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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Anyway, I think you'll get a ticket no probs. I'm not convinced we'll even sell out.

    Maybe, but i would expect/hope us to sell out Shrewsbury on a sunday for a play off game .
  • Anyway, I think you'll get a ticket no probs. I'm not convinced we'll even sell out.

    Maybe, but i would expect/hope us to sell out Shrewsbury on a sunday for a play off game .
    It's live on Sky.
  • edited May 2018

    Anyway, I think you'll get a ticket no probs. I'm not convinced we'll even sell out.

    Maybe, but i would expect/hope us to sell out Shrewsbury on a sunday for a play off game .
    It's live on Sky.
    Playoffs 98 were live on Sky.
    Shrewsbury holds 1500? - i think a lot less than Ipswich.
  • edited May 2018

    Anyway, I think you'll get a ticket no probs. I'm not convinced we'll even sell out.

    Maybe, but i would expect/hope us to sell out Shrewsbury on a sunday for a play off game .
    It's live on Sky.
    Playoffs 98 were live on Sky.
    Swindon is much closer than Shrewsbury.
    If we play Shrewsbury & it goes to ET & pens, we will still be there at 8pm & you can't get home by train, without being back in London at 1am.
    We may sell out, but I wouldn't bank on it.
  • We will sell out no problem
  • Anyway, I think you'll get a ticket no probs. I'm not convinced we'll even sell out.

    Maybe, but i would expect/hope us to sell out Shrewsbury on a sunday for a play off game .
    It's live on Sky.
    Playoffs 98 were live on Sky.
    Swindon is much closer than Shrewsbury.
    If we play Shrewsbury & it goes to ET & pens, we will still be there at 8pm & you can't get home by train, without being back in London at 1am.
    We didnt play Swindon in 98 - we played Ipswich.
    ET & Pens is a bit clutching at straws when deciding to go or not tbh.
  • Dont worry. we will sell out.
  • Anyway, I think you'll get a ticket no probs. I'm not convinced we'll even sell out.

    Maybe, but i would expect/hope us to sell out Shrewsbury on a sunday for a play off game .
    It's live on Sky.
    Playoffs 98 were live on Sky.
    Swindon is much closer than Shrewsbury.
    If we play Shrewsbury & it goes to ET & pens, we will still be there at 8pm & you can't get home by train, without being back in London at 1am.
    We didnt play Swindon in 98 - we played Ipswich.
    ET & Pens is a bit clutching at straws when deciding to go or not tbh.
    Ipswich is also much closer & attractive than Shrewsbury. I think Shrewsbury away end holds closer to 2000.
  • I think it's only fair that, if you don't go to the home leg, you should get priority on the away leg.
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  • .
    TelMc32 said:

    We will sell out no problem

    Dont worry. we will sell out.

    You seem to be an expert on selling out!

    There you go. That was about as non-personal as your little dig at those of us who are boycotting home games at the moment i.e. not at all.

    You’ve done your bit for the cause with your protests and organisation in Belgium. We are all fans and we are all - bar those who are happy with the regime - protesting in ways which mean the most to us. I follow every home game via here and Twitter updates and I roar every goal we score and it kills me every goal we concede and game we lose or draw.

    I have been going since I was 4 (1970), got a 10 year ticket when we came home and subesequent 5 and 4 year tickets. Went everywhere home and away.

    So stop being a dick and digging people out.
    Oh well, another personal 'dick'

    its getting a bit embarrassing really . You were doing so well.
  • edited May 2018
    Any 'likes' coming my way ?????


    Shame on you all- except @boughtonaddick - thank you - dont worry mate they'll be on you like a pack of rabid dogs tomorrow- you've dared to 'like' something that goes against the grain.Well done mate.
  • Any 'likes' coming my way ?????


    Shame on all you all- except @boughtonaddick - thank you - dont worry mate they'll be on you like a pack of rabid dogs tomorrow.

    Blimey. I'm getting told off, and yet the wife's in bed. Can I do nothing right?
  • JamesSeed said:

    I think a lot of people are getting really precious about this boycott lark - just bloody go for christs sake. If you dont, its only your (and the teams) loss.

    Disagree entirely.

    Dont know about everyone else, but i'm really bored with people coming on here and saying they are still boycotting - come on here and say you are breaking your boycott and supporting the team else dont come on here at all.
    Had enough of all the negative shit.
    I'm bored with people like you digging out the boycotters constantly. And who the hell do you think you are telling people that they can or can't come on this forum?

    You do your thing and let others do theirs. If you don't like reading about certain things, then scroll on when you see them, just like many of us do when we see some of the crap you post.
    Wow, I've clearly upset some of the boycotters on here.

    @WestCountryAddick, hmmm, there's no need to get lary and personal with something/someone you disagree with - even with your 20 something likes it just shows you (and them) in a poor light - my comments on here have never been directed at a personal level and i would have expected a little bit more 'class' from yourself tbh.

    However, my original point still stands, i have always been of the belief that everyone is obviously free to make their own decision re boycotting - however for one game, and its one game ffs, put your differences aside, get behind the team and cheer them on to victory, surely thats what we all want?

    Ii am also of the belief that should we get to the semi-finals that anyone who boycotts the first should be put to the bottom of the queue in terms of applying for tickets for the away- after all, they werent prepared to go to the first, so why should they have equal rights to people who did go? It could be easily done, if you want a ticket for the away leg, then provide proof of a ticket from the home.
    Thats only fair.
    Why would you want to punish boycotters. I just don’t get it.
    Its not a case of punishing boycotters - its just about being fair to people who have gone to the home leg. if i had bought a ticket for the home leg but couldnt for the away but find that someone who had boycotted the first game got a ticket then i wouldn't be a happy boy.
    How many home games have you attended this season?
    1 - Walsall at home, Went in the Millennium lounge, lovely it was too, And we won.

    JamesSeed said:

    I think a lot of people are getting really precious about this boycott lark - just bloody go for christs sake. If you dont, its only your (and the teams) loss.

    Disagree entirely.

    Dont know about everyone else, but i'm really bored with people coming on here and saying they are still boycotting - come on here and say you are breaking your boycott and supporting the team else dont come on here at all.
    Had enough of all the negative shit.
    I'm bored with people like you digging out the boycotters constantly. And who the hell do you think you are telling people that they can or can't come on this forum?

    You do your thing and let others do theirs. If you don't like reading about certain things, then scroll on when you see them, just like many of us do when we see some of the crap you post.
    Wow, I've clearly upset some of the boycotters on here.

    @WestCountryAddick, hmmm, there's no need to get lary and personal with something/someone you disagree with - even with your 20 something likes it just shows you (and them) in a poor light - my comments on here have never been directed at a personal level and i would have expected a little bit more 'class' from yourself tbh.

    However, my original point still stands, i have always been of the belief that everyone is obviously free to make their own decision re boycotting - however for one game, and its one game ffs, put your differences aside, get behind the team and cheer them on to victory, surely thats what we all want?

    Ii am also of the belief that should we get to the semi-finals that anyone who boycotts the first should be put to the bottom of the queue in terms of applying for tickets for the away- after all, they werent prepared to go to the first, so why should they have equal rights to people who did go? It could be easily done, if you want a ticket for the away leg, then provide proof of a ticket from the home.
    Thats only fair.
    Why would you want to punish boycotters. I just don’t get it.
    Its not a case of punishing boycotters - its just about being fair to people who have gone to the home leg. if i had bought a ticket for the home leg but couldnt for the away but find that someone who had boycotted the first game got a ticket then i wouldn't be a happy boy.
    How many home games have you attended this season?
    1 - Walsall at home, Went in the Millennium lounge, lovely it was too, And we won.
    Why only one?
  • Any 'likes' coming my way ?????


    Shame on all you all- except @boughtonaddick - thank you - dont worry mate they'll be on you like a pack of rabid dogs tomorrow.

    Time for bed mate
    Night, night.
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  • i live overseas.
  • One of my old bosses used to describe colleagues as either team players or terrorists.
  • One of my old bosses used to describe colleagues as either team players or terrorists.

  • SDAddick said:

    Not surprised by that really. It's much like selling a house... one that's in Bermondsey is far less expensive than one that's in Greenwich.

    ...and also if that house had the ability to up sticks and move? ;)


    But yeah I agree with you and Davo and others who have made the point. A few weeks ago I'd resigned myself to the fact that it wouldn't be until the end of the season. It's unfortunate because new owners will have less time to develop a strategy for the summer and next season (I really, really, really hope we keep Steve Gallon, he seems to have done excellent work), but it's a tournament year which means a lot of transfer business will be delayed until after the World Cup, which gives them a little grace period.
    I’m looking forward to us signing some Brazilian internationals after the World Cup.
  • Redrobo said:

    Well done ‘The President’!


    Just when this thread looked seemed to by dying and dropping off the front page you have risen to the challenge and singlehanded inspired a whole new lease of life. I doff my cap to you Sir.

    The “whooshing” of so many boycotting fans at the same time can only be described as inspirational. The announcement that you have only been to one home game yourself before popping off to bed left a tear on my cheek. Timing is everything in comedy!

    As far as I am concerned you have won post of the season by a country mile and if you were not to get a ‘promote’ it would be a travesty.

    P.S. Can you do a Wembley special on how Rolly gets a cut? Thanks.

    I've watched a lot on IFollow. !
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