Think he underlined and put a distinct exclamation mark on himself by using a certain Piers Morgan to pour his bleeding heart out to. Put both in the sea!!!
Is a kiss on the lips always sexual? I don’t think so. I often give my daughter, who’s 9, a kiss on the lips. When my wife gets home from work I invariably give her a kiss on the lips but most often it is not what I would call ’sexual’. On other occasions it often is - you get the gist - but not when saying hello or goodbye, and if my wife had just won a tournament and I were congratulating her in public, neither of us would consider it sexual. I know that the player is not his wife but I’m just pointing out that a kiss on the lips is most often non- sexual.
Assualt is defined as a violent attack so neither was it an assualt.
Is it only me who thinks that this case has gone too far?
Is a kiss on the lips always sexual? I don’t think so. I often give my daughter, who’s 9, a kiss on the lips. When my wife gets home from work I invariably give her a kiss on the lips but most often it is not what I would call ’sexual’. On other occasions it often is - you get the gist - but not when saying hello or goodbye, and if my wife had just won a tournament and I were congratulating her in public, neither of us would consider it sexual. I know that the player is not his wife but I’m just pointing out that a kiss on the lips is most often non- sexual.
Assualt is defined as a violent attack so neither was it an assualt.
Is it only me who thinks that this case has gone too far?
Well you need a Spanish dictionary for the definition of sexual assault given this happened in Spain, then you need to review Spanish law. Kissing your daughter and wife on the lips with their consent is very different from kissing, at best, a co-worker on the lips with out their permission, unless you are happy for a fellow parent or a teacher, maybe kids club leader to kiss your daughter on the lips.
In short it's right that he should be held to account.
Is a kiss on the lips always sexual? I don’t think so. I often give my daughter, who’s 9, a kiss on the lips. When my wife gets home from work I invariably give her a kiss on the lips but most often it is not what I would call ’sexual’. On other occasions it often is - you get the gist - but not when saying hello or goodbye, and if my wife had just won a tournament and I were congratulating her in public, neither of us would consider it sexual. I know that the player is not his wife but I’m just pointing out that a kiss on the lips is most often non- sexual.
Assualt is defined as a violent attack so neither was it an assualt.
Is it only me who thinks that this case has gone too far?
I don't know if you're the ONLY one, but you're probably in a large minority.
Have a think about it this way - if your daughter was at work, and the company won a big contract, and were out on a night out and the MD got a bit handsy and kissed her on the lips, how would you feel?
Is a kiss on the lips always sexual? I don’t think so. I often give my daughter, who’s 9, a kiss on the lips. When my wife gets home from work I invariably give her a kiss on the lips but most often it is not what I would call ’sexual’. On other occasions it often is - you get the gist - but not when saying hello or goodbye, and if my wife had just won a tournament and I were congratulating her in public, neither of us would consider it sexual. I know that the player is not his wife but I’m just pointing out that a kiss on the lips is most often non- sexual.
Assualt is defined as a violent attack so neither was it an assualt.
Is it only me who thinks that this case has gone too far?
I don't know if you're the ONLY one, but you're probably in a large minority.
Have a think about it this way - if your daughter was at work, and the company won a big contract, and were out on a night out and the MD got a bit handsy and kissed her on the lips, how would you feel?
You might want to slap him, but is it really a CRIMINAL offence though?
Especially in a culture where kissing on the cheeks is a completely normal and non sexual greeting. It's not a culture where any kissing is a massive social disgrace.
He was wrong, but the whole thing has been well overblown. It a female snogged a male footballer on the lips, would it have ended up in a court case?
Is a kiss on the lips always sexual? I don’t think so. I often give my daughter, who’s 9, a kiss on the lips. When my wife gets home from work I invariably give her a kiss on the lips but most often it is not what I would call ’sexual’. On other occasions it often is - you get the gist - but not when saying hello or goodbye, and if my wife had just won a tournament and I were congratulating her in public, neither of us would consider it sexual. I know that the player is not his wife but I’m just pointing out that a kiss on the lips is most often non- sexual.
Assualt is defined as a violent attack so neither was it an assualt.
Is it only me who thinks that this case has gone too far?
I don't know if you're the ONLY one, but you're probably in a large minority.
Have a think about it this way - if your daughter was at work, and the company won a big contract, and were out on a night out and the MD got a bit handsy and kissed her on the lips, how would you feel?
You might want to slap him, but is it really a CRIMINAL offence though?
Especially in a culture where kissing on the cheeks is a completely normal and non sexual greeting. It's not a culture where any kissing is a massive social disgrace.
He was wrong, but the whole thing has been well overblown. It a female snogged a male footballer on the lips, would it have ended up in a court case?
I wonder what would happen with a male kissing a male footballer on the lips?
Is a kiss on the lips always sexual? I don’t think so. I often give my daughter, who’s 9, a kiss on the lips. When my wife gets home from work I invariably give her a kiss on the lips but most often it is not what I would call ’sexual’. On other occasions it often is - you get the gist - but not when saying hello or goodbye, and if my wife had just won a tournament and I were congratulating her in public, neither of us would consider it sexual. I know that the player is not his wife but I’m just pointing out that a kiss on the lips is most often non- sexual.
Assualt is defined as a violent attack so neither was it an assualt.
Is it only me who thinks that this case has gone too far?
I don't know if you're the ONLY one, but you're probably in a large minority.
Have a think about it this way - if your daughter was at work, and the company won a big contract, and were out on a night out and the MD got a bit handsy and kissed her on the lips, how would you feel?
You might want to slap him, but is it really a CRIMINAL offence though?
Especially in a culture where kissing on the cheeks is a completely normal and non sexual greeting. It's not a culture where any kissing is a massive social disgrace.
He was wrong, but the whole thing has been well overblown. It a female snogged a male footballer on the lips, would it have ended up in a court case?
I was married to a Sicilian for years. I kissed many of her male relatives on the cheeks. If I'd kissed one of her female relatives on the lips, she'd have had my bollocks for bacon dumplings - and if I'd kissed a woman I worked with on the lips I wouldn't have been surprised if I'd been done for sexual assault. Look up the definition of sexual assault. Yes, it is a crime.
Is a kiss on the lips always sexual? I don’t think so. I often give my daughter, who’s 9, a kiss on the lips. When my wife gets home from work I invariably give her a kiss on the lips but most often it is not what I would call ’sexual’. On other occasions it often is - you get the gist - but not when saying hello or goodbye, and if my wife had just won a tournament and I were congratulating her in public, neither of us would consider it sexual. I know that the player is not his wife but I’m just pointing out that a kiss on the lips is most often non- sexual.
Assualt is defined as a violent attack so neither was it an assualt.
Is it only me who thinks that this case has gone too far?
I don't know a great deal about the Spanish legal system but I can tell you that looking up a dictionary definition of a term that is being used in a legal context is a very silly thing to do. Legal terms like assault are defined over centuries of statutory amendment and case law. In it's broadest form, in UK law assault can be described as 'any unwanted touching' so thinking it has to be a violent attack is just very incorrect. Luckily though the Cambridge Dictionary doesn't adjudicate on legal cases so so nuance can be applied to these situations.
Is a kiss on the lips always sexual? I don’t think so. I often give my daughter, who’s 9, a kiss on the lips. When my wife gets home from work I invariably give her a kiss on the lips but most often it is not what I would call ’sexual’. On other occasions it often is - you get the gist - but not when saying hello or goodbye, and if my wife had just won a tournament and I were congratulating her in public, neither of us would consider it sexual. I know that the player is not his wife but I’m just pointing out that a kiss on the lips is most often non- sexual.
Assualt is defined as a violent attack so neither was it an assualt.
Is it only me who thinks that this case has gone too far?
I don't know if you're the ONLY one, but you're probably in a large minority.
Have a think about it this way - if your daughter was at work, and the company won a big contract, and were out on a night out and the MD got a bit handsy and kissed her on the lips, how would you feel?
You might want to slap him, but is it really a CRIMINAL offence though?
Especially in a culture where kissing on the cheeks is a completely normal and non sexual greeting. It's not a culture where any kissing is a massive social disgrace.
He was wrong, but the whole thing has been well overblown. It a female snogged a male footballer on the lips, would it have ended up in a court case?
What about a sly squeeze of her tits? or a pinch or her arse?
Is a kiss on the lips always sexual? I don’t think so. I often give my daughter, who’s 9, a kiss on the lips. When my wife gets home from work I invariably give her a kiss on the lips but most often it is not what I would call ’sexual’. On other occasions it often is - you get the gist - but not when saying hello or goodbye, and if my wife had just won a tournament and I were congratulating her in public, neither of us would consider it sexual. I know that the player is not his wife but I’m just pointing out that a kiss on the lips is most often non- sexual.
Assualt is defined as a violent attack so neither was it an assualt.
Is it only me who thinks that this case has gone too far?
Firstly, I don’t think a snog is the same as a kiss. A snog is with tongues, isn’t it?
Secondly, given the example of this happening to my daughter when she’s an adult, I’d hope she’d give the guy a slap or knee him in the balls.
I never said that I don’t think there’s any wrongdoing. I just struggle to consider it either sexual or assualt. I invite anyone who disagrees with me to watch the incident again: Before the kiss she hugs him as much as he does her. I don’t think she consented to the kiss but neither did she push him away. Even after the kiss she still give him a pat to say goodbye.
I think a lot of this has been overdramatised and the player is unhappier in retrospect than on the day.
Firstly, I don’t think a snog is the same as a kiss. A snog is with tongues, isn’t it?
Secondly, given the example of this happening to my daughter when she’s an adult, I’d hope she’d give the guy a slap or knee him in the balls.
I never said that I don’t think there’s any wrongdoing. I just struggle to consider it either sexual or assualt. I invite anyone who disagrees with me to watch the incident again: Before the kiss she hugs him as much as he does her. I don’t think she consented to the kiss but neither did she push him away. Even after the kiss she still give him a pat to say goodbye.
I think a lot of this has been overdramatised and the player is unhappier in retrospect than on the day.
He grabs her round the head and guns her no choice, how she reacted is irrelevant, she could have been in shock
He does grab her head, you're right, but she has two arms free. If the kiss is so abhorrent to her then why didn’t she use them to at least lift his hands off of her.
I don’t buy the ’she was in shock’ theory either. She walks calmly away and even gives him a ’goodbye pat.’
There’s something behind their relationship and what happened afterwards, maybe with her boyfriend imo.
He grabs her round the head and guns her no choice, how she reacted is irrelevant, she could have been in shock
He does grab her head, you're right, but she has two arms free. If the kiss is so abhorrent to her then why didn’t she use them to at least lift his hands off of her.
I don’t buy the ’she was in shock’ theory either. She walks calmly away and even gives him a ’goodbye pat.’
There’s something behind their relationship and what happened afterwards, maybe with her boyfriend imo.
As I’m in the minority and don’t go along with the view in fashion then I must be wrong. So what? Have it your way. Let’s all get mighty precious and take people to court and waste everyone's time because of a kiss. What is the world coming to?
Meanwhile the mother of a girl who was stabbed by two other kids in Warrington speaks of forgiveness. Today's news boggles me quite frankly.
As I’m in the minority and don’t go along with the view in fashion then I must be wrong. So what? Have it your way. Let’s all get mighty precious and take people to court and waste everyone's time because of a kiss. What is the world coming to?
Meanwhile the mother of a girl who was stabbed by two other kids in Warrington speaks of forgiveness. Today's news boggles me quite frankly.
What the actual fuck sort of comparison are you drawing between a woman claiming she was sexually assaulted and a kid being stabbed?
As I’m in the minority and don’t go along with the view in fashion then I must be wrong. So what? Have it your way. Let’s all get mighty precious and take people to court and waste everyone's time because of a kiss. What is the world coming to?
Meanwhile the mother of a girl who was stabbed by two other kids in Warrington speaks of forgiveness. Today's news boggles me quite frankly.
What has someone being assaulted got to do with "don't go along with the view in fashion".
This is such an odd situation for you to be jumping on so strongly and now you're getting incredibly defensive about it because almost everyone disagrees with you.
He grabs her round the head and guns her no choice, how she reacted is irrelevant, she could have been in shock
He does grab her head, you're right, but she has two arms free. If the kiss is so abhorrent to her then why didn’t she use them to at least lift his hands off of her.
I don’t buy the ’she was in shock’ theory either. She walks calmly away and even gives him a ’goodbye pat.’
There’s something behind their relationship and what happened afterwards, maybe with her boyfriend imo.
In itself, your comment, is insensitive...
"Maybe with her boyfriend"? Why do you think she has a boyfriend? Maybe she is in a happy relationship, with another woman?
If another bloke came up and gave you a great big smacker on the lips, would you be happy?
And I've got kids. And we spent a lot of time teaching them that "violence is never the answer".
And I don't think that women (I have 3 daughters) first reaction is to lay someone else out, if they do something they don't approve of.
Put both in the sea!!!
Let’s look at the definition:
Is a kiss on the lips always sexual? I don’t think so. I often give my daughter, who’s 9, a kiss on the lips. When my wife gets home from work I invariably give her a kiss on the lips but most often it is not what I would call ’sexual’. On other occasions it often is - you get the gist - but not when saying hello or goodbye, and if my wife had just won a tournament and I were congratulating her in public, neither of us would consider it sexual. I know that the player is not his wife but I’m just pointing out that a kiss on the lips is most often non- sexual.
Assualt is defined as a violent attack so neither was it an assualt.
Is it only me who thinks that this case has gone too far?
In short it's right that he should be held to account.
Have a think about it this way - if your daughter was at work, and the company won a big contract, and were out on a night out and the MD got a bit handsy and kissed her on the lips, how would you feel?
Especially in a culture where kissing on the cheeks is a completely normal and non sexual greeting. It's not a culture where any kissing is a massive social disgrace.
He was wrong, but the whole thing has been well overblown. It a female snogged a male footballer on the lips, would it have ended up in a court case?
or a pinch or her arse?
Secondly, given the example of this happening to my daughter when she’s an adult, I’d hope she’d give the guy a slap or knee him in the balls.
I never said that I don’t think there’s any wrongdoing. I just struggle to consider it either sexual or assualt. I invite anyone who disagrees with me to watch the incident again:
Before the kiss she hugs him as much as he does her. I don’t think she consented to the kiss but neither did she push him away. Even after the kiss she still give him a pat to say goodbye.
I think a lot of this has been overdramatised and the player is unhappier in retrospect than on the day.
I don’t buy the ’she was in shock’ theory either. She walks calmly away and even gives him a ’goodbye pat.’
There’s something behind their relationship and what happened afterwards, maybe with her boyfriend imo.
’Jesus wept’ Strong arguments.
’Victim blaming’ Cliché
As I’m in the minority and don’t go along with the view in fashion then I must be wrong.
So what? Have it your way. Let’s all get mighty precious and take people to court and waste everyone's time because of a kiss. What is the world coming to?
Meanwhile the mother of a girl who was stabbed by two other kids in Warrington speaks of forgiveness. Today's news boggles me quite frankly.
And the Warrington issue is another issue, not even sure how you think that it is relevant.
Sexual assaultis sexual assault not by your judgement but by the Spanish laws judgement.
Are you drunk?
"Maybe with her boyfriend"? Why do you think she has a boyfriend? Maybe she is in a happy relationship, with another woman?
If another bloke came up and gave you a great big smacker on the lips, would you be happy?
And I've got kids. And we spent a lot of time teaching them that "violence is never the answer".
And I don't think that women (I have 3 daughters) first reaction is to lay someone else out, if they do something they don't approve of.