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Love Island



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    Croydon said:

    Alexandra comes out dressed like that and Alex's reaction is "why are you wearing that?"

    The bloke's asexual

    Bloke needs his head looking at. She's dressed up practically saying "come on you can have me" and he's dressed like a gay magician and just fancies a cuddle.
    Tbh I would be pretty happy to be in there aswell
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    Predictable last night, challenge was a bit Mehhh didnt really course much drama.

    Find new Jack and New Laura boring.

    How i would like it to finish:
    Jack and Danni
    Alex and Alex (odd choice i know, but dont really find any of the couples that likeable)
    Wes and Megan
    Josh and Caz
    Laura / Paul
    Jack and Laura

    How it will probably finish:
    Josh/ Caz
    Wes / Megan
    Laura / Paul
    Alex/ Alex
    Jack and laura
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    Predictable last night, challenge was a bit Mehhh didnt really course much drama.

    Find new Jack and New Laura boring.

    How i would like it to finish:
    Jack and Danni
    Alex and Alex (odd choice i know, but dont really find any of the couples that likeable)
    Wes and Megan
    Josh and Caz
    Laura / Paul
    Jack and Laura

    How it will probably finish:
    Josh/ Caz
    Wes / Megan
    Laura / Paul
    Alex/ Alex
    Jack and laura

    You've given it too much thought.
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    redbub said:
    Yeah terrible article. Based on him saying "i'm off" in a conversation. He meant from the conversation, not the villa.
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    Couples in danger of leaving in the next dumping are in my opinion:

    new Jack & new Laura
    Josh & Kaz

    Jack and Laura are just a bit dull and for whatever reason, the general public can't seem to warm to Josh & Kaz. My personal preference would be either Alex & Alex to go or Paul & Laura, but for whatever reason people still like that cretin Alex and girls seem to be sympathsing with Laura.
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    Croydon said:

    Couples in danger of leaving in the next dumping are in my opinion:

    new Jack & new Laura
    Josh & Kaz

    Jack and Laura are just a bit dull and for whatever reason, the general public can't seem to warm to Josh & Kaz. My personal preference would be either Alex & Alex to go or Paul & Laura, but for whatever reason people still like that cretin Alex and girls seem to be sympathsing with Laura.

    It's probably all the girls voting for Alexandra on her own steam as it were - Love Island Twitter loves her.

    As for Josh and Kaz, lots of accusations flying about that Fiat 500 Twitter are conspiring against them.
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    I hope Laura and Paul go, find them the most dull.
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    Bloke must be making a fortune off all these PA's, doing 2 a night sometimes.

    Sorry, just catching up on all of this.

    "Come say Hi".

    Then what?
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    Josh and Kaz will come runners up i reckon
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    Macronate said:

    Bloke must be making a fortune off all these PA's, doing 2 a night sometimes.

    Sorry, just catching up on all of this.

    "Come say Hi".

    Then what?
    go buy overpriced drinks at the bar so the club he's appearing at will try and book him again so he gets more money?
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    I'd imagine he'll tot up a few more notches on the bedposts with that tour
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    Religion in Walsall sounds banging

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    cabbles said:

    Religion in Walsall sounds banging

    Couture in Stafford sounds contradictory
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    cabbles said:

    I'd imagine he'll tot up a few more notches on the bedposts with that tour

    Yer and have knob rot by the autumn
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    Croydon said:

    Couples in danger of leaving in the next dumping are in my opinion:

    new Jack & new Laura
    Josh & Kaz

    Jack and Laura are just a bit dull and for whatever reason, the general public can't seem to warm to Josh & Kaz. My personal preference would be either Alex & Alex to go or Paul & Laura, but for whatever reason people still like that cretin Alex and girls seem to be sympathsing with Laura.

    Been very easy to predict this year. As @PaddyP17 has pointed out, Fiat 500 Twitter have had their picks from the start.
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    Genuinely don't get who is voting for Alex and Alexandra when it's obvious Alex doesn't even want to be with her.
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    Jack just saying "Alex is fucking funny", we clearly haven't seen anything of what he's actually like? Seems to have been edited to fuck (even if he's also a complete muppet too)
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    "The car or the girl?"

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    Absolute disgusting behavior by Alex.
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    Glad she gave it to him at the end. He is pathetic
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    edited July 2018
    I'm glad you're all finally on my side. The guy is a fucking bellend.
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    Yep, pathetic was the right word. Something definitely not quite right about the guy.
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    Moving too fast!

    Give it a rest you penis.
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    Actually think he fancies Jack
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    Alex is a dangerous gaslighting abusive blame-shifting fuck.

    Jesus fucking fuck, fuck this dude
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    Macronate said:

    Moving too fast!

    Give it a rest you penis.

    It's ok to grab her hand and shove it down his pants but he can't muster up a hug for her. Sits like a fucking girl too. Prick.
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