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The influence of the EU on Britain.



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    aliwibble said:

    Look how far back these PM s from Eton go. Not much competition then, and still today they have the top department/top3/5? In the country. The average loaded Eton thicko won't get into a level politics without 5As +4Bs at GCSE in a bad year.

    All true but it’s still quite amazing that when David Cameron was PM. George Osborne was Chancellor and both from Eton.

    I don’t care what anybody says I won’t not be convinced that somewhere there is quite a significant old boys network ensuring that Eton is always highly represented in government.

    Osborne went to St Paul's though. Didn't do PPE at university either, but has a history degree.

    Since when do facts have anything to do with a nice conspiracy though...
    I stand corrected on Osborne having attended Eton. Still doesn’t detract that 19 out of 54 British Prime Ministers have been ex Eton College students so no I don’t think it detracts from that and it certainly isn’t a conspiracy theory is it.
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    One thing that you get from public school are connections... I know a goat few people who went (unavoidable in my profession) and they can all name drop several rich and/famous people or theor progeny who they know from school. They also get access to the best facilities and teaching... I noticed that ex Essex all-rounder Graham Napier has set up a cricket school at a public school. Can't imagine him teaching at my old school.

    One thing we can all do though is help out by going to local schools and just telling the kids about your jobs, what you do, and giving advice about the best way to get into it... Like advice for going to university, or the best training programs (and the ones to avoid). Will then start to give the kids some advantages they otherwise wouldn't get. I do exactly that myself, telling kids about careers in intellectual property. It's such a niche field, you wouldn't normally know about it unless you know someone who does it. I've found it does inspire kids, and give them something to aim for, and some of the tools they need to get there. Careers advice in schools is generally awful.
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    I give career advice to those thinking of joining the prison service. I usually advise them to think again.
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    In 2011 this was the list of Old Etonians who were actually in government. Not just MP’s

    Here’s the list:
    David Cameron
    Lord Howell (Foreign Office minister)
    Henry Bellingham (Foreign Office minister)
    Lord Astor of Hever (Defence minister)
    Hugo Swire (Northern Ireland minister)
    Sir George Young (Leader of the Commons)
    Oliver Letwin (Cabinet Office minister)
    Nick Hurd (Cabinet Office minister)
    Philip Dunne (whip)
    Bill Wiggin (whip)
    Lord DeMauley (whip)
    Lord Sassoon (Treasury minister)

    @Stu_of_Kunming - Hardly a conspiracy is it.
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    I might be one of the few people who feels disquiet that so many think the purpose of education is about future jobs and careers.
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    Mo Molam was the only child of three of a who passed her 11+. She went to Grammar School in Coventry, the transferred to a Comprehesive there. Then got into Durham University.
    Arguably she achieved more 'good' in politics than any Eton educated politician in the post war era.
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    Morning all. On the London bound train from Eltham heading for Speakers Corner and the #PeoplesVoteMarch . Looking forward especially to meeting the #Wooferendum dogs and passing on a bark of support from Gina our short-haired German hunting dog.

    And then back to the Valley for 't Barnsleh.

    Bollocks to Brexit! :-)

    Morning all. On the London bound train from Eltham heading for Speakers Corner and the #PeoplesVoteMarch . Looking forward especially to meeting the #Wooferendum dogs and passing on a bark of support from Gina our short-haired German hunting dog.

    And then back to the Valley for 't Barnsleh.

    Bollocks to Brexit! :-)

    Give my regards to Alistair Campbell
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    Jubilee tube a sea of blue and yellow. Plus of course a couple of herberts who think Brexit is a football match. Lovely friends you have, @Southbank
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    This is Chunky. He is the dog who pissed on Rees-Mogg last time. Great British bulldog spirit.
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    Back in Charlton. They are claiming 570,000 and I wouldnt bet against that. Green Park closed when I tried to bail out at 13.00 due to pressure of people, had to leg it to Bond Street just to get away.

    Fantastic people, fantastic life affirming event

    Good to see you unleashing your inner soshalist.
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    670,000 at the Remain rally and 1200 at the Leave means leave rally 😀
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    Chaz Hill said:

    670,000 at the Remain rally and 1200 at the Leave means leave rally 😀

    I think it was 669,999
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    Southbank said:

    Chaz Hill said:

    670,000 at the Remain rally and 1200 at the Leave means leave rally 😀

    I think it was 669,999
    And 1199 at the other one if I’m being exact 😉

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    Southbank said:

    Good luck Seth Plum, Bournemouth Addick, Red in SE8, Muttley etc.
    Guess you will be marching instead of watching Charlton v Barnsley1

    Well since you've name checked me I will be at neither actually. For reasons that are none of your business.

    What's your point btw? That you're more of a 'true' CAFC supporter than me? Is it not possible to be passionate about Charlton and also really concerned about the direction this country is going?
    'Over 1m people marched, urging the government – of which you were a central figure – not to invade Iraq. You ignored them. Why should this government take any notice of 100k Remainers calling for a second referendum?’
    Andrew Neill's question to Alistair Campbell, one of the organisers of tomorrow's March.
    Again, what's your point this time? Do you think I'm Alistair Campbell?
    I guess I'm not going to get the courtesy of a reply then...
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    Diane Abbott on counting duties was she?
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    BBC reporting 700,000
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    I'm guessing not much need to be at the leave one. They won, and that was that. It's all going to be ok.
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    BBC reporting 700,000

    That would be the liberal elite / remain establishment fake news channel?!

    This should galvanize those members of Parliament who see an opportunity to take back control of democracy.

    Will be interesting to see how the event will be digested over the next week or two.
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    McBobbin said:

    I'm guessing not much need to be at the leave one. They won, and that was that. It's all going to be ok.

    Yeah but Nigel was top of the bill. Would of expected Trump type hysteria from his followers.
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    BBC reporting 700,000

    Wouldn't be at all surprised. Hat's off to all those fighting for common sense and democracy.
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    BBC reporting 700,000

    That would be the liberal elite / remain establishment fake news channel?!

    This should galvanize those members of Parliament who see an opportunity to take back control of democracy.

    Will be interesting to see how the event will be digested over the next week or two.

    BBC reporting 700,000

    That would be the liberal elite / remain establishment fake news channel?!

    This should galvanize those members of Parliament who see an opportunity to take back control of democracy.

    Will be interesting to see how the event will be digested over the next week or two.
    Actually the organisers claimed 700,000 and the BBC reported the claim. The police refused to give an estimate, too much of a political hot potato.

    I am sure there were a lot of Remainers on the streets today tho, London has always been Remain.

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    Southbank said:

    BBC reporting 700,000

    That would be the liberal elite / remain establishment fake news channel?!

    This should galvanize those members of Parliament who see an opportunity to take back control of democracy.

    Will be interesting to see how the event will be digested over the next week or two.

    BBC reporting 700,000

    That would be the liberal elite / remain establishment fake news channel?!

    This should galvanize those members of Parliament who see an opportunity to take back control of democracy.

    Will be interesting to see how the event will be digested over the next week or two.
    Actually the organisers claimed 700,000 and the BBC reported the claim. The police refused to give an estimate, too much of a political hot potato.

    I am sure there were a lot of Remainers on the streets today tho, London has always been Remain.

    Just as they refuse to investigate the Vote Leave election expenditure scandal for the same reason : "political sensitivity". I cannot remember them ever refusing to estimate a protest crowd before. And they had enough helicopters in the air. It's wholly unacceptable, and we won't have heard the last of it.

    At the Wooferendum event before it started, the guy leading the event started predicting the effect if the numbers reached a certain level. He stopped at 300k ("they will be shitting themselves" ) . He also said that as they march at the back, they expected to wait until 13.00 before they moved off. So the numbers were twice his wildest dreams, and I was already at The Valley before my four legged comrades got a proper walk. I think 700k is perfectly believable.

    Well done for going @PragueAddick, Helen was there too but she didn't spot you.
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    Southbank said:

    BBC reporting 700,000

    That would be the liberal elite / remain establishment fake news channel?!

    This should galvanize those members of Parliament who see an opportunity to take back control of democracy.

    Will be interesting to see how the event will be digested over the next week or two.

    BBC reporting 700,000

    That would be the liberal elite / remain establishment fake news channel?!

    This should galvanize those members of Parliament who see an opportunity to take back control of democracy.

    Will be interesting to see how the event will be digested over the next week or two.
    Actually the organisers claimed 700,000 and the BBC reported the claim. The police refused to give an estimate, too much of a political hot potato.

    I am sure there were a lot of Remainers on the streets today tho, London has always been Remain.

    Just as they refuse to investigate the Vote Leave election expenditure scandal for the same reason : "political sensitivity". I cannot remember them ever refusing to estimate a protest crowd before. And they had enough helicopters in the air. It's wholly unacceptable, and we won't have heard the last of it.

    At the Wooferendum event before it started, the guy leading the event started predicting the effect if the numbers reached a certain level. He stopped at 300k ("they will be shitting themselves" ) . He also said that as they march at the back, they expected to wait until 13.00 before they moved off. So the numbers were twice his wildest dreams, and I was already at The Valley before my four legged comrades got a proper walk. I think 700k is perfectly believable.

    Well done for going @PragueAddick, Helen was there too but she didn't spot you.
    I didnt spot the Leader of the Next Layber Guvt pledged to Soshulist Policees, either. Was he there?

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