I had £5 on Leicester, Brexit, Trump and foxes, a badger, squirrel, hedgehog and dog bouncing up and down on a trampoline in the John Lewis Christmas ad.
I had £5 on Leicester, Brexit, Trump and foxes, a badger, squirrel, hedgehog and dog bouncing up and down on a trampoline in the John Lewis Christmas ad.
I had £5 on Leicester, Brexit, Trump and foxes, a badger, squirrel, hedgehog and dog bouncing up and down on a trampoline in the John Lewis Christmas ad.
You should be able to buy out Roland with that little lot!
It would have been better if in the morning there were bits of animals eaten by the foxes on the trampoline with blood everywhere. Then the dog jumps on it, and starts eating what's left.
Also, you've got to question how believable it is for a hedgehog to use a trampoline like that.
A thread. For an advert.
I can't wait to watch it once the Christmas season actually begins in 4 weeks time.
It's a failure because it's NOTHING TO DO WITH CHRISTMAS.
That whole thing could have taken place in the summer time. In fact, putting a trampoline up would make a whole lot more f***ing sense.
I can't explain how angry this makes me. I have no idea why I care.
No, it was "We have gifts for everyone - Spend money at conglomerate"