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Share my plate (replacement for the Rate my plate post)



  • edited December 2020

    Either need bigger plates or less flood next year. 
    Filed me up for 48 hours. 

    Turkey (although the white meat is mainly hidden under the parsnips and roast potatoes), Gammon, Roasties, Parsnips, Stuffing, Pigs in blankets, Carrots, green beans, brussels, red cabbage, cauliflower, leeks and proper gravy made from the turkey stock!

  • edited December 2020
    Didn’t have room in the oven to make own Yorkshires in the end. 

    Still, quite happy with how it turned out. The pigs in blankets were a high point, didn’t get through a lot of the turkey for 10 between the two of us on Christmas Day, did enjoy the three different lots of stuffing though 😁😁
  • Xmas dinner....

    Boxing Day brunch....

    Don't get me wrong, that Christmas Day meal is a fine plate of food, but I wouldn't have gone as far as to bolt me load over the spuds
  • Here's my effort. Guinea fowl and duck - 

    Sorry it's blury. I used me new phone and selected the "plate of food" option before taking the photo and didn't realise the quality of the photo until after the food had gone
  • and here is the photo of the food. Don’t know why that didn’t load before, 
  • BDL said:
    At least it had gravy on it this year......
    Is that the Ghost of Christmas dinners past trying to leave the plate ? 
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  • What an earth is that purple stuff?

    Even the carrots look embarrased to be there and are looking to make a sharp get away!

    And are those spare ribs on the left? Explain yourself.
    The “purple stuff” is red cabbage. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. 
  • Could do with a rate my pud thread!
  • Veggie category entry
  • Veggie category entry
    That looks like blood in your pudding . You should see a doctor about that ! 
  • I sent this to AFKA for the rate my plate comp. Obviously would have won if he hadn't gone and got the sniffles.
  • I am really disappointed with this thread. People are clearly taking more care over the presentation of their dinners than last year, and nothing so far has been laughably dreadful.

    It's made me realise how difficult food photogrpahy must be, mind you, if you dont want everything looking beige.
  • Here's my effort. 100% Vegan - and no, that's not Xmas pudding on the left, but part of the M&S Festive Wreath!

  • Just a small dinner for me this year
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  • seth plum said:
    Here's my effort. 100% Vegan - and no, that's not Xmas pudding on the left, but part of the M&S Festive Wreath!

    Think the festive wreath should have been nailed to the door, not eaten.
  • There’s a decent number of wwry decent looking dinners above. I reckon @AFKABartram must have curated some of the less well prepared plates last year as I don’t remember the standard being anywhere near as high in general. 

    Either that or everyone has massively raised their game this year. 
  • The “purple stuff” is red cabbage. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. 

    Food of the gods!
  • Mine and the Dogs Christmas Dinner 
    So is your name, Charlie?
  • edited December 2020
    stonemuse said:
    Went for untraditional this time ... Ballotine of chicken wrapped in air-dried ham, sweet parsnips, herb mash, lots of red wine jus with wild mushrooms. 
    Where's the veg? Parsnips are average at best. 

    EDIT: So many non-veggers? 

    Also why do people stack so much on to their plates? A lot of these look gross just because they're so over crowded!

  • seth plum said:
    Here's my effort. 100% Vegan - and no, that's not Xmas pudding on the left, but part of the M&S Festive Wreath!

     Christmas pudding was the very last thing I thought it was to be honest.
    It looks like something that was fished out of the incredible Hulk"s toilet pan!
  • BDL said:

    Food of the gods!
    Agree mate, love it. I prepare ours a couple of days before with apple, onion, garlic and various spices (cloves, cinnamon, brown sugar etc). Keeps well and I also freeze a batch for use in the new year.
  • some delicious looking meals there fellow CLifers .. now y'all need to join Weight Watchers (TM lol) in 2021 .. despite that, we all deserve a good one . New Year that is .. ((:>)
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