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Discontinued food / drinks you miss



  • Ice Magic

    That stuff literally blew my mind. A sauce but then it goes hard! How?
  • Used to like a chilled can of Quatro on a hot day.
  • Spiral chocolate bar.
  • Spiral chocolate bar.
    Yes, loved those. 
  • Turkey Twizzlers 

    God even though I know they were made with crap, what I would give for Turkey Twizzlers 

  • edited April 2020
    A 1980s slush puppy with the squirty syrup.
    Cherry flavour..
  • I remember having something called pizza pockets as a kid. Think they went straight into the microwave and was done within a few minutes.

    I don't think the skin at the top of my mouth has ever grown back after biting into them lava pouches.
    Yes! Haha funnily enough as I was reading down I quickly remembered how often they burnt! Bloody good though once you had finished crying. 
  • McCains Micro Chips  My childhood memories Childhood memories
    First time I had these was on a Junior Reds trip to Norwich the day Mark Reid got sent off for decking the ref. Took absolutely bloody ages to get served cos they only had the one microwave I think, and they really weren't worth the wait.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Just before the lockdown I saw Vesta Beef Curry in a Poundstretcher store. I used to like the Vesta Chow Mein with the puffed up noodles.
    ASDA still stock the Chow Mein. They taste a lot better in your memory. Anyone remember the Cabana chocolate bar (cherries and coconut)?.
  • edited April 2020
    nestle secret chocolate bars

    Cadburys fuse chocolate bar 

    cadburys marble bar 
  • quarterback crisps 10p a bag 
  • Desperate for a galaxy ripple? That’s got to be a euphemism 
    I'd just like someone to eat my Cadbury's Flake.
  • Harvey's Duo Cans

    Actually, I don't miss them, they were awful.
  • edited April 2020
    Anyone else been getting this advert on this page?  What the hell is that item I've highlighted?  It looks like something out of ALIEN.
  • Cresta.

    It's frothy, man.
  • The spicy twiglets and the tangy twiglets you used to get in tubs at Christmas.

    Solero Ice with strawberries frozen into the lolly

    Vienetta, all the different flavours, used to get a tropical one, a lemon one, a coffee one, now all I see is classic and mint. 

    Pot noodle Sweet n Spicy

    TimeOut bars and ViceVersas
  • quarterback crisps 10p a bag 
    Can still get multipacks in Poundland.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Anyone else been getting this advert on this page?  What the hell is that item I've highlighted?  It looks like something out of ALIEN.
    and me.
  • Watneys party seven.
  • McCains Micro Chips  My childhood memories Childhood memories
    Think you can still get these (although now called Quick Chips)

    Both my kids loved these when they were young, wasn't keen on them myself
  • Cheese and Tomato Pot Noodle (pre 1990, did make a comeback but the taste was completely different)


    Deffo coconut Boost, a thing of beauty where you had to eat the outer layer first. 

    Beefy Bites, bit like a turkey drummer but beef tasting, coop prob about 1985 86 ish

    Proper Wham bars, pre 1990 when they were a meal in themselves and could rot a tooth in one setting. Not the flavourless shite they make nowadays. 

    Fireball gobstoppers

    Cheese moments, pub snack, crisp cones full of strong cheese flavour

  • Anyone else been getting this advert on this page?  What the hell is that item I've highlighted?  It looks like something out of ALIEN.
    DH gate is a platform for cheap goods from china.

    Let the conspiracy theories begin.
  • edited April 2020
    Cabana chocolate bar - coconut and glacé cherries inside. 

    Can of Quatro to follow. 
  • Panda pops. 

    Used to shake them and spray them after a game of Wembley 
  • The Coca Cola Drinks Machines you used to get in sports centres, crushed ice and then the syrup of choice, normally root beer for me. 
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