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Alfie May - signed for Birmingham (p56 - confirmed & video message from him)



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    All the best Alfie somehow I think your in for a lot better season than us again 
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    Thanks Alfie, and good luck for the future 😭 

    So, it turns out it weren't down to the Gaffer not rating him, or the nasty man in the pink trousers cashing in. Live and learn....... 🙄
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    Looks like he has hay fever.

    i do respect him for handing in a transfer request though, too many players want moves and throw their toys out but want to keep their cut of the transfer.

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    Just seen the announcement from Birmingham as well, is that seriously their new kit he's wearing, looks like something from the 90s
    Yeah it's terrible. At least it's been released though........
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    Absolutely fine with his reasons for going. Obviously family didn't settle, manager didn't want him playing CF and he made a choice. People are critical of him choosing Brum over Hudds are dopey as hell. 15k a week at Brum or 8k a week at Hudds?
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    In addition, if we fail to get promoted this season Jones will have fallen on his own sword.
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    If he doesn't want to play for us, fuck him. Break a leg, Alfie.
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    Thanks Alfie - shame we couldn’t capitalise on the goals you scored.
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    And a potential deal of over 1 mill if Birmingham get promoted … 
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    edited July 2
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    So coming from the horses mouth will this put an end to all the hissy fits and meltdowns,all the best Alfie but we move on like we always have done COYR 
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    At least we're signing 33 year old Matty Godden :smile:
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    edited July 2
    gmantaxi said:
    So coming from the horses mouth will this put an end to all the hissy fits and meltdowns,all the best Alfie but we move on like we always have done COYR 
    Not a chance, people will still swear blind there is more to the story.  
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    Looks like he has hay fever.

    i do respect him for handing in a transfer request though, too many players want moves and throw their toys out but want to keep their cut of the transfer.

    For anybody who wants to jump on him wanting to move by asking for a transfer, I imagine that the club insisted on this so not having to pay Alfie any outstanding contract.
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    Is what it is. Sure the family stuff is relevant, but the money increase and poor synergy between Jones and May feels a lot more driving to me. 

    Oh well, fingers crossed it works out better for us 
    Completely agree with this. If Jones had wanted to keep him I don’t believe for one moment he would have left. 

    We shall see.

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    All the best Alfie … thanks for everything … a genuine good guy 
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    gmantaxi said:
    So coming from the horses mouth will this put an end to all the hissy fits and meltdowns,all the best Alfie but we move on like we always have done COYR 
    Not a chance, people will still swear blind there is more to the story.  
    Nailed on mate 
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    I don’t buy the family stuff. We’ve been told by the ‘ITK’s’ all summer that he won’t be a starter according to NJ.
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    Only niggle is that he signed for Birmingham....a Midlands club. If he had gone to Huddersfield then fair play but just leaves a bad taste on the mouth. I know Huddersfield maybe needed to offer more, but effectively they offered more than we paid for him & after he put in a transfer request there was only going to be 1 outcome. What would happened if Brum hadnt have stepped in ??
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    Completely bizarre video lol 
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