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Getting To Know The Network (4 Part Radio Documentary) (31/1 Part 3, pg. 17)



  • No Mr Rubashaw is still there but has far more important EFL censorship issues to deal with rather the trivial matter of the SMTs blatant lies
  • An excellent piece of work this.

    Glad that someone has gone to the trouble to get the answers that some of us all knew but probably not to the extreme at which it has now been presented..
    Credit also to the professionalism of the contributors to it for keeping a lid on this for as long as they did.

    As for Duchatelet. An absolute fruit cake of a man!
    Meire spouts on about how he is too busy with his other business interests to get too hands on is a complete fallacy.
    The man is completely obsessed with this weird football movement. It is now abundantly clear that he can have no time for anything else.
    From scouts recruited from the local polytechnic to playing styles and formations dreamed up on 'football manager'. Has there ever been a more dangerous and unhinged man in the game? He's right up there.

    I won't go on about Richard Murray.I've made my feelings clear about him in the past. But shame on the man for overseeing this. Disgraceful.
    We can only hope the Belgian see's some sort of sense and abandons this ego trip.

    I have to say,after this insight into his crazy mind, I think it won't be any time soon.
  • Just after Peeters was sacked, she told a fan on cam that our man (Curbishley) had applied for the managers job. It was dismissive, unprofessional and disrespectful and I haven't forgiven her for it. Nor forgotten it.

    And the big issue here is not so much that the owner interfered - He won't be the first or last owner to do that. As misguided as that is. But to deny it which suggests Powell is a liar is as low as you get. Meire has no shame when she tells a lie but we know beyond any reasonable doubt they are lies.
    Thanks Muttley, I wasn't aware of that ( I don't get time to read all that I would like to unfortunately). Unprofessional and disrespectful indeed but why should we expect anything else from this vile woman ?
  • Did Roland inherit his wealth?

    He certainly inherited something Smudge! That's for sure!!
  • edited December 2016

    There is very little information on his early years in his Wikipedia page, beyond that he founded Melexis in 1990 and 'became a multimillionaire'. It doesn't give any clue as to how much capital he actually started with.

    Given the utter shambles witnessed over the last couple of years, I have been wondering exactly how much of his wealth has been self made. There is something of the Trump about him (Beyond also having a comical hairpiece).
    Wiki is deliberately vague on his early life and it's near impossible to find anything anywhere.

    The best I can find is this snippet from WSC in March 2014:

    'One of the richest men in Belgium, with a personal fortune estimated at €750m, Duchâtelet owns companies specialising in the manufacture of semiconductors and integrated circuits. Bilingual, with a Walloon father and Flemish mother, Duchâtelet has been involved in politics – he formed liberal party Vivant in 1997 – and entered football in 2002 when he bought Belgian club Sint-Truiden.'

    From the same piece:

    'Onclin says of Duchâtelet that "he may not bring success in terms of trophies but he won't leave a club for dead when he's gone". Sint-Truiden were in debt when he took charge and now they have a state-of-the-art stadium, with a hotel and shopping outlets. The club is, however, in the second division. Duchâtelet is unlikely to let one of his operating units fail but never puts football success at the forefront of his thinking.'
  • Listened to these last night. Really excellent stuff. Hope it makes everyone as angry as I am.
  • Just like to add my thanks to Jimmy, and the other people behind this very well produced podcast. I have long gone past the stage of outrage and confusion into trying to understand the 'vision' that this current regime seem to inflicting on what to me, and I guess several other thousand fans as 'our club'. I am going to the game tommorow with my two sons and I wonder how many more times I will do this, as I did this with my father?.
    I just pray that this regime goes and I can go with my grandchildren in the future.
  • Excellent in-depth journalism with some truly remarkable confirmations, if not by now, revelations. Apologies if it's been said elsewhere but if Karl Robinson can spare an hour, this will really explain what the protests are all about, and without Meire interfering and stage-managing anything. Well done all involved.
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  • As I said before, I think that RD did not compose these emails, as he would not have had enough football knowledge to do so, saying that, I think they were probably written by TD (who read these football tactics in one of his magazines, and it sounded good), and forwarded by RD. This is why we have the emails, if RD knew what he was talking about he would have met with CP (as CP said he wanted to do but RD would not), or RD would have telephoned him and spoke to him. Any intelligent person would not put things in an email that could come back and bite him in the bum, (see Clinton).
  • What will be interesting to appreciate is whether the emails referenced here are repeated / issued in a similar way to other managers since Powell. And most importantly if Slade had any such experience I.e. Is RD apparently directly meddling or not. Suspect though we won't hear from Slade for sometime on the assumption he may still be on gardening leave / negotiating his exit settlement.

    It's probably fair to imagine that in the past the likes of Varney, Murray and Curbishley discussed team selections too albeit with no overt interference and which is importantly the big difference. I am sure many chairman / owners / CEO's all offer their football opinions too throughout the leagues but presumably its more often seen by managers as being the price to pay to humour the money men and 'manage upwards'.

    To play Devils Advocate maybe RD imagines he is just asking for an opinion / exploiting his position as the owner to 'chat' football and doing that by email isn't the same as a one on one conversation BUT that would be a very kind interpretation.

    If other emails do emerge as suggested by others do exist, and particularly if they are far more current, that will be even more revealing of how RD, as a modern day owner, expects to operate notwithstanding the accepted norms in football.

    The language barrier / lost in translation argument might just might allow the tone of the emails to be seen as slightly less inflammatory but Karl Robinson is clearly going to have to find a way of working with RD and KM that he can be comfortable with and presumably he hadn't anticipated being quite the way it seems to have been for Powell at least.
  • Roland was on the phone to Karel Fraeye when he was in charge telling him what subs to make .....Source (from someone in the dressing room)

    Still if he hasn't interfered in Karl Robinsons team selection and tactics , in his long reign so far, it proves that they are learning from their previous mistakes and we should all give them a chance

    who's that in the corner hanging out the back of my mrs , oh he's pulled out and walked away i'll just pretend it never happened

    That is all the more impressive now we know that he probabaly wasn't watching the match but stuffing his face in a bistro at the time.
  • Davo55 said:

    I think some are believing Roland's spin that his emails were merely suggestions rather than instructions.

    Might have been plausible except for the fact that, once CP had decided to play Alnwick ahead of Thuram, Alnwick rapidly had his contract torn up leaving CP with no choice whatsoever. That is the action of an owner who demanded compliance, not just consideration.

    When I see your posts now, I keep thinking it's you in the party hat, I think you should change your pic to avoid confusion, although it'd be good to see that guy in a Roland Out hoody
  • edited December 2016
    Fumbluff said:

    When I see your posts now, I keep thinking it's you in the party hat, I think you should change your pic to avoid confusion, although it'd be good to see that guy in a Roland Out hoody

    Photo will be changed as immediately as my ageing fingers can manage it

    Edit - Done. I now look more like Tony K. Need more Oil of Ulay :wink:
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  • Brilliant series . This should appeal to all football fans not just Charlton fans .

    Total respect to Jimmy for getting those interviews.

    Can't wait for the next episode.
  • Just to add my congratulations to this remarkable disclosure. Well done
  • edited December 2016

    Rednic might have a good story, would be great if the GTKTN guys could get hold of him to see if he has anything to contribute.
    Vukomanovic didn't part with RD on good terms, either. He was supposed to be caretaker until the end of the season, following on from a poor start to the season under Luzon and the riot that forced RD to scurry away early. Although Vuko's Europa League results were disappointing, he put their Pro League season back on track with 28 pts from 14 games (which explains why RD didn't feel the need to write him out any team sheets).

    Then he was abruptly demoted back to assistant coach to make way for the second coming of Jose Riga in Feb 15. He quit rather than accept the demotion and was still sounding off about it in the Belgian media months afterwards.

    Although RD may not have explained 4-4-2 double 6 to him, the stated reason for demoting him was that RD didn't like his style of football. We've seen that form of words more than once and I translate it as RD didn't trust them.

    ...Otoh, Vuko's latest quote reads like he may have got over it. He is now manager (or head coach) of Slovan Bratislava.
  • Rednic was a former player and well liked / respected by Standard fans, if I am remembering correctly.

    Spot the similarity?

    Not familiar with him as a player, but reading that article I like the cut of his jib!
  • Davo55 said:


    Photo will be changed as immediately as my ageing fingers can manage it

    Edit - Done. I now look more like Tony K. Need more Oil of Ulay :wink:
    I think it is called Olay now!
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Roland Out Forever!