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Is Card dealing from the right deck?



  • BB it is clear that you side with the Duchatelet camp right now. But do you agree it has made some grave errors which has led the club to the precipice of relegation? Or are you happy with the status quo? Why don't you answer the questions that have been posed to you or is that sort of thing beneath you? There have been some polite and eloquent people that have taken the time to debate your questions and points. I for one would like to hear back from you.
  • A few points.

    Why will CAFC be better off with CARDS patronage? - Because the current regime will be gone (QED)

    Who amongst CARD will represent them? - If need be, I am sure that among the CARD activists are a few legally/business qualified individuals.

    If it has no leadership? Who is qualified enough to sit on the directors board? - Don't know, but if it's any help, and we're looking for someone, I think I may have a cycling proficiency certificate somewhere - so I'd be easily as well qualified as our current CEO - admittedly, it looks like I have a few more Master's degrees that her too.

    Or talk with Roland? - I'm fairly sure we can either a) club together and hire a qualified medical practitioner or b) just wear some white coats and let him know that he's wanted back at Bletchley...

    Given the previous spats on here - and a lot of you don't get on. how will this be decided? - Scissors, Paper, Stone works for me.

    Support the team not the regime - really? How many posts on the Birmingham thread above are saying the protests are more fun than the game? - I don't know, but talking to people outside the Charlton family, what they remember, and think of as being both funny and intelligent, are the protests. So maybe, just maybe, the protests are more fun. If you ask CARD very nicely, and if they have any left, maybe you can get a stress ball or two and give the protest a go for yourself. Who knows, you might enjoy it.

    Why do CARD not promote on other cafc Internet forums? Even a cursory look at into the valley suggest CARDs methods are thought to be a bizarre. If you want unity then show me you have support from the MAJORITY of fans. - Well, just as soon as you create (with their permission) a database of all Charlton fans worldwide, and create a voting/polling mechanism, we can find out about the views of a MAJORITY of fans. As far as I am aware, CARD represents a coalition of those fans who have come to see the current regime as an existential threat to the club. It does not demand the allegiance of all fans. I accept that there will be Charlton supporters who do not agree, and I pity them, but hey, what can you do?

    The TV walk out was not demonstrative of a majority support including those wearing b/w scarves. - So have the numbers of bums on seats (as opposed to reported attendances) been demonstrative of support for the regime?

    Just because you can protest does not mean that you should. - Just because, in my case, I can sit on my fat arse and do nothing while my club goes down the drain, doesn't mean that I should either. It's all a question of choosing to do what you think is worthwhile.

    Has it occurred to anyone that the protest so far have achieved nothing? - So Murray and Duchatelet both making statements to the fans, and the increasingly paranoid reactions of the regime generally, in public statements and security measures, are completely unrelated to the protests, are they? No you're right, it's probably just something that they were always planning to do, easing themselves, as they are, into the Championship by getting the club relegated.

    Except the dumping of a few pasties and paying a few coppers overtime. - In my world the loss of even a single pasty is a tragedy... Though I do think you might find the additional costs are more than a few coppers' overtime.

    Who approaches Katrien? - Why do you need to ask such a question? It's quite clearly Cabbles, though Katrien is favouring him with the same silent treatment so beloved of us all.

    Is it the messenger more than the message that failes to engage? - As, as far as I can make out, the regime has demonstrated no willingness to engage with either messenger(s) or message who can say?

    Yes I get you don't like Roland but you didn't like Slater either. - I'm not aware that any of us are expected to date an owner. It's all a question of competence. Slater and Jimenez were, over time, a failure, but their failure was due to a lack of financial resources. With Duchatelet, on the other hand, were are the laboratory mice on which he is engaged in futile experiment.

    Maybe some boats don't need rocking. - You mean, like the Titanic? However, as a metaphor, you are absolutely correct; though the boats that do not need to be rocked are those that are sailing in an even keel. The good ship CAFC is heading for the rocks with a crazy man at the helm, and we need to do everything in our power to change course - personally I suggest mutiny, not just rocking the boat (including getting the officers to walk the plank).

    In hindsight and learning from that mistake, isn't it better to stay with Roland than be sold to say another Mark Hulyer or someone with less money? - In a word, "No". Someone with less money could well be infinitely better; though, obviously, I'd like Bill Gates or someone instead.

    And following on from that - is the new owner only accepted if he gets CARDs blessing? - No, again.

    It does seem nobody is to good for CARD now Murray got rumbled. - As friend Roland would say (with a subtle difference) "Huh?"

    We are going down because of the board? I accept that, how would CARD have prevented that. - Maybe, just maybe, more pressure on the regime ahead of this season would have ensured that our club would not have been shown the ultimate disrespect that was the Fraeye era...

    All I'm looking for is answers to simple questions - the paranoia I can do without.

  • edited April 2016

    I am just astounded (and my position has still not changed)that CARD have no back up plan. We will make things shit for you Roland, and you will sell and we will be bought by a really lovely kindly old gentleman that will give us all the presents we need. Life is not like that. Supposing you are wrong. Has anyone thought that if we are sold as a poundstretcher club we will get purchased by some diamond ring and fur coat chav?. The third division is full of clubs owned by the local fish and chippie. Roland is a billionaire and I prefer those pockets than off Mr Codfather. Be careful what you wish for. That all I have said.

    Those of you that think CARD is the Saviour of Cafc clearly do not follow other public sites. You will find that Card is not well supported at all on other forums - just look at the into the valley sites and not Charton 606 - all vastly critical of card.
    Now some of you are getting abusive so I will put a pin in this. But remember that it's a club and I have a right to question you and your motives - as you question Roland's.

    Perhaps this explanation will help. CARD is the Coalition Against Roland Duchatelet. By definition, therefore, it is a single issue group. It has no back up plan because it exists solely to remove the poison of the current regime from the club. No-one is under any illusions that we may get another owner who is poor. That you seem to believe that we are delusional in this regard makes me wonder if you have ever talked to anyone associated with the protests.

    However, Roland Duchatelet is deliberately interfering with the way that our club is run for non-footballing reasons. It's all about his ego. He may not be a diamond ring and fur coat chav, or the owner of a fish and chip shop (incidentally, was your research as rigorous about the ownership of Third Division clubs as it was about the interests of the majority of Charlton fans); in fact, he is infinitely worse. He may have deep pockets, but he only uses them to hold his duct tape. He is treating our club in each season that he has been with us in the same way as he does his shoes. He's not actually a billionaire, but he's aiming to get there by being a Pound shop using owner.

    Maybe CARD will be the saviour, or at least help bring about the salvation, of our club. I do hope so, because without fan action, CAFC will be utterly destroyed by Duchatelet, sacrificed on the altar of his "vision". And why should I be worried about what people on other sites may say. There are many people on this with whom I may disagree, but the discussions are often informative and/or amusing. I am sure there are CARD supporters on other sites, and some who are on none. With any luck, the numbers will keep growing; I would like us all to support CARD in getting the regime out.
  • Short history lesson: @Belgiumbun

    Roland takes control of the club, some long term fans concerned given the announced plan of running a club feeder system, other fans expressed (including me as new fan as son comes of football attending age and we want to support a local club)

    Roland shuts of funds to CP. key players are sold. The pitch is made lovely and the pink seats are replaced with red.

    CP sacked amidst rumours of random shit players turning up and a request to play them that was refused.

    BP takes over and plays some of these, unfortunately some (like Bikey who looked fantastic when I first saw him) are not team players, just good on the stats. Team begins to fall apart.

    Peeters has a bad run and is replaced by Luzon, an ex Standard manager. He is crazy bat shit but does ok and at least has some understanding of formations even if he isn't given the players to deliver them. After a bad run of form, replaced by Karel Fraeye who may or mah not have had some previous influence on scouting players. My now 6, then 5 year old with his massive managerial experience on PlayStation and iPad football games was asking what was going on with the formations. I had no answer.

    At this point, with a rice paper thin squad Riga was remployed after some entertaining news that it could be the guy from Ujpest who was doing well for them in their shit league.

    Riga has done ok strengthening the squad with money that should have been spent earlier on forming a vote team with vote cover
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  • Not so much a Belgiumbun as a doughnut, it would seem.
    You have failed BB. No proper engagement, same old mantra, anyone would think you were related to our owner....
  • He's never had such a big audience. Unfortunately.
  • Initially I thought BB could be a club stooge, but the way he has consistently mentioned 'other forums' it's far more likely that he is a member of ITTV or Not 606 (or both) on a wind up. There have been anti-CARD posts over there recently and because they only have about 10 active members between them, he thought he might actually get a response if he posted here.

    Edit: An afterthought. It's also possible that it COULD be a regime stooge who is attempting to drive a wedge between fans of different forums. Either way it's a fruitless conversation if the OP is going to continue making statements rather than debating the counter-arguments to his points.

    If it is a club stooge, I doubt that the person has the blessing of Phil Dorward. He sounds like a proper pro, from what I have heard. This is just too crass, full of spelling errors, and ill-disguised personal venom. Could be someone connected with the club flying solo of course, but since he goes on about the other forums, I'm assuming it's your first option.

    It always happens. The other Trusts all have stories like this.

  • I am more than happy to debate any point with any of you but as nobody has provided me with a workable viable alternative to replace Roland - then my opening post has still been ignored. I would welcome board change but show me the money first not rumour or idle gossip.

    Added to that the paranoia and insults - I am not a club stooge - I don't post on other sites and yes I am a supporter and no I do not support the regime - but I'd rather them given a chance to put this right than throw this club to some second hand car salesman.

    The protest are failing. The moment passed when the TV cameras showed a paltry walk out the other week by just a few hundred fans. Don't matter how you spin it or how many stats that might make up to make you feel better - the war is being lost and an change of personnel/tactics is required. Villa fans got what they what so did Liverpool with less commitment. I admire the effort but until you work out another tact - it's Belgium waffles next season
  • Why do you think the war is "being lost"?

  • I am more than happy to debate any point with any of you but as nobody has provided me with a workable viable alternative to replace Roland - then my opening post has still been ignored. I would welcome board change but show me the money first not rumour or idle gossip.

    Added to that the paranoia and insults - I am not a club stooge - I don't post on other sites and yes I am a supporter and no I do not support the regime - but I'd rather them given a chance to put this right than throw this club to some second hand car salesman.

    The protest are failing. The moment passed when the TV cameras showed a paltry walk out the other week by just a few hundred fans. Don't matter how you spin it or how many stats that might make up to make you feel better - the war is being lost and an change of personnel/tactics is required. Villa fans got what they what so did Liverpool with less commitment. I admire the effort but until you work out another tact - it's Belgium waffles next season

    Peter Varney's offer is on record so not rumour or idle gossip. KM and RD themselves have said on various occasions that there are interested parties, is this too rumour or idle gossip? The walkout against Boro was not a few hundred but a couple of thousand. You would have seen that if you were there instead of watching on TV.

    The current regime have had ample chance to put things right but have failed to learn from mistakes made and show no signs of being prepared to change. For that reason, I'm out.
  • edited April 2016

    I am more than happy to debate any point with any of you but as nobody has provided me with a workable viable alternative to replace Roland - then my opening post has still been ignored. I would welcome board change but show me the money first not rumour or idle gossip.

    Added to that the paranoia and insults - I am not a club stooge - I don't post on other sites and yes I am a supporter and no I do not support the regime - but I'd rather them given a chance to put this right than throw this club to some second hand car salesman.

    The protest are failing. The moment passed when the TV cameras showed a paltry walk out the other week by just a few hundred fans. Don't matter how you spin it or how many stats that might make up to make you feel better - the war is being lost and an change of personnel/tactics is required. Villa fans got what they what so did Liverpool with less commitment. I admire the effort but until you work out another tact - it's Belgium waffles next season

    We've all responded to your first point and mentioned the obvious alternative to Roland, and others have even pointed towards Katrien's admission that there are always potential buyers for Charlton.

    Personally I haven't called you a club stooge but, like many others, I've opened up a discussion with you and you're incapable of responding directly. Nor have your previous posts matched this latest post - it's all a bit contradictory.

    To be quite frank, even if CARD were playing from the wrong deck - at least they're playing with a full deck. Sadly the same can't be said about you.
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  • None are more blind than those that refuse to see...
  • Hello Incorruptible, thought you weren't going to post on CL anymore?

  • Happy to debate any point yet has not answered any question put to him/her no matter how polite.
  • Ok here we go.

    Card's mandate was to ensure a 'swift resolution' to the problems with the board and fans. Or at least that what was on the bumf I read. So card got it wrong.

    Replace Roland with who?

    Replace Katrien with who.

    There are other fans at this club as well. There are fans that care just as much about CAFC than those that throw plastic balls about. They need convincing that an action group is not a wrecking crew.

    There are alternatives to fighting

    The egos on this board demonstrate that reasoned debate is difficult

    The club was relegated to the old third division before and none of this abuse was experienced against the board - why? Maybe some of the fans liked being mates with the board at that time.

    Card does not go on other forums and promote themselves - why?

    You can't tell anyone how to spend their money. If you have 40m please buy us out.

    If your want to support the club you have to be in Card - how so? Illogical and irrational.

    How was Card formed? Is Card actually Cast!

    You take the club as you find it. If you don't like it don't go. Season ticket boycotts (really) the club know they same faces will go.

    We have been in worse positions.

    "We have been in worse positions".

    We are in more of a mess now than when the flyers were handed out in '85 saying we were leaving The Valley".

    The Belgians could potentially fold this club.
  • A few points.

    Why will CAFC be better off with CARDS patronage? Who amongst CARD will represent them? If it has no leadership? Who is qualified enough to sit on the directors board? Or talk with Roland? Given the previous spats on here - and a lot of you don't get on. how will this be decided?

    Support the team not the regime - really? How many posts on the Birmingham thread above are saying the protests are more fun than the game?

    Why do CARD not promote on other cafc Internet forums? Even a cursory look at into the valley suggest CARDs methods are thought to be a bizarre. If you want unity then show me you have support from the MAJORITY of fans.

    The TV walk out was not demonstrative of a majority support including those wearing b/w scarves.

    Just because you can protest does not mean that you should. Has it occurred to anyone that the protest so far have achieved nothing? Except the dumping of a few pasties and paying a few coppers overtime.

    Who approaches Katrien? Is it the messenger more than the message that failes to engage?

    Yes I get you don't like Roland but you didn't like Slater either. Maybe some boats don't need rocking. In hindsight and learning from that mistake, isn't it better to stay with Roland than be sold to say another Mark Hulyer or someone with less money? And following on from that - is the new owner only accepted if he gets CARDs blessing? It does seem nobody is to good for CARD now Murray got rumbled.

    We are going down because of the board? I accept that, how would CARD have prevented that.

    All I'm looking for is answers to simple questions - the paranoia I can do without.

    Do you work for Charlton Athletic Football Club?
  • So to recap - some of you want to engage with Roland while other want to oust him to an as yet unknown 'buyer' mentioned only in meetings. Nothing has been seen of the new buyer (Varney seems to be interested but hates Murray) or agreed just a rumour. CARD have taken it upon themselves without election, notification or consultation to lead a compiagn against Roland. So if you are successful Out goes Roland where does that leave Murray? There are separate entities and have no legal relationship and can see independent of each other as I understand it? Does he go too? I assume so. He is not gonna sell at a loss and you now it.

    So CAFC become more marketable if the fans protest?it that the rationale of CARD? , I bet the potential buyers are just queuing up to buy a club with a clause in its contract that x has to be paid up to Murray and hostile fans that will, unless they get their own way will turn on you like a rabid dog. This is what happened to Slater? He sods off And we got Roland. Does this not ring Alarm bells that due diligence may be overlooked here and we could be sold to some white slave trader ten times worse and skinter than Roland.

    We great power not only comes great electric bills but great responsibility. Who gave CARD this responsibility ? Frying pan may become the fire. Again.

    Do you work for Charlton Athletic Football Club?
  • So to recap - some of you want to engage with Roland while other want to oust him to an as yet unknown 'buyer' mentioned only in meetings. Nothing has been seen of the new buyer (Varney seems to be interested but hates Murray) or agreed just a rumour. CARD have taken it upon themselves without election, notification or consultation to lead a compiagn against Roland. So if you are successful Out goes Roland where does that leave Murray? There are separate entities and have no legal relationship and can see independent of each other as I understand it? Does he go too? I assume so. He is not gonna sell at a loss and you now it.

    So CAFC become more marketable if the fans protest?it that the rationale of CARD? , I bet the potential buyers are just queuing up to buy a club with a clause in its contract that x has to be paid up to Murray and hostile fans that will, unless they get their own way will turn on you like a rabid dog. This is what happened to Slater? He sods off And we got Roland. Does this not ring Alarm bells that due diligence may be overlooked here and we could be sold to some white slave trader ten times worse and skinter than Roland.

    We great power not only comes great electric bills but great responsibility. Who gave CARD this responsibility ? Frying pan may become the fire. Again.

    Do you work for Charlton Athletic Football Club?

    Hello Incorruptible, thought you weren't going to post on CL anymore?

    He uses Spouting Rubbish as a user name on ITTV.
  • Late to the party and posting without reading the whole of the thread but just to respond to this post...

    Ok here we go.

    Card's mandate was to ensure a 'swift resolution' to the problems with the board and fans. Or at least that what was on the bumf I read. So card got it wrong. - We have openly said this will be a long hard slog. It is a CAMPAIGN, it will take time.

    Replace Roland with who? I suggest you watch the interviews we did with Peter Varney.

    Replace Katrien with who. If Roland goes, she goes. That is because she is, erm, rubbish

    There are other fans at this club as well. There are fans that care just as much about CAFC than those that throw plastic balls about. They need convincing that an action group is not a wrecking crew. Fair point, but we have tried to engage these fans. Stickers, masks, badges, beermats, hoodies, programmes, scarves, banners etc have all been produced - not everything is the edgier stuff such as the beach balls and stress balls that have only been seen at the last two home games. A lot has led up to this.

    There are alternatives to fighting There are. CAST has been trying for a long time. Enough is enough, time to go.

    The egos on this board demonstrate that reasoned debate is difficult Well, I'm debating.

    The club was relegated to the old third division before and none of this abuse was experienced against the board - why? Maybe some of the fans liked being mates with the board at that time. The disenfranchisement of our fan base with the club has never reached this level. It is not an accident or coincidence. It is because of a systematic disregard for the history of this football club and it's fans

    Card does not go on other forums and promote themselves - why? This is the biggest Charlton forum. Also, other forums have some characters who are certainly not very receptive and have shown some abuse at times. We do our bit with comms. Youtube, here, twitter, Facebook, a mailing list...

    You can't tell anyone how to spend their money. If you have 40m please buy us out. We don't have 40m. We have enough to do what we can to help force through the sale

    If your want to support the club you have to be in Card - how so? Illogical and irrational. Not true. We are not a dictatorship. Everyone has the right to do as they please. We hope to bring a bit of organisation. Some things won't be for everyone - we accept that.

    How was Card formed? Is Card actually Cast! CARD was formed when people organising protests decided to get together - no big conspiracy and er, no, it's not,

    You take the club as you find it. If you don't like it don't go. Season ticket boycotts (really) the club know they same faces will go. We'll have to agree to disagree. I feel we can make a positive impact. We might not be able to, but we'll sure as hell try. I have emotional investment in this club - I can't stand by and watch it rot.

    We have been in worse positions. Agreed. But that's no reason not to put up a fight.

    That is a fantastic response.

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Roland Out Forever!