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Out of the 92



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    56 and I'm only 24 years young.
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    52 out of the current stadiums but i have done another 13 that are either gone or are now non league.  
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    edited November 2011

    78 now of the current
    league grounds, plus 17 grounds that no longer exist eg Highbury, Roker,
    Goldstone.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    I no sooner do a new one
    such as
    <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Stevenage, as lose one ie Brighton to a new ground.

    In the top 3 divisions Burnley is the only club I haven't been to.

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    51 current league clubs or 52 if allowed to count wimbledon 
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    42, including old grounds though
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    37 of the current 92, plus 10 grounds that are either old (Maine Rd, Highbury, Goldstone etc) or their clubs dropped out of the league (Kenilworth Rd, Cambridge U etc). Also 3 Scottish (Charlton's tour of 1991? St Mirren , Falikirk and East Fife) and a sprinkling of non league grounds. Could be a long while before I add to that since I've not been away in yonks.
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