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Les Turner seriously ill (ed. RIP Les, Feb 2020)



  • Best wishes to Les and all his family. They all sound like a great bunch of people to have on your side.
  • Get well soon Les, and best wishes to you and the rest of the family Dan 
  • best wishes 
  • Best wishes to Les and all his family...hoping you're back, fit and healthy soon.
  • Best wishes @Elthamaddick

    Have the pleasure of sitting near Les on the coach whenever I go away and have known him for a few years now.  An absolute gentleman and always speaks so fondly of his family and what you mean to him.
  • If one of his relatives reads this thread may I politely ask if a photo of Les could be put up.....I am pretty sure I will know him to look at.
    There was a Les Turner who used to be the manager of Charlton Macros who supported The Addicks from way back......I knew him then and I’m wondering if it’s him?
    I fully understand if it’s considered inappropriate.
  • Get well soon Les.
  • I learned of this distressing news from the sisters who sit next to us at The Valley & who are long term friends of Les. 

    As others have already posted, Les is an ever present away traveller & we often pass a comment or two on the match as we exit the various grounds. 

    Stay strong, dear Les and look forward to seeing you again very soon.
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  • edited February 2020
    Oh that’s Les, yes indeed a very very well known face.
    Pretty sure I have spoken to him once or twice over the years.
    It’s not who I thought it might have been though.
    All the Best to all of the family and of course particularly Les.
    Keep us posted.
  • Very sad to hear, as others have said Les was an ever present up and down the country, I think we last spoke to him walking back to the car after Bristol City away, a loyal Addick if ever there was one, get well soon,      
  • Dan wishing your Dad a full a speedy recovery. Take care mate
  • edited February 2020
    Rudders22 said:
    I know Les very well. I first met him when I worked in the DHSS with him when I first worked there. Les and Neil were big Charlton fans. I didn't know at that time that Les Turner and Marc Robert, a good friend of mine knew each other as well.  He used to go all the home and away matches. I last saw him a few months past at the Valley.  At the time my friend Marc said to me that "Les is the Manager of the Nolans". However, Marc is a big WUM so didn't believe him when he told me. I knew Les was abroad for a couple of week. I had just started working as a Clerical Assistant at the time and was looking for a casepaper that was assigned to him and so when I asked his colleague where Neal was he told me that Les was abroad. Rather than looking like a right pratt, when Les came back I asked Les, "Is it true, you are the Manager of the Nolans?", and to my shock he said "yes".   He is such a lovely lovely guy. I hope he pulls through. He is one of the "old school". 
    I first got to know Les via his work at DHSS too as he was a colleague of my Mum's. I'm going back to the late 70s/ early 80s here so not sure if you were there then too, @Rudders22?
  • Best Wishes for a speedy recovery.
  • Adding to the chorus of good wishes here. Sepsis is nasty, but hopefully he'll be feeling better soon.
  • Make a full recovery mr Turner. There should be few more exciting years with Chatlton left, and thanks for helping to save Charlton during some of the clubs darkest days.
  • edited February 2020
    Best wishes Les. Speedy recovery.

    Can't believe how much he looks like Dave Gorman in the Valley Party snap!
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  • Get well soon
  • Get well soon Les Turner,  Top Man 
  • Rudders22 said:
    I know Les very well. I first met him when I worked in the DHSS with him when I first worked there. Les and Neil were big Charlton fans. I didn't know at that time that Les Turner and Marc Robert, a good friend of mine knew each other as well.  He used to go all the home and away matches. I last saw him a few months past at the Valley.  At the time my friend Marc said to me that "Les is the Manager of the Nolans". However, Marc is a big WUM so didn't believe him when he told me. I knew Les was abroad for a couple of week. I had just started working as a Clerical Assistant at the time and was looking for a casepaper that was assigned to him and so when I asked his colleague where Neal was he told me that Les was abroad. Rather than looking like a right pratt, when Les came back I asked Les, "Is it true, you are the Manager of the Nolans?", and to my shock he said "yes".   He is such a lovely lovely guy. I hope he pulls through. He is one of the "old school". 
    I first got to know Les via his work at DHSS too as he was a colleague of my Mum's. I'm going back to the late 70s/ early 80s here so not sure if you were there then too, @Rudders22?
    I was there frot about a year and a bit around 1988ish... when did your mum/leave/retire I might have met your Mum
  • Get well soon Les. Stay strong Dan.
  • Get well soon Les.  All the best!

  • Recover soon Les 

  • Great story @Lewis Coaches
    That old Bedford van, it was on it's last legs and my old man must have been crazy to think it could get there and all the way back. Mid-week game and the Lewis coach didn't run. Can't think why I missed that trip, must have been work.

    Remember another time we made it up to Huddersfield mid-week in the old van, their old Leeds Road ground, getting lost in the fog. Eventually found the ground and, of course, we lost 2-0. I'm sure you were with us that game, @Lewis Coaches?

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