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Weirdest things that have happened to you on a date



  • Shame on you.
  • Before I met my wife I'd trawled the ocean of Internet dating and had some wonderful experiences but also some horrors

    Some of those on here are tame by comparison but some I'm reading and nodding my head empathatically or shaking it in horror. I love threads like this
  • Carter said:

    Before I met my wife I'd trawled the ocean of Internet dating and had some wonderful experiences but also some horrors

    Some of those on here are tame by comparison but some I'm reading and nodding my head empathatically or shaking it in horror. I love threads like this

    You can't not share some!
  • Been waiting 5 pages for Carter to get involved, just through previous comments by AFKA about his dating experiences.
  • seth plum said:

    The girl knew I was a vegetarian, had told her. So she turns up to our date wearing a fur coat!
    Fuck off.
    Not fake fur, but a load of animal skins all sewn together.
    Fuck the fuck off, fuck off.
    Left her at the tube station.
    Fucking fuck OFF!

    Did she ask you to eat the coat? If not, I'm wondering what the problem was.
  • seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    The girl knew I was a vegetarian, had told her. So she turns up to our date wearing a fur coat!
    Fuck off.
    Not fake fur, but a load of animal skins all sewn together.
    Fuck the fuck off, fuck off.
    Left her at the tube station.
    Fucking fuck OFF!

    Do you think she was expecting you to eat the fur coat ?

    Do you wear leather shoes ?

    No I don't wear leather shoes.

    Fill your boots as it were.

    Also a canvass wallets and a canvass watch strap.

    Anyway this is about dates that are weird.
    Re vegetarian shoes, did you know digital cameras allow you to take vegetarian photographs?
  • You on a charm offensive tonight mate?
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  • Davo55 said:

    Met a young lady at a party on a Saturday. I was very drunk and agreed to meet her on Sunday night in Greenwich. We arrived in the pub but I didn't recognise her. I really couldn't believe I had agreed to meet this lady, she really wasn't for me. Disgracefully, I went to the toilet and ran for it and left the poor young lady there. I've never got over the guilt. Even after 40+ years. Sorry, Anne, Annette or Anna - I forget your name. I hope you're not on CL!

    Did something similar myself once about ten years ago. Met a girl in Zens in Dartford when I was absolutely trashed and swapped numbers. Got texting and agreed to meet for a drink a few days later. I couldn't remember what she looked like at all, but luckily she recognised me. She was a munter. I'd made a real error. She had zero personality as well. Said I was going to the toilet and did a runner back to my car. Drove past her on the way home and she saw me - she was not happy! Never heard from her again weirdly.
    Similar. Many moons ago my job entailed regularly calling various people around the country. I always gave the girls a bit of chat and one, based in Southampton, sounded absolutely lovely. Bright, sparky, funny - and interested. One day she said she would be in London the following week and asked if I fancied meeting up one evening. We arranged that we would meet near Moorgate, by the escalators down from the Barbican high walk. Go for a drink and then take it from there. On the appointed evening I set off, went via the high walk, and travelled expectantly down the escalator to meet my date. Then I spotted the complete obese munter awaiting me - got off the down escalator and went straight back up the up escalator and high tailed it out of there. Nothing was ever said afterwards, but the calls were far more frosty and briefer from then on.
    This is where social media is just fantastic. Nowadays you could have looked at her online and known what you were getting yourself in to, found out all kinds of information. It's so weird to me to think that back in the day you had to carrier pigeon each other pictures.
  • My date turned up!

    This beer at know it's not a date don't you?
    Yep, I have arsenetatters with me for protection.

    Have just clocked your lol's ffs!
    How disappointing. I was expecting a threesome.
  • I'll put a couple up when I get home, really I need a PC and keyboard to do justice. Golfaddick has some pearlers as does ketman
  • I got offered a 3some once (me and 2 birds), but turned it down.

  • My date turned up!

    This beer at know it's not a date don't you?
    Yep, I have arsenetatters with me for protection.

    Have just clocked your lol's ffs!
    How disappointing. I was expecting a threesome.
    And it's a no from me.
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  • I got offered a 3some once (me and 2 birds), but turned it down.

    Was it with Derek Bird and Dickie Bird?
    Dickie would have been alright for sticking his finger up.
  • Look what you have started arsenetatters.
  • edited August 2016
  • Was seeing some bird from the Blue down Bermondsey, she was a proper stunner. Anyway, I picked her up on way home from work one Friday night coz she was staying at mine all weekend. She gets in the motor and asks if we can stop off at The Princess up Blackheath coz her lezza mate is up there with her work operatives having a Christmas drink. When we walk in, 2 of her work mates were Charlton who I recognised at the time and although I never knew em, I spent an hour talking to em while my bird was talking to her 'mate' (ring any bells anyone?). Anyway after about an hour or so, my bird come up to me with her chum, who by now was a bit squiffy, and said that her mate wants to come back with us for a 3some, just like that. I shit me pants and said no. A few months later we decided to call it a day and my request for that 3some was unfortunately turned down.... ffs
  • seth plum said:

    The girl knew I was a vegetarian, had told her. So she turns up to our date wearing a fur coat!
    Fuck off.
    Not fake fur, but a load of animal skins all sewn together.
    Fuck the fuck off, fuck off.
    Left her at the tube station.
    Fucking fuck OFF!

    Do you think she was expecting you to eat the fur coat ?

    Do you wear leather shoes ?

    Eat the fur coat was not meant as a euphemism. Honest.

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