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League table talk



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    ct_addick said:
    We can piss and moan about the other scores in games but we had it in our own hands the last 3 games and have blown it. Deserve to go down really
    Bit harsh, we were fantastic for 60 minutes against Brentford, and scored a perfectly good goal and should've had a penalty against Reading
    Exactly, we combine our performances from those two games against Birmingham and Wigan and we should be fine!!
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    Cardiff 2-1 but who cares?
    Stops Millwall from getting into the Play-Offs
    I haven’t worried about the P in the Championship; I’m obsessed with the R.
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    QPR have equalised!
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    back to 21st
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    Merson SSN: Luton have taken off an attacking player and put on a defensive player..perhaps settling for a draw
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    The Boro winner at Reading looked pretty suspicious to me. Reading players seemed to stop in the lead up. Will watch again on Quest tomorrow with interest. 
    Much seems suspicious in many of these games. Just look at our result last Saturday!  Absence of VAR and matches being played at different kick off times, and on different days both very questionable. However, if the unthinkable does occur, and Charlton do take the drop, fair enough. The team can't score, and there is nothing in their barrel to fight back against poor decisions. Not an ideal level playing field. The governing body? EFL hardly stand for Equity, Fair play and Loyalty. Should be about football, but now all about criminal or dishonest ownership, points deductions and greed. The beautiful game.............     
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    Luton sound if they are panicking.
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    QPR have scored 👍
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    1968CAFC said:
    QPR have scored 👍
    Again? - My stream is buffering like hell
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    1968CAFC said:
    QPR have scored 👍
    Still 1-1
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    Full time: Luton 1, QPR 1
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    Win tomorrow - 4 points clear with 2 games to play.

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    Barnsley will beat Leeds on Thursday now looking at that...
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    The above assumes Stoke lose to Bristol City (although not a big deal if they don’t) 
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    A charlton lifeline
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    A charlton lifeline
    We need to cling to something, don't we.
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    A charlton lifeline
    We need to cling to something, don't we.
    Yup. Win.
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    Come on - tomorrow is such a big one now. It’s in our hands. 
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    A win tomorrow would move us up to 19th, 4 points clear and with a much better goal difference than those in the relegation places. This would give the lads such a confidence boost at the right time, whilst also worsening the morale of those beneath us.

    Can't overstate how important it is that we win tomorrow. Come on lads!
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    Such a must win game
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    This division is mental!
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    A charlton lifeline
    We need to cling to something, don't we.
    I think we're clinging to the wreckage to quote the famous writer John Mortimer. 
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    The most important aspect of winning tomorrow would be putting Birmingham below us.  Their recent form suggests they have little to no chance of overturning that and could be in real trouble also.   COME ON THE REDS!!!!
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    Win tomorrow - 4 points clear with 2 games to play.

    That is a beautiful sight!
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    Birmingham City are probably the worst team we will play since we re started the season.
    if we don’t win this one I feel we are then F—Ked 👎👎
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    The most important aspect of winning tomorrow would be putting Birmingham below us.  Their recent form suggests they have little to no chance of overturning that and could be in real trouble also.   COME ON THE REDS!!!!
    And Huddersfield, especially as they have WBA and Millwall to come, both with something to play for

    No goals in 4 games for Huddersfield, a defeat to Luton and 3 nil nil draws!
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    edited July 2020
    1968CAFC said:
    Birmingham City are probably the worst team we will play since we re started the season.
    if we don’t win this one I feel we are then F—Ked 👎👎
    Not won in ages & last 4 home games have let in 3 goals each time.

    Yeah, we are just the team to play. My old man has always said that we are the "doctors" of any division we are in. Always the team to help out the opposition & cure their ills. Not won in Charlton & that will end. Not scored all season.....get a hat trick against us. 

    Lump all your money on a Birmingham win.
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