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NFL 2017/18



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    KC are looking serious, if they stay healthy they’re definitely SB contenders. Smith is playing out of his mind.
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    edited October 2017
    Kelce had 98 yards at the half. Now been ‘evaluated’ for a concussion since. Wish they’d just announce so I can give up on this week in fantasy or not.
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    Not entirely sure but would rate it chances about the same as Karel Fraeye receiving a standing ovation in from of an expanded full 60000 capacity Valley with all giving him a standing ovation as he carries us the Champions League Trophy around in a lap of honour
    Paying more attention the second time around, it was 3rd and Goal from their own 7 yard line.
    You beat me to it. But yeah, essentially had to go 93 yards. Offense must be doing anything they possibly can to get a personal foul against the defense.
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    MrOneLung said:

    Broken ankle confirmed for OBJ

    Very sad. Amazing to watch.

    This ones in the bag for the ravens

    Should've been comfortable with Carr out and it is.
    Regret watching that.

    Still would say the worst injury I can think of across any sport was Willis Mcgahee when he was in college playing for Miami. He got a helmet right to the kneecap and you could see his knee cap actually moving around his leg. Absolutely awful. I'm not going to post it but I'm sure you can find it with some basic Googling.
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    edited October 2017
    Talking of injuries Chris Conley just pulled/tore something and you could physically see it go through his sock. Massive ripple in his calf as he landed.
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    KC are looking serious, if they stay healthy they’re definitely SB contenders. Smith is playing out of his mind.

    Scrap that then. Kelce, Conley and Houston hurt.
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    I'd love to see the Chiefs win the Superbowl. The most exciting team to watch in my opinion and Reid deserves it.
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    Chiefs still finding ways to win but the injuries are piling up. The schedule looks incredibly tough this year and we still have a lot of division games to come.
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    I hate Aaron Rodgers. He did it in the play offs against us last season and did it again last night. Truly unbelievable.
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    I'd love to see the Chiefs win the Superbowl. The most exciting team to watch in my opinion and Reid deserves it.

    I wouldn't mind the Chiefs winning it but only because Tim Krumrie is their D line coach.

    #69 Legend

    I really believe we would have beaten the 49ers in the superbowl if he hadn't broken his ankle
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    edited October 2017

    I'd love to see the Chiefs win the Superbowl. The most exciting team to watch in my opinion and Reid deserves it.

    I wouldn't mind the Chiefs winning it but only because Tim Krumrie is their D line coach.

    #69 Legend

    I really believe we would have beaten the 49ers in the superbowl if he hadn't broken his ankle
    Would you have stopped Rice in that game though? Admittedly, Krumrie would have made it harder for Craig & Rathman - upsetting for me to talk about our Super Bowl wins now that we are 0-5 for the season :-(
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    I'd love to see the Chiefs win the Superbowl. The most exciting team to watch in my opinion and Reid deserves it.

    I wouldn't mind the Chiefs winning it but only because Tim Krumrie is their D line coach.

    #69 Legend

    I really believe we would have beaten the 49ers in the superbowl if he hadn't broken his ankle
    Would you have stopped Rice in that game though? Admittedly, Krumrie would have made it harder for Craig & Rathman - upsetting for me to talk about our Super Bowl wins now that we are 0-5 for the season :-(
    He was a complete team leader for our D that year and we just couldn't get any pressure on Joe after he went off, I just felt it deflated the team seeing their talisman going off on the cart. Stanley Wilson who I really rated didn't help snorting coke the night before the game.
    Its sad to see the 49ers in such decline
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    johnny73 said:

    Chiefs still finding ways to win but the injuries are piling up. The schedule looks incredibly tough this year and we still have a lot of division games to come.

    Injury list getting longer each week.
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    supaclive said:

    I hate Aaron Rodgers. He did it in the play offs against us last season and did it again last night. Truly unbelievable.

    I know we're supposed to say Brady is the greatest but give me Aaron Rodgers any day.
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    I'll take Montana all day over any other that's ever played
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    I'd love to see the Chiefs win the Superbowl. The most exciting team to watch in my opinion and Reid deserves it.

    I wouldn't mind the Chiefs winning it but only because Tim Krumrie is their D line coach.

    #69 Legend

    I really believe we would have beaten the 49ers in the superbowl if he hadn't broken his ankle
    Would you have stopped Rice in that game though? Admittedly, Krumrie would have made it harder for Craig & Rathman - upsetting for me to talk about our Super Bowl wins now that we are 0-5 for the season :-(
    He was a complete team leader for our D that year and we just couldn't get any pressure on Joe after he went off, I just felt it deflated the team seeing their talisman going off on the cart. Stanley Wilson who I really rated didn't help snorting coke the night before the game.
    Its sad to see the 49ers in such decline

    Trent Baalke was about as good a talent spotter as Thomas Driessen. He ruined that team and it's going to take years to fix.
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    Shocking again from the Raiders... so much for the conspiracy theories...
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    Really looking forward to the Vikings Bears game tonight, one we should win on paper but definitely worried about Trubisky. Could go either way on his debut.
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    Time for Keenum I think, Bradford just doesn’t look ready.
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    Waynes and Sendejo as expected undoing the work done by the rest of the D.
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    Time for Keenum I think, Bradford just doesn’t look ready.

    .....after 8 seasons!!!
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    I did not enjoy that one. Win is all that matters though.
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    Looked like a tough game to watch that. Trubisky looks promising for the Bears. Now they just need to get him some receivers.
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    Great play for the 2pt conversion
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    Absolute noob question here. What's the deal with bringing players in midway through a campaign? Is there a transfer window/can you just pick up free agents [I presume unrestricted FAs] [also what constitutes restricted/unrestricted]? How do "transfers" - if indeed there are such a thing - work?
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    PaddyP17 said:

    Absolute noob question here. What's the deal with bringing players in midway through a campaign? Is there a transfer window/can you just pick up free agents [I presume unrestricted FAs] [also what constitutes restricted/unrestricted]? How do "transfers" - if indeed there are such a thing - work?

    Most of this is explained here...

    There is no such thing as a transfer as we know in football. Team will trade players and / or draft picks.

    If a player is unattached then a team can claim them off 'waivers' - a process where other teams will also have the chance to claim him.

    Restricted free agents

    A bit more here:

    A team can also 'Franchise tag' a player if they can't agree a new deal with him before his contract expires. The Redskins have done this with their QB, Kirk Cousins for the past two seasons (the maximum amount of time you can do it for). this means Cousins will be paid the average $$ for his position before the Redskins will have to make him an offer or lose him in the offseason. Either way he is getting PAID.
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    PaddyP17 said:

    Absolute noob question here. What's the deal with bringing players in midway through a campaign? Is there a transfer window/can you just pick up free agents [I presume unrestricted FAs] [also what constitutes restricted/unrestricted]? How do "transfers" - if indeed there are such a thing - work?

    Basically anyone who is a free agent or I believe any player on a teams practice squad can be signed by another team at any time as long as the team signing him have a space available on their 53 man roster and they have enough room in their salary cap to afford his wages.
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    PaddyP17 said:

    Absolute noob question here. What's the deal with bringing players in midway through a campaign? Is there a transfer window/can you just pick up free agents [I presume unrestricted FAs] [also what constitutes restricted/unrestricted]? How do "transfers" - if indeed there are such a thing - work?

    Most of this is explained here...

    There is no such thing as a transfer as we know in football. Team will trade players and / or draft picks.

    If a player is unattached then a team can claim them off 'waivers' - a process where other teams will also have the chance to claim him.

    Restricted free agents

    A bit more here:

    A team can also 'Franchise tag' a player if they can't agree a new deal with him before his contract expires. The Redskins have done this with their QB, Kirk Cousins for the past two seasons (the maximum amount of time you can do it for). this means Cousins will be paid the average $$ for his position before the Redskins will have to make him an offer or lose him in the offseason. Either way he is getting PAID.
    More in depth than my answer Red!!!
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