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Love Island



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    Using girl as an insult is a bit pathetic mate.
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    edited July 2018

    Love how personal you're all getting over a TV show!

    So what if he turns out to be gay, they had lesbian couples in the past too.

    (Admittedly I'd rather watch two females relationship develop than two fellas, but I think morally my point stands...) Fecking hypocrite

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    Dazzler21 said:


    Love how personal you're all getting over a TV show!

    So what if he turns out to be gay, they had lesbian couples in the past too.

    (Admittedly I'd rather watch two females relationship develop than two fellas, but I think morally my point stands...) Fecking hypocrite

    Nobody’s getting personal over the fact he could be gay. It’s an observation.

    But at the same time he’s got no bollocks about him and he’s genuinely upset a nice girl in the process.
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    I do wonder why people like him bother applying and going on a show like this?
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    Dazzler21 said:

    Using girl as an insult is a bit pathetic mate.

    You're a bit precious aren't you
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    Silly boy, at least have a go then chuck em :) Guy is crazy she is a sort and also seems like a nice girl too
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    "Vote for the couple you want to dump from the island".

    How are some of the islanders managing to vote for actual couples over Alex and Alexandra who've split up?! Ridiculous.
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    "Vote for the couple you want to dump from the island".

    How are some of the islanders managing to vote for actual couples over Alex and Alexandra who've split up?! Ridiculous.

    It's a public vote now isn't it? Probably more producer interference.
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    Yes it is. I'd hope the public see sense and get rid of Alex but Josh and Kaz are seemingly always in the bottom 2 so i wouldn't be surprised to see them go.
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    *pretends to be shocked*
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    Skipped 800 messages so it may have been mentioned already but whenever I come across this thread title I'm being reminded of the great 'Hair Island' by Bob Mortimer
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    Hasn't it finished yet?
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    Enthusiasm has certainly waned for this series and in a way i'll be relieved once it's over so i can get back to reading my book on the train.
    I'm certain Dani & Jack will win tonight.
    The saturday night programme never used to be worth a watch as it was just a repeated summary of what happened but they've defo added more extra content in. hiding meg & wes' baby in the tree had me cracking up (as much as josh's baby losing a limb).
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    Jack and dani are nailed on to win. No contest.
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    Jack and dani are nailed on to win. No contest.

    Its taken you 4 months to work that out ? ;)
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    Hasn't it finished yet?

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    Thank fuck Alex didn't make the final!
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    I think I quite fancied Alexandra & Ellie on reflection... Which is odd cos they weren't the fittest.
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    So Laura and Paul who have only been together for a quarter of the show have finished top two...
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