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The influence of the EU on Britain.



  • Great to see your support for a middle class Cambridge graduate who worked and fought for Robert Maxwell.

    Great to see yours for government that is engaged in killing it's own people TODAY.

    If only 10% is true, that's still 12'000 people too many being killed by government policy, now.

    Do keep up.
    You accused me of supporting the Tories.
    I'll say it again.
    As others have said - your disdain only goes one way. If it quacks like a duck... #indenial

    I understand your shame though. :wink:
  • Pretty sure @A-R-T-H-U-R said he supported the lib Dems?
  • edited September 2018

    Great to see your support for a middle class Cambridge graduate who worked and fought for Robert Maxwell.

    Great to see yours for government that is engaged in killing it's own people TODAY.


    If only 10% is true, that's still 12'000 people too many being killed by government policy, now.

    Do keep up.
    You accused me of supporting the Tories.
    I'll say it again.
    As others have said - your disdain only goes one way. If it quacks like a duck... #indenial

    I understand your shame though. :wink:
    When you've been called out for a un necessary lie, and can't back it up, it's probably time to stop digging the hole? Otherwise you start to look pretty silly.

    Just a thought. Wink wink

    FWIW, I'll counter whatever nonsense I feel like countering. It's a discussion board.

    As there is little pro Tory bollocks, I'll counter pro Labour bollocks. Usually with facts rather than disdain. There are 2 Labour love in threads which would benefit from balance, however unpalatable you find it.

    You know, like the whole 'right wing press conspiracy made up the anti semitism issue' nonsense. Oh and anything to do with that smug lying two faced Tory, Tony Bliar.

    If you don't like it, counter the argument. So much more productive that petty name calling.

  • I may be biased (obviously I am) but I do find Tony Connolly's RTE dispatches interesting, today's in particular:

    Mind you, I worry that he may be being altogether too sanguine.
  • Great to see your support for a middle class Cambridge graduate who worked and fought for Robert Maxwell.

    Great to see yours for government that is engaged in killing it's own people TODAY.


    If only 10% is true, that's still 12'000 people too many being killed by government policy, now.

    Do keep up.
    You accused me of supporting the Tories.
    I'll say it again.
    As others have said - your disdain only goes one way. If it quacks like a duck... #indenial

    I understand your shame though. :wink:
    When you've been called out for being a liar and can't back it up, it's probably time to stop digging the hole? Otherwise you start to look pretty silly.

    Just a thought. Wink wink

    I'll counter whatever nonsense I feel like countering.
    As there is little pro Tory bollocks, I'll counter pro Labour bollocks. Usually with facts rather than disdain.

    You know, right wing press conspiracy made up the anti semitism issue. And anything to do with that smug lying two faced Tory, Tony Bliar.

    When you start sounding the remotest bit like you don't support the Tories, then I might reconsider. Until then, if it quacks like a duck...
  • McBobbin said:

    Pretty sure @A-R-T-H-U-R said he supported the lib Dems?

    In which case you would think he would call out both major opposition parties equally, wouldn't you?
  • Wow, still digging.
    Do you live under a bridge?
  • edited September 2018
    Is that a call for a doctor?
    Only the bastard Tories have got rid of them all.
  • Is that a call for a doctor?
    Only the bastard Tories have got rid of them all.

    About effing time. I have been waiting for (the much promised, I may add) bit of balance from you.

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  • I really really hate Palace. Let me continuously point out why.

    "'re a Brighton fan then." snigger.

    Er, no I don't like Brighton either. I like a different team, Charlton. You can see I've said that often.

    "But you don't go on about hating Brighton whilst we continuously say how brilliant and faultless Palace are."

    No,I don't need to. Everyone knows what Brighton are like. They've always been like that. I did point out it was silly to say their fans eat babies. I thought it was wrong to say that.

    "Yeah, but you're a Brighton fan" Quack wink

    Shuffles off, shaking head.

  • Anyway this seems to have migrated threads, so let's debate recent currency fluctuations caused by Brexit.....

    Something we can all agree about.
  • Anyway this seems to have migrated threads, so let's debate recent currency fluctuations caused by Brexit.....

    Something we can all agree about.

    I think we have one regular to this thread that would disagree about Brexit causing currency fluctuations (and he has inside info to that effect). :neutral:
  • Don't give a fuck about Brexit, just here for the massive row between AA and Art, as reported on the Argument Alert so proficiently by the Stig
  • edited September 2018

    Is that a call for a doctor?
    Only the bastard Tories have got rid of them all.

    About effing time. I have been waiting for (the much promised, I may add) bit of balance from you.

  • Just to build on @Grapevine49 remarks, and specifically re the confusion across the EU about what the Brits actually intend; I qualify for Czech dual citizenship exactly on 29.3.19. However I canot submit my application in advance and the process can take up to a year. That leaves me in limbo in terms of
    my free movement around the union. But I have a lawyer looking into this and she reports the Ministry of Foreign Affairs think I wont have a problem because " there is a one year transition agreement".

    Now correct me if I am wrong but no such agreement has been reached, has it?
  • Just to build on @Grapevine49 remarks, and specifically re the confusion across the EU about what the Brits actually intend; I qualify for Czech dual citizenship exactly on 29.3.19. However I canot submit my application in advance and the process can take up to a year. That leaves me in limbo in terms of
    my free movement around the union. But I have a lawyer looking into this and she reports the Ministry of Foreign Affairs think I wont have a problem because " there is a one year transition agreement".

    Now correct me if I am wrong but no such agreement has been reached, has it?

    You're not wrong.

    The transition is conditional on successful conclusion of the current talks on a Withdrawal Agreement. No deal means, effectively, that nothing will be agreed - and will require the UK (in particular) to seek mini deals with the EU27 for essential services/interactions to be in place for Brexit. If talks end acrimoniously the chances of agreeing such mini deals must be significantly reduced.
  • I really really hate Palace. Let me continuously point out why.

    "'re a Brighton fan then." snigger.

    Er, no I don't like Brighton either. I like a different team, Charlton. You can see I've said that often.

    "But you don't go on about hating Brighton whilst we continuously say how brilliant and faultless Palace are."

    No,I don't need to. Everyone knows what Brighton are like. They've always been like that. I did point out it was silly to say their fans eat babies. I thought it was wrong to say that.

    "Yeah, but you're a Brighton fan" Quack wink

    Shuffles off, shaking head.

    But you come across as a Millwall fan.
  • Members of Britain’s three biggest trade unions now support a new referendum on Brexit by a margin of more than two to one.

    Does this signify a growing groundswell of opinion that the UK deserves and, in fact, needs a Peoples Vote following the finalising of the Brexit terms? Or does it just show there's a schism between those who work for a living and those who benefit from owning businesses?
  • I thought Moggie and co were supposed to be releasing their alternative to the ‘Chequers’ thingy today? Wonder what the problem is?
  • Sponsored links:

  • I also see them ‘Righties’ are on Johnson’s case again.

    I was particularly interested in what Tom Tugendhat MP had to say....
  • I think they call it deflection. Johnson has no standards and will do anything to further his career. I just think too many people - from his own side - have sussed him out for what he is.
  • Chizz said:

    Members of Britain’s three biggest trade unions now support a new referendum on Brexit by a margin of more than two to one.

    Does this signify a growing groundswell of opinion that the UK deserves and, in fact, needs a Peoples Vote following the finalising of the Brexit terms? Or does it just show there's a schism between those who work for a living and those who benefit from owning businesses?

    Is there a single person behind the 'Peoples Vote' campaign who was not a Remainer?
  • Just to build on @Grapevine49 remarks, and specifically re the confusion across the EU about what the Brits actually intend; I qualify for Czech dual citizenship exactly on 29.3.19. However I canot submit my application in advance and the process can take up to a year. That leaves me in limbo in terms of
    my free movement around the union. But I have a lawyer looking into this and she reports the Ministry of Foreign Affairs think I wont have a problem because " there is a one year transition agreement".

    Now correct me if I am wrong but no such agreement has been reached, has it?

    You're not wrong.

    The transition is conditional on successful conclusion of the current talks on a Withdrawal Agreement. No deal means, effectively, that nothing will be agreed - and will require the UK (in particular) to seek mini deals with the EU27 for essential services/interactions to be in place for Brexit. If talks end acrimoniously the chances of agreeing such mini deals must be significantly reduced.
    Well here's a thing. We are on holiday in Slovenia. As a tiny country where everyone speaks 2-3 languages as "native" plus English, it's no surprise to find that one of the State radio channels runs a multi language music plus talk output. So while cruising through the vineyard country today we listened to an interview with the British Ambassador on Brexit. She blithely maintained that a transition agreement has been established to Dec 2020. She made no use of the phrase Hard Brexit, nor did she suggest that this agreement might not be in place if the talks go wrong. What are our diplomats playing at?
  • I think the Tory party conference at the end of the month could be quite interesting.
  • Chizz said:

    Members of Britain’s three biggest trade unions now support a new referendum on Brexit by a margin of more than two to one.

    Does this signify a growing groundswell of opinion that the UK deserves and, in fact, needs a Peoples Vote following the finalising of the Brexit terms? Or does it just show there's a schism between those who work for a living and those who benefit from owning businesses?

    Have the Trade Unions ballotted their members on this I wonder ??? nah....didn't think so.
  • Chaz Hill said:

    I also see them ‘Righties’ are on Johnson’s case again.

    I was particularly interested in what Tom Tugendhat MP had to say....

    My MP (didn't vote for him at the last GE btw).....also a big Remainer.
  • The reason why brexit simply won't happen, and no vote will be needed, is because the UK won't be able to regain control of it's borders.
    Brexit voters knew this all along and the whole malarkey has been a big tease from them.
  • Chizz said:

    Members of Britain’s three biggest trade unions now support a new referendum on Brexit by a margin of more than two to one.

    Does this signify a growing groundswell of opinion that the UK deserves and, in fact, needs a Peoples Vote following the finalising of the Brexit terms? Or does it just show there's a schism between those who work for a living and those who benefit from owning businesses?

    Have the Trade Unions ballotted their members on this I wonder ??? nah....didn't think so.
    Why on Earth would unions ballot their membership about this? Has the Tory party ballotted it's membership about Chequers? Did the Labour party ballot it's membership about a Peoples Vote?

    The story is merely a report about a poll which shows unions members overwhelminingly support a Peoples Vote. Having a ballot to confirm this would be a waste of time and money as there is nothing that unions can do to enact a Peoples Vote - it's not in their gift.

    What an odd thing to suggest.
  • Southbank said:

    Chizz said:

    Members of Britain’s three biggest trade unions now support a new referendum on Brexit by a margin of more than two to one.

    Does this signify a growing groundswell of opinion that the UK deserves and, in fact, needs a Peoples Vote following the finalising of the Brexit terms? Or does it just show there's a schism between those who work for a living and those who benefit from owning businesses?

    Is there a single person behind the 'Peoples Vote' campaign who was not a Remainer?
    More people support the idea of a Peoples Vote than oppose it. The most recent poll shows that 43% are in favour and 34% are against. That suggests - but doesn't confirm - that at least some Leave voters now want a Peoples Vote.

    As the likelihood of a no deal becomes more apparent, Theresa May's intransigence over Chequers, Rees-Mogg's inability to articulate an alternative to Chequers, Johnson's self serving recklessness continues to be highlighted and the stark, obvious reality that the Brexit we were promised is utterly undeliverable, I think support for a Peoples Vote - from both sides - will continue to build.

    Polls showed people were 42% - 33% opposed to a Peoples Vote last December. That's more than reversed now, with no sign of slowing. The call for a Peoples Vote is becoming harder to ignore. It seems the best chance of extracting all of us from the hole into which we've dug ourselves.
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