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Love Island



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    Dave2l said:

    I like the tattooed girl but collectively there is a general absence of tits

    She's good looking yes but what the fuck possessed her to get that tattoo on her stomach. Absolutely dreadful.
    Blimey didn't notice the detail of that, looks like a kind of deamon
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    Dave2l said:

    I like the tattooed girl but collectively there is a general absence of tits

    She's good looking yes but what the fuck possessed her to get that tattoo on her stomach. Absolutely dreadful.
    Reckon she will be next on Adams hitlist - his type on paper :smiley:

    Thought worked out bad, thought Adam & Zara were going. They both horribly predicted what the others were doing, the obvious was Adam going but girls messed it up.

    Made me laugh how Zara will wait for Adam and thinks shes found love, wake up FFS how does he do it?
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    Zara is a proper catfish. Her Instagram just looks like a completely different person.
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    Think i enjoy looking through all the posts and memes more than i do watching the actual programme
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    Adam will have forgotten about Zara by this morning.....

    I reckon he'll be all over Laura (once he's had a go at a couple in the new villa)
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    Zara is a proper catfish. Her Instagram just looks like a completely different person.

    Megan is the one who looks completely different after having a lot of work done by the looks of things

    Shame as she looks a lot more attractive in her original pictures to what she does now
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    edited June 2018

    Zara is a proper catfish. Her Instagram just looks like a completely different person.

    Cmon Gaz, links are proper form :wink: is this the right one?
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    edited June 2018
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    edited June 2018
    Dazzler21 said:

    Zara is a proper catfish. Her Instagram just looks like a completely different person.

    Cmon Gaz, links are proper form :wink: is this the right one?
    That was the former Miss GB, who didn't like mentioning she was Miss GB, who then lost her title when she shagged one of the fellas. Was that 2 series back?

    Edit - yes, 2016 series.
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    Adam will have forgotten about Zara by this morning.....

    I reckon he'll be all over Laura (once he's had a go at a couple in the new villa)

    I reckon he might go for Ellie.
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    Dazzler21 said:
    plasterers radio some of them pics
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    Dazzler21 said:
    plasterers radio some of them pics
    Some of the comments are brilliant.

    Don't you just hate it when you go on holiday and forget to pack your tits.'
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    Haven't looked through those (at work) but i did think last night Megan has a proper pig nose, also dont think she is that special. Zara is nicer although dull, probably better looking in previous years haven't really compared. Rosie was tidy but prob filth, Kendall wasn't in there long. Ellie is hot but not amazing, cant think of others for now.

    New lot dont look anything special either...
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    Haven't looked through those (at work) but i did think last night Megan has a proper pig nose, also dont think she is that special. Zara is nicer although dull, probably better looking in previous years haven't really compared. Rosie was tidy but prob filth, Kendall wasn't in there long. Ellie is hot but not amazing, cant think of others for now.

    New lot dont look anything special either...

    Blimey it must be hard work for you when you go out on the pull if you think Megan is not that special. The girl is fucking fire. Absolute arsehole of a person but she's absolutely beautiful.
    this - plus she seems bang up for a 'no strings' shag....what's not to like
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    Dazzler21 said:
    plasterers radio some of them pics
    Some of the comments are brilliant.

    Don't you just hate it when you go on holiday and forget to pack your tits.'
    genuine LOL moment, that's done me
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    JohnBoyUK said:

    Its all well and good looking at these twenty somethings...but would much rather a MILFs version with pissed up fat blokes who have all been around the block a bit with some personality.

    I think would be much better if half stunners , half joe bloggs like myself. Some could end up getting together or not.... but would be more real. I'd happy go in there as the average joe and try my luck with a few hotties (fail ultimately, but would be better tv than watching Alex fail)

    Haven't looked through those (at work) but i did think last night Megan has a proper pig nose, also dont think she is that special. Zara is nicer although dull, probably better looking in previous years haven't really compared. Rosie was tidy but prob filth, Kendall wasn't in there long. Ellie is hot but not amazing, cant think of others for now.

    New lot dont look anything special either...

    Blimey it must be hard work for you when you go out on the pull if you think Megan is not that special. The girl is fucking fire. Absolute arsehole of a person but she's absolutely beautiful.
    lol she has a Phwoar factor yes, but a bit OTT. Prefer someone real and not fake (lookwise) for starters and her personality doesn't help. But as an example i love a bit of Kelly brook and people with natural curves

    I am not that fussy believe me, just depends on the mood whether i am out to pull or not :smiley:
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    JohnBoyUK said:

    Its all well and good looking at these twenty somethings...but would much rather a MILFs version with pissed up fat blokes who have all been around the block a bit with some personality.

    I'd absolutely love it if they did a Love Island Golden Oldies... Can just imagine the desperate old blokes trying to flirt!
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    I think would be much better if half stunners , half joe bloggs like myself. Some could end up getting together or not.... but would be more real. I'd happy go in there as the average joe and try my luck with a few hotties (fail ultimately, but would be better tv than watching Alex fail)

    Dazzler21 said:

    I'd absolutely love it if they did a Love Island Golden Oldies... Can just imagine the desperate old blokes trying to flirt!

    See, thats more like what I meant... it would be much more entertaining. And I say that as a fan of the show. God, did I just call myself that?! Jeez, I need to get out more.
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    Bet Megan will be game for a bit of Dodgeball if they start playing it...

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    they should chuck some more normal blokes in there and stick the world cup on big dave from sheffield going beserk and chucking stellas round the villa

    I think id do alright in there as I have a pretty good sense of humour that lots of the girls clearly seem to value. Failing that they would definitely laugh at my tiny penis
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    the thing is some people complain about folk being too judgemental surely instagram is a platform for people to put there photos up for ratings.
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    Haven't looked through those (at work) but i did think last night Megan has a proper pig nose, also dont think she is that special. Zara is nicer although dull, probably better looking in previous years haven't really compared. Rosie was tidy but prob filth, Kendall wasn't in there long. Ellie is hot but not amazing, cant think of others for now.

    New lot dont look anything special either...

    Blimey it must be hard work for you when you go out on the pull if you think Megan is not that special. The girl is fucking fire. Absolute arsehole of a person but she's absolutely beautiful.
    Beautiful? Not a word I'd use for her. She's got an amazing body and okay face. I actually think Dani is prettier than her, just Megan is 'hotter' (if that makes sense!).
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    Talal said:

    Haven't looked through those (at work) but i did think last night Megan has a proper pig nose, also dont think she is that special. Zara is nicer although dull, probably better looking in previous years haven't really compared. Rosie was tidy but prob filth, Kendall wasn't in there long. Ellie is hot but not amazing, cant think of others for now.

    New lot dont look anything special either...

    Blimey it must be hard work for you when you go out on the pull if you think Megan is not that special. The girl is fucking fire. Absolute arsehole of a person but she's absolutely beautiful.
    Beautiful? Not a word I'd use for her. She's got an amazing body and okay face. I actually think Dani is prettier than her, just Megan is 'hotter' (if that makes sense!).

    Going by Megans online 'presence' shed be great fun as a holiday hook up, but you be worried shes showing your mates her dildo act if you tried a long term thing.
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    they should chuck some more normal blokes in there and stick the world cup on big dave from sheffield going beserk and chucking stellas round the villa

    "Wes and Megan are canoodling in the bedroom"
    "Adam is admiring himself in the mirror"
    "Alex is feeling sorry for himself"
    "Big Dave is on his 12th pint of the day and has just called Sterling a fucking w*nker"
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    Macronate said:

    Adam will have forgotten about Zara by this morning.....

    I reckon he'll be all over Laura (once he's had a go at a couple in the new villa)

    I reckon he might go for Ellie.
    He's mates with Ellie from back home so I doubt it, and Laura isn't his type. He'll be straight into a couple of the new birds I reckon.

    I'm glad he was kept in. He's a good character to have in there.
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    Who’s Niall? I don’t remember him?
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