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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



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    Dazzler21 said:
    Chatted to a chap on the Thameslink earlier. His name was David and he seemed to know what he was talking about. Said he worked at Brighton in their media team... Haven't googled to verify.

    He was sure that Bowyer has signed a pre-contract agreement that if Mehmet is the first buyer to complete before Bowyer's contract runs out, he'll renew his contract for 12 months. 

    If it's not Mehmet, we can say goodbye to Bow.  At least according to this character anyway.

    Something else he mentioned:
    Bow has several other offers on the table, but is trying to be loyal to the club, but Duchatelet isn't making that easy with such an awful offer, whilst the other offer from CAFC would be competitive in the Championship.

    Whether he's a bullshitter or not he was wearing a Brighton branded tracktop. But then loads do on that line, he could well be another WUM.
    Sounds like a plant Dazz.
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    1736, James Watt born it was his version of the steam engine that fuelled much of the industrial revolution.
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    edited June 2019
    Dazzler21 said:
    Chatted to a chap on the Thameslink earlier. he seemed to know what he was talking about. Said he worked at Brighton in their media team... Haven't googled to verify.

    He was sure that Bowyer has signed a pre-contract agreement that if Mehmet is the first buyer to complete before Bowyer's contract runs out, he'll renew his contract for 12 months. 

    If it's not Mehmet, we can say goodbye to Bow.  At least according to this character anyway.

    Something else he mentioned:
    Bow has several other offers on the table, but is trying to be loyal to the club, but Duchatelet isn't making that easy with such an awful offer, whilst the other offer from CAFC would be competitive in the Championship.

    Whether he's a bullshitter or not he was wearing a Brighton branded tracktop. But then loads do on that line, he could well be another WUM.
    Sounds like a plant Dazz.
    Could well be.

     We were just talking footy as I made a comment about Stephens when we were sat across from one another, bit of chat about Stephens then he asked who I supported and it was like it was all queued up waiting to spill.

    I will say he did seem a bit rough round the edges and though we were both going towards Brighton, I assume he was either a fan on a wind up or completely genuine.

    Just thought I'd share it as I heard it from him... Just so I don't have to play the 'I heard this weeks ago, but kept quiet as I wasn't sure' kind of bollocks.

    It also seemed fitting to Bow's "unusual contract" he received from Duchatelet.

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    I hope you weren't singing at any point?
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    edited June 2019
    Sounds like the sequel to Girl on the Train...
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    “At any point” ? Nope don’t know that one. Can you hum a few bars please
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    As I say, I just wanted to share so if it does happen I don't end up being one of the BS parade who say "i knew months ago, but excuses"

    Instead if it doesn't happen I can be one of the many that has fed the rumour mill by passing on incorrect info.
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    I know but couldnt you have left his name off?  He could get in to trouble at work. 
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    edited June 2019
    Curb_It said:
    I know but couldnt you have left his name off?  He could get in to trouble at work. 
    Should probably have considered that @AFKABartram any chance you could remove the name from quoted messages?

    Have amended the ones I could.
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    Dazzler21 said:
    Curb_It said:
    I know but couldnt you have left his name off?  He could get in to trouble at work. 
    Should probably have considered that @AFKABartram any chance you could remove the name from quoted messages?

    Have amended the ones I could.

    Call me Dave
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    lets chuck milkshakes (not battery acid) at Roland. That will show him!
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    edited June 2019
    LouisMend said:
    A friend of mine works in the media team at Brighton and he says there’s nobody called David in their department. 
     Probably a troll in that case. Which is a bit shite. He did seem to know a lot about our current situation.

    Hopefully he gave a false name and the rest is legit.

    Bit disappointed now to be honest. @LouisMend any chance your friend has heard similar at least?
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    If Bowyer doesn't get announced today is it safe to assume he's probably off? 
    I wouldn't say that, no.

    it's obviously a pretty fluid environment at the moment.....
    I see today as no news is bad news. Especially after they said today was the day.

    I still think if we don't get Dalman. Lampard goes to Chelsea, Bowyer goes to Derby. Bowyer signs Aribo and Bauer on a free. Lyle puts in his transfer request and then Bowyer puts in a pitiful bid for him which the rat accepts

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    If Bowyer doesn't get announced today is it safe to assume he's probably off? 
    I wouldn't say that, no.

    it's obviously a pretty fluid environment at the moment.....
    I see today as no news is bad news. Especially after they said today was the day.

    I still think if we don't get Dalman. Lampard goes to Chelsea, Bowyer goes to Derby. Bowyer signs Aribo and Bauer on a free. Lyle puts in his transfer request and then Bowyer puts in a pitiful bid for him which the rat accepts

    That's some extrapolation there.....
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    Curb_It said:
    Was there any reason you struck up a conversation with a stranger on a train?  

    Great film.
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    edited June 2019
    ....stil not ruling out @Dazzler21 making it up either

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    so a random guy on a train turns out to be talking utter bollox ? whoda thought it !!
This discussion has been closed.

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