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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • JamesSeed said:

    I think a lot of people are getting really precious about this boycott lark - just bloody go for christs sake. If you dont, its only your (and the teams) loss.

    Disagree entirely.

    Dont know about everyone else, but i'm really bored with people coming on here and saying they are still boycotting - come on here and say you are breaking your boycott and supporting the team else dont come on here at all.
    Had enough of all the negative shit.
    I'm bored with people like you digging out the boycotters constantly. And who the hell do you think you are telling people that they can or can't come on this forum?

    You do your thing and let others do theirs. If you don't like reading about certain things, then scroll on when you see them, just like many of us do when we see some of the crap you post.
    Wow, I've clearly upset some of the boycotters on here.

    @WestCountryAddick, hmmm, there's no need to get lary and personal with something/someone you disagree with - even with your 20 something likes it just shows you (and them) in a poor light - my comments on here have never been directed at a personal level and i would have expected a little bit more 'class' from yourself tbh.

    However, my original point still stands, i have always been of the belief that everyone is obviously free to make their own decision re boycotting - however for one game, and its one game ffs, put your differences aside, get behind the team and cheer them on to victory, surely thats what we all want?

    Ii am also of the belief that should we get to the semi-finals that anyone who boycotts the first should be put to the bottom of the queue in terms of applying for tickets for the away- after all, they werent prepared to go to the first, so why should they have equal rights to people who did go? It could be easily done, if you want a ticket for the away leg, then provide proof of a ticket from the home.
    Thats only fair.
    Why would you want to punish boycotters. I just don’t get it.
    Its not a case of punishing boycotters - its just about being fair to people who have gone to the home leg. if i had bought a ticket for the home leg but couldnt for the away but find that someone who had boycotted the first game got a ticket then i wouldn't be a happy boy.
    How many home games have you attended this season?
    1 - Walsall at home, Went in the Millennium lounge, lovely it was too, And we won.
    So your comments are shot to pieces regards peoples attendance at games.
    Not really, Elfs, as I said, I live abroad.
    Like a lot of people, I have been to more away games than home this season, but also, I have been driven away by the shit football provided by KR rather than a conscious decision to boycott.
    I've always stated, each to their own re boycotting, but sometimes there are times when you just have to park your grievances, put away your stubbornness, and get behind the team , for the teams good , and try to help Charlton into a better land - its one game ffs.
    It's for the team's good but is it for the club's good? Who knows?
    I broke my boycott to attend the Blackburn game but that was more for Jacko and Bowyer and to meet up with family and friends that I used to see regularly at Charlton. I have to admit, however, that I really enjoyed the day and the game for the first time in years. Does that make me want to attend the play-off games and possibly a trip to Wembley? No.
  • A Peruvian goucho named Bruno
    Said there’s one thing I certainly do know
    A woman is fine and a sheep is devine
    But a llama is numero uno!

    Oh, that was a terrible song
    Sing us another one
    Just like the other one
    Sing us another one do
  • Scoham said:

    DiscoCAFC said:

    One thing I don’t understand about this Takeover business is if Roland is waiting to see what our fate is before agreeing to sale at the price then surely this should be part of T&C and the Takeover can go through?

    Unless one party are offering a better deal if we go up, and another a better deal if we don’t?
    This is the way I’ve read the situation, one is probably offering more up front if we’re in league one, but the other is offering more upfront if we go up.
  • I hope the new owners have negotiated a discount to cover the cost of installing a proper computer system that can sell and renew tickets in a simple and straightforward way.
  • A portly young lass from Australia
    Had an arse that was shaped just like a dahlia
    5p a smell was all very well
    But 10p a lick was a failure

    Addickted said:

    There was a young man from Havana
    Who used to do tricks for a tanner
    His favourite trick was to spin on his prick
    And unscrew his balls wit a spanner.

    Addickted said:

    There was a young man from Rhyl
    Who swallowed a nuclear pill
    His genital organ was found in Glamorgan
    And his nuts on a tree in Brazil.

    Oh, that was a terrible song
    Sing us another one
    Just like the other one
    Sing us another one do
  • Sponsored links:

  • PaddyP17 said:

    There was a young man from Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch
    Who had a terrible cough
    But he will agree
    With the CAFC
    When we shout ROLAND FUCK OFF

    There was a man from Aberdeen,
    Who invented a wanking machine,
    On the 99th stroke the fucking thing broke,
    And whipped up his bollocks to cream

    Oh, that was a terrible song
    Sing us another one
    Just like the other one
    Sing us another one do
  • That was sh_t reading catching up on c_nts arguing.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    That was sh_t reading catching up on c_nts arguing.

    Oh, that was a terrible song
    Sing us another one
    Just like the other one
    Sing us another one do

  • ^^^ that really did make me laugh out loud, funniest so far
  • There was a young lady from Morton
    Had one long tit and one short ‘un
    To make up for that she had a very large prat
    And a fart like a 500 Norton.

    I don't know whether to 'like' or 'flag' for the (inappropriate) use of a true classic.
  • Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Brisbane's in Queensland
    Why isn't Roland?
  • Sponsored links:

  • Not one for the ladies or those of a sensitive nature!

    There was a young girl from the Azores
    Whose c*** was all covered in sores
    The dogs in the street wouldn’t eat the green meat
    That hung in festoons from her drawers

    Addickted said:

    There was a young man from Rhyl
    Who swallowed a nuclear pill
    His genital organ was found in Glamorgan
    And his nuts on a tree in Brazil.


    There was young lady from Rhyl
    Who used a dynamite stick for a thrill
    They found her vagina in North Carolina
    And her tits ended up in Brazil

    There was a young lady from Morton
    Had one long tit and one short ‘un
    To make up for that she had a very large prat
    And a fart like a 500 Norton.

    Oh, that was a terrible song
    Sing us another one
    Just like the other one
    Sing us another one do
  • There once was a girl from St. Paul,
    Who wore a newspaper dress to a ball.
    The dress caught on fire
    And burnt the entire
    Front page, sports section and all.
  • There once was a girl from St. Paul,
    Who wore a newspaper dress to a ball.
    The dress caught on fire
    And burnt the entire
    Front page, sports section and all.

    Oh, that was a terrible song
    Sing us another one
    Just like the other one
    Sing us another one do
  • Blackpool 72 said on the POTY thread,

    "I went last night and what a good night it was too.
    Well done to Fanny for organising such a great event.
    While I was there last night I was told that regarding the takeover it is indeed a Done Deal and that it will be announced as soon as the playoffs are over.
    I did ask why not just anounce it now and was told that it had been agreed not to say anything until the season has finished.
    The person who told me this is highly connected to the club and I have no reason to believe he was lying."

    So is this an Airman Brown type of done deal ?
    If not what sort of done deal ?
  • Blackpool 72 said on the POTY thread,

    "I went last night and what a good night it was too.
    Well done to Fanny for organising such a great event.
    While I was there last night I was told that regarding the takeover it is indeed a Done Deal and that it will be announced as soon as the playoffs are over.
    I did ask why not just anounce it now and was told that it had been agreed not to say anything until the season has finished.
    The person who told me this is highly connected to the club and I have no reason to believe he was lying."

    So is this an Airman Brown type of done deal ?
    If not what sort of done deal ?

    Someone involved with the club told me the same thing last week, but I also know the Sky story last week was well sourced.
  • Blackpool 72 said on the POTY thread,

    "I went last night and what a good night it was too.
    Well done to Fanny for organising such a great event.
    While I was there last night I was told that regarding the takeover it is indeed a Done Deal and that it will be announced as soon as the playoffs are over.
    I did ask why not just anounce it now and was told that it had been agreed not to say anything until the season has finished.
    The person who told me this is highly connected to the club and I have no reason to believe he was lying."

    So is this an Airman Brown type of done deal ?
    If not what sort of done deal ?

    Someone involved with the club told me the same thing last week, but I also know the Sky story last week was well sourced.
    So what is meant by a done deal on this occasion ?
  • What was the Sky story last week
  • Blackpool 72 said on the POTY thread,

    "I went last night and what a good night it was too.
    Well done to Fanny for organising such a great event.
    While I was there last night I was told that regarding the takeover it is indeed a Done Deal and that it will be announced as soon as the playoffs are over.
    I did ask why not just anounce it now and was told that it had been agreed not to say anything until the season has finished.
    The person who told me this is highly connected to the club and I have no reason to believe he was lying."

    So is this an Airman Brown type of done deal ?
    If not what sort of done deal ?

    Maybe someone at the club (no idea who) is being sensible for once and they are all 'sitting on' the announcement for fear of it causing worry and or concern amongst the players - just when it is the most important time for them to only be thinking about the upcoming 2 and, hopefully, 3 games.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!