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2018 FIFA World Cup Thread



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    I reckon Nigeria win this one.

    Dunno I reckon a draw myself

    They were talking about this being the Croatian Golden Generation yet dont see them going far
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    Surprising number of Americans considering they didn't qualify!

    The Putin and Russian Hooligan factors have presumably affected European levels of support, I guess people from other parts of the world weren't so bothered
    The American numbers will include Mexicans, etc who are American citizens.
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    94th min iran goal has prevented me getting the outcome correct of every match so far.

    I've predicted all of them right, including the 94th minute Iranian winner.

    Lawrenson tweeted me earlier asking if I wanted a job but I said no thanks I'm making shit loads from IT
    Outcome not correct score, it ain't pushing the boundaries of exaggeration is it.
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    94th min iran goal has prevented me getting the outcome correct of every match so far.

    I've predicted all of them right, including the 94th minute Iranian winner.

    Lawrenson tweeted me earlier asking if I wanted a job but I said no thanks I'm making shit loads from IT
    Outcome not correct score, it ain't pushing the boundaries of exaggeration is it.
    Was joking at myself saying I'd done one better....wasn't taking the mick out of you.
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    Peru to lose
    Saudi to lose
    Egypt to lose
    Australia to lose
    Spain Portugal draw
    Argentina to draw against well organise side and they are pretty shit.
    Felt Iran and morrocco to very average sides to draw.

    Not exactly difficult.

    Fancy Nigeria to nick a 1nil 2nd half.
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    Bloody awful goal for an awful game so far
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    Peru to lose
    Saudi to lose
    Egypt to lose
    Australia to lose
    Spain Portugal draw
    Argentina to draw against well organise side and they are pretty shit.
    Felt Iran and morrocco to very average sides to draw.

    Not exactly difficult.

    Fancy Nigeria to nick a 1nil 2nd half.

    I think he was joking mate.

    Either way I think your prediction luck may have run out.
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    I thought we had already established that the second you make any kind of prediction on this thread the opposite almost instantly happens!
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    Big fan of Mandzukic. Proper number 9.
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    Think the Croats have looked the most organised well balanced team so far.
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    Half time in fourth game of the day. Have enjoyed hardly moving all day and watching pretty much non-stop football but think I might be going into a bit of a trance.

    Nothing to do with the Sangria or San Miguel's then :wink:
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    edited June 2018
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    Keane not a fan of the pre half time huddle.
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    Have Karl Robinson and Russell Slade taken over as managers of Croatia and Nigeria?

    This match reminds me of Charlton home games and not in a good way.
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    Big fan of Mandzukic. Proper number 9.

    Great player.
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    Nigeria look more likely to score than I expected.
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    I think I might be a bit football'd out for today
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    The commentator on radio 5 sounds exactly like Alan Partridge
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    McBobbin said:

    The commentator on radio 5 sounds exactly like Alan Partridge

    Terry Butcher?
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    Moses must be a gardener in his spare time he loves the grass so much.
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    WTF is the Defender doing there... Referee has VAR to fall back on let alone the fact he's standing right in front of him
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    Omar Beckles school of defending.
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    someone needs to tell the Nigerian defender there he's playing football not rugby (pretty sure that would be an illegal tackle in rugby as well actually!)
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    Nigeria have been less than average.
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    edited June 2018
    Got Croatia in the handicap sweepstake at work and need to get to semi finals to win a share of the pot. Not very hopeful but this is a good start.
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    This smacks of of corruption. An own goal and a deliberate penalty + Nigeria. I’m convinced they have absolutely no intention of winning this game.
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    Fifth penalty of the day according to the BBC... doesnt break the record (six) though
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