As it's not just the Turing reference. This is what he said about the Standard 'Ultras':

    Towards the end of our conversation, he lifts a corner of the veil after all. With a sigh. We are staring at the T2, the stand of the ultras: of the frightful fans: of the chants. Does that never bother him? He says:

    “Many of the guests who sit there are unemployed and have nothing else to do all day. They spend all their time on internet fora. Suddenly they know everything about Standard. They have nothing better to do the whole day long. i cannot compete with that.”

    For those not yet aware of the full extent of his arrogance and crackpot views in that interview here's a pdf of the whole interview

    Arrogance comes before the fall as they say, and you would've hoped that he'd learnt that lesson at Standard. Alas, as we all know now - Roland doesn't do learning lessons.

    Sun Tzu, in The Art of War, said "To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy." - a very powerful message that Roland is clearly incapable of following if he's consistent underestimating anyone he comes up against. Meanwhile, another Tzu message is "In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity" - something that we'd do well to heed now.
    Right, I'm off to tape up my shoes and drop random "huh"s into my conversation. Happily, I'm already fundamentally deluded, so should have little difficulty with the idea of myself as a visionary leader....
  • Serious comment.

    I used to work in mental health before I went mad myself. I would say that the person who wrote this is, right now, under a lot of strain and pretty mentally unstable. It is angry and written as if said out loud. If it had been said as a rant to a friend or colleague that would have been OK but to post it where the whole world can see is not a good sign. If I had done this and my psychiatrist saw it I think he would be concerned.

    Honestly a serious comment.

    So what you're saying is, we need to crank up the pressure even more. That will definitely f*ck up her head.
  • Any development on this story, in a nutshell, to save me reading all 300 odd posts since I last looked?
  • Written by a natural communicator with the best interests of the club at heart.
  • LouisMend said:

    I'm walking around in a long dark wig and with two beach balls up my shirt to try and avoid capture.

    Housewives favourite.
  • iainment said:

    PeterGage said:

    Sky SSN spoke with Shay Given and Gerry Francis in the studio at 1030 about general unrest within football at present. Gerry took a general neutral stance but understood the need for protesting, providing it is legal; also recognised the importance of fan/club relationship.

    Shay Given thought we went too far with regard to the funeral possession but didn't offer a viable method of protest.

    Weird, why would Given object to the funeral procession? It had no effect on the game or the players
    Isn't he from rural Ireland? Funerals are taken very seriously there. Could be that, a response dictated by culture.
    You mean that it should have been a full blown wake?
  • Any development on this story, in a nutshell, to save me reading all 300 odd posts since I last looked?

    Nothing. At all.
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  • I don't think I could hate him anymore...
  • I never realised that Belgian pantomimes carried on for so long after Christmas. Where possibly several of us believed they have some higher ulterior and clever motive, they are actually just seriously f**k*d up. This second 'club statement' so contradicts the first 'saddened' statement. It's the type of thing you'd post after a night out with one too many and saying what you really think. The only difference is that the next day you'd realise what an absolute arse you've been and apologise. I've supported this club for over 40 years and along the way - like many fellow fans - have contended with many things, but right now it's dysfunctional and rotten and hijacked. To anyone who remained in the ground after the 74 minutes on Sunday, I can appreciate that some of you had reasons for doing so (such as having young children who wanted to see the game out), but seriously, if you believe this is the future with this nut at the helm, you probably need as much psychological help as he does.
  • The first was a "club statement" the second a "statement"
  • edited March 2016

    An excellent article from Airman.

    My thanks to you all for some truly wonderful posts on this thread. Some absolutely brilliant comment and Cabbies I can but salute you.

    I have worked with some specimens in my time but words fail me! Well almost!!

    Can ever a "Statement" (my description is somewhat less generous) have epitomised the nature of an organisation so well?

    Bereft of any sense of accountability or responsibility no one even dared to put their name to the authorship of this piece of cynical, inaccurate, poorly constructed, confused and rambling piece of prose. If you are going to make a "Statement" at least have the "cojones" to put your name on it.

    Unsurprisingly the content makes as much sense as most of the nonsense we have witnessed over the past 26 months. It reflects perfectly the weakness of a floundering executive and the stumbling and bumbling ineptitude we have endlessly experienced from this stewardship.

    Ostensibly positioning its intent to call on supporters to "support" the team in making a difference to our survival in the Championship it actually draws attention to the fact in the midst of these protests the team has secured 7 points out of a possible 9 for the first time since the end of August. In essence the protests appear to be actually galvanising what can only be politely described previously as a less than stellar series of performances.

    In truth it is another piece of cynical exploitation of the circumstances to defend their agenda. Yet again rather than face up to their shambling inadequacy they rush to hide behind anything and anyone they can find. Today they have chosen to hide behind the "team", as opposed to the Royal Mail, the "lost in translation" Dutch interview, the "misrepresentation" of the extraordinary Dublin comments, the succession of failed coaches, and even the students of the University of Greenwich.

    It was purely a matter of time before we were going to be next in line.

    How detached from reality do you have to be to not understand not one single protestor wants their club to fail? Supporters for the first time in decades stepped up to express their vehement opposition, not to the 11 players on the field of play but, to the arrogant, pernicious, self serving approach to the running of "their" club. It was an unprecedented response in unprecedented times.

    The very lack of integrity displayed in the release of this "missive" in the aftermath could not better justify those very protests.

    There is no alleged "wish" to change the management and ownership of the club. It is the firm intent of a significant number of club supporters to do everything within their power and the law of the land to bring about such change.

    Ultimately it matters not who chose to author and/or sanction the release of this latest communique. The responsibility sits with one man. M.Duchatelet has chosen to attack and defame those who hold the future of the club more closely to their hearts than he can ever imagine.

    His attack is couched in terms so juvenile it could have been written by a 6yr old. It is borderline illiterate. It is a self serving adolescent whinge from beginning to end. On what planet would anyone expect supporters to respond positively to such an outburst? Its naivety is beyond astonishing.

    Under what delusion does anyone seek to once again defend the executive "Ratner moment" at the Dublin conference? How many more times do we have to explain she was not "misinterpreted". It is not an issue for dispute. The demeanour and words of the CEO are on record.

    She firstly scoffed at the supporters sense of ownership.

    She then chose to correlate supporters relationships with the club to two different and entirely unconnected industries. No matter her intent, she chose to describe such sense of ownership as weird. It was and remains a matter of gross incompetence. Fabricating your own definition of the word used simply borders insanity. Not a single dictionary reflects their definition.

    The paranoid rebuttals argue to their total ignorance of the industry. This executive is incapable of understanding they are "talking at" people who have supported their club for decades, who have spent much of their lives following every twist and turn of the game.

    Nobody involved in any team sport would countenance any reference to the unique nature of supporters relationships of any team sport, be it football, rugby, cricket, NFL, MLB, NBA etc., in such terms because they would know it is not weird, not unique and not even unusual - it is second nature.

    To make reference to such relationships in the context of a cinema or restaurant is bizarre. There is no correlation to be made.

    How many more times are we going to have to explain the protests are about a series of ill judged, poorly executed decisions which have undermined the fabric of the club at every level. The reality of the league tables is there for all to see but have they not noticed 1000's are no longer attending? Have they read the clubs balance sheet? It is failure upon failure upon failure.

    After 26 months the executive still cannot find the words to put any substance to their strategy and flawed policies. For months the silence could not have been louder. Today to go alongside the litany of performance failures across the business the quality of the latest release now tells us all we to know.

    Seldom can any executive have proved so palpably unsuited and unfit to lead our club.

    If after presiding over one of the most shambolic periods of our history, (and with our history that is saying something) the best you can offer is to attack the people who dare to protest your incompetence then it is indisputably time for you and your minions to go.

    The last paragraph of the CAFC statement looks like the work of someone who's been on the Vino all night and rapidly losing their faculties - it's gibberish.
  • Serious comment.

    I used to work in mental health before I went mad myself. I would say that the person who wrote this is, right now, under a lot of strain and pretty mentally unstable. It is angry and written as if said out loud. If it had been said as a rant to a friend or colleague that would have been OK but to post it where the whole world can see is not a good sign. If I had done this and my psychiatrist saw it I think he would be concerned.

    Honestly a serious comment.

    So what you're saying is, we need to crank up the pressure even more. That will definitely f*ck up her head.
    Whoever wrote this (I believe KM) is showing clear signs of mental distress and would be advised to go on extended sick leave to relieve some of the pressure by any GP or mental health professional. I am being serious when I say that if this had been presented to me as an anonymous 'case study' when I worked in mental health I would have been very concerned about their mental state.
  • LouisMend said:

    I'm walking around in a long dark wig and with two beach balls up my shirt to try and avoid capture.

    Black & White beach balls by any chance?
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