'Can I get...'? No, you can't 'get' whatever it is, because you're essentially asking someone else to get it for you. What you want is to have something, not get it.
Since the Liz Truss thing and the little sound-meme of it that Nick Abbott plays I've become aware of how many people use 'Absolutely' for a range of positive responses. It's become like a little annoying ear-worm now.
Reach out ...wtf Eg Human resources will reach out to you
The only person ever allowed to reach out should be Levi Stubbs
Completely agree; it’s awful.
In my experience it seems to have stemmed from people excusing non responses from colleagues (usually more senior people).
Seems to me that you might that say ‘well I did email already but they have simply not responded’ and them responding ‘well reach out to them again’ and not being honest enough to say they are the sort of colleagues who only respond to certain colleagues / seniority or maybe don’t ‘do email’ only a phone call or a face to face exchange. And you apparently are meant to know and accept this.
Amazes me how many people think it’s ok to ignore colleagues and create a whole chain of chasing and spin off conversations as a result 😡
Comes to nothing.
One more:
'narrative' as in agenda, point of view, stance, or whatever: I'm not sure people that use that word regularly are too clear themselves what it means.
It’s used regularly here in Ireland.
Used instead of ‘common sense’ by many who don’t have it either tbh 🙄😂😂
WTF happened to Maths, I hated double Maths, but where did this Math imposter come from!
OMG should it be Math,s or Math's
What can I get you guys ??
What does that bloody mean anyway?!
I want it quoted like academia, thank you. WHO IS THEY ?
Just fuck off
It sounds very marketing speak to me.
”Disgusting” I’ve been called worse 😂😉
'curated' as in curated spaces ... in a hotel website!
Used to be called substitute and then substitute’s.
Now it’s for players unable to play half agame of football.
Doesn't suffer fools gladly - (Offensive c***)
Speaks their mind - (Offensive c***)