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Rumours Rumours - Summer 2021 edition (Deadline Day from p814)



  • Jonniesta said:
    2500 new posts, not sure i can handle the catch up does anyone want to give me the summary? rumours ideally... 
    Summary: Kirk may be still on, but his dad died so delayed understandably. No other solid rumours.
    Oh shit, thats not good. Well him signing would be, i saw on twitter essentially he was signing but wasn't really sure if there was much else going on. Really feel we need a playmaker (Morgan isn't quite there for me, Gilbey is decent but no idea when he is returning), also a pacey striker who can finish would work well. 

    I don't feel we are far off but a couple of key cogs, i am struggling to see where the goals will come from? Stockley is a beast but needs someone who is going to run off him and hassle defenders
  • cafc999 said:
    I have a feeling that sandgaard is a person who learns from his mistakes (unlike duchatelet), however I think in this window he’s made a mistake by leaving any business far too late and putting too much faith in the youth. Just a bit naive, like the schwartz transfer (thinking some one who can score in Denmark can do it anywhere) and playing addicks to victory instead of red red robin. As I said, I think he learns from mistakes, but unfortunately he has to make them first.
    How do we know that it is TS that is to blame? Maybe its Gallen who thinks a player is not worth the money?
    Or Roddy - Someone made a comment the other day saying there are too many cooks

    Can understand Sandgaard wanting a say, along with Adkins as he'll be working with the players... But whilst I'm sure (at least I hope) there was a meeting at the end of the season to discuss targets, I'm equally sure that some of those targets are no longer available, either because they've gone elsewhere or because the club refuse to sell.

    It then leaves you waiting for players to become available (Sean Clare and Josh Cullen are two examples that we've signed after they've suddenly become options out of the blue) - Are the "Holy Four" then messing around with Zoom meetings discussing whether its even worth going after this new target, with that hesitation ultimately slowly us down and allowing others to nip in.
  • I have a feeling that sandgaard is a person who learns from his mistakes (unlike duchatelet), however I think in this window he’s made a mistake by leaving any business far too late and putting too much faith in the youth. Just a bit naive, like the schwartz transfer (thinking some one who can score in Denmark can do it anywhere) and playing addicks to victory instead of red red robin. As I said, I think he learns from mistakes, but unfortunately he has to make them first.
    I think this is a genuine mistake by Sandgaard rather than him having lied or misled anyone on purpose. My suspicion is that he really did underestimate the difficulty/cost of doing business (maybe blindsided by the extra hazards of Covid and the ramifications).

    I hope he can learn from it and alter his plans accordingly but it does still leave us very short and under prepared in the short term, which will affect the whole season if we're not very lucky.
  • orpingtonRED said:Bowyer not playing any of the youngsters put the academy back 18 months, I have watched a lot of u23's football, your just seeing the players that fit into the formation that the 1st team play, If we are going to play the u23s players like Powell should be given more of a chance
    cs1986 said:
    cs1986 said:
    cs1986 said:
    cs1986 said:
    Dave Rudd said:
    It's painfully clear that the current squad is nowhere good enough to challenge for promotion ... either automatic or via the play-offs.

    Yes, we have some time to improve the squad, but we've left ourselves a lot to do.

    Even with what we have, we look like a hoofball team aiming for Stockley's head. 

    OK, so that's Plan A.  There is no apparent Plan B.

    Is the honeymoon over for Sandgaard?   Yes, he has saved the Club.  But he has shot himself in the foot with the fine words about reaching the Premier League in five years.

    If we believe what we read, we also committed to a £500k per year rental agreement with Duchatelet for the next 15 years.  Nice.  And someone else with have to deal with the consequences when that agreement comes to an end.

    No significant investment in what was going to be a Summer of Love where we built a squad to "blow it out of this division."

    Sandgaard seems to be a nice guy, with honourable intent.  But I sense that the cost of his dreams is now dawning upon him ... and he's coming up short.

    Football is not a place to make money, Thomas.  In fact, the opposite.  

    If you want into this, you have to do better.
    To play devil's advocate 
    Ipswich are throwing money about and bought a lot but not winning either 
    Lincoln proved last season that you can compete in this league without spending too much. Tom may be saving his money for until we get to the Championship. Then he spunkz it all and gambles. 
    That's the feeling I get from the guy. 
    We aint getting anywhere near the Championship without significant investment.

    Our academy's best prospects have been taken year on year and we are left with the lesser prospects. Our professional squad lacks any stand out players.

    We have signed 2 league 1 cast offs in midfield who may improve. Stockley is a good signing but needs to play in a 2. He doesn't score enough to play up top on his own.

    Our 20/21/22 year old players aren't good enough. 
    Significant investment is a phrase I'm not comfortable with. It seems to be an excuse to pressure owners to spend to keep up with others.
    It is a term to state how much investment we need in this squad of players.  I dont think for a second we should be paying lads 10k a week in this league or spending fortunes but we need significant investment in the playing squad. We aren't close to having a competitive squad so it's significant.
    We payed our players a lot more than Lincoln last season and they done well.
    I am not sure what you mean here. I love the Defence and Keeper - maybe another left back. The midfield is not great. We also desperately need wingers and a goal scorer.
    Sorry was using Lincoln as an example that overhauled their squad well.
    We chose to pay big wages for Watson Gunter Matthews and countless others. 
    I'd rather us try our youngsters than pay these wallies money. 
    I'm in a minority I know mate.
    Got ya. I am all for our youngsters if they are good enough but I feel we have a poor crop at moment. Deji looks a prospect. Not much else there for me unfortunately.

    I agree we should never have signed Gunter Watson and other similar.
    You may be right they ain't good enough. But our catchment area and academy has shown we do produce some very decent players. Find it hard to believe that only Doughty has the ability to progress.  Lee didn't play youngsters unless his hands were tied. I think that was a mistake.
    Let's hope Nigel doesn't do the same.
    There is a new Alex Ferguson documentary on Amazon if you are able to see it it it's very good. He talks about how he chose young players it was fascinating.

  • I have a feeling that sandgaard is a person who learns from his mistakes (unlike duchatelet), however I think in this window he’s made a mistake by leaving any business far too late and putting too much faith in the youth. Just a bit naive, like the schwartz transfer (thinking some one who can score in Denmark can do it anywhere) and playing addicks to victory instead of red red robin. As I said, I think he learns from mistakes, but unfortunately he has to make them first.
    If he's that wet around the ears then this could be a bumpy old ride.
  • edited August 2021
    cafc4life said:
    Just spoke to my sauce again, he said the 3 Defos from today have been delayed til tomorrow as there is now a fourth and they’ll all be announced early doors, 5pm ish.
    When did you ketch up with him?

    Damn FA got there first.
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  • Nah the more I think about it, I'm sure it's the alternative. 

    (You're likely spot on Bob, is Ged Roddy known for his negotiating skills?)
  • bobmunro said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Here's how ( I think) Transfers may be working. 

    Adkins suggests the kind of players he needs, gives the requirements of what they MUST have and probably even names some that do the job of such players. 
    Gallen goes out, taps up contacts and uses his relationships to find players that match Adkins requirements - Comes back to Adkins to check suitability
    When NA & SG are happy I'd hope it was straight to Sandgaard, but I fear this is where Roddy steps in. I don't get what he does, but he basically has to also ratify the signing before it can get to Sandgaard. Maybe he's acting as some sort of buffer to ensure we don't put forward signings over a certain price that don't add enough resale value etc?
    When it gets to Sandgaard I would assume the case is put forward on what the player brings, what their resale potential might be, how much we might need to spend to get them and whether they may or may not be able to make the step up. 

    The other thing that may occur is you roll up the meetings where Gallen comes back to a 4-way between Adkins, Gallen, Roddy & Sandgaard and they thrash it out whilst chugging Monster's and listening to rap metal. 
    In my experience, this is how it should work.

    1. Owner (TS) sets the budget (transfer fee and wages)
    2. Manager (NA) tells head of recruitment (SG) who/what he wants.
    3. Head of recruitment draws up a shortlist
    4. Manager reviews shortlist and selects those he wants to pursue.
    5. Head of recruitment asks current club for permission to talk to player (yes, I know!!).
    6. If player is interested the CEO (we don't have one but it could be Roddy in this instance) negotiates with player/club/agent within the confines of the budgets set in 1) above.
    7. If agreement (within budget) is reached then player signs).
    8. If agreement cannot be reached but manager wants to pursue further then CEO discusses budget with owner. If it can be increased then repeat 6) and 7).
    9. If no agreement reached within an acceptable budget then all parties move on.   

    For us point 6 may be the issue.
    Based on previous information from Q&As point 6 comes under Gallen. I have no idea where Roddy fits into process other than he is on the recruitment committee
  • bobmunro said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Here's how ( I think) Transfers may be working. 

    Adkins suggests the kind of players he needs, gives the requirements of what they MUST have and probably even names some that do the job of such players. 
    Gallen goes out, taps up contacts and uses his relationships to find players that match Adkins requirements - Comes back to Adkins to check suitability
    When NA & SG are happy I'd hope it was straight to Sandgaard, but I fear this is where Roddy steps in. I don't get what he does, but he basically has to also ratify the signing before it can get to Sandgaard. Maybe he's acting as some sort of buffer to ensure we don't put forward signings over a certain price that don't add enough resale value etc?
    When it gets to Sandgaard I would assume the case is put forward on what the player brings, what their resale potential might be, how much we might need to spend to get them and whether they may or may not be able to make the step up. 

    The other thing that may occur is you roll up the meetings where Gallen comes back to a 4-way between Adkins, Gallen, Roddy & Sandgaard and they thrash it out whilst chugging Monster's and listening to rap metal. 
    In my experience, this is how it should work.

    1. Owner (TS) sets the budget (transfer fee and wages)
    2. Manager (NA) tells head of recruitment (SG) who/what he wants.
    3. Head of recruitment draws up a shortlist
    4. Manager reviews shortlist and selects those he wants to pursue.
    5. Head of recruitment asks current club for permission to talk to player (yes, I know!!).
    6. If player is interested the CEO (we don't have one but it could be Roddy in this instance) negotiates with player/club/agent within the confines of the budgets set in 1) above.
    7. If agreement (within budget) is reached then player signs).
    8. If agreement cannot be reached but manager wants to pursue further then CEO discusses budget with owner. If it can be increased then repeat 6) and 7).
    9. If no agreement reached within an acceptable budget then all parties move on.   

    For us point 6 may be the issue.
    Unless things have changed Gallen does the negotiating?
  • Dazzler21 said:
    Nah the more I think about it, I'm sure it's the alternative. 

    (You're likely spot on Bob, is Ged Roddy known for his negotiating skills?)
    I don't think negotiating skills is the issue (there would/should be lawyers for the club involved at that stage) - it might be that Roddy has an opinion on the player that differs from NA/SG - that's a big issue. The CEO should be the deal maker, not the selector.
  • Scoham said:
    bobmunro said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Here's how ( I think) Transfers may be working. 

    Adkins suggests the kind of players he needs, gives the requirements of what they MUST have and probably even names some that do the job of such players. 
    Gallen goes out, taps up contacts and uses his relationships to find players that match Adkins requirements - Comes back to Adkins to check suitability
    When NA & SG are happy I'd hope it was straight to Sandgaard, but I fear this is where Roddy steps in. I don't get what he does, but he basically has to also ratify the signing before it can get to Sandgaard. Maybe he's acting as some sort of buffer to ensure we don't put forward signings over a certain price that don't add enough resale value etc?
    When it gets to Sandgaard I would assume the case is put forward on what the player brings, what their resale potential might be, how much we might need to spend to get them and whether they may or may not be able to make the step up. 

    The other thing that may occur is you roll up the meetings where Gallen comes back to a 4-way between Adkins, Gallen, Roddy & Sandgaard and they thrash it out whilst chugging Monster's and listening to rap metal. 
    In my experience, this is how it should work.

    1. Owner (TS) sets the budget (transfer fee and wages)
    2. Manager (NA) tells head of recruitment (SG) who/what he wants.
    3. Head of recruitment draws up a shortlist
    4. Manager reviews shortlist and selects those he wants to pursue.
    5. Head of recruitment asks current club for permission to talk to player (yes, I know!!).
    6. If player is interested the CEO (we don't have one but it could be Roddy in this instance) negotiates with player/club/agent within the confines of the budgets set in 1) above.
    7. If agreement (within budget) is reached then player signs).
    8. If agreement cannot be reached but manager wants to pursue further then CEO discusses budget with owner. If it can be increased then repeat 6) and 7).
    9. If no agreement reached within an acceptable budget then all parties move on.   

    For us point 6 may be the issue.
    Unless things have changed Gallen does the negotiating?
    Replace CEO with Head of Recruitment then.

    Still begs the question as to whether or not GR is involved in the process.
  • edited August 2021
    JohnnyH2 said:
    bobmunro said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Here's how ( I think) Transfers may be working. 

    Adkins suggests the kind of players he needs, gives the requirements of what they MUST have and probably even names some that do the job of such players. 
    Gallen goes out, taps up contacts and uses his relationships to find players that match Adkins requirements - Comes back to Adkins to check suitability
    When NA & SG are happy I'd hope it was straight to Sandgaard, but I fear this is where Roddy steps in. I don't get what he does, but he basically has to also ratify the signing before it can get to Sandgaard. Maybe he's acting as some sort of buffer to ensure we don't put forward signings over a certain price that don't add enough resale value etc?
    When it gets to Sandgaard I would assume the case is put forward on what the player brings, what their resale potential might be, how much we might need to spend to get them and whether they may or may not be able to make the step up. 

    The other thing that may occur is you roll up the meetings where Gallen comes back to a 4-way between Adkins, Gallen, Roddy & Sandgaard and they thrash it out whilst chugging Monster's and listening to rap metal. 
    In my experience, this is how it should work.

    1. Owner (TS) sets the budget (transfer fee and wages)
    2. Manager (NA) tells head of recruitment (SG) who/what he wants.
    3. Head of recruitment draws up a shortlist
    4. Manager reviews shortlist and selects those he wants to pursue.
    5. Head of recruitment asks current club for permission to talk to player (yes, I know!!).
    6. If player is interested the CEO (we don't have one but it could be Roddy in this instance) negotiates with player/club/agent within the confines of the budgets set in 1) above.
    7. If agreement (within budget) is reached then player signs).
    8. If agreement cannot be reached but manager wants to pursue further then CEO discusses budget with owner. If it can be increased then repeat 6) and 7).
    9. If no agreement reached within an acceptable budget then all parties move on.   

    For us point 6 may be the issue.
    Based on previous information from Q&As point 6 comes under Gallen. I have no idea where Roddy fits into process other than he is on the recruitment committee
    He is the one person on that committee that I don't understand why. 

    In the initial announcement of him joining it was said that
    "His primary focus will be planning and implementing the club’s long-term footballing strategy with the initial aim of helping the club stabilise and ultimately getting the club back to the Premier League."

    He said himself: 

    “We have to put the foundations in place to stabilise the club and give us something to build on. The long-term view is ambitious and that is exciting but we’ll need to walk before we can run. We’ll have to be clever in the way we do business and invest in the development of the club. We have a good structure already in place, with some very talented people working at the club, and with a little bit of support, there is no reason why, over time, we can’t achieve everything the owner, the staff and the fans dream of. I am humbled to be joining this great club and can’t wait to get started.”

    I don't get what he's doing regarding transfers. I do believe he is doing a lot behind closed doors to ensure the club is being run as a business. 

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  • edited August 2021
    TS is going to have to get a least 6 or 7 quality players in because if he doesn’t he’s going to be reminded every time we lose . We have some fans on social media who can be very unforgiving and it might get very uncomfortable . 
  • This article has interesting quotes from NA. It did make me wonder at the time if SG role has changed - talks about him negotiating deals more than identifying players. Then goes on to say GRs recruitment team. Feels like SGs role has changed. 

    "We’ve obviously got Steve Gallen, who is in negotiation with the players, the players’ agents and opposite clubs – because he is linked to the finances. Ged Roddy and his recruitment team identify players as part of a process as well. Data is used in a big way now – it’s the future of football, I suppose."
  • Rothko said:
    Quiet enjoying the revisionism of the RD era
    Grass was always greener on the other side springs to mind. 
    In retrospect players like Yoni Buyons, JBG, Vetokeke, Teixeira, Bulot & Watt were a damn sight better than Clare & Dobson. 
    Peak Golfie this. 
    It is, but it's not wrong for any of those players. 

    I'm not about to go celebrating Roland's achievements with the club though! The guy was an absolute maniac. 
  • opinion from my souurce is that its a matter of him being tight as we should't be struggling as our club is massive yet for some reason were struggling to attract players
  • DubaiCAFC said:
    One thing I would like to know, where is our bigger playing budget than last season being spent? As TS said in a recent interview. He must read social media, and likely the forums, he must be feeling a bit of pressure..?

    In the words of Bowyer ‘we need some help’ 

    Listening to NA interviews, he does t sound confident that we are going to get the required players in. Certainly seems an issue with getting the deals over the line.

    Kirk deal does sound like a bit of bad luck on our side, but I think we will get that over the line when Charlie is ready, as he is going through a terrible tough time.

    Heard Gomes was offered 1 year deal, which was verbally agreed, then the terms changed to what was verbally agreed. This why it broke down. Hopefully we can bring someone in better to be honest.. but running out of options now.

    it is also worrying when a club like AFC Wimbledon have more depth and strength than us. They made 9 changes, and by all accounts deserved the win! 
  • bobmunro said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Nah the more I think about it, I'm sure it's the alternative. 

    (You're likely spot on Bob, is Ged Roddy known for his negotiating skills?)
    I don't think negotiating skills is the issue (there would/should be lawyers for the club involved at that stage) - it might be that Roddy has an opinion on the player that differs from NA/SG - that's a big issue. The CEO should be the deal maker, not the selector.
    At the risk of playing devils advocate here, is there any actual proof that Roddy is any way interfering with the transfer process?

    Obviously people aren't happy with what's happening and understandably so but it doesn't sit right to speculating that this is somehow Roddy's fault when for all we know it's nothing to do with him.
  •  Data is used in a big way now – it’s the future of football, I suppose."
    So, Roland and Driesen were visionaries after all!!!

This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!