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Fans Forum resuming 11 July



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    SHG, it's almost like someone has hacked your account.

    I don't think anyone is condoning Charlton's lack of communication.
    What they are saying is out of order, is your name calling & rudeness to fellow fans, who have taken their own time and trouble to attend a meeting on England's World Cup semi final day of all days.

    It is franky ridiculous that anyone should be expected to agree and produce the minutes of the meeting when England are playing one of their most important games in many of our lifetimes.

    If I was in a business situation and it was agreed that someone would produce the minutes or an accurate summary of the minutes, within 24 hours. I would consider it very poor if anyone then disregarded that agreement.
    Presumably, you think it's fine to go back on your word ?

    If anyone had posted a comment that the Australians still needed to lodge papers with the EFL at 10.30 pm Wednesday night, what do you think would have happened ?

    There would have been numerous people asking for more information and those questioned would have had to be ignored or elaborated upon against the "business" agreement that had been made.

    I am rightly or wrongly presuming that your tirade was as a result of England's defeat, possibly coupled with alcohol.
    Apologies, if this is not the case, but I know I was somewhat fed up and had had a few beers.

    I can’t change my opinion that a very brief post of the salient point being that the EFL are still waiting for documentation couldn’t have been posted, tweeted or shouted as soon as the meeting had ended.

    If they did that, they'd then be hounded for more information, once that wasn't forthcoming they'd still be receiving abuse. can’t be sure of that.

    If I post right now, that I know some new development about the takeover.
    I can almost be sure that someone will ask for more information (of course they would).
    I can almost be sure, if I say I'm not telling anyone, I will receive abuse (even if it's limited to one person).
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    RedChaser said:

    Well done @Pico , your efforts, which some people seem to forget are done for love and no financial gain, are much appreciated. You can't please all of the people all of the time but don't let the others get you down :wink: .

    Not as far as I can recall. But I do drink a lot of wine sometimes.
    Don't butt in, this was aimed at Mr Chaser.
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    @Covered End is spot on, any brief note would be followed by a host of follow up questions.

    As I said at the time the nature of the topic and the level of detail meant this was handled the way it was. And the arrangement was agreed in the group, the agenda and meeting were at the request of at least two of the FF.

    Now shall we move on?
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    I agree arguing among ourselves when Roland is the true enemy is pointless.
    In the meantime.

    Just sell the club and FUCK OFF
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    Even im not going to have a dig at Pico for putting a statement out the next day.
    Even if there was no world cup semi final on Wednesday the FF have been in a meeting till 5 oclock.
    Lets give them the chance to get home and get some dinner maybe reflect on things for a few hours.
    F@ck me we cant wait 24 hours or in some cases 24 seconds for the updates.

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    A brief note saying “ The Australians have still to submit papers to the EFL” followed by more to follow in due course. Please don’t ask questions until the full report is published might do the trick. In any case just because someone asks for more there is an option to ignore.
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    A brief note saying “ The Australians have still to submit papers to the EFL” followed by more to follow in due course. Please don’t ask questions until the full report is published might do the trick. In any case just because someone asks for more there is an option to ignore.

    Blimey mate we’re all wishing for an option to ignore....
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    Fumbluff said:

    A brief note saying “ The Australians have still to submit papers to the EFL” followed by more to follow in due course. Please don’t ask questions until the full report is published might do the trick. In any case just because someone asks for more there is an option to ignore.

    Blimey mate we’re all wishing for an option to ignore....
    I’ve just ignored you but you wouldn’t have known.
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    A brief note saying “ The Australians have still to submit papers to the EFL” followed by more to follow in due course. Please don’t ask questions until the full report is published might do the trick. In any case just because someone asks for more there is an option to ignore.

    You honestly believe that would have done the trick? I think we all know the answer to that.
    And if they had just ignored yours and others demands you would have just given them more abuse for doing that.
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    edited July 2018
    SHG put your name down to get on the trust board at the next AGM if your allowed to apply.
    You have my vote.
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    DRAddick said:

    A brief note saying “ The Australians have still to submit papers to the EFL” followed by more to follow in due course. Please don’t ask questions until the full report is published might do the trick. In any case just because someone asks for more there is an option to ignore.

    You honestly believe that would have done the trick? I think we all know the answer to that.
    And if they had just ignored yours and others demands you would have just given them more abuse for doing that.
    No. Only to you.

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    A brief note saying “ The Australians have still to submit papers to the EFL” followed by more to follow in due course. Please don’t ask questions until the full report is published might do the trick. In any case just because someone asks for more there is an option to ignore.

    Thanks SHG.

    Can you confirm what papers need to be submitted? A4 or A3 and are there any spreadsheets or gant charts involved?
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    A brief note saying “ The Australians have still to submit papers to the EFL” followed by more to follow in due course. Please don’t ask questions until the full report is published might do the trick. In any case just because someone asks for more there is an option to ignore.

    If as a group you agree that 2 representatives will produce the minutes that is that way to go.

    The notes and recordings needed to be checked. Reckon they did the job far quicker than a lot of people experienced in doing a difficult job.

    What if the statement you wanted had an error in it?
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    I hope this thing can settle down. IMHO both SHG and Pico are good guys and the real enemy is Roland.
    Do we await news on Tuesday when Eddie Stobart returns (or is he off on holiday?) that the breakfasts have been reinstated, or would a nice chefs hat, table, signs, and cornflakes and banana demo at the gates of Sparrows lane be in order if such news doesn't come?
    If Duchatelet is the enemy (which he is) then any publicity to annoy and embarrass him is fine by me.
    I feel sure that we might get some TV and press coverage out of a fans initiative to feed the players when the owner has cut that food off.
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    Cafc43v3r said:

    Cafc43v3r said:

    It is clearly ridiculous that it takes a FF meeting to get the club to disclose information like this. It isn’t the purpose of the FF and it shows what a shambles the club is, including Rubashow, that it doesn’t share what it can in a timely and managed way. That’s the problem.

    But they didn't say anything did they?

    There was nothing there that was news worthy. A press conference to say we trade players, for multiple reasons, as BAU?

    We are in talks with someone but we can't say any more due to NDAs?

    I am amazed that he even mentioned the season ticket money situation. Why would you put that in the public demain if you didn't have to?
    You miss the point that this is the club saying it. There is quite a lot of information in that summary which has never previously been confirmed by the club - yes, it was out there because it had appeared on message boards and other sites, but not from the club. This allows people to dismiss it as “speculation”, as they regularly do. Even when reputable professionals report it, people come on here asserting they are just publishing stuff they have read on message boards, although to my certain knowledge that isn’t true.

    The club could manage this situation much more proactively if it chose to do so, without breaching confidentiality, but Duchatelet really couidn’t care less about fans and with no board and no senior management team worthy of the name it won’t happen.

    But your missing my point that they didn't actually say anything news worthy.

    Unless we are expecting up dates such as what documents have and haven't been sent to the EFL. There has been very little coming out of the club. I would imagine that's because there is nothing significant they can actually say?
    Well, let’s just take the point that they said the process is being held up - and only held up - by the issue of documents submitted to the EFL. That is newsworthy and it had not been confirmed publicly by any party involved.
    Oh well. That’s all you get from a “token fan engagement” meeting as you described it.

    I just think it was interesting this update was given and I find some reassurance the Aussies aren’t retreating.

    Things will surely be different once RD gone and we won’t be hanging on any or every word from whatever source.

    Hopefully we can look to the positives in the future and not the faults.
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    Addickted said:

    A brief note saying “ The Australians have still to submit papers to the EFL” followed by more to follow in due course. Please don’t ask questions until the full report is published might do the trick. In any case just because someone asks for more there is an option to ignore.

    Thanks SHG.

    Can you confirm what papers need to be submitted? A4 or A3 and are there any spreadsheets or gant charts involved?

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    It's about time this box-ticking, vehicle-of-convenience for the Regime was kicked into touch. It's a total embarrassment that the club hide behind this limited, infrequent, reluctantly attended and begrudgingly given forum and that it's their official means of regular 'two-way' communication 'with the fans.' They dictate the agenda, produce the notes (eventually) and wipe their hands afterwards.

    Let’s see what took place before you make sweeping assumptions.
    You may well be right.....but until we see/hear the outcome of the meeting you simply cannot say it was all a waste of time.
    Mind you, I would have appreciated some feed back by now?
    It doesn't matter what was said - they have all been like this.
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    It is clearly ridiculous that it takes a FF meeting to get the club to disclose information like this. It isn’t the purpose of the FF and it shows what a shambles the club is, including Rubashow, that it doesn’t share what it can in a timely and managed way. That’s the problem.

    This is the real point here, not how long it took to get the minutes out. There are only several people involved in decision-making at the club and two of those could only manage to deflect on the question of removal of breakfasts by saying they would look into it. Once again, they only tell us what they want, when they want and in this case, when they have been badgered by the sounds of it. Complete lack of open and informed communication since Duchatalet arrived and we all know it.
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    Cafc43v3r said:

    Cafc43v3r said:

    It is clearly ridiculous that it takes a FF meeting to get the club to disclose information like this. It isn’t the purpose of the FF and it shows what a shambles the club is, including Rubashow, that it doesn’t share what it can in a timely and managed way. That’s the problem.

    But they didn't say anything did they?

    There was nothing there that was news worthy. A press conference to say we trade players, for multiple reasons, as BAU?

    We are in talks with someone but we can't say any more due to NDAs?

    I am amazed that he even mentioned the season ticket money situation. Why would you put that in the public demain if you didn't have to?
    You miss the point that this is the club saying it. There is quite a lot of information in that summary which has never previously been confirmed by the club - yes, it was out there because it had appeared on message boards and other sites, but not from the club. This allows people to dismiss it as “speculation”, as they regularly do. Even when reputable professionals report it, people come on here asserting they are just publishing stuff they have read on message boards, although to my certain knowledge that isn’t true.

    The club could manage this situation much more proactively if it chose to do so, without breaching confidentiality, but Duchatelet really couidn’t care less about fans and with no board and no senior management team worthy of the name it won’t happen.

    But your missing my point that they didn't actually say anything news worthy.

    Unless we are expecting up dates such as what documents have and haven't been sent to the EFL. There has been very little coming out of the club. I would imagine that's because there is nothing significant they can actually say?
    Well, let’s just take the point that they said the process is being held up - and only held up - by the issue of documents submitted to the EFL. That is newsworthy and it had not been confirmed publicly by any party involved.
    Oh well. That’s all you get from a “token fan engagement” meeting as you described it.

    I just think it was interesting this update was given and I find some reassurance the Aussies aren’t retreating.

    Things will surely be different once RD gone and we won’t be hanging on any or every word from whatever source.

    Hopefully we can look to the positives in the future and not the faults.
    It is tokenism. When was the previous meeting? Oh yes, February. And the one before that, according to the list on the club website, was last September.
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    sarge1g said:

    I do not understand why there is so much fuss being made about the club providing a free breakfast. How many people on this forum who are working get a breakfast provided by their employer at no cost ? As for Airman Brown suggesting that this "part of the discipline of being in at a certain time in the morning" what a joke, this is part of growing up, being responsible and earning a living ffs. In most, if not all, other industries if you cannot arrive on time on a regular basis there is a disciplinary process that ensures you either conform, leave or end up being dismissed, why should it be any different for footballers albeit young players who if they progress will have the potential to achieve a lifestyle the rest of us can only dream of.

    I think the point is that these young players are the club's future.

    In the past the club has managed to cover the cost of cornflakes and toast so what has changed? Are we not still owned by a billionaire?

    We want these kids to have a healthy diet as part of their development.

    We also want to attract and retain the best kids we can and this petty, penny wise, pound foolish move goes against this.

    And this is just one of many similar mind numbingly petty cuts being made.
    Nutrition and fuel are vital to youth players, who also have to perform at their best to progress and avoid release. It's likely the first team nutritionist/sports science have discussed with the boys.
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    sammy391 said:

    sarge1g said:

    Surely these "kids" have to learn that they have to take responsibility for what they eat etc and I cannot believe that we will attract any better kids due to the fact that we provide a free breakfast. It does not matter who we are owned by and how much they are worth, in my view this will go towards turning these young kids into more responsible adults as they should be encouraged by the club to look after their bodies as it is this that will help them achieve their goals. There are many practices at CAFC that need to change, for years there have been too many "hangers on" who do not bring any value to the club and I am sure that any new owners will take a serious look at all sorts of unnecessary expenses being incurred, it is after all a professional football club, at least by name.

    May not attract any new players but might we'll lose us some existing and potential kids in a very competitive market.

    Not sure who these "hangers on" are? Non-playing staff have been cut to the bone over the last few years and there was little or no fat before.

    It's one of a number petty and counter-productive cut made to save pennies and nothing to do with teaching the kids any life lessons.
    Second this ...

    If players are either looking at saying/joining the CAFC academy , are they going to really go/stay at a team who can’t even provide them with breakfast/meal over a team that can potentially provide travel/nutritionally dedicated chefs & meals etc

    May be small, but how can you expect players to enjoy/aspire to be at the academy if they’re essentially playing on what is a barely built construction site where they just have to turn up train and then go home
    I'd imagine it's a requirement for certain academy categories.
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    Ferryman said:

    sarge1g said:

    I do not understand why there is so much fuss being made about the club providing a free breakfast. How many people on this forum who are working get a breakfast provided by their employer at no cost ? As for Airman Brown suggesting that this "part of the discipline of being in at a certain time in the morning" what a joke, this is part of growing up, being responsible and earning a living ffs. In most, if not all, other industries if you cannot arrive on time on a regular basis there is a disciplinary process that ensures you either conform, leave or end up being dismissed, why should it be any different for footballers albeit young players who if they progress will have the potential to achieve a lifestyle the rest of us can only dream of.

    I think the point is that these young players are the club's future.

    In the past the club has managed to cover the cost of cornflakes and toast so what has changed? Are we not still owned by a billionaire?

    We want these kids to have a healthy diet as part of their development.

    We also want to attract and retain the best kids we can and this petty, penny wise, pound foolish move goes against this.

    And this is just one of many similar mind numbingly petty cuts being made.
    Nutrition and fuel are vital to youth players, who also have to perform at their best to progress and avoid release. It's likely the first team nutritionist/sports science have discussed with the boys.
    When I was in the youth team, we got travelling expenses and nothing else. If we travelled for an away game you were not given any meals. Oh those were the days in the 60's
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    If the FF was between only the Belgian chap and one fan representative, then it might have been possible to issue a brief summary in the five minutes available between getting home and the WC semi final. Did something similar after my beer meet. But with all the different reps involved, as well as the club and Rubashow, it just can’t happen in that time frame.
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    Have the Aussies any comments about the meeting @JamesSeed, seeing as the Club are blaming them for dragging their heels?
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    Pico said:

    SHG - Thank you for your apology. As razil suggests - it might be time to move on.

    CLB74 - You are a fine, upstanding, insightful human being and I have always admired you. There is a free ticket for the CAST coach to Accrington waiting for you.

    Cheers pico will be ready for the bromley pick up tomorrow.
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    JamesSeed said:

    Addickted said:

    Have the Aussies any comments about the meeting @JamesSeed, seeing as the Club are blaming them for dragging their heels?

    @Addicted GM met the Belgian fella Lieven yesterday, and said he was very happy. Lieven that is. That might mean progress was made on the documentation. The good news from the meeting was that HMRC seem to be satisfied.
    The season ticket/bank issue is just prudence in the face of recent uncertainty. No massive deal.

    GM is getting ready to start work at The Valley. That’s very good news imho. Meire is going to be a tough act to follow ;-)

    I get the feeling it’s not far away now. It was only a week ago that the rumour went out the Aussies had formally pulled out. Of course that was bullsh*t, but would still love to know where that rumour came from, as it led to me increasing my ‘pest’ quotient, again :-(

    In addition, some personal stuff I can’t divulge means that the Aussies feel it’s definitely happening - it’s ‘when’, rather than ‘if’.

    Full respect to GM for leaking zilch re negotiations since May 18th, btw.

    Oh, and I don’t think the club are saying the Aussies are dragging their heels. Delays with documentation, if that is what is holding things up, isn’t deliberate.
    Bring out the GIF's...Whoop Whoop...!!!
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