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Chuks Aneke - speculation re 2023/24 season (p60)



  • Hearing rumours Birmingham have put in a bid for him.
    100k I've heard 
  • Hearing rumours Birmingham have put in a bid for him.
    100k I've heard 
    And we have offered to pay his wages for 3.5 years. 
  • That's certainly perked up my anticipation for the Cheltenham game tomorrow.

    I do worry about his endurance, but as a player, he's excellent at this level. 3.5 years is a big commitment too, considering the 2 year deals he previously had with us and at Brum. The security of a longer contract was one of the reasons he, I imagine, took a pay cut to come back.

    The limp performance on Wednesday concentrated a few minds at the club I imagine...
    Pay cut?  You know that?
    Good on him if he did,  but count me sceptical.  I'd guess Brum have paid him up to some extent, the lion's share of that fee will find it's way to Chuks in one form or another, "loyalty payment", cos he "didn't ask for a transfer" and all that football transfer BS
  • T_C_E said:
    Unless it’s changed, Medical’s were a necessity for insurance purposes. 
    The suggestion that he may not of had one would leave the club liable should his career be ended by injury. 
    Also as suggested a longer term contract spreads his salary ie 15k on 18mths or 7.5k on 36mths.
    As is he what we need and can he do the job, I prefer to wait until he’s at least put his boots on first. 😉
    I thought  it also was to protect the transfer fee. If so , with his fitness record we could only probably get third party cover. 15 k for a maybe part time player seems money for old rope.  Why does this club burn money on some siy transfers. Arter was another . He was on 32k apparently at Forest. 
    When was the last time aneke wasn't involved in a match day squad due to injury?
  • I wonder who Chuks agent is, and whether he shares the same agent as other players we’ve got, blinding bit of business from his agent.
  • I wonder who Chuks agent is, and whether he shares the same agent as other players we’ve got, blinding bit of business from his agent.
    His agent is Steve Gallen.
  • Bowyer very complimentary about Chucks. I thought he only had love for Cullen, but seemed to really like time with Aneke.

    Of course, he couldn't help state 'I got 'im for free and we got a fee for him'.
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  • I'm still delighted that we were able to welcome one goal Chuks back to the club.
  • All I got was an email offering me some hospitality. Very impersonal if I might say!
  • Any chance we can start spelling his name correctly now he’s back? Chuks. It’s never been Chucks.
  • It's always been Chukwuemeke tbf
  • I'm still delighted that we were able to welcome one goal Chuks back to the club.
    That's his season done.
  • Just what is wrong with him?

    Has he got a niggly injury or a serious one?

    Or has the shock of playing a couple of full games just been too much for him?

    A three and a half year contract for him? Generous I would say. 
  • 3 1/2 year deal!
    Sandgaard wants his f*******g head read.

    If anyone deserved a performance based contract it was Aneke.Not Jackson
  • Love watching Chuks play, as mentioned he is absolutely dynamite when on the pitch, and a real joy to watch. Sadly, for me that does not happen enough.

    I know he comes with his massive upsides to performances and points returns, but I can’t help but feel we are falling back down some slippery slopes bringing him back. Hopefully we are also planning on bringing in another quality striker as well, which will then make me feel much more assured. 
    I agree with this poster about the transfer. 
  • Just what is wrong with him?

    Has he got a niggly injury or a serious one?

    Or has the shock of playing a couple of full games just been too much for him?

    A three and a half year contract for him? Generous I would say. 
    For generous read ridiculous. 
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  • Hearing Aneke is out longer term is just so Charlton. 
  • Burstow done his hamstring too.

    Burstow was barely making any difference anyway. but with Leko/DJ/Lee as our striker options, let's be realistic, only way we are picking up points before Stockley and Washington are back is by getting a 0-0 and we look more likely to score than we do to keep a clean sheet. Still potentially 10 points from safety.....

    What a fucking mess this season has turned into.

  • On the day he signed I said it was "madness on so many levels". A couple of goals, 4 yellow cards, shoving a referee and a longer term injury later I think that sized it up pretty well.

    We can't start next season with Stockley, Washington and Aneke and have our top 3 strikers missing this amount of games due to injury/international call up. This would be a problem worth thinking about if we weren't already spoilt for choice for problems.
  • I’ve lost faith in our recruitment process.
  • Get better value lighting cigars with £50 notes
  • And what was all that talk of him returning fitter and stronger since leaving Brum?

    Complete crock of shit.
  • Worst bit of business I've seen in a while. 

    3 + 1/2 year deal for someone that isn't relied upon to complete 90 minutes? Waste of money. 
  • edited February 2022
    Bowyer figured out how to manage him.  20 mins per game is all he can do without breaking down.  
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