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Energy Bills



  • Next winter is going to be tough for a lot of families. What’s happening with Russia will push up wholesale gas prices even further. Add in rocketing food prices and inflation and I think we could see some really quite ugly scenes when enough people have had enough. I have no idea what should be done to ease the burden but something does need to be done. These are very troubled times for many reasons.
     Can anyone answer me this.
    How are people affording brand spanking new motors?
    I've seen so many around in the last couple of weeks. 30 - 50k a pop.
    It don't add up.
    Villains making illegal cash .. OR more likely, lease or buy now and pay later .. a lot of people have a lot of cash .. 2 or 3 family members working, small mortgage repayments, good credit ratings .. most people will be able to cope with the huge rises in energy prices .. the poorly paid, the long term sick and the unemployed will be 'looked after' .. no-one is going to starve or freeze to death in the UK unless they are incapable of taking care of themselves or have no idea how to get financial help ..
     the issue is looking after one another .,. if you know an elderly person who lives alone and has no family, try to help, at least inform the local authority that there is a problem, don't be afraid to be 'nosey'
    You hear so many stories of people not having a clue who their neighbours are though they have lived next door for years and years.
     I would say that this is especially true in big cities. We all must do what we can to try and help others, while still making sure that we take care of ourselves and those close to us. Excuse the digression from the 'new motor' discussion
  • My fixed tariff with Octopus is due to end in April. I received an email saying I could fix for 2 different amounts (£15 or £18 more than I'm currently paying), or go on variable (for £10 less than I'm currently paying). However, they couldn't confirm if these prices were reflecting the current prices or the April onwards prices following the rises coming.

    I'm currently £240 in credit, with my usage and therefore bills being roughly £15-£20 less than my current direct debit amount. Therefore I fixed for the amount £15 a month more than I'm currently paying for 12 months, but kept my direct debit amount the same as I'm currently paying (if that makes sense), with the hope that the amount I'm paying will suffice, and any overspend will come out of my credit. 

    Hopefully it proves that I've made the correct decision!

  • My sister was with one of the suppliers that went bust a few months ago and was moved to E.on onto their variable rate.The supplier I happen to be with. Yesterday she received a letter telling her what her new capped rates will be after 1April 2022.

    The new capped unit rates are

    The unit rates on my current contract with E.on which ends this September are


    The Ukraine crisis, which I don’t see ending any time soon, will only result in these prices being even higher in September. I don’t think the government realise the seriousness of this issue.

    “Hi Caroline,
    Your energy prices are going up.
    The government price cap, which reviews all energy suppliers’ standard variable prices twice a year, has been agreed and the new capped prices take effect on 1 April. As you’re probably aware, wholesale energy prices are at an unprecedented high (even renewables-backed energy still has to be bought on the wholesale market), and as these costs make up the largest part - around 50% - of your bill, we need to increase our variable tariff prices.
    For peace of mind you can switch to a fixed tariff - it’s easier online.
    We know the price rise isn’t good news, but you can easily switch online to a fixed tariff to avoid future price rises for 1 or 2 years. Right now, most fixed price tariffs cost more than variable ones, but we have a fixed tariff, Next Online v11, that costs the same as the new capped variable prices, and means you'll avoid any more increases for a year. This offer is limited and may be withdrawn at any time.
    Just visit to switch - you'll need to agree to have a smart meter fitted, pay by Direct Debit and manage your account online to sign up to this deal. (If you’ve recently switched to a fixed price tariff, you can ignore this letter).
    Ways to save energy.
    With energy prices rising, it’s always good to check the easy ways you can avoid wasting energy in your home - there are lots of tips at
    We're here for you,
    The E.ON Next team
    E.ON Next Energy Limited Registered Office: Westwood Way, Westwood
    Business Park, Coventry CV4 8LG. Registered in England and Wales No.: 03782443
    Get in touch with us 0808 501 5200
    Your account number: A-Date: 22 February 2022
     Need help or advice?
    If you have questions about the price cap or are worried about how you’ll pay for your energy, there’s lots of advice at including links to payment support. Or you can contact us and we’ll do all we can to help.
    The quickest way to get in touch is to message us on Facebook or Twitter 24/7 or email us at If you’d prefer to call, it might take a bit longer as we’re very busy right now, but we’re here 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday, 9am to 4pm Friday.
    Or Citizens Advice can give independent energy advice and support - you can visit or call them Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm on 0808 223 1133 (England/Wales) or
    0800 028 1456 (Scotland).
    Page 1/2

    Here's what we think you'll pay over the next 12 months.
       Estimated annual costs until 31 March 2022
    Estimated annual costs from 1 April 2022
    Price difference
     Your personal projection includes any discounts and VAT at 5%. It uses your estimated annual usage, your current prices, and your new prices for a period of 12 months. Variable prices may change at any time. Charges on your bill will be displayed excluding VAT. If you’re on our Safeguard tariff, your personal projection includes any discounts and VAT at 5% but doesn’t include any Warm Home Discount payments. It uses your estimated annual usage, your current prices, and your new prices for a period of 12 months. Safeguard prices may change at any time.
    Your prices.

    Standing charge (per day) Unit rate (per kWh) Standing charge (per day) Unit rate (per kWh)
    What you're paying now
    27.838p 21.881p 30.783p 4.410p
    Your new prices from 1 April 2022
    37.245p 31.212p 32.031p 7.918p

       If you have a smart meter and we can get a reading from it, we'll use this to work out your usage before and after the price increase date. If not, we’ll estimate your usage up to 1 April at the old prices, and from then onwards at the new prices, to calculate your bill.
      Good to know.
    You’re already on our cheapest variable tariff. We’ll let you know if this changes.
    Thinking about changing supplier? We won’t charge you any fees and we’ll keep you on your old prices, as long as your new supplier lets us know by 1 April and your switch is finished within six weeks. If you decide to leave us, the door will always be open for you to come back.
    If you owe us money, we might object to you leaving us.
    Got a few minutes spare?
    You may want to get a quote from another supplier. Opposite is the info you need to get started. If you do want to switch to a fixed plan with us, you’ll always be able to switch to another tariff without exit fees if you’re staying with us.
    E.ON Next Energy Limited Registered Office: Westwood Way, Westwood
    Business Park, Coventry CV4 8LG. Registered in England and Wales No.:”
  • addix said: (Page 1, Sept 2021)
    Our energy supply was up for renewal at the end of last month.  I always compare prices and switch to the best deal at the time and we were with So Energy paying about £1400 a year for dual fuel.  Staying with them would've seen the bill jump to over £2k. 

    All the comparison sites, and even going to suppliers direct, resulted in sizeable hikes and the best for us ended up being EDF for £1750 fixed until early 2024.  If prices drop significantly it's £30 to break the contract.

    One thing I should do is, as suggested, check that we aren't supplying half of Beckenham for their energy because our usage for a mid terrace and just two of us appears to be very high.
    We've just had our first dual fuel bill from EDF and we're £13.06 in credit.  I'm going to turn a light on to celebrate!
  • Eon just emailed, they are putting our direct debits up from £150 a month to £252 a month. Absolute bastards. We live in a 3 bed semi. 
  • Eon just emailed, they are putting our direct debits up from £150 a month to £252 a month. Absolute bastards. We live in a 3 bed semi. 
    I live in a 4 bed semi and payments going up to £170 under the new price cap in April.
    I'm sending my bill to Putin.
  • Eon just emailed, they are putting our direct debits up from £150 a month to £252 a month. Absolute bastards. We live in a 3 bed semi. 
    I live in a 4 bed semi and payments going up to £170 under the new price cap in April.
    I'm sending my bill to Putin.
    Sounds like a bargain at £170 😂
  • Eon just emailed, they are putting our direct debits up from £150 a month to £252 a month. Absolute bastards. We live in a 3 bed semi. 
    I live in a 4 bed semi and payments going up to £170 under the new price cap in April.
    I'm sending my bill to Putin.
    Sounds like a bargain at £170 😂
    GFCH is on all day every day (although low).
    No idea why yours would be 50% higher.
    Unless you're paying more on a fixed deal.
  • Eon just emailed, they are putting our direct debits up from £150 a month to £252 a month. Absolute bastards. We live in a 3 bed semi. 
    I live in a 4 bed semi and payments going up to £170 under the new price cap in April.
    I'm sending my bill to Putin.
    Sounds like a bargain at £170 😂
    GFCH is on all day every day (although low).
    No idea why yours would be 50% higher.
    Unless you're paying more on a fixed deal.
    We were given Eon Next after our other supplier went bust just before Christmas. We are in credit of £400. I think they are being cautious. 
  • edited March 2022
    Eon just emailed, they are putting our direct debits up from £150 a month to £252 a month. Absolute bastards. We live in a 3 bed semi. 
    I live in a 4 bed semi and payments going up to £170 under the new price cap in April.
    I'm sending my bill to Putin.
    Sounds like a bargain at £170 😂
    GFCH is on all day every day (although low).
    No idea why yours would be 50% higher.
    Unless you're paying more on a fixed deal.
    We were given Eon Next after our other supplier went bust just before Christmas. We are in credit of £400. I think they are being cautious. 
    I was switched to Octopus, but almost everyone should stay on the variable price cap or switch to the variable price cap when their cheap fixed rate deal ends.
    All current available fixed deals are higher according to Martin Lewis.
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  • Anyone ever used Utility Warehouse?, been told about them and just had a look and filled out the info and combined for the gas/electric/broadband it’s quoting me a price that seems too good to be true??

    generally of something seems that way then it usually is…..
    edited March 2022
    Anyone ever used Utility Warehouse?, been told about them and just had a look and filled out the info and combined for the gas/electric/broadband it’s quoting me a price that seems too good to be true??

    generally of something seems that way then it usually is…..
    I chose them when I moved last October. Paying £141 a month for gas, electric and boiler/plumbing insurance in a 4 bed semi.

    Had good customer service when doing it all and a decent app as well.
  • Next winter is going to be tough for a lot of families. What’s happening with Russia will push up wholesale gas prices even further. Add in rocketing food prices and inflation and I think we could see some really quite ugly scenes when enough people have had enough. I have no idea what should be done to ease the burden but something does need to be done. These are very troubled times for many reasons.
    for a start the extra £20 a week benefit paid during the pandemic should be reinstated, the NI rise scrapped and the bands at which tax and NI start being deducted raised.. the UK is a reported x trillion (who knows ?) in debt .. f f s sake what ever happened to the humble billions and the now not worth having millions .. so a few more billion quid in the red will not mean a lot .. I am NOT in favour of windfall taxes or soaking the rich, not yet anyway
    I agree that the £20 UC should be reinstated and NI rise should be scrapped and the bands at which NI & tax start should be raised, especially for those on lower salaries, however it is obscene that oil and gas producers are raking in billions on the backs of ordinary people. There should definitely be a windfall tax on those incredibly high profits.
    Are you *sure* you *ever* voted tory? 😏
  • Anyone ever used Utility Warehouse?, been told about them and just had a look and filled out the info and combined for the gas/electric/broadband it’s quoting me a price that seems too good to be true??

    generally of something seems that way then it usually is…..
    A friends wife used to work for them.

    The upfront quote always seems good but keep an eye on what you actually get. If you take the broadband you get the very basic router - want a decent one, either buy yourself or pay them monthly more. Same with phone, you have to pay extra for free calls etc on their quoted amount and for decent speed broadband. 

    For phone and broadband she actually used to say they were one of the more expensive when you factor everything in.
  • Eon just emailed, they are putting our direct debits up from £150 a month to £252 a month. Absolute bastards. We live in a 3 bed semi. 
    I live in a 4 bed semi and payments going up to £170 under the new price cap in April.
    I'm sending my bill to Putin.
    Sounds like a bargain at £170 😂
    GFCH is on all day every day (although low).
    No idea why yours would be 50% higher.
    Unless you're paying more on a fixed deal.
    Could be all sorts of reasons. Different boiler, structure of house, insulation etc. We replaced our boiler about 4 years ago and our gas bills dropped significatly. Loft insulation, good double glazing. Even things like pulling thick curtains across windows at sunset can make a big difference. 
  • Next winter is going to be tough for a lot of families. What’s happening with Russia will push up wholesale gas prices even further. Add in rocketing food prices and inflation and I think we could see some really quite ugly scenes when enough people have had enough. I have no idea what should be done to ease the burden but something does need to be done. These are very troubled times for many reasons.
    for a start the extra £20 a week benefit paid during the pandemic should be reinstated, the NI rise scrapped and the bands at which tax and NI start being deducted raised.. the UK is a reported x trillion (who knows ?) in debt .. f f s sake what ever happened to the humble billions and the now not worth having millions .. so a few more billion quid in the red will not mean a lot .. I am NOT in favour of windfall taxes or soaking the rich, not yet anyway
    I agree that the £20 UC should be reinstated and NI rise should be scrapped and the bands at which NI & tax start should be raised, especially for those on lower salaries, however it is obscene that oil and gas producers are raking in billions on the backs of ordinary people. There should definitely be a windfall tax on those incredibly high profits.
    Are you *sure* you *ever* voted tory? 😏
    Apparently BP have had to write off $25 billion pulling out of Russia
  • Croydon said:
    Next winter is going to be tough for a lot of families. What’s happening with Russia will push up wholesale gas prices even further. Add in rocketing food prices and inflation and I think we could see some really quite ugly scenes when enough people have had enough. I have no idea what should be done to ease the burden but something does need to be done. These are very troubled times for many reasons.
     Can anyone answer me this.
    How are people affording brand spanking new motors?
    I've seen so many around in the last couple of weeks. 30 - 50k a pop.
    It don't add up.
    Finance. Everything is finance these days - another bubble waiting to burst
    Everything on finance, clothes on klarna, NFTs on credit cards.

    Recession imminent.
    An issue with all the finance options is people buy stuff they can't really afford or even need. Am not saying we need to go back to the days of my parents when you saved up for something before you bought it. But it is too easy to buy what you want not what you need/afford; get it right now, right now culture
  • We're starting to look at new gas boilers vs heat pumps. Does anyone have any thoughts, especially regarding the government:s current heat pump incentives?
  • We're starting to look at new gas boilers vs heat pumps. Does anyone have any thoughts, especially regarding the government:s current heat pump incentives?
    Probably need to change all the rads in the house if you are switching to a heat pump.
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  • edited March 2022
    Edit wrong thread 
  • We're starting to look at new gas boilers vs heat pumps. Does anyone have any thoughts, especially regarding the government:s current heat pump incentives?
    Probably need to change all the rads in the house if you are switching to a heat pump.
    And from what I have seen have spare space outside the house to build a plinth to stand it on.
  • Croydon said:
    Next winter is going to be tough for a lot of families. What’s happening with Russia will push up wholesale gas prices even further. Add in rocketing food prices and inflation and I think we could see some really quite ugly scenes when enough people have had enough. I have no idea what should be done to ease the burden but something does need to be done. These are very troubled times for many reasons.
     Can anyone answer me this.
    How are people affording brand spanking new motors?
    I've seen so many around in the last couple of weeks. 30 - 50k a pop.
    It don't add up.
    Finance. Everything is finance these days - another bubble waiting to burst
    Everything on finance, clothes on klarna, NFTs on credit cards.

    Recession imminent.
    An issue with all the finance options is people buy stuff they can't really afford or even need. Am not saying we need to go back to the days of my parents when you saved up for something before you bought it. But it is too easy to buy what you want not what you need/afford; get it right now, right now culture
    Unforntunately, the entire economy is built on credit, and the easy availability thereof. Its not as simple as just turning that off - because the net effect of doing so would cripple us economically for decades. 
  • We're starting to look at new gas boilers vs heat pumps. Does anyone have any thoughts, especially regarding the government:s current heat pump incentives?
    We've started burning fivers* in an open grate.

    * Tenners if it's really cold.
  • edited March 2022
    Just got an email through from EDF estimating my total usage (people often focus on their direct debits) will be around £1.4k more over the next year. And this is just the April price rises, imagine what it will be like later in the year (October is it?)

    Turned the flow temperature of my boiler down from 75c to 60c (actually preferring the radiators like that), apparently makes a pretty big difference (6-8%), just means your heating will be on for longer (whilst using less energy) and take a bit more time to heat up, but more useful than telling you to just turn the thermostat down and wear 4 jumpers. 

    There really is going to be a huge cost of living crisis, which will become so much deeper when the next tier of increases comes in. 
  • Huskaris said:
    Just got an email through from EDF estimating my total usage (people often focus on their direct debits) will be around £1.4k more over the next year. And this is just the April price rises, imagine what it will be like later in the year (October is it?)

    Turned the flow temperature of my boiler down from 75c to 60c (actually preferring the radiators like that), apparently makes a pretty big difference (6-8%), just means your heating will be on for longer (whilst using less energy) and take a bit more time to heat up, but more useful than telling you to just turn the thermostat down and wear 4 jumpers. 

    There really is going to be a huge cost of living crisis, which will become so much deeper when the next tier of increases comes in. 
    If you've turned the flow down just watch the hot water, if your stat is above 60 on the tank it'll be burning gas like there's no tomorrow. Most advise to have the flow at 65 to keep the hot water at the right temp.
  • Just had our DD amendment through, going from 45 a month to 88 a month, no word on the actual standing charge and rate amount though 
  • Don't forget to take a meter reading just before/after the prices go up on 1 April.

    I'm sure the energy companies will have some sooper dooper algorithms in place developed by some sooper dooper techy nerds to work out how much energy we used before and after the price hikes so they can split their bills accordingly - but personally I wouldn't trust them with a barge pole!
  • Only problem is, these pesky meters are so tricky to read sometimes, particularly in the dark, that I think I may have inadvertently given them a higher reading than it actually is .......

    Oh well, it will all catch up eventually. 
  • edited March 2022
    If you're on a variable deal, take a meter reading this evening and enter it online.
    The price cap goes up 54% tomorrow and so will your bill.
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