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Give Jacko The Job (He got given it on page 31...)



  • Given how bad we were I doubt many fans expected JJ to do quite this well. Results and performances have improved dramatically and players look fitter and more motivated.

    He deserves the job.
  • edited December 2021
    Clearly it's done,  Jackson is just waiting for the keys to Roddy's evil genius secret lair and an invitation to join the illuminati before it's made official. 

    Or possibly, there's just some football details to agree to still and a time frame that the man who's dealing with the negotiations and contract wants to stick to.

    Both highly plausible though. 
  • 5 wins, 2 draws and 1 defeat in 8 league games so far, that’s top 2 form.

    We were heading for league 2 if things had stayed the same and we could see it unravelling before our eyes.

    Stockley is a key part of this team, and would be the leading scorer in the division by now if Jacko had the gig from the start of the season.

    Please Thomas get the deal done, we can’t cock this one up and pay the consequences.
  • We’ve got to get a half decent striker in January, at least on loan, if Stockley gets injured we’re a bit stuffed, we saw results tail off when he got his 3 game ban, we’ve still not replaced Rocket Ronnie and Big Chuks.
  • My own thoughts are the club originally wanted to stick to a model ie 433 & run it through all the age groups & recruitment with the 4 amigos agreeing jointly. I can only think Jacko may not agree with this & this is what the discussions are about!   
  • In his defence I'd like to think that if Jacko had got off to a bad start Sandgaard would have afforded him this same amount of time to put things right.
  • If someone in Sandgaards inner sanctum is still chirping doubts about Jacko to him then he really needs to take a look at his inner sanctum!
    why did i read that as rectum....
    That was the previous lot.
  • seth plum said:
    12 days to go.
    As long as Jacko gets the job I am admiring Sandgaard sticking to his original word/plan.
    The one caveat is if it affects planning for the transfer window.
    It already is, Seth. There is no chance whatsoever that even if he makes an appointment this week a new manager could come in and have a significant effect on the transfer window activity. The best options (in the view of the current "committee") have already been identified. Gallen has explained the process and timelines to us more than once.

    Looking back on that SLP interview, I found this statement rather worrying : "If there is a better candidate for the club in the near and medium term out there, we’ll simply just go back to the set-up like it was before. Johnnie is a great assistant manager, we already know that, and Jason Euell is a great coach."

    In 25 years of recruitment at high level in companies, dealing with ambitious people with significant egos, I never saw one example of somebody ambitious who was temporarily promoted, but then happily returned to the previous position when somebody else was brough in over them.They quickly upped and left the company for another one that wanted them more. I can't believe that Thomas has done that to his senior people at Zynex.

    But executive recruitment turned out to be a funny old business, where people much smarter and more high achieving that I was somehow had blind spots, where they forgot that time waits for no one and that in a market economy a good employer and a good employee both have choices. The number of good people I saw slip though my clients' fingers because they procrastinated...hence my increasing angst... 
    Your point that anybody fresh coming in has no time to get properly sorted.
    For that reason alone the appointment of Jacko is unarguable now.
    Jacko has passed his tests.
    12 more days to find out anyway.
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  • My own thoughts are the club originally wanted to stick to a model ie 433 & run it through all the age groups & recruitment with the 4 amigos agreeing jointly. I can only think Jacko may not agree with this & this is what the discussions are about!   
    Can you name a club where a team formation was adopted as a fixed strategy rather than a tactical decision which could be varied according to the strengths or otherwise of available players and/or that of the opposition on the day? I think its a pretty ridiculous idea. 

    Unfortunately it could be both a pretty ridiculous idea, but nevertheless one held by people of influence in the club. I am not suggesting that is actually the case, simply that in the Duchatelet era we saw some ridiculous ideas actually implemented…
  • edited December 2021
    My own thoughts are the club originally wanted to stick to a model ie 433 & run it through all the age groups & recruitment with the 4 amigos agreeing jointly. I can only think Jacko may not agree with this & this is what the discussions are about!   
    Few things here. 

    Firstly you have to have the players to be able to do that. For a Teams like Man City, Liverpool, Chelsea etc ,etc that’s fine. They know that they can stick to that formation regardless of injuries as they quality players to come in.  We simply can’t do that. 

    Secondly, teams that are not as good as the ones mentioned above have to be able to be flexible if they stand any chance of competing. 

    Lastly, and more importantly- A manager should have the final say on what players he picks and the formation of his choice. It’s no coincidence that since Jackson has come in and managed his way, with his formation that we have looked a completely different proposition. Jackson won’t be naive enough to think he won’t have to change formation at times. 
  • Is everyone ignoring the JJ quotes confirming positive discussions ongoing?
  • Is everyone ignoring the JJ quotes confirming positive discussions ongoing?
    Not me. I had a lot of that too, in exec.recruitment. Candidates telling me that they had really positive discussions...but then things started to drag on longer than was normal, and eventually I learnt the client (who kept avoiding my calls)  had selected somebody else. I quickly learnt that silence- from one party or another- was never, ever, good news, and long delays in the process with an individual candidate nearly always ended badly too.

    The obvious caveat is that in those situations I was a professionally interested party, whereas in this situation we are not. Nevertheless, I think there are now clear commercial benefits to Thomas announcing he is closing the deal,  or at least indicating that JJ is indeed his preferred candidate, even if he hasn't concluded negotiations.
  • I think he will be announced after the Cambridge match.
  • thenewbie said:
    Based on JJs quote, it sounds like they are negotiating a contract.  Not worried. this will get done soon. People need to relax a little
    I think its done in the sense of length, terms etc but there's a few details yet to be  tweaked - Contractual stipulations about exactly what is and isn't his remit in terms of transfers for example. 
    I agree and also think it's about 'outside' influence.
  • I agree with those who reckon the delay is due to the structure of the footballing side of the club. TS is due to return home after the Cambridge game so it is reasonable to expect a decision before he departs, if not then maybe there are some difficulties that they can't solve yet.
  • Is everyone ignoring the JJ quotes confirming positive discussions ongoing?
    Not me. I had a lot of that too, in exec.recruitment. Candidates telling me that they had really positive discussions...but then things started to drag on longer than was normal, and eventually I learnt the client (who kept avoiding my calls)  had selected somebody else. I quickly learnt that silence- from one party or another- was never, ever, good news, and long delays in the process with an individual candidate nearly always ended badly too.

    The obvious caveat is that in those situations I was a professionally interested party, whereas in this situation we are not. Nevertheless, I think there are now clear commercial benefits to Thomas announcing he is closing the deal,  or at least indicating that JJ is indeed his preferred candidate, even if he hasn't concluded negotiations.
    I take your broad point but (to try & be positive) in this instance, TS always said 30-60 days (think that is correct). Perhaps more importantly its difficult to envisage who a more credible candidate would be that TS was separately negotiating with.
  • edited December 2021
    My own thoughts are the club originally wanted to stick to a model ie 433 & run it through all the age groups & recruitment with the 4 amigos agreeing jointly. I can only think Jacko may not agree with this & this is what the discussions are about!   
    Can you name a club where a team formation was adopted as a fixed strategy rather than a tactical decision which could be varied according to the strengths or otherwise of available players and/or that of the opposition on the day? I think its a pretty ridiculous idea. 

    Unfortunately it could be both a pretty ridiculous idea, but nevertheless one held by people of influence in the club. I am not suggesting that is actually the case, simply that in the Duchatelet era we saw some ridiculous ideas actually implemented…


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  • I doubt it would be wise for JJ to tell TS to stick it. He is displaying his talents in the shop window. He needs to be tied down because other clubs will be noticing him and if he was out of contract at the end of the season, it will probably cost TS a lot more due to competition and there would be a risk of losing him. For this reason, I doubt the rumour is true. The time to do an end of season deal was after a couple of games basically. 
  • Maccn05 said:
    rumours on Twitter that JJ will only be given a deal until the end of the season. Take it for what you will, no idea on the origin of the story.

    An absolute insult to JJ if true. If true he should tell him to stick it
    Agreed. It’s already been insulting enough. To only give it to him to season’s end even more so.
    That aside it’d be extremely foolish not to tie down the biggest asset the club has in terms of personnel.
  • Maccn05 said:
    rumours on Twitter that JJ will only be given a deal until the end of the season. Take it for what you will, no idea on the origin of the story.

    An absolute insult to JJ if true. If true he should tell him to stick it
    If that were to be true would JJ have said he was having positive conversations with TS? Think he might have used different language if true. 

    But it’s all conjecture at this time. 
  • Maccn05 said:
    rumours on Twitter that JJ will only be given a deal until the end of the season. Take it for what you will, no idea on the origin of the story.

    An absolute insult to JJ if true. If true he should tell him to stick it
    If that were to be true would JJ have said he was having positive conversations with TS? Think he might have used different language if true. 

    But it’s all conjecture at this time. 

    I think it’s based on a comment from Airman this morning, which when exposed to the pit that is twitter turns into this 
  • Rothko said:
    Maccn05 said:
    rumours on Twitter that JJ will only be given a deal until the end of the season. Take it for what you will, no idea on the origin of the story.

    An absolute insult to JJ if true. If true he should tell him to stick it
    If that were to be true would JJ have said he was having positive conversations with TS? Think he might have used different language if true. 

    But it’s all conjecture at this time. 

    I think it’s based on a comment from Airman this morning, which when exposed to the pit that is twitter turns into this 
    I must have missed that what did  @Airman Brown say elsewhere?

  • Not a chance JJ isnt getting the job unless there are reasons that can't be agreed on such as what he has control over. If it a decision based purely on football results and squad spirit then it would be the owners easiest decisions of his ownership I would think. However sometimes people cant agree no matter how much both parties want too
  • Maccn05 said:
    rumours on Twitter that JJ will only be given a deal until the end of the season. Take it for what you will, no idea on the origin of the story.

    An absolute insult to JJ if true. If true he should tell him to stick it
    Rumours from where? Did it come from someone who doesn’t like TS?
  • My own thoughts are the club originally wanted to stick to a model ie 433 & run it through all the age groups & recruitment with the 4 amigos agreeing jointly. I can only think Jacko may not agree with this & this is what the discussions are about!   
    Can you name a club where a team formation was adopted as a fixed strategy rather than a tactical decision which could be varied according to the strengths or otherwise of available players and/or that of the opposition on the day? I think its a pretty ridiculous idea. 

    Unfortunately it could be both a pretty ridiculous idea, but nevertheless one held by people of influence in the club. I am not suggesting that is actually the case, simply that in the Duchatelet era we saw some ridiculous ideas actually implemented…


    Ok, tell me more

    I dont watch much so-called elite football any more. I’m aware that Ajax have built a strong club culture based around a highly successful academy. And on the few occasions I’ve seen them they seem to play a fluid formation that was hard to figure out without help. Does that make it a fixed formation, running through the club? 

    Of course I remember (and loved)  the old Ajax too.

    Surely nobody is telling Thomas we can be the new Ajax?

    On a similar theme, the Athletic has a good article on why the Leipzig corporate vehicle parted company with their American coach a week ago. Described a situation where he was supposed to deliver a certain way of playing ( back to their old successful high press/energy style) which didnt work because the current squad had been built around a different style, and some players were not suited to it. In a Charlton context it seems as if JJ has come in and delivered the playing style that TS wanted, and finally got to utilise effectively the players brought in to play to that style, esp. Dobson, Clare and DJ. Whereas Adkins, who was in the room when Clare and Dobson were agreed on, didnt seem to have a scooby about the formation they would work in. You’d imagine TS could only be delighted at this immediate delivery of his idea of how we should play, after the horrors of the first 2 months.

  • My own thoughts are the club originally wanted to stick to a model ie 433 & run it through all the age groups & recruitment with the 4 amigos agreeing jointly. I can only think Jacko may not agree with this & this is what the discussions are about!   
    Can you name a club where a team formation was adopted as a fixed strategy rather than a tactical decision which could be varied according to the strengths or otherwise of available players and/or that of the opposition on the day? I think its a pretty ridiculous idea. 

    Unfortunately it could be both a pretty ridiculous idea, but nevertheless one held by people of influence in the club. I am not suggesting that is actually the case, simply that in the Duchatelet era we saw some ridiculous ideas actually implemented…


    Ok, tell me more

    I dont watch much so-called elite football any more. I’m aware that Ajax have built a strong club culture based around a highly successful academy. And on the few occasions I’ve seen them they seem to play a fluid formation that was hard to figure out without help. Does that make it a fixed formation, running through the club? 

    Of course I remember (and loved)  the old Ajax too.

    Surely nobody is telling Thomas we can be the new Ajax?

    On a similar theme, the Athletic has a good article on why the Leipzig corporate vehicle parted company with their American coach a week ago. Described a situation where he was supposed to deliver a certain way of playing ( back to their old successful high press/energy style) which didnt work because the current squad had been built around a different style, and some players were not suited to it. In a Charlton context it seems as if JJ has come in and delivered the playing style that TS wanted, and finally got to utilise effectively the players brought in to play to that style, esp. Dobson, Clare and DJ. Whereas Adkins, who was in the room when Clare and Dobson were agreed on, didnt seem to have a scooby about the formation they would work in. You’d imagine TS could only be delighted at this immediate delivery of his idea of how we should play, after the horrors of the first 2 months.


    Everyone's favourite 433.

    "...Ajax is partly dependant on players from its own youth academy. The youth teams are trained in exactly the same way as the first team en these boys are therefore already accustomed to Ajax’s style of play. 

    Central within the club is the style of play (4-3-3), training, behaviour and house rules. Ajax strives to keep the way of playing football recognisable; attractive, offensive-minded, creative, fast, fair and preferably far away from the own goal on the opponents’ half...."

    Why does someone have to be telling Thomas? I know it's against CL law to imply he might be in the wrong or have a shite idea, but, maybe, the bloke who spent X amount of money buying us and running us wants to see his investment-  football club - built in certain way. 

    Or, yeah, Ged Roddy in the boardroom with the butter knife.

  • Maccn05 said:
    rumours on Twitter that JJ will only be given a deal until the end of the season. Take it for what you will, no idea on the origin of the story.

    An absolute insult to JJ if true. If true he should tell him to stick it
    I may be wrong & If so apologies Rick but I thought i saw a post from Airman on one of the threads that he expected JJ to get the job until the end of the season. If that is so then it's disgraceful, if sandgaard had said from the outset that it's until the end of the season & we'll see how we go that might have been different but as we all know JJ has turned the whole club around.  We are still in with a chance of a play off place rather fighting against relegation which is where we were headed & if sandgaard & his "advisors" are too stupid to see that then he can get on with it & shove that crappy song together with his guitar right up his arse because he'll be no better than the Belgian.
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