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How do the Tories need to change?



  • I would be quite happy for a coalition government led by Corbyn. For that to happen, the swing from the last election doesn't have to be very large at all and Labour doesn't even need more votes than the Conservatives. :)

    I think it is very important that the Conservatives are not too far behind in the polls, neck and neck is preferable, as for there to be an early election, a Conservative rebellion is required. Happy for the gap to build during the campaign.

    I know I’ve said it before but I’d be astonished if the Tories call an early election.

    They are in power now and will be for another four years. The only chance of that changing is by THEM calling an election.

    It ain’t going to happen.

  • It may be forced on them through the Brexit split.
  • I think a Tory coup by a major Brexiteer will lead to Corbyn calling a vote of no confidence which will be an over-whelming middle-finger and inevitable election.
  • Rob7Lee said:

    Yer, Lid Dems 8%!? WTF......

    I think @Stu_of_Kunming makes a good point, the floaters who only vote for one of the major two there's still a lot who wouldn't vote for Corbyn under almost any circumstances (I include myself in that group) despite the Tories being as bad as they've been for probably 20 years.

    @MuttleyCAFC favourite Survation has labour still ahead by 3 points although down 2% (Tories up 3%).

    With the polls effectively tied what really matters is the actual campaign and turn out rate. We all saw a May campaign destroy a 25 point lead!

    So the millenial vote is now galvanized thanks to seven years of austerity plus tax cuts for corporations and the Brexit vote. Even without Brexit chaos May would lose because she's a busted flush.

    Perhaps a new leader would change things lol. Or perhaps the Tories prefer meaningless flannel punctuated with attacks on the pillars of the establishment from the likes of Rees Mogg?

    The Corbyn alternative is a social democratic manifesto (mk 2 TBC) which will be launched into social media via 550,000 paid up members and associated organisations.

    GDP has gone up over seven years but real pay has flatlined. GDP is now going up more slowly.

    Despite being the seventh biggest economy on the planet (we were the 5th) sick people are stuck in hospital corridors and ambulances, the Brexit NHS dividend was a lie and inflation / travel costs are going up.

    You state that you won't ever vote for Corbyn, so what?! There are plenty of Tories who won't vote and plenty who will vote tactically against this chaos. For the first time in living memory the Cabinet is actively considering options to reduce GDP growth and associated tax revenues and destabilise the Irish peace.

    Well done lads. Well f**king done!
  • NHS restructuring, school funding formula, academies and free schools, police numbers, teaching recruitment and now university tuition fees .

    Is their nothing the Tories can't fuck up twice? Not content with getting it wrong at the beginning of their reign they identify a problem and then 'solve it' the wrong way.

    I am beginning to think that the Brexit debacle might be good for the Tories as we are so busy being exasperated by it we are missing them fiddle whilst Home burns.
  • I think a Tory coup by a major Brexiteer will lead to Corbyn calling a vote of no confidence which will be an over-whelming middle-finger and inevitable election.

    Do Labour really want to be in government when Brexit happens ? Regardless of what deals are struck as long as Brexit takes place then things are going to get a lot tougher. Whoever presided over that is going to attract massive criticism. Corbyn for all his alternative policies is not so far removed from the Tory Brexit as to make a ha’peth of difference to the outcome. In all honesty I think he’s quite happy with the Tory Brexit and has in mind forming a government having let the Tories do the dirty work for him.

    That’s my view until I see Labour come out with an real alternative Brexit that I can get behind. I think giving the nation a real alternative would be a very big vote winner but on the issue of Brexit I don’t think Corbyn wants it.

  • I see it more like the Tories will fuck up Brexit, plunging the country deep in the shit, then lose the next election leaving the Labour party to sort it out.
  • Saga Lout said:

    I see it more like the Tories will fuck up Brexit, plunging the country deep in the shit, then lose the next election leaving the Labour party to sort it out.

    Well quite. Better for Corbyn than getting into power and labour fucking it up which on their current agenda they will. Brexit in any form with no access to the single market and customs union is a disaster.

  • I know there is a lot going on at the moment but the Tories breaking their commitment to Leveson 2 seems to have gone under the radar.

    I don't think the reasons for cancelling stack up i.e. time/cost/self-regulation/different place etc...
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  • Amazed at this, after all the Tories don't have any mates in the press to get on the right side of do they?
  • Chaz Hill said:

    I know there is a lot going on at the moment but the Tories breaking their commitment to Leveson 2 seems to have gone under the radar.

    I don't think the reasons for cancelling stack up i.e. time/cost/self-regulation/different place etc...

    Matt Hancock is a smarmy little turd. Ideal choice for doing this type of thing.
    This quote at the end made me laugh.

    Hancock said the “largely unregulated” social media world threatened high quality journalism with issues including clickbait, fake news, malicious disinformation and online abuse. “These are today’s challenges and this is where we need to focus,” he said.

    Because none of that would happen in the Mail, Express & Sun.
  • Chaz Hill said:

    I know there is a lot going on at the moment but the Tories breaking their commitment to Leveson 2 seems to have gone under the radar.

    I don't think the reasons for cancelling stack up i.e. time/cost/self-regulation/different place etc...

    Matt Hancock is a smarmy little turd. Ideal choice for doing this type of thing.
    This quote at the end made me laugh.

    Hancock said the “largely unregulated” social media world threatened high quality journalism with issues including clickbait, fake news, malicious disinformation and online abuse. “These are today’s challenges and this is where we need to focus,” he said.

    Because none of that would happen in the Mail, Express & Sun.
    Particularly not the " high quality journalism"! You wonder how anyone could keep a straight face uttering that level of hypocrisy. Um...Donald J perhaps.
  • edited March 2018
    Johnson just been 'tied up in knots’ by Andrew Marr once again. How long can May realistically go on having this clown representing us on the world stage.

    PMSL at him trying to explain playing tennis with the wife of a former Putin Minister in return for a £160k contribution to the Tory Party. Mind you she has also paid £30k to sit next to Gavin Williamson at a fundraising dinner! Mind you he can always tell her to "shut up and go away".
  • Chaz Hill said:

    Johnson just been 'tied up in ribbons' by Andrew Marr once again. How long can May realistically go on having this clown representing us on the world stage.

    PMSL at him trying to explain playing tennis with the wife of a former Putin Minister in return for a £160k contribution to the Tory Party. Mind you she has also paid £30k to sit next to Gavin Williamson at a fundraising dinner! Mind you he can always tell her to "shut up and go away".

    I can only think that Theresa May and the Tories are just exposing him enough so that he never becomes party leader/PM, there is no other explanation for why somebody so consistently bad is allowed to keep representing them.

    If the Putin/tennis story wasn't enough he then went on to claim that the Irish hard border letter to TM actually meant the opposite of what everybody thought it meant and then after saying that he would publish the whole letter to prove it, decided he wouldn't.
  • Corbyn is an Arsenal fan who backs Wenger. As somebody looking in, I think Wenger is being hung out to dry - it is the board/owners who are responsible for Arsenals issues not him. And you have to see who they replace Wenger with and what happens to them as a result! There are lots of clues to the man outside of politics. He just thinks about things which in our soundbite throwaway world is a breath of fresh air!

    I wish Wenger was England manager btw - would give us a decent chance in the World Cup!
  • Chaz Hill said:

    Johnson just been 'tied up in ribbons' by Andrew Marr once again. How long can May realistically go on having this clown representing us on the world stage.

    PMSL at him trying to explain playing tennis with the wife of a former Putin Minister in return for a £160k contribution to the Tory Party. Mind you she has also paid £30k to sit next to Gavin Williamson at a fundraising dinner! Mind you he can always tell her to "shut up and go away".

    I can only think that Theresa May and the Tories are just exposing him enough so that he never becomes party leader/PM, there is no other explanation for why somebody so consistently bad is allowed to keep representing them.

    If the Putin/tennis story wasn't enough he then went on to claim that the Irish hard border letter to TM actually meant the opposite of what everybody thought it meant and then after saying that he would publish the whole letter to prove it, decided he wouldn't.
    "BBC claptrap" apparently
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  • edited March 2018
    But people have to start to see how they are being played - A lot of the government's position on this Russian crisis is more about Corbyn bashing than doing things properly. Why do they always try to bring him into it. I pity those, including some on the Labour side who have been drawn into this! Take the time to do it right and build an international consensus.

    My information is that May actually wanted to be a bit more circumspect in terms of the initial reaction, but it was people like Johnson urging the rattle out of the pram line. I think it will come back to bite the Tories when people come to their senses! These tactics which worked for Brexit and other things have to be shot down or we will suffer for it!

    What if we find out it was the Russian Mafia and not Putin directly. Now that is still very serious. But by the reaction we have taken, we will be on the backfoot if that becomes apparent. Will are allowing it to become a tit for tat argument rather than pushing them into a corner. Of course the line between the Russian state and Mafia is not a very thick one but you have to get all the information you can and act strategically and with common sense on that! That this position is being portrayed as reactionary is simply incredible. And the biggest Russian bottom lickers are the ones making the loudest faux outrage noises for political advantage!

  • I don’t care if May is trying to hang out this numpty to dry. She made him Foreign Secretary. I’ll write it again. Foreign Secretary. One of the highest offices in the land. She does the office and country a disservice by having him anywhere near government.

    Not trying to excuse but trying to explain, although any analysis leads to the conclusion that it is inexplicable.
  • edited March 2018
    seth plum said:

    Marr mashed Johnson.
    So Johnson tried to dismiss him with 'BBC claptrap' (fake news?).
    When the donations to his party are unarguable.
    The game of tennis for 160k is unarguable.
    The 10k dinner is unarguable.
    The hard border leaked letter is unarguable.
    So Marr hits him with actual facts and Johnson calls it claptrap.
    I would say that Boris being an evil, duplicitous, self serving, lying nasty c*nt is unarguable.
    Definitely in the 'prince of darkness' category of politician.

    Despite all of the above, Johnson is all over the front pages today portrayed as some kind of hero leading the attack on Putin. He truly is our very own Trump (a total cnut).
  • Imagine the furore if Corbyn had played tennis with this woman for £160k!

    Indeed. She would have won with embarrassing ease. She would just have hit every shot to the forehand court because he has always stood too far to the left.
  • Imagine the furore if Corbyn had played tennis with this woman for £160k!

    Indeed. She would have won with embarrassing ease. She would just have hit every shot to the forehand court because he has always stood too far to the left.
    I would hope he wouldn't even have turned up recognising tennis as being the preserve of the middle classes and deciding that the court had no jurisdiction or authority.
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