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Love Island



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    edited July 2018
    Proper old slosh pot that does nothing to change the opinion of women the work In the sex industry. Got no issues with people showing there's fanny for money.... but shes a proper slapper.

    Before I get pelters I'd say the same if it was a fella
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    shine166 said:

    Proper old slosh pot that does nothing to change the opinion of women the work In the sex industry. Got no issues with people showing there's fanny for money.... but shes a proper slapper.

    Before I get pelters I'd say the same if it was a fella

    good image on Facebook atm alluding to the fact shes had 25k worth of work done, all the boys fancy her and how women dont feel adequate.

    she must have a jack like a punched lasagna

    the "semi-pro footballer" what a wolly on par with that prat from last years the desperate one that wanted to knob camilla.

    tonight's should be good though hopefully some scenes.

    any of the birds that don't couple up with one of the new boys with the exception of dani clearly aren't the brightest as majority of the lads will.
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    Megan when asked to reflect on her time in the Villa
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    shine166 said:

    Proper old slosh pot that does nothing to change the opinion of women the work In the sex industry. Got no issues with people showing there's fanny for money.... but shes a proper slapper.

    Before I get pelters I'd say the same if it was a fella

    Yeah I missed most it last night but saw the ending where she said she was proper falling for this latest fella and was saying it was third time lucky after it didnt work with Eyal or Wes - Hang on, she was getting on great with Wes once she got him to dump Laura, the only reason it took a pause luv was because he had to go into another villa!!
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    There's nothing actually hugely wrong with Megan from a moral perspective. She's just a bit overally sexual and needs a lot of attention.

    She's clumsey but I find her personality quite indearing and that's not just because she's fit.

    The headlines will make the most out of her antics and exaggerate the slag persona.

    Maybe she just likes intimacy and casual non commited shagging more then the average woman.
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    If I was in there I would probably keep a distance from her but if she put it on me It would be hard to resist
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    Oh Wes. Bad move my friend.

    Got to laugh at Megan saying it didn't work out with Wes. The bloke left his last partner for you only 2-3 days ago, and doesn't even know it hasn't worked out with you yet!
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    I reckon there's going to be a twist somewhere though otherwise i'm not sure why they'd release the clip early of Megan picking another guy then Wes walking in alone.
    Especially as technically Wes is still coupled up with Laura.
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    Jack's been a proper gent, hopefully Dani gets to see that - they are absolutely nailed on to win it
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    In the clip, Jack's got a half smile on his face but I think that's sheer amazement.

    Easy for Dani to misinterpret especially when she's not had much luck in the past with fellas, has been fretting since Jack left and because of the other girls' overreaction.

    Woah, I've got to stop all this, doesn't affect my life and I'm way too old to care.
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    Dani put emotion over logic.

    If anyone just randomly saw their ex girlfriend or anyone they know personally on the same reality show as them...of course they are going to react in a surprised way.

    It didn't mean jack was about to cheat
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    One of the 2017 girls has come out saying that its all a sham (SHOCK!!) with Producers getting them to re-shoot scenes etc. Dani has probably seen the full clip yet will probably have been told to act how she did
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    Got a link for that?
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    650 people need to realise that this is a GAME!!

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    Equally if they don’t try and stir things up is it not fixing the result of the winner, it’s a bit of an advantage having your old man quite famous.
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    Shock horror... Video of Megan going round doing bag
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    650 people need to realise that this is a GAME!!

    Nah I think they're rightfully calling ITV out. This is actually sort of abusive. If Dani is acting, then she is really bloody selling it and colour me (and millions of others) fooled.
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    PaddyP17 said:

    650 people need to realise that this is a GAME!!

    Nah I think they're rightfully calling ITV out. This is actually sort of abusive. If Dani is acting, then she is really bloody selling it and colour me (and millions of others) fooled.
    How's it abusive? It's a tv show and it's how she interpreted it. Plus i'd assume she's watched the show before so she'd know the producers always stir things up
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    PaddyP17 said:

    650 people need to realise that this is a GAME!!

    Nah I think they're rightfully calling ITV out. This is actually sort of abusive. If Dani is acting, then she is really bloody selling it and colour me (and millions of others) fooled.
    How's it abusive? It's a tv show and it's how she interpreted it. Plus i'd assume she's watched the show before so she'd know the producers always stir things up
    It's absolutely gaslighting. It is manipulation of her emotions by presenting incomplete, and therefore inaccurate, information about Jack.

    Yeah producers might well "stir things up", but I'm going to presume that the setting inside the villa is drastically different emotionally/in terms of how you process information than from us lot viewing it outside.
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    On a slightly seperate subject has anyone got the just Slater total slag meme to pass along for a download?
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    Dani Dyer is really nice and tells it like it is.

    Her personality makes her more attractive then Megan.

    Dani officially has a sexy personality
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    edited July 2018
    Dave2l said:

    On a slightly seperate subject has anyone got the just Slater total slag meme to pass along for a download?
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    Adam is brilliant... Geezer has more front than Brighton
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    God these two are soppy as fuck and I love them for it.
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    Dave2l said:

    Dani Dyer is really nice and tells it like it is.

    Her personality makes her more attractive then Megan.

    Dani officially has a sexy personality

    Horrible voice though
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