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Politics stuff



  • I would be interested to know how many eastern european limited companies have been set up and vanish 18 months down the line when their yearly payment is due.
    And as for that earlier post Leroy, what a load of bollocks.
  • Really? I thought it was rather accurate - seeing as the Tories will surely now realise they have to do a better job of pandering to the nastier tendencies of the middle-Englander to appease them back itno voting for them instead of UKIP. Of course, for Labour voters, this election is nothing but a win - the Lib Dems have disappeared off the face of the Earth and the Tory vote is split between 'traditional' Tories and the UK answer to the Tea Party. Milibland must be rubbing his hands together in glee.
  • I would be interested to know how many eastern european limited companies have been set up and vanish 18 months down the line when their yearly payment is due.
    And as for that earlier post Leroy, what a load of bollocks.

    Not sure but probably less than all those ladies and gents that work at the car wash places for cash which I'm sure they all pay NI and tax on.
  • There is literally no arguing with 'em, wibble
  • Interesting reading comprehension, somewhat proving my point.

    The material for your debate is in wibble's post. Somehow I doubt you'll address it.
  • edited May 2014
    Croydon, go back and read what I said again SLOWLY.
    1) I did not call you racist (and if you think that was long winded you should see me when I really get going)
    2) I did not even say what you said was racist.

    So far, you're really not doing well on the "having a reasonable debate thing". Care to withdraw the abuse and try again when you've calmed down?
  • Leuth said:

    Interesting reading comprehension, somewhat proving my point.

    The material for your debate is in wibble's post. Somehow I doubt you'll address it.

    You can't take one idiot's fantasy policy, and then present it as the party's official policy. UKIP unfortunately has some real morons amongst it's ranks, like any party, but they seem to get more airtime.

    Farage said today that UKIP will have no plans to privatise the NHS in their next manifesto. And when he last appeared on BBCQT, he also pointed out that the income tax increase was on the manifesto for the last general election and will not be repeated.

    The climate change and human rights points are misleading, as leaving the EU would get rid of our current legislation on these, but that doesn't mean that UKIP want to scrap them altogether.

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  • OK. Can you link me to their current detailed policy manifesto, please?

    In the interests of fairness, we'll compare it to a similar document, the Green Party policy document: Manifesto 2014.pdf

    It's 36 pages long, so a bit of a read. Now, I didn't even vote for the Greens in the EU elections, but I'd like to see if UKIP had an equivalent document. Once you've procured it, we can compare directly between freedom-of-speech-hating leftwingers and UKIP, bastion of democracy. Using only direct quotes.
  • aliwibble said:

    Croydon, go back and read what I said again SLOWLY.
    1) I did not call you racist (and if you think that was long winded you should see me when I really get going)
    2) I did not even say what you said was racist.

    So far, you're really not doing well on the "having a reasonable debate thing". Care to withdraw the abuse and try again when you've calmed down?

    "we're free to say that your voiced opinions are racist (which is not necessarily the same as saying you are racist, but if you're doing it often enough then you probably are)."

    This to me reads as, if I voice my opinions too often then I'm probably racist. I guess that's not how you meant it to come across?

  • edited May 2014
    Leuth said:

    OK. Can you link me to their current detailed policy manifesto, please?

    In the interests of fairness, we'll compare it to a similar document, the Green Party policy document: Manifesto 2014.pdf

    It's 36 pages long, so a bit of a read. Now, I didn't even vote for the Greens in the EU elections, but I'd like to see if UKIP had an equivalent document. Once you've procured it, we can compare directly between freedom-of-speech-hating leftwingers and UKIP, bastion of democracy. Using only direct quotes.

    I never even said UKIP stood for democracy, was merely commenting on certain remarks on this thread. Words like 'nazi' and 'racist' being thrown around very freely by those who happen to disagree with UKIP.

    That graphic is aimed at domestic policies, but here's the European manifesto. I don't think any party has released their 2015 General election one yet.

  • Croydon said:

    aliwibble said:

    "we're free to say that your voiced opinions are racist (which is not necessarily the same as saying you are racist, but if you're doing it often enough then you probably are)."

    This to me reads as, if I voice my opinions too often then I'm probably racist. I guess that's not how you meant it to come across?
    No, that if you're saying racist things too often, then you probably are racist. Wouldn't have thought that was particularly controversial to be honest, particularly as I was using the generic you rather than the specific you. (If it would make you feel happier I will edit the above to make that point clearer). I have absolutely no position on whether you've voiced any racist opinions at this point, let alone how often you might have been doing it if you had, so unless you (specific you) think you (specific you) have been saying racist things too often, then we don't have a problem.

  • next election...
    vote ukip (you dont have a say, straight out of Europe)
    vote Lib dems ( keep Europe)
    vote labour ( scared to talk about it)
    conservatives ( scared to talk about it)

    the only 2 party's that wanna discuss it went head to head. i have never voted lib dem but at least clegg can see it how it is and will then debate. Respect to him
  • aliwibble said:

    But that's the problem, apart from EU referendum and reducing immigration, what is UKIP's official policy on ANYTHING?.

    Even on those two policies.

    They want to leave the EU and establish a free trade agreement with Europe, "like the public voted for in 1972", apart from the bits and pieces of the 1972 treaty that they don't like and would like to remove. When they're asked exactly what they want, or what treaty agreement they would support, they shut down discussion (cf a video posted by UKIP supporter on one of these threads). They unravel on this sort of thing faster than the SNP (who, in my opinion, are asked to answer a much more difficult question).

    They are actually in favour of increased immigration for some unspecified non-European groups, over and above the UK Border Agency policies on scarce skills and sponsorship, and, seemingly, over and above any additions to the scarce skills list.
  • Can't beat this site for political balance

    So to vote Tory you have to be a little Englander, zzzz

    I vote Tory because I am a hard working family man.

    Honestly if you have a job why would you vote for anyone else
  • Still confused as to whether I'm a racist or a Guardianista as I voted differently in the Local election to the European election.

    However, it would appear that my new councillor is a racist little Englander.

    Which is nice to know.
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  • Can't beat this site for political balance

    So to vote Tory you have to be a little Englander, zzzz

    I vote Tory because I am a hard working family man.

    Honestly if you have a job why would you vote for anyone else

    This all the way.
  • edited May 2014
    SE9 said:

    next election...
    vote ukip (you dont have a say, straight out of Europe)
    vote Lib dems ( keep Europe)
    vote labour ( scared to talk about it)
    conservatives ( scared to talk about it)

    the only 2 party's that wanna discuss it went head to head. i have never voted lib dem but at least clegg can see it how it is and will then debate. Respect to him

    I'm not hugely into politics but I always vote, but surely there are other issues than just Europe that would make me decide who to vote for ?

    It seems like Europe should be a topic for debate, but why has it become the only topic for debate ?
  • se9addick said:

    SE9 said:

    next election...
    vote ukip (you dont have a say, straight out of Europe)
    vote Lib dems ( keep Europe)
    vote labour ( scared to talk about it)
    conservatives ( scared to talk about it)

    the only 2 party's that wanna discuss it went head to head. i have never voted lib dem but at least clegg can see it how it is and will then debate. Respect to him

    It seems like Europe should be a topic for debate, but why has it become the only topic for debate ?
    Because it was a European Election?

  • And so speaks the northerner :)

    No offence mate

    Seriously what state do you think the economy would be in now if labour were in control
  • Can't beat this site for political balance

    So to vote Tory you have to be a little Englander, zzzz

    I vote Tory because I am a hard working family man.

    Honestly if you have a job why would you vote for anyone else

    What a statement
  • Addickted said:

    se9addick said:

    SE9 said:

    next election...
    vote ukip (you dont have a say, straight out of Europe)
    vote Lib dems ( keep Europe)
    vote labour ( scared to talk about it)
    conservatives ( scared to talk about it)

    the only 2 party's that wanna discuss it went head to head. i have never voted lib dem but at least clegg can see it how it is and will then debate. Respect to him

    It seems like Europe should be a topic for debate, but why has it become the only topic for debate ?
    Because it was a European Election?

    Just a European Election ?
  • I can see a UCon collab next year, both pretty much Tories anyway.
  • shine166 said:

    I can see a UCon collab next year, both pretty much Tories anyway.

    Given our first past the post system I highly doubt UKIP will win enough seats to assist a party seeking to form a majority.
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