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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • The Aussies were very unhappy with Murray's statement that the price had been agreed with a second party, I'm told.

    Presumably the Aussies are aware of the second (third ?) party so why exactly would they be very unhappy with Murray’s statement.

    I didn’t fully understand the conclusions we were supposed to make surrounding Murray’s statement anyway.

    Murray's statement was a ruse to get the other unknown group to get their ass into gear..
    This won't end well.

    Charlton could fall into a barrel of tits and still come out sucking it's thumb!
    Exqueeze me, thats one of mine!
    Respect due for the deep office knowledge!
  • stonemuse said:

    I believe most of his money has come from owning patents.

    Do you know what ones he owns?
  • The Aussies were very unhappy with Murray's statement that the price had been agreed with a second party, I'm told.

    Presumably the Aussies are aware of the second (third ?) party so why exactly would they be very unhappy with Murray’s statement.

    I didn’t fully understand the conclusions we were supposed to make surrounding Murray’s statement anyway.

    Murray's statement was a ruse to get the other unknown group to get their ass into gear..
    This won't end well.

    Charlton could fall into a barrel of tits and still come out sucking it's thumb!
    Exqueeze me, thats one of mine!
    I hope you're not claiming to have invented it. That would be awkward.
  • cafcfan said:

    How do people like Rolly make the best part of 500 million while being such a fuckin dinlow, or is everyone missing something?

    First, it's around €1bn not half that. Second, my guess is that he may well be the archetypal geek. He has a Phd in electronic engineering. I doubt he's someone you'd let see you across the road safely. So, he may well be a sort of Belgian Sheldon Cooper: brilliant but dysfunctional. Third I expect a lot of his wealth has come from one idea at the right time and right place: think Alan Sugar. The world is full of such individuals; unfortunately for 99.999% of them their idea is at the wrong time and wrong place.

    The more interesting question is how does someone go from being a sales manager at Alcatel, then marketing manager at a German semi-conductor business called Elmos to where he is now? That transformation happened in the mid-1990s, when he would have been in his early fifties. To put that into context, around the same age I was planning my retirement.
    So, for the first 30 years, my most charitable description of his career would have been "slow-burn". then take-off into the stratosphere. How did that happen?
    Addickted said:

    But Duchatalet is an expert at mergers and acquisitions. He knows everything about them and how to close the deal to his satisfaction.

    He's told us that himself, on the record, don't the Aussies know this?

    As well as the aforementioned Phd, he also has a BSc in applied economic sciences (whatever they are), so he should have a bit of an idea about M&A. Which makes the whole process even more of a mystery.

    Dizzle said:

    Please be the rich guys please be the rich guys

    We have a rich owner now. If the new owner has money the question should be are they going to invest in the club?
    But a new rich owner is surely a better option than a poor new owner as a starting point?
    I think the big difference between Roland’s football and electronics businesses is the people with whom he surrounds himself. For Charlton we had Meire & Driesen – enough said! But for Melexis his associates are Rudi De Winter and Françoise Chombar. You can read about them and their connection with Roland in this article about members of Belgium’s “Rich List”, and I suspect they are in no small part responsible for the success of the business.
  • I think the rat is enjoying putting us through the mill, he can afford to ponce around.
  • Uboat said:

    The Aussies were very unhappy with Murray's statement that the price had been agreed with a second party, I'm told.

    Presumably the Aussies are aware of the second (third ?) party so why exactly would they be very unhappy with Murray’s statement.

    I didn’t fully understand the conclusions we were supposed to make surrounding Murray’s statement anyway.

    Murray's statement was a ruse to get the other unknown group to get their ass into gear..
    This won't end well.

    Charlton could fall into a barrel of tits and still come out sucking it's thumb!
    Exqueeze me, thats one of mine!
    I hope you're not claiming to have invented it. That would be awkward.
    Its a niche 'The Office' reference
  • stonemuse said:

    I believe most of his money has come from owning patents.

    Do you know what ones he owns?

    stonemuse said:

    I believe most of his money has come from owning patents.

    Do you know what ones he owns?
    I believe he is/was one of the first getting on board with radar guided cruise control and parking sensors. He’s a very intelligent engineer.
    Pretty sure that’s the basis for his patents though not sure if he designed himself or just saw the potential and invested at the right time
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  • The Aussies were very unhappy with Murray's statement that the price had been agreed with a second party, I'm told.

    I have no sympathy for The Aussies. Seeing as they are conducting there business in secrecy which is totally understandable then it's laughable if they've been upset with Murray's statement.

    I could have some sympathy if it was on record officially they were in the running but the last I checked it's all been unconfirmed reports or rumours, no hard quotes from The Aussies to confirm there interest. Murray's statement didn't specify anybody either so IMO The Aussies don't have anything to get upset about based on the game they're playing.

    And if Murray's statement really upset them that much then they should either get on with it and do the deal or pull out simple as that. Happy for them to pull out so long as RedHenry's group are still at the table.
  • Nug said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Missed It said:

    Dazzler21 said:

    Missed It said:

    Dazzler21 said:

    The Aussies being pissed off isn't good news in my opinion. They have been in the process a long while so are obviously interested and committed and may be our best, nay only, hope. If they pull out we could be well and truly fucked for a while yet.

    Would you refuse to buy a genuinely one off thing that you really wanted, just because the current owner of the thing is a bit of a bell end?

    I wouldn't and if they don't want us enough to overcome Duchatelet's bullshittery then they can move along too... I only want a genuine owner who 100% wants to invest in the club.
    He's not being a bit of a bell-end though is he? He's seems to be negotiating in bad faith. The price agreed with the Australians turns out not to be the price agreed as Roland appears to be trying to engineer some sort of outbidding/gazumping scenario with other buyers. I wouldn't blame them at all for walking away.
    Bell end behaviour and bullshittery confirmed.

    I shall re-iterate if they don't want us enough to overcome Duchatelet's bullshittery then they can move along too... I only want a genuine owner who 100% wants to invest in the club.

    If you truly want the thing, the seller doesn't matter. You stick to your guns and re-iterate your price.

    If the owner receives a higher offer from another potential buyer, then it sucks but you EITHER pay more for the thing you want as someone else is willing to pay more than you offered, or you let the thing go to someone who is willing to spend on it.

    It's not a question of really, really wanting it. There are no billionaire Charlton fans who really, really want the club.

    Any buyer is looking at this from a business perspective and the possible return on their investment. Paying for Roland's mistakes is not a good investment.

    Roland isn't really interested in selling anyway, if he was the club would be priced to sell. All he's interested in is getting back the money he was foolish enough to give to Daisy to burn. He's in danger of losing all of the bidders in his ham-fisted attempts to screw more cash out of them.
    He is interested in selling, but he doesn't want to be seen as losing to the protesters.
    Really? I don't think he gives two shits about the protests. Apart from a few minor annoyances in Belgium I bet he's barely noticed. His reputation over here is ruined by the protests but the fact he never comes here means it's had little effect on him personally. He only wants to save face financially and walk away saying it was an interesting experiment but I at least I didn't lose any money. It's ridiculous to think he's doing it out of spite.
    Keep yer 'air on! Why the aggressive tone?

    The fact he never comes here certainly doesn't mean the protests have had little effect on him. How can that be the case if, as you yourself said, 'his reputation over here is ruined by the protests'. He doesn't live in a little Belgium business bubble you know.
    I didn't say he was doing it out of spite, but as you say, he wants to save face, and selling the club at a personal loss would hardly achieve that
  • Didn't Airman say that the Aussie consortium leaks?

    If that's the case them getting uppity about what RM has said smacks of "Don't do what I do, do what I tell you"...
  • Redhenry are your rich mob still in,can you give us any hope??
  • Redhenry are your rich mob still in,can you give us any hope??

    can you just answer this question on the hour every hour till this is done , thanks in advance

    The end of each working day would suffice ( and perhaps lunch and tea breaks)

  • Redhenry are your rich mob still in,can you give us any hope??

    can you just answer this question on the hour every hour till this is done , thanks in advance
    I seconded this. Please
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  • edited March 2018
    Nug said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Missed It said:

    Dazzler21 said:

    Missed It said:

    Dazzler21 said:

    The Aussies being pissed off isn't good news in my opinion. They have been in the process a long while so are obviously interested and committed and may be our best, nay only, hope. If they pull out we could be well and truly fucked for a while yet.

    Would you refuse to buy a genuinely one off thing that you really wanted, just because the current owner of the thing is a bit of a bell end?

    I wouldn't and if they don't want us enough to overcome Duchatelet's bullshittery then they can move along too... I only want a genuine owner who 100% wants to invest in the club.
    He's not being a bit of a bell-end though is he? He's seems to be negotiating in bad faith. The price agreed with the Australians turns out not to be the price agreed as Roland appears to be trying to engineer some sort of outbidding/gazumping scenario with other buyers. I wouldn't blame them at all for walking away.
    Bell end behaviour and bullshittery confirmed.

    I shall re-iterate if they don't want us enough to overcome Duchatelet's bullshittery then they can move along too... I only want a genuine owner who 100% wants to invest in the club.

    If you truly want the thing, the seller doesn't matter. You stick to your guns and re-iterate your price.

    If the owner receives a higher offer from another potential buyer, then it sucks but you EITHER pay more for the thing you want as someone else is willing to pay more than you offered, or you let the thing go to someone who is willing to spend on it.

    It's not a question of really, really wanting it. There are no billionaire Charlton fans who really, really want the club.

    Any buyer is looking at this from a business perspective and the possible return on their investment. Paying for Roland's mistakes is not a good investment.

    Roland isn't really interested in selling anyway, if he was the club would be priced to sell. All he's interested in is getting back the money he was foolish enough to give to Daisy to burn. He's in danger of losing all of the bidders in his ham-fisted attempts to screw more cash out of them.
    He is interested in selling, but he doesn't want to be seen as losing to the protesters.
    Really? I don't think he gives two shits about the protests. Apart from a few minor annoyances in Belgium I bet he's barely noticed. His reputation over here is ruined by the protests but the fact he never comes here means it's had little effect on him personally. He only wants to save face financially and walk away saying it was an interesting experiment but I at least I didn't lose any money. It's ridiculous to think he's doing it out of spite.
    'His reputation over here is ruined by the protests' and he hasn't noticed? Because he 'never come over here'?Really?
    He doesnt give two shits about the protests but 'only wants to save face financially', as if losing face financially and personally aren't inextricably linked to someone like him?

    I think the protests had some effect on him, but no, they certainly weren't the only reason he's packing his train set away. But every little helps Nug.

    (Btw I was replying to Nug on my new tablet and my reply sort of disappeared, so I started again. Turned out it posted itself, hence my two replies. The new tablet is good though, despite the unadvertised auto post thing).
  • Redhenry are your rich mob still in,can you give us any hope??

    From what I've heard they are waiting in the wings and will match any offer made for the club.
    Don't make sense.
    Why not just make an offer.
  • Redhenry are your rich mob still in,can you give us any hope??

    From what I've heard they are waiting in the wings and will match any offer made for the club.
    Don't make sense.
    Why not just make an offer.
    Possibly because DD is still ongoing. I don't know.
  • Let’s face it . It’s not happening .
  • Let’s face it . It’s not happening .

    15 June
  • edited March 2018
  • Football is in a funny and dangerous place now. The sums required to be competitive are so large, that the "local businessman putting something back into their local club" types are completely priced out of all clubs in the the top 2 or 3 divisions, unless a club is incredibly lucky. And even then (e.g. at Palace or Swansea) the next phase involved foreign investors

    You look at all the takeovers of clubs in recent years, in how many cases were the new owners genuine fans?

    Tony Bloom at Brighton.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!