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Assistant Referee who elbowed Robertson is a Charlton fan.



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    edited April 2023
    @Addickted2TheReds and @1905, I'm assuming you play for Old Pilotonians? You probably know Cookie and Ant Cheney?  They have been mates with my brother in law Steve since primary school.

    Small world.
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    On the upside IF this guy is an Addick, he should be used to abuse, disapointment and the shitty end of the stick!
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    JohnBoyUK said:
    @Addickted2TheReds and @1905, I'm assuming you play for Old Pilotonians? You probably know Cookie and Ant Cheney?  They have been mates with my brother in law Steve since primary school.

    Small world.
    Yes mate.  I played for them for not far off 30 years.  Called it a day 5 years ago when the body caved in mid delivery.  I have known Cookie and Ant for years and despite them being Millwall and Palace respectively they are really decent blokes.

    As you say - small world.
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    Think it was perfectly summed up at HT by Roy Keane calling him a big  baby and just get on with it. 

    Same guy made childish gestures to Pickford last month after they scored.
    Mr Keane was always the consummate professional with officials, wasn't he?|!
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    cfgs said:
    Off_it said:
    Robertson needs a ban for what exactly ? Yes he may have grabbed his arm which admittedly is the incorrect thing to do but you don’t just go throwing out elbows in the face. You can’t just ban mitrovic for 8 games then turn a blind eye when the Lino elbows someone in the face
    "Elbows him in the face"?

    That’s literally what happened. It’s been exaggerated but there’s no doubt he elbowed Robertson on the chin, 

    Mitrovic has just been banned for grabbing the ref, he didn’t shove him like Di Canio so I can see the linesman getting a ban here. 
    I think there is debate about the term elbow, but his elbow made contact with Robinson's chin. It wasn't a swung elbow it was an attempt to shrug him off and ignore him, in which he raises his arm.  This leads to the connection and if a player did it, the recipient would have collapsed and rolled around.  Then there would be the debate about intention and whether it was a red or yellow.
    Agreed. It’s definitely unfortunate as he shrugged him off and happened to catch him in the face. Bottom line is that it would have been avoided had Robertson not grabbed him in the first place. 
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    Think it was perfectly summed up at HT by Roy Keane calling him a big  baby and just get on with it. 

    Same guy made childish gestures to Pickford last month after they scored.
    Mr Keane was always the consummate professional with officials, wasn't he?|!
    But if Keane had got clocked by the assistant, he wouldn`t of whinged about it! 

    He would of waited for the next United game the assistant was officiating and put his boot through the side of the poor mans knee when he wasn't looking! ;)
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    @Notts_Addick Agreed 100%. Makes it worse that he’s international captain for Scotland. Absolutely nothing incident which was caused by him being a moaning individual 
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    I think Klopp has apologised but nothing from Robertson.
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    JohnBoyUK said:
    @Addickted2TheReds and @1905, I'm assuming you play for Old Pilotonians? You probably know Cookie and Ant Cheney?  They have been mates with my brother in law Steve since primary school.

    Small world.
    No mate, he played for at least a season at Beckenham. Might have been two, can’t remember 👍🏻
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    edited April 2023
    All he has to say is that it was a protective reflex action to protect himself from somebody suddenly invading his personal space and that he had no intention of elbowing Robertson. It would have been a stupid, career ending thing to do. I can't see how anybody can argue with that unless they have a way of getting into his brain. And Robertson should get a one game ban for causing the incident.
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    edited April 2023
    You just can't go all MMA on players , even if you think you're a tough guy. Probably had a Millwall top on underneath his referee one as they're always fighting (either themselves or opposition fans).

    Should be locked up and, when released, be made to assist referees behind closed doors.
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    edited April 2023
    You just can't go all MMA on players , even if you think you're a tough guy. Probably had a Millwall top on underneath his referee one as they're always fighting (either themselves or opposition fans).

    Should be locked up and, when released, be made to assist referees behind closed doors.
    Finally you get to taste the premier league.
    Tasted it in it's former incarnation.

    Have currently got a vague whiff of its stench, although that stink is fading somewhat.
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    You just can't go all MMA on players , even if you think you're a tough guy. Probably had a Millwall top on underneath his referee one as they're always fighting (either themselves or opposition fans).

    Should be locked up and, when released, be made to assist referees behind closed doors.
    Finally you get to taste the premier league.
    Tasted it in it's former incarnation.

    Have currently got a vague whiff of its stench, although that stink is fading somewhat.
    Football didn't exist prior to 1992.

    Winds me up when the BBC and others trot out "Premier League" stats as if nothing happened before then. "Charlton have never beaten Manchester United in The Premier League" was frequently spouted during our stay, hiding the fact that we beat them a few times in Division 1 (old money) in the late 80's and more frequently years before that. 
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    I understand that Robertson’s verbals towards Con have all been caught on audio. It’s pretty abusive. It appears in grabbing his arm, Robertson has pinched him causing him to fling his arm back. 
    It seems there has been an apology from Liverpool.
    Where is this? I haven't spotted it anywhere so would be grateful for a source if you have one handy!
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    Only just heard about this so I couldnt resist seeing what comments are being made on Liverpool life... 

    " We absolutely should make a big deal of it.  Somebody who is responsible for maintaining control of a football match can't do that.  He should be sacked by the time people have eaten their easter eggs."

    Should knock that dickhead lino out."

    "NBC (i presume thats the american broadcaster) - 
    NBC discussing it now.

    They’re calling for the linesman to be fired.

    “Never seen that before it’s disgusting. He’ll never ref or linesman another game”
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    Only just heard about this so I couldnt resist seeing what comments are being made on Liverpool life... 

    " We absolutely should make a big deal of it.  Somebody who is responsible for maintaining control of a football match can't do that.  He should be sacked by the time people have eaten their easter eggs."

    "Should knock that dickhead lino out."

    "NBC (i presume thats the american broadcaster) - NBC discussing it now.

    They’re calling for the linesman to be fired.

    “Never seen that before it’s disgusting. He’ll never ref or linesman another game”
    Oh to see their "disgusting" little face when he trots out in the Premier League in a few weeks time (I hope)...The outrage will be something to see...
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    I think he probably did react more aggressively towards the player than some suggest BUT quite reasonably so. It would be difficult for most not to do similar or worse. 

    The review should conclude very quickly there is no case for the official to respond to and we move on. I see no reason for this to be protracted beyond a day or two. 

    It only highlights how bad players have become at cheating and disputing every call.  It would be easy to get to Rugby style level of respect and control with instant player punishment and I don’t see why that’s difficult to introduce. We brought in the ‘no pass back’ to the keeper years ago which had an immediate rash of free kicks etc and then settled to a new way of playing. It can be done. 
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    I think the starting point is what the appropriate outcome would have been if the lino had been a player. If there’s no case for leniency there it will be a struggle for the FA not to apply a sanction, albeit it doesn’t warrant a life ban or summary execution.
    No sanction should be applied to Con. Robertson should get a lifetime ban for having the audacity to touch an official. I would like to see officials front up to these overpaid prima donnas and start decking a few. That would soon put a stop to these cowards swarming around the ref. Just wish he had given him a proper elbow and broke his nose.
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    I am sure the Leeds supporters will be understanding as to just what a sensitive issue this will be for Robertson and will not be taking the piss at all. 😅😅😅
    Really looking forward to some original chants on Monday.
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    Sky Sports News reporting there will be no further action against Constantine Hadzidakis. Common sense has prevailed.

    Excellent news and definitely the right outcome. 
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