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The rise of the vegans.



  • Not for me i’m afraid. I tried a Vietnamese sandwich and a brownie.
  • edited July 2018
    Above is a sample. The only thing that looked nice was the ice cream. Another observation was the Vegans were very thin.
  • Stig said:

    Out of interest did anyone actually watch any of the videos suggested?

    I haven't for three reasons:

    1. I'm very cautious about what videos I watch in public. Party because I don't want to fill the air with noise that others might not appreciate. Partly because I don't know exactly what the content is and I don't want others to label me as an oddbod if it's a bit far out.

    2. I don't take videos very seriously as a method of conveying scientific facts or intellectual arguments. There are too many preachy, evangelical pseudo-scientists who are quite happy to strut their stuff in front of an audience/camera but rather less committed to actually undertaking genuine research and submitting it for peer review. I had a hunch that the videos posted here might be like this.

    3. Selfish, self-protection from any brutal images that I wouldn't be able to erase from my mind.

    Given the responses I've seen here, I'm glad I chose not to.
    1. Headphones.

    2. These are documentaries I have suggested not just people rambling. Again how can you shut it down without even attempting to watch?

    3. That's why I have said I would question someone's morality if their views stayed the same after watching soemthing like Cowspiracy or Earthlings. For the record as well there are a lot of respectable and not seen as 'oddbods' celebrities who are vegan and are on record saying that earthlings is why they made the switch. So it's hardly some mumbo jumbo. Documentaries backed by hard evidence.

    What do you mean by given the responses on here?
    1. Headphones can be great if they are to hand but not much use if you haven't. Then again, perhaps I don't want unknown material pumped directly into my lug-holes.

    2. We all filter out stuff all of the time. We have to, because there's not enough time to read, watch, listen to everything we are presented with. I made a choice to filter out this stuff. It doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not sympathetic, just that I didn't want to watch your videos at that moment in time (or now, as it happens). Charlton Life is a forum; I come here to engage with other people who are members of this forum, that's what I find enjoyable about it. If I just wanted to search out video links, I'd spend my free time on Reddit or some such place. Thinking out loud, I guess I'm suspicious of people just posting links because it's not their work and it's not their ideas. Also, if I'm being honest I think some people, including you, have been pretty evangelical on this thread. I probably expected your links to be similarly so. A classic case of shooting the messenger, you might argue. Then again, when you know that you're in that messenger role, it might pay to think very carefully about what messages other people might pick up, intentionally or otherwise.

    3. Please don't get me wrong, I don't wan't to cast all vegans as oddballs. That wasn't my point at all. But there were some arguments on here yesterday that I personally found pretty odd. Someone was talking about greater enlightenment through veganism as if it was an almost spiritual thing. Someone else was claiming their pet as a vegan. A third person was stating opinions as facts - and pretty strongly at that! They're not the sort of things I wouldn't want to be associated with. Ultimately though, perhaps I just don't want my morals called into question by someone on the basis of my reaction to a video. Maybe, by not watching the video I can escape that omnipotent judgement. Sadly, I doubt it.

    Responses on here? Fair call, I've checked and can't actually see any responses to your particular suggestions. I guess I was getting confused with other vids and general comments. So I take that line back.
  • Wont someone please think of the dogs?

    Time Magazine, this morning...
    ''Potato-based pet foods may be causing heart disease in dogs, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration warned this week.

    The government agency is investigating a potential link between pet foods with peas, lentils, potatoes and other legume seeds and instances of canine dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs not typically vulnerable to the disease. “Highly unusual” reports of these dogs contracting the disease prompted the FDA to investigate their food sources, which, the agency notes, largely contained those certain ingredients.

    Found typically in larger breeds of dogs like Great Danes and Newfoundlands, canine dilated cacdiomypatohy enlarges the heart, thus weakening it and often leading to heart failure. The FDA said dogs that are not genetically predisposed to the disease, like Labrador Retrievers, Shih Tzus, and Bulldogs, all of whom had a diet largely based in pet foods that contained lentils, peas and potatoes, have reportedly had the disease.
  • Speaking purely personally I try very hard not to be an evangelist about being a vegetarian (any more
  • ^^^666th post ;)
  • seth plum said:

    Speaking purely personally I try very hard not to be an evangelist about being a vegetarian (any more

    The rest of this post disappeared!
  • Also without sounding arrogant cause again I don't intend to come across that way.

    But you cannot and I seriously mean you cannot claim to love animals and eat them. If you love something you wouldn't harm it. Eating meat and loving animals just don't go hand in hand. It's like saying you hate racism but tolerate your best mate racially abusing people? Not exactly the same but it's something you claim to be against and it's in your control to stop it but you choose not to

    In your opinion
    No mate that's not an opinion, how can you feel affection for something and then kill/eat/harm it. You think you love animals there's a difference. Not trying to sound like a dick.

    And yeah I come into contact with other animals, why?

    Stig said:

    Out of interest did anyone actually watch any of the videos suggested?

    I haven't for three reasons:

    1. I'm very cautious about what videos I watch in public. Party because I don't want to fill the air with noise that others might not appreciate. Partly because I don't know exactly what the content is and I don't want others to label me as an oddbod if it's a bit far out.

    2. I don't take videos very seriously as a method of conveying scientific facts or intellectual arguments. There are too many preachy, evangelical pseudo-scientists who are quite happy to strut their stuff in front of an audience/camera but rather less committed to actually undertaking genuine research and submitting it for peer review. I had a hunch that the videos posted here might be like this.

    3. Selfish, self-protection from any brutal images that I wouldn't be able to erase from my mind.

    Given the responses I've seen here, I'm glad I chose not to.
    1. Headphones.

    2. These are documentaries I have suggested not just people rambling. Again how can you shut it down without even attempting to watch?

    3. That's why I have said I would question someone's morality if their views stayed the same after watching soemthing like Cowspiracy or Earthlings. For the record as well there are a lot of respectable and not seen as 'oddbods' celebrities who are vegan and are on record saying that earthlings is why they made the switch. So it's hardly some mumbo jumbo. Documentaries backed by hard evidence.

    What do you mean by given the responses on here?
    Celebrity endorsement is the ABSOLUTE definitive reason I'd be hugely sceptical of a documentary. I shall now endeavour to watch the two above documentaries and wait for the emotional exploitation.
  • seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    Speaking purely personally I try very hard not to be an evangelist about being a vegetarian (any more

    The rest of this post disappeared!
    I've recovered the missing bit
    seth plum said:

    Speaking purely personally I try very hard not to be an evangelist about being a vegetarian (any more chickpeas and I'll scream! Meat please I'm starving and could murder a juicy steak. Liver, kidneys, drumsticks, rack of lamb, drool, and all I've got to look forward to is a chickpea and lentil salad)

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  • I actually said if I was told that if I ate a bacon sandwich and it meant Charlton got promoted...I still couldn't eat it
  • Stevelamb said:

    steve if you dont mind me asking what is a typical days meals

    This is a typical working day.

    I start the day with a pint of cashew milk and add to it 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds a quarter of a teaspoon of turmeric and freshly ground black pepper.
    Next is strawberries about 20-30.
    Next is toast or crumpets with marmite or peanut butter.
    Then I have a couple of wraps filled with houmous, lettuce,red peppers,radish and sweet chilli sauce.
    Next about 40 blueberries or a couple of oranges or bananas.
    Next is a pint of tomato juice with a splash of Worcester sauce.
    Loads of water.
    I tend not to eat of an evening lol.

    The weekends differ if we go out it will be an indian, thai, chinese, japanese, or a restaurant that offers vegan options such as zizi, or for something special the OXO tower or Tredwells, Vanilla Black there are just loads to be had.

    Also my wife is vegan and a wonderful cook.
    We also run a vegan B&B in SE12.
    A bit like mine

    2 egg and cress sandwiches from either Asda or Lidl (brown bread)

    2 chicken and spinach sandwiches (homemade) brown bread
    An additional pack of roast chicken slices (breast) from Lidl to be eaten separately, 2 bags of walkers crisps, cheese and onion. Diet Pepsi or Pepsi max

    4 frozen breadcrumbed chicken steaks, whole grain rice and a bag of raw vegetables

    I pretty much have this every day
  • cabbles said:

    Stevelamb said:

    steve if you dont mind me asking what is a typical days meals

    This is a typical working day.

    I start the day with a pint of cashew milk and add to it 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds a quarter of a teaspoon of turmeric and freshly ground black pepper.
    Next is strawberries about 20-30.
    Next is toast or crumpets with marmite or peanut butter.
    Then I have a couple of wraps filled with houmous, lettuce,red peppers,radish and sweet chilli sauce.
    Next about 40 blueberries or a couple of oranges or bananas.
    Next is a pint of tomato juice with a splash of Worcester sauce.
    Loads of water.
    I tend not to eat of an evening lol.

    The weekends differ if we go out it will be an indian, thai, chinese, japanese, or a restaurant that offers vegan options such as zizi, or for something special the OXO tower or Tredwells, Vanilla Black there are just loads to be had.

    Also my wife is vegan and a wonderful cook.
    We also run a vegan B&B in SE12.
    A bit like mine

    2 egg and cress sandwiches from either Asda or Lidl (brown bread)

    2 chicken and spinach sandwiches (homemade) brown bread
    An additional pack of roast chicken slices (breast) from Lidl to be eaten separately, 2 bags of walkers crisps, cheese and onion. Diet Pepsi or Pepsi max

    4 frozen breadcrumbed chicken steaks, whole grain rice and a bag of raw vegetables

    I pretty much have this every day
    As someone currently on a low carb drive....i fucking hate you :smiley:
  • Visited Forest Green Rovers' ground when in the UK recently, the 'world's only vegan football club'. Very impressive ground and what they are doing there, with football being arguably the least obviously vegan friendly industry.
  • cabbles said:

    Stevelamb said:

    steve if you dont mind me asking what is a typical days meals

    This is a typical working day.

    I start the day with a pint of cashew milk and add to it 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds a quarter of a teaspoon of turmeric and freshly ground black pepper.
    Next is strawberries about 20-30.
    Next is toast or crumpets with marmite or peanut butter.
    Then I have a couple of wraps filled with houmous, lettuce,red peppers,radish and sweet chilli sauce.
    Next about 40 blueberries or a couple of oranges or bananas.
    Next is a pint of tomato juice with a splash of Worcester sauce.
    Loads of water.
    I tend not to eat of an evening lol.

    The weekends differ if we go out it will be an indian, thai, chinese, japanese, or a restaurant that offers vegan options such as zizi, or for something special the OXO tower or Tredwells, Vanilla Black there are just loads to be had.

    Also my wife is vegan and a wonderful cook.
    We also run a vegan B&B in SE12.
    A bit like mine

    2 egg and cress sandwiches from either Asda or Lidl (brown bread)

    2 chicken and spinach sandwiches (homemade) brown bread
    An additional pack of roast chicken slices (breast) from Lidl to be eaten separately, 2 bags of walkers crisps, cheese and onion. Diet Pepsi or Pepsi max

    4 frozen breadcrumbed chicken steaks, whole grain rice and a bag of raw vegetables

    I pretty much have this every day
    How don't you get bored? I have the hump if the Mrs. cooks noodles twice a week! Although I do have a fry up once a week!
  • cabbles said:

    Stevelamb said:

    steve if you dont mind me asking what is a typical days meals

    This is a typical working day.

    I start the day with a pint of cashew milk and add to it 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds a quarter of a teaspoon of turmeric and freshly ground black pepper.
    Next is strawberries about 20-30.
    Next is toast or crumpets with marmite or peanut butter.
    Then I have a couple of wraps filled with houmous, lettuce,red peppers,radish and sweet chilli sauce.
    Next about 40 blueberries or a couple of oranges or bananas.
    Next is a pint of tomato juice with a splash of Worcester sauce.
    Loads of water.
    I tend not to eat of an evening lol.

    The weekends differ if we go out it will be an indian, thai, chinese, japanese, or a restaurant that offers vegan options such as zizi, or for something special the OXO tower or Tredwells, Vanilla Black there are just loads to be had.

    Also my wife is vegan and a wonderful cook.
    We also run a vegan B&B in SE12.
    A bit like mine

    2 egg and cress sandwiches from either Asda or Lidl (brown bread)

    2 chicken and spinach sandwiches (homemade) brown bread
    An additional pack of roast chicken slices (breast) from Lidl to be eaten separately, 2 bags of walkers crisps, cheese and onion. Diet Pepsi or Pepsi max

    4 frozen breadcrumbed chicken steaks, whole grain rice and a bag of raw vegetables

    I pretty much have this every day
    How don't you get bored? I have the hump if the Mrs. cooks noodles twice a week! Although I do have a fry up once a week!
    Mate I’m just odd. Don’t get me wrong, I like loads more foods than this, I simply see it as fuel.

    It’s of constant fascination in the office that I’ve been pretty much eating the same lunch forever
  • cabbles said:

    Stevelamb said:

    steve if you dont mind me asking what is a typical days meals

    This is a typical working day.

    I start the day with a pint of cashew milk and add to it 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds a quarter of a teaspoon of turmeric and freshly ground black pepper.
    Next is strawberries about 20-30.
    Next is toast or crumpets with marmite or peanut butter.
    Then I have a couple of wraps filled with houmous, lettuce,red peppers,radish and sweet chilli sauce.
    Next about 40 blueberries or a couple of oranges or bananas.
    Next is a pint of tomato juice with a splash of Worcester sauce.
    Loads of water.
    I tend not to eat of an evening lol.

    The weekends differ if we go out it will be an indian, thai, chinese, japanese, or a restaurant that offers vegan options such as zizi, or for something special the OXO tower or Tredwells, Vanilla Black there are just loads to be had.

    Also my wife is vegan and a wonderful cook.
    We also run a vegan B&B in SE12.
    A bit like mine

    2 egg and cress sandwiches from either Asda or Lidl (brown bread)

    2 chicken and spinach sandwiches (homemade) brown bread
    An additional pack of roast chicken slices (breast) from Lidl to be eaten separately, 2 bags of walkers crisps, cheese and onion. Diet Pepsi or Pepsi max

    4 frozen breadcrumbed chicken steaks, whole grain rice and a bag of raw vegetables

    I pretty much have this every day
    As someone currently on a low carb drive....i fucking hate you :smiley:
    It’s weird. I’ve just never had the issue with carbohydrates. I understand for a lot of people bread is a no go.
  • Went to a restaurant called Farmacy over Notting hill way at the weekend.

    Definite rewcommend for anyone who fancies trying veg or mostly vegan food that tastes as good or better than a lot of what you eat.
  • Stevelamb said:

    steve if you dont mind me asking what is a typical days meals

    This is a typical working day.

    I start the day with a pint of cashew milk and add to it 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds a quarter of a teaspoon of turmeric and freshly ground black pepper.
    Next is strawberries about 20-30.
    Next is toast or crumpets with marmite or peanut butter.
    Then I have a couple of wraps filled with houmous, lettuce,red peppers,radish and sweet chilli sauce.
    Next about 40 blueberries or a couple of oranges or bananas.
    Next is a pint of tomato juice with a splash of Worcester sauce.
    Loads of water.
    I tend not to eat of an evening lol.

    The weekends differ if we go out it will be an indian, thai, chinese, japanese, or a restaurant that offers vegan options such as zizi, or for something special the OXO tower or Tredwells, Vanilla Black there are just loads to be had.

    Also my wife is vegan and a wonderful cook.
    We also run a vegan B&B in SE12.
    I’m assuming that’s vegan Worcester sauce?

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  • Surprised that all bar one has now about 3 vegan starters, 5 vegan main courses etc...
  • For the more principled vegans, does pen ink contain animal products?
  • bobmunro said:

    Stevelamb said:

    steve if you dont mind me asking what is a typical days meals

    This is a typical working day.

    I start the day with a pint of cashew milk and add to it 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds a quarter of a teaspoon of turmeric and freshly ground black pepper.
    Next is strawberries about 20-30.
    Next is toast or crumpets with marmite or peanut butter.
    Then I have a couple of wraps filled with houmous, lettuce,red peppers,radish and sweet chilli sauce.
    Next about 40 blueberries or a couple of oranges or bananas.
    Next is a pint of tomato juice with a splash of Worcester sauce.
    Loads of water.
    I tend not to eat of an evening lol.

    The weekends differ if we go out it will be an indian, thai, chinese, japanese, or a restaurant that offers vegan options such as zizi, or for something special the OXO tower or Tredwells, Vanilla Black there are just loads to be had.

    Also my wife is vegan and a wonderful cook.
    We also run a vegan B&B in SE12.
    I’m assuming that’s vegan Worcester sauce?

    There is such a thing, got it for my daughter after she went veggie. Bloomin expensive though.
  • edited July 2018

    Went to a restaurant called Farmacy over Notting hill way at the weekend.

    Definite rewcommend for anyone who fancies trying veg or mostly vegan food that tastes as good or better than a lot of what you eat.

    This simply cannot be proven, my taste buds are my own. I will give this place a go at some point, but have extreme doubts on all the Vegan stuff i've tried so far. They're often nice, but not as nice as the meat dishes they try to copy. Chilli for an example is not as nice as Chilli Con Carne.

    According to my taste buds anyway!
  • Dazzler21 said:

    Went to a restaurant called Farmacy over Notting hill way at the weekend.

    Definite rewcommend for anyone who fancies trying veg or mostly vegan food that tastes as good or better than a lot of what you eat.

    This simply cannot be proven, my taste buds are my own. I will give this place a go at some point, but have extreme doubts on all the Vegan stuff i've tried so far. They're often nice, but not as nice as the meat dishes they try to copy. Chilli for an example is not as nice as Chilli Con Carne.

    According to my taste buds anyway!
    Agree, it's like with Quorn. Bolognaise with Quorn is fairly decent and if I'm given it without knowing I often won't pick up on it. But actual meat is far better tasting.
  • edited July 2018

    Dazzler21 said:

    Went to a restaurant called Farmacy over Notting hill way at the weekend.

    Definite rewcommend for anyone who fancies trying veg or mostly vegan food that tastes as good or better than a lot of what you eat.

    This simply cannot be proven, my taste buds are my own. I will give this place a go at some point, but have extreme doubts on all the Vegan stuff i've tried so far. They're often nice, but not as nice as the meat dishes they try to copy. Chilli for an example is not as nice as Chilli Con Carne.

    According to my taste buds anyway!
    Agree, it's like with Quorn. Bolognaise with Quorn is fairly decent and if I'm given it without knowing I often won't pick up on it. But actual meat is far better tasting.
    Quorn mince is a reasonable substitute, as mince by its nature has relatively little texture and in chilli the other ingredients swamp its flavour.

    Replicating roast pork, a steak or indeed a nice piece of whole fish would be a lot harder...
  • I quite like Quorn chicken pieces which work really well in Currys.
  • I quite like Quorn chicken pieces which work really well in Currys.

    I'm surprised Curry's allow you to take food into the store to cook :smile:
  • I quite like Quorn chicken pieces which work really well in Currys.

    Shit in PC world though
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