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Pardew Quote about "us"



  • edited January 2008
    [cite]Posted By: kigelia[/cite]
    I would have said you were probably right but for the game on New years day, my view was that a lot of the negativity was coming from the left of me. Namely the central areas of the north upper, where I am led to believe our more passionate supporters are located.

    True mate, to the right of you must be and Ketman bellowing at the 'booers'!

    However they must have decided that it's more fun running the team down in league games so swerve round the cup ones.
  • [cite]Posted By: Salad[/cite]I think he is diplomatically saying why do we have morons boo current players then we give them a warm reception when they come back?
    I agree Salad. Does drive me a crazy. Anyway, if we beat West Brom and get Arsenal away i'll be there with my Valley Gold ticket. :-)
  • "So how many other clubs had a gate nearly 50% below their average????? Only us and Sunderland by the looks of it."

    Bolton, Watford, Fulham, Wolves, Balckburn, Derby... were all well down. Blackburn and Bolton boosted by a large away following
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]"It's a club that is quite friendly to their returning players, which is quite irritating for me".

    Ok then Pards...

    "You're a c*nt"

    I'm sure Pardew waved at the Palace fans at Sellout when they called his name.....pot and kettle! Double standards Mr Pardew eh?
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]We played some good stuff but WBA let you play and weren't IMHO 100% at it.

    We created plenty of chances which we didn't take. McLeod show well with his running, flick ons and link up with others but missed good chances. Youga looked good as did Moo2 but Moo2 got done for the cross and the WBA player was left in acres of space to score.

    We played better against Ipswich and that was less then "ages" ago.

    "Ages" quote for me is for me personally, Everyone has their own opinions and it doesn't make everyone right or wrong!
  • Don't agree with Pardew at all on this one. Dean Kiely was a Charlton legend, he deserves all the plaudits he gets from Charlton fans in my opinion.

    If however he was trying to insinuate that there's a fair proportion of Charlton fans who are complete idiots then I'm definitely with him. None of my mates ended up going on Saturday for one reason and another so I sat on my own which meant far more than usual I was aware of what the people around me were saying and heard the half time comments as I queued for a Bovril.

    Really worrying, 90% of what I heard was how Varney is useless, McCleod a waste of Space, Ambrose should f*ck off etc etc etc. And this was after what I thought was a fairly good first half. McCleod was coming in for most of the stick and though he didn't look like a world beater in that first half I thought he made some decent runs, won a couple of headers and generally looked as though he was growing in confidence (something which would have really been helped by the bunch of idiots calling for Dickson every time McCleod touched the ball - imagine the stick McCleod would have got if he'd missed the chance their hero (who they've yet to see play) failed to put away at the end).

    Maybe I was sat in a bad position but around me and from what I heard at half time the majority have well and truly taken on board all that I used to hate about Tottenham fans. I left the game pretty happy with what had happened on the pitch but fairly miserable about the state of our fanbase (and that's the ones who could be @rsed to turn up!).
  • [cite]Posted By: PassItToLeaburn[/cite] calling for Dickson every time McCleod touched the ball - imagine the stick McCleod would have got if he'd missed the chance their hero (who they've yet to see play) failed to put away at the end).

    Spot on.

    Didn't have problem with the "we want Chris Dickson chant" as I went hoping to see him as well but I also wanted to see some other players do well and the team win.
  • I came away from the game with a smile on my face. I enjoyed it. more than any other game this season in fact.
    It was a different sort of game, we went with my grandad and dad and went for a soft drink in bartrams, then sat in the F block of the lower west and apart from two guys the other side of Les_Says, there was not a single attempt at a chant, or joining in with a chant (you couldn't hear the north upper) the two guys i felt sorry for, not sure they sat their every week but fair play to them for trying (even though they managed to get the words wrong to red army) I was on my own for a "come on you reds" when we got a corner. there were a few shouts and encouragements but mostly silence. makes you wonder if everyone is so used to watching tv at home in their living room they carry their laid back stance to the match, I wonder why they bothered.....10k of other people didn't bother. more fool them I say, i enjoyed the football for a change, £15 well spent.

    Shame pards has to have a pop at the club, although perhaps taken out of context for a newsworthy story. Kiely was magnificent for WBA, and deserved to be applauded on his return to The Valley, just a shame he was so good on the day!
  • [cite]Posted By: PassItToLeaburn[/cite]Don't agree with Pardew at all on this one. Dean Kiely was a Charlton legend, he deserves all the plaudits he gets from Charlton fans in my opinion.

    If however he was trying to insinuate that there's a fair proportion of Charlton fans who are complete idiots then I'm definitely with him. None of my mates ended up going on Saturday for one reason and another so I sat on my own which meant far more than usual I was aware of what the people around me were saying and heard the half time comments as I queued for a Bovril.

    Really worrying, 90% of what I heard was how Varney is useless, McCleod a waste of Space, Ambrose should f*ck off etc etc etc. And this was after what I thought was a fairly good first half. McCleod was coming in for most of the stick and though he didn't look like a world beater in that first half I thought he made some decent runs, won a couple of headers and generally looked as though he was growing in confidence (something which would have really been helped by the bunch of idiots calling for Dickson every time McCleod touched the ball - imagine the stick McCleod would have got if he'd missed the chance their hero (who they've yet to see play) failed to put away at the end).

    Maybe I was sat in a bad position but around me and from what I heard at half time the majority have well and truly taken on board all that I used to hate about Tottenham fans. I left the game pretty happy with what had happened on the pitch but fairly miserable about the state of our fanbase (and that's the ones who could be @rsed to turn up!).

    Should of come to the back of H block mate. You could of had a easy swing at the Dicko worshippers!! ;-)
  • This piece sums it up for me....

    "Unfortunately, I'm afraid to say "Welcome to Charlton, Pard's".

    Addicks fans in the main don't like change. Whether its prematch music or an intiative to help increase the atmosphere. It seems we are more interested in having bottled beer than trying to make the Valley some kind of "fotress".

    It was a good idea to get the overhead flag back out of the cupboard from yester-year, but it needs to be done every week so its seen as a tradition.

    I myself am all for trying something new, which I dare say applies to many on the forum, but the majority that don't are also the ones that complain about their being a lack of atmosphere, etc and a lack of passion from the players.

    Yes, they maybe professional players, who are being paid too much and should no better and perform week in, week out, but you have to remember that they are humans too. I know I would feel more comfortable in a lively stadium with my supporters all behind me, rather than a silent stadium with the occasional boo and sighs - nervous, uninspired all spring to mind.

    Sad but true, the Valley support so far this season has been louder when applauding/cheering past players and been more excited by the live matches that are played out on the Big Screen prematch.

    Whilst the fans need to read and take onboard Pards comments, the same applies to the board. What can be done?"
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  • edited January 2008
    The problem is with the flag is the moans I get about using it ranging from; it's too big, too small; not Charlton enough; too Charlton; too smelly; too dark; scary.

    It's also a pain when people in the east stand don't want to be part of it, and make it impractical to use.

    It'll come out again soon, hopefully, sooner rather then later, and hopefully you'll be helping Ribbed?
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]The problem is with the flag is the moans I get about using it ranging from; it's too big, too small; not Charlton enough; too Charlton; too smelly; too dark; scary.

    I agree with all of the above and am going to boo the flag next time I see it! ;-)
  • Ignore those who moan. Most of them didn't get out of their pits to come Saturday so stuff 'em, if there are more supporters supporting than there are moaners moaning the support should spread more than the cancerous moaning and cry baby behaviour is at the moment.

    Charlton is for life, not just the premiership/good times. I'm sure one of you on here said something like that once.......
  • If people could have decent bottled beer in the ground I think it would make a difference to the atmosphere....

  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]If people could have decent bottled beer in the ground I think it would make a difference to the atmosphere....


    Had it on sale for months now. Maybe it is making the atmosphere worse. : - )
  • Rothko, I can't take the credit (or discredit) for those comments as I lifted it from another Charlton forum that I read.

    I would be more than willing to help out with the flag though. The only difficulty is I would be a bit worried leaving my 6 year old sat on his own, whilst I pant, cough and splutter trying to pull the flag about! I'm assuming that's all part of the job description as everyone I see doing it, seems to fit the bill! ;-)

    Carter, Charlton is certainly for life but going by the dire turnout during the past few weeks, its certainly not for Christmas! Nor is the new dog - we put it down yesterday - two weeks is about enough and we couldn't put up with the shite on our carpet any longer.
  • [cite]Posted By: Carter[/cite]I don't think he directed it at the fans who attended the game west side ;-)

    Fair comment you ask me, it would get under my skin if cheering old players and booing the current ones were higher on the 'fans' agenda than supporting the ones currently wearing our shirt.
    Agreed and I wish a few would get off iwelumo's back. I watched the first half of the WBA TV game in Floyds, at half time a guy in the loo's was complaining that he had scored.... Priceless
  • [cite]Posted By: Ribbed[/cite]Rothko, I can't take the credit (or discredit) for those comments as I lifted it from another Charlton forum that I read.

    I would be more than willing to help out with the flag though. The only difficulty is I would be a bit worried leaving my 6 year old sat on his own, whilst I pant, cough and splutter trying to pull the flag about! I'm assuming that's all part of the job description as everyone I see doing it, seems to fit the bill! ;-)

    Carter, Charlton is certainly for life but going by the dire turnout during the past few weeks, its certainly not for Christmas! Nor is the new dog - we put it down yesterday - two weeks is about enough and we couldn't put up with the shite on our carpet any longer.


    The cream shag became a brown pile and you had enough eh mate!!
  • You had the dog put down cause you couldn't cope with it? unreal
  • edited January 2008
    I think he was joking!

    (At least, I hope so!).
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  • I think he had his tongue firmly in his cheek mate
  • Mixed feelings on what Pards said.

    1. Yes, it's annoying that some get behind favourite ex-players and then never join in with vocal support for the current team.

    2. He should read up on his history of Charlton re the likes of Deano. And we hardly give the spotty greedy one a good reception - far from it!
  • Sorry to offend Rothko, I should have put one of those winky face thingy's that you youngens all use on here! :-) - i think...

    The dog is safe, un-harmed and creating more stains than ever!
  • [cite]Posted By: Ribbed[/cite]
    Carter, Charlton is certainly for life but going by the dire turnout during the past few weeks, its certainly not for Christmas! Nor is the new dog - we put it down yesterday - two weeks is about enough and we couldn't put up with the shite on our carpet any longer.

    Haha. Two weeks of $hite? How long you been a Charlton fan, you've surely put up with worse :-)
  • It's got to be sour grapes boggzy.

    December 22nd 2007:
    Bryan Hughes gets a reasonable cheer and clap. He does shite - thats a given.
    Our lads get a short rendition of VFR and the rest are just boo's.

    January 1st 2008:
    Lisbie gets a cheer and a clap. He gets two goals.
    Our lads don't even get a polite applause for starting the game well.

    January 5th 2008:
    Deano gets a huge cheer and clap. He saves the day for WBA.
    Our lads get disheartened by chants of we want Dickson and a completely wrong chant of "top of the league, you're having a laff!" (sorry lads, they are top of the league - any logic?)

    January 12th 2008:
    You can sort of guess that a trend is occuring here. Blackpool don't have any ex-Charlton players (that I know of), but I can guarentee that the home support will be shite again.

    No wonder Pards is pissed off!
  • I think the comment about Pardew at Sellhurst is a good one.

    Some players deserve respect on their return, that's part of our character and the character of supporters at other clubs who respect their history. Because we gave Deano and Lisbie the respect of a clap or two, doesn't mean we're "soft" or somehow indifferent to, or excessively harsh on our own team (there seems a range of 'negative' behaviour here!).

    We're shite support for a whole host of other reasons!
  • To quote Catherine Tate what a load of old sh** from Pardew.

    The players who have received anything like decent applause are Kiely, Kishishev and Lisbie all of whom gave the club years of service and deserved it.

    Campbell Ryce got a bit of polite applause, Hughes was ignored or laughed at and Fat JImmy received a hostile reception.

    The Tony Blair of football management has gone down in my estimation if the quote is in context.
  • [cite]Posted By: Ribbed[/cite] January 12th 2008:
    You can sort of guess that a trend is occuring here. Blackpool don't have any ex-Charlton players (that I know of), but I can guarentee that the home support will be shite again.

    No wonder Pards is pissed off!

    Paul Rachubka (sp?) ?
  • It maybe shite suzisausage, but at least Charlton give an addictive smell of deep-heat rather than an odd wiff of dog food and stuffing, which the Mrs has been feeding it!
  • Top work Suzi, Rachubka will save a penalty.

    Michael Jackson will also score, just for the comedy value too.
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