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  • edited April 2020
    Personally I’d rather the government gave him the money for a % of the company & we had some of them profits 
    edit: if it’s a viable company to invest in
  • Angry rant time.. and may not be in the right thread!

    my Mrs was furloughed which we had no problem with as there was no childcare options available for our 10 year old.
    She was working from home for a week prior to being furloughed.

    A couple of weeks ago, on a Friday, she was asked to go back on the Monday and she said she’d be willing to work from home again as there were no childcare options.
    They refused the offer to work from home (which were the government guidelines at the time) and said she had to go into the office.
    They later agreed to keep her on furlough.

    Last week she was told to come back into the office and if childcare was still an issue, they would have to accept her resignation.

    we contacted our sons school and managed to get him enrolled in the “key worker and vulnerable children” scheme and I managed to get my hours reduced at work to cover some of the shortfall (I have been working normally throughout the lockdown as a “key worker”)

    when she went back to work today she was told that the job she had been doing prior to being furloughed is being covered, as that department is not so busy and, instead she would be working doing a job which she was doing previously..  (she was promoted before Christmas) in a different department.
    As it’s not the same role, her pay will be reduced accordingly

    I am absolutely livid and if we could afford it I’d go down there and resign for her!

    Do you think I’m being unreasonable😔
  • Angry rant time.. and may not be in the right thread!

    my Mrs was furloughed which we had no problem with as there was no childcare options available for our 10 year old.
    She was working from home for a week prior to being furloughed.

    A couple of weeks ago, on a Friday, she was asked to go back on the Monday and she said she’d be willing to work from home again as there were no childcare options.
    They refused the offer to work from home (which were the government guidelines at the time) and said she had to go into the office.
    They later agreed to keep her on furlough.

    Last week she was told to come back into the office and if childcare was still an issue, they would have to accept her resignation.

    we contacted our sons school and managed to get him enrolled in the “key worker and vulnerable children” scheme and I managed to get my hours reduced at work to cover some of the shortfall (I have been working normally throughout the lockdown as a “key worker”)

    when she went back to work today she was told that the job she had been doing prior to being furloughed is being covered, as that department is not so busy and, instead she would be working doing a job which she was doing previously..  (she was promoted before Christmas) in a different department.
    As it’s not the same role, her pay will be reduced accordingly

    I am absolutely livid and if we could afford it I’d go down there and resign for her!

    Do you think I’m being unreasonable😔
    No you're not, surely if her contracted job isn't available, they either offer her the lesser paid role or they make her redundant and pay her a redundancy package?
  • Angry rant time.. and may not be in the right thread!

    my Mrs was furloughed which we had no problem with as there was no childcare options available for our 10 year old.
    She was working from home for a week prior to being furloughed.

    A couple of weeks ago, on a Friday, she was asked to go back on the Monday and she said she’d be willing to work from home again as there were no childcare options.
    They refused the offer to work from home (which were the government guidelines at the time) and said she had to go into the office.
    They later agreed to keep her on furlough.

    Last week she was told to come back into the office and if childcare was still an issue, they would have to accept her resignation.

    we contacted our sons school and managed to get him enrolled in the “key worker and vulnerable children” scheme and I managed to get my hours reduced at work to cover some of the shortfall (I have been working normally throughout the lockdown as a “key worker”)

    when she went back to work today she was told that the job she had been doing prior to being furloughed is being covered, as that department is not so busy and, instead she would be working doing a job which she was doing previously..  (she was promoted before Christmas) in a different department.
    As it’s not the same role, her pay will be reduced accordingly

    I am absolutely livid and if we could afford it I’d go down there and resign for her!

    Do you think I’m being unreasonable😔
    What pricks... Certainly shows up some companies compared with others - My wife went back to work 1st June which has meant Ive had to work from home and keep an eye on our 2-year old son

    Spoke to my company who agreed that in the current climate there wasnt much that could be done about it and that Id have their support whilst looking after him

    Of course the moment he can go back to Grandparents he'll do so but at the moment companies should be acknowledging these are exceptional circumstances and should be treating it at such
  • Agreed, unless it's a temporary measure on the same pay (it's not).
    They are saying her job is no longer there ie redundant.
    They should be offering redundancy or another job option as valley Gary said.
    If she wants to complain she may be forcing herself into redundancy. 
  • No you're not, surely if her contracted job isn't available, they either offer her the lesser paid role or they make her redundant and pay her a redundancy package?
    She’s only been there a year so redundancy wouldn’t amount to much.
    the job isn’t redundant as such.. it’s being covered part time by one of the maintenance guys as it’s not busy at present.

    In my eyes, keeping her on furlough wouldn’t have cost them anything as the government was paying the 80% and they didn’t contribute, which was fine.
    They insisted she came back to work (and not work from home as previous) and effectively demoted her
  • Agreed, unless it's a temporary measure on the same pay (it's not).
    They are saying her job is no longer there ie redundant.
    They should be offering redundancy or another job option as valley Gary said.
    If she wants to complain she may be forcing herself into redundancy. 
    Exactly as I said to her. Different job for the same pay wouldn’t have been an issue but I’ve got a feeling she may be being penalised for not being able to go back 2  weeks ago.

    i strongly feel there may be a case to answer but my Mrs is too placid.

    She did state before going back that she would hopefully  find something else (probably in September if that’s when the schools go back) as she’s wasn’t happy at being told to resign.
    So there’s no love lost.
    ill respect whatever she chooses, but I will remind her in future 🤣
  • Exactly as I said to her. Different job for the same pay wouldn’t have been an issue but I’ve got a feeling she may be being penalised for not being able to go back 2  weeks ago.

    i strongly feel there may be a case to answer but my Mrs is too placid.

    She did state before going back that she would hopefully  find something else (probably in September if that’s when the schools go back) as she’s wasn’t happy at being told to resign.
    So there’s no love lost.
    ill respect whatever she chooses, but I will remind her in future 🤣

    Regrettably with only a year's service there is little she can do. No redundancy pay, just contractual notice, and on that basis I would wait for them to lay her off rather than resign - then get the hell out of there as soon as she is able to find something else.
    It is company's like that who give good companies a bad reputation, by everyone thinking that they are all like that!

  • edited June 2020

    bobmunro said:

    Regrettably with only a year's service there is little she can do. No redundancy pay, just contractual notice, and on that basis I would wait for them to lay her off rather than resign - then get the hell out of there as soon as she is able to find something else.
    It is company's like that who give good companies a bad reputation, by everyone thinking that they are all like that!

    Damn! I wanna make them pay😤
    I won’t let her know that she’s right just to go along with it 🤣

    ps.. got any Jobs, Bob? 😉
    and thank you all for your input and listening 
  • edited June 2020
    I was talking to a friend at the weekend and she told me that the organisation she works for put about half the staff on furlough at the start of the lockdown. The company has started the redundancy consultation process with some of them. They plan to keep them on the furlough scheme until October, then to make them redundant.

    This really doesn't seem to be in the spirit of a job retention scheme.
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  • Well it’s probably retained them for six months longer than they would have.

    Unless the economy went straight back to pre-COVID levels there was always going to be mass redundancies unfortunately.
  • edited June 2020
    I was talking to a friend at the weekend and she told me that the organisation she works for put about half the staff on furlough at the start of the lockdown. The company has started the redundancy consultation process with some of them. They plan to keep theme on the furlough scheme until October, then to make them redundant.

    This really doesn't seem to be in the spirit of a job retention scheme.

    The jobs are being retained, for now, and it is giving employees some income that they would otherwise not have had. The scheme was designed to provide an alternative to redundancy but when the scheme ends that alternative will disappear.
    For many people the Job Retention Scheme was a case of kicking the can down the road and if, once the scheme ends, it is impossible for those jobs to be retained due to the long-term Covid-19 effects on a company's profitability then redundancy is, regrettably, the only option.
  • Angry rant time.. and may not be in the right thread!

    my Mrs was furloughed which we had no problem with as there was no childcare options available for our 10 year old.
    She was working from home for a week prior to being furloughed.

    A couple of weeks ago, on a Friday, she was asked to go back on the Monday and she said she’d be willing to work from home again as there were no childcare options.
    They refused the offer to work from home (which were the government guidelines at the time) and said she had to go into the office.
    They later agreed to keep her on furlough.

    Last week she was told to come back into the office and if childcare was still an issue, they would have to accept her resignation.

    we contacted our sons school and managed to get him enrolled in the “key worker and vulnerable children” scheme and I managed to get my hours reduced at work to cover some of the shortfall (I have been working normally throughout the lockdown as a “key worker”)

    when she went back to work today she was told that the job she had been doing prior to being furloughed is being covered, as that department is not so busy and, instead she would be working doing a job which she was doing previously..  (she was promoted before Christmas) in a different department.
    As it’s not the same role, her pay will be reduced accordingly

    I am absolutely livid and if we could afford it I’d go down there and resign for her!

    Do you think I’m being unreasonable😔
    nope not unreasonable at all
    cast iron case of wrongful treatment, all changes to working conditions must be made after due consultation and by negotiation
    your Mrs has abundant grounds for the raising of a grievance
    should the outcome result in loss of position, even by payment of a statutory redundancy package, she will have an open and shut case of wrongful dismissal

    all of which are very fine words and despite our generally excellent statutory employee protection, the miscreant employer, in practice, holds all the cards.  Is your Mrs in a union?  How likely will she get the push if you raise your disquiet/objection to this callous mistreatment?  Now may not be the time to be getting sacked on a principal.  Get some actual learnéd advice about protecting your Mrs's actual post and conditions.  Perhaps tolerate the state of affairs temporarily "as a gesture of goodwill but 'under formal protest in no way accepting the imposed demotion' with a view to restoration of the pre-furlough post at the first opportunity and in no way waiving my rights to the full remuneration and conditions package pertinent to the pre-furlough position, because the employer has no right whatever to unilaterally impose this new situation."

    Her employer has exposed itself as a two bit worthless shit unworthy of diligent staff and should be jettisoned at the first opportunity.
    You post under a pseudonym so name and shame all the arseholes on here and we'll publicise boycotting the pricks the minute your Mrs has a new employer worthy of her.

    Pre-pandemic, my better half had a similar shovel of shit dumped on them dressed up as a 'reorganisation'.  We spent a weekend drafting and redrafting a written response and delivered it, without fanfare, to the line manager (gutless shitweasel promoted beyond his capabilities and scared of his own shadow) and HR (clueless, backsliding bunch of two-faced arselickers shamelessly a cudgel of management not one shit given for the staff members or the law).  Not a word in response, not even the requested formal acknowledgement came without further prompting.  Apparently the blood drained from the HR head's face as she read the letter and she appeared to swallow something hard and jagged as she deigned to 'put it in your file'.  Employer is a long established British industrial concern, long since absorbed into a US dominated international conglomerate, with all the cynical staff relations shit that inevitably entails.
    Better half's terms and conditions remain unaltered but the job has blatantly been moved one step down the pyramid and the work required two steps down at least with none of the former autonomy or creative responsibility.  At the moment (fully remunerated) utter boredom and frustration are lesser evils than unemployment in a job market resembling the gobi dessert on a cold windy day.  Remains to be seen what repercussions there may be when all the rest of better half's colleagues are brought back from furlough.
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