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That Titanic submersible



  • If you are interested in a comparison in terms of depth of water vs saving a submarine / the people in it, have a read of this - terrible tragedy, and it’s only 83 metres down - this craft is probably 3,800 metres down ……
    During the search many strange things happened, including that the wife of a skipper of one of Affray's sister submarines claimed to have seen a ghost in a dripping wet submarine officer's uniform telling her the location of the sunken sub (this position later turned out to be correct)[4]— she recognised him as an officer who had died during the Second World War, not a crew member of Affray

  • I have no idea @LargeAddick, I thought the same tbh.  Perhaps he just went under, pulled by a rip tide?  I always thought someone was looking over the side with eyes on the whole time.
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    Search abandoned.  Very sad.

    How could he have gone missing if he had a support vessel with him or am I missing something?
    Only thing I can think of is that the swimmer went under quickly and couldn’t be located. Does seem odd though.
  • Got to say I agree with all of that @Carter human history is full of mad people doing crazy things and life is more interesting for it. Howa y people have died climbing Everest? Early aviators died in their droves. The challenger disaster. People going over Niagara fall in barrels. I'm sure everyone on that sub knew there was an insane risk. Probably didn't think it was quite as risky as we are now hearing about, and it's still a tragedy, but also I can understand it
  • edited June 2023
    BBC - 'A 'debris field' has been discovered within the search area by an ROV near the Titanic, the US Coast Guard has just announced.
    Experts within the unified command are evaluating the information.'
  • Just to throw in my bit. There seems to be a slight assumption that the Titan is at the bottom of the sea, but unless it imploaded or suffered some other hull breach, it was full of air - enough to last from sunday until today. I don't know too much about weight ratios:bouyancy of a metal can but I would have thought it might be on the surface. If the banging noises yesterday were actually from the people inside, that suggests it sank, but we don't actually know yet where those noises originated.
    Anyone want to correct me on this?
  • BBC - 'A 'debris field' has been discovered within the search area by an ROV near the Titanic, the US Coast Guard has just announced.
    Experts within the unified command are evaluating the information.'
    At least they probably died quickly then.

    Lesser of the two evils.
  • Carter said:
    Channel swimming is insanely dangerous, putting aside how busy the channel is, the water stinks of diesel, has massive swells and is cold as shit. He could have easily hit his head on the boat and gone under, cramped up and tried to suck in air at the wrong time. 

    On the subject of the submersible, its one of the worlds great human interest stories. There is the expense of it all, the fact a great British explorer is aboard, a billionaire and his son as well as the CEO. Its got the makings of the opening sequence to a Bond film. Then there is the part I have a huge, albeit snarky respect for. The billionaire pioneer, the mad bastard making something like that because he is interested in what shit looks like at an insane depth of water for any human being to descend to and, well, he can and who the fuck is going to stop him, isn't like there is precedence for passenger carrying vessels to go anything like that deep. And the other mad bastards with so much money to buy a ticket, thrills and experiences must be hard to keep topping for people with such insane wealth, they are probably on the waiting list to go into space too, because they can. 

    The human with a heart for other people finds the fascination very ghoulish but like I said, absolutely understandable, its base level human interest. The people getting involved in the search are getting to experiment and play with vehicles and equipment they have only got to prototype stage with and it drags along the whole human tragedy of the Titanic and what became of it. 

    I say honestly I hoped there would be a happy ending to this but the most I hope for those people is they didn't suffer and had a mercifully quick end and are seen not as bored rich people but as people with the means to try and be great, risk takers being pioneers, doing stuff mortals like me would not dream of doing out of mainly fear and a severe shortage of billion pound bank balances 
    Superb post. 
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  • 3 things happened

    1) it's on the surface and bobbing about in need of finding

    2) it got lodged deep down and the people onboard have now suffocated 

    3) the pressure got too much after that amount of time under water and the entire thing imploded and is now scattered across the seabed near The Titanic

    More than likely it's number 3 from the most up to date reports
  • Supposedly James Cameron has said that they imploded 300 m above the titanic and the coastguard have known this since yesterday 
  • edited June 2023
    A landing frame and a rear cover from the submersible has been discovered in the debris on the sea bed.
    So it's looking certain that it imploded/exploded etc. RIP.
  • Cant see how anyone would know how far above the Titanic they were when it imploded as I didnt think there was the data to show where the sub is at any moment in time?

    Either way - a sad and somewhat predictable conclusion has now been reached. Hopefully the family can take comfort from the fact it would have been fast and painless.
  • sam3110 said:
    3 things happened

    1) it's on the surface and bobbing about in need of finding

    2) it got lodged deep down and the people onboard have now suffocated 

    3) the pressure got too much after that amount of time under water and the entire thing imploded and is now scattered across the seabed near The Titanic

    More than likely it's number 3 from the most up to date reports
    Well I suspect it blew up 4 days ago. I'd be interested in knowing how many dives that craft had been on and whether the body had just fatigued from the pressure stress after multiple dives.
  • sam3110 said:
    3 things happened

    1) it's on the surface and bobbing about in need of finding

    2) it got lodged deep down and the people onboard have now suffocated 

    3) the pressure got too much after that amount of time under water and the entire thing imploded and is now scattered across the seabed near The Titanic

    More than likely it's number 3 from the most up to date reports
    Well I suspect it blew up 4 days ago. I'd be interested in knowing how many dives that craft had been on and whether the body had just fatigued from the pressure stress after multiple dives.
    Really, really sad. What was the ‘banging every 30 minutes’ all about then if the vessel imploded days ago? They were adamant that it was a human action aimed at drawing attention to the craft. RIP guys.
  • cabbles said:
    Echo others that have offered their condolences- was great to see those on social media that used these people’s last days on this earth, who have loved ones, just to get a few cheap laughs.  Absolutely pathetic

    Quite a lot on this thread cabbs, sad but even sadder that is the world we live in now 
    I don't think anyone was laughing at the people trapped in the submersible.
  • The realisation that way to go was the lesser of two evils shows how grim the whole situation was. I hope their families can at least eventually try and find peace.
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  • Felt so sorry for the coast guard official being pushed by the press on recovery of bodies….. he tried to answer in a sensitive way but do the journalists not realise what’s going to happen when a human body is instantly exposed to the water pressure at that level?
  • JaShea99 said:
    Standard Charlton Life. Suddenly everyone’s an aquatic expert 🙄.
    Any more of that and you'll be walking the plank, shipmate.

    Unless you wanna take your turn in the barrel????
  • Wendy Rush, the wife of the CEO who perished is a descendant of two Titanic victims 
  • edited June 2023
    JohnBoyUK said:

    Search abandoned.  Very sad.

    How could he have gone missing if he had a support vessel with him or am I missing something?
    Why didn't he have a tracker?!

    Why didn't he have a safety swimmer. 

    Why or how wont console his family.
  • Chizz said:
    Wendy Rush, the wife of the CEO who perished is a descendant of two Titanic victims 
    Woah 😳
  • RIP to the 5 lost souls, my condolences to family and friends. God bless you all x
  • edited June 2023
    McBobbin said:
    Got to say I agree with all of that @Carter human history is full of mad people doing crazy things and life is more interesting for it. Howa y people have died climbing Everest? Early aviators died in their droves. The challenger disaster. People going over Niagara fall in barrels. I'm sure everyone on that sub knew there was an insane risk. Probably didn't think it was quite as risky as we are now hearing about, and it's still a tragedy, but also I can understand it
    Fair enough if it's Musk spending God knows how much to get to Mars with NASA, not a geezer in a tin can with a moody xbox controller looking for the Titanic wreckage.

    RIP to all.
  • Huge Condolences to the families. 
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