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Another stabbing in Sidcup



  • Would the old tried and tested Chinese method of shooting them then demanding the family pay for the bullet not be deterrent enough then ?

    Lots of prison ships in the Western approaches, around Cape Wrath and the Shetlands would be fairly entertaining.
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]oh well, it had a good run.

    this baby ain't going down without a fight;-)

    i haven't contributed to this thread, but it has mainly been a good debate with well thought out, valid points being put across.
  • Bing. Cant quote from one page back but great post mate.

    Some of the best, well put, sense Ive read on here for a long, long time.

    Doffs cap to my learned friend
  • Blimey, I'm never having a day off again...missed all the fun.

    Not that it matters now but my take on speeding, you get caught, hard luck, nothing to do with cameras, hidden or otherwise, I speed sometimes, I take the risk, if I got caught, tough, my choice to do it.
    I work in transport as such, I seen licences every day and whats on them, ie points wise, you would be shocked how many people go into denial over points for speeding "wasn't my fault etc", bulls***, I even have people try to tell me after I have spoken to the DVLA that they know nothing about their court fine or ban or disqualification from Drink driving or speeding or totting up points etc.
    There are a lot of ignorant drivers out there who give no thought to anyone else except themselves and care not for the laws or insurance or road tax, I have people come in and I find out they are banned or have a revoked licence and then they drive away in a car, guess what,,,,,999, I couldn't cares less if they find out I did it, that could be my kids or family they have an uninsured accident with.
  • Spot on DA9 and well done for ringing 999.
  • Back to gang topic.

    I managed to have a chat with policeman up in the village last night raising my concerns about whats gone on lately, in my area particular, and what they are doing about it. They're not all bad GH.

    They are having terrible problems with the Woolwich Boys and the Cherry Orchard gang or whatever they're called. He said you can clear a few of the gang members off the street but then the next one in command steps up and takes their place. there is no solution, they bang on about their human rights and they have no respect for anything. He said they are totally understaffed, and he's constantly dealing with gang related cases. he did say the Thamesmead bunch were the worse tho. Carrying out burglary with shooters etc.

    I dont like to walk home now on my own now even at 7pm in daylight.
  • Curb-It does Tavern know u have a thing about uniforms ? maybe you could buy him one for his or your birthday? mind you make sure its an ST made iniform or he wont wear it !

    There is a group who hang about down near the cab office opposite the con club at nite. Shout abuse etc and to be honest if i was a woman i wouldnt wanna walk past em.
  • Been told the same about staffing and restrictions as to what they can do as set by Ian Blair and the beurocracy (sic) by a serving OB who does the Charlton games.
    Basically in the last ten years (Labour Government policies IMO) their jobs have become harder to do due to red tape, restrictions, human rights.
    He told me that there is a drain on good coppers as most of them are resigning and going to work in the USA, Oz, Canada, New Zealdand, he's even thinking of doing it himself.
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Curb-It does Tavern know u have a thing about uniforms ? maybe you could buy him one for his or your birthday? mind you make sure its an ST made iniform or he wont wear it !

    There is a group who hang about down near the cab office opposite the con club at nite. Shout abuse etc and to be honest if i was a woman i wouldnt wanna walk past em.

    They did a wall supporting mate of mine from the Lib last year, just ask Rock Spectacle about one bloke we scraped off the floor from their nearly 2 year ago.
  • The idea that the French police would continue to staff speed traps at the same levels they currently do if THEIR towns were full of drunk, tooled up agressive gangs of yobs is ridiculous to be honest. There's not a community or mayor in the country who would condone the police continuing to pull motorists while their kids were stabbing each other in gangfights or battering someone who looked at them a 'bit funny'. I've seen more manned speedtraps in the last 10 months than in the last 20 years in the UK and long may it continue as it means that they don't have very much else to do to be honest. I can see what Suzi et al are saying about speeding but the long and short of it for me is that the knife/gang culture thing has to take a priority. Surely?

    As an aside, harking back to the post re:someone dropping their trousers in front of a van of police, if that had been Gendarmes, they would have never have got anywhere near a court but would certainly have been eating hospital food for a while instead. Summary justice ain't always a bad thing and maybe if British coppers felt able to give a yob a slap from time to time there'd be a bit more respect about?
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  • [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]Been told the same about staffing and restrictions as to what they can do as set by Ian Blair and the beurocracy (sic) by a serving OB who does the Charlton games.
    Basically in the last ten years (Labour Government policies IMO) their jobs have become harder to do due to red tape, restrictions, human rights.
    He told me that there is a drain on good coppers as most of them are resigning and going to work in the USA, Oz, Canada, New Zealdand, he's even thinking of doing it himself.

    every other Mountie over here seems to be British, there is a very aggressive recruiting campaign targeted at recruiting British policemen into the RCMP...

    in a lot of towns, speeding is monitored & enforced by private companies, the police have nothing to do with it
  • edited May 2008
    There you go even the OB know they are understaffed and need more OB we can all spout out there are more now than ever but the point is there is not enough to deal with these issues.

    on question time last night it was fluffed over with one of the panelists saying we need to get into these deprived areas and make them feel more valuable.

    good point but the minute you break the law you sort of loose that flexibilty surely.

    I didnt bitch and moan with my fine and points for speeding.

    if you do a burglary you can not bitch and moan that you did it because you live on a rough estate with no dad

    the whole thing is a cop out
  • DA9DA9
    edited May 2008
    You cant blame the rank & file officers for decisions made above their heads, in my experience with them, and I've had plenty, you get some good, some bad, most I deal with are decent fellas doing a job, some are complete arsewipes.

    I treat them all the same way they treat me, if their polite, I'm polite.

    I know some Charlton officers well to talk to, but I would not want to know them that well, maybe its because of my past and the circles I move in, fair enough, but I dont hate OB, but can see how some people feel frustrated with some of their actions. I know one officer who some of my pals have a mobile for and they send friendly jokey texts etc to each other, I dont get involved, I fear alterior motives because at the end of the day he is still OB and he knows the history of some of them, but hey, thats his job.
  • Dangerous that mate. say one of ur mates send him an ify joke via text how does he know he wont get an early morning wake up call?

    Even general chatter is put into their weekly intelligance reports.

    You know the story about the "copper" and ambushing away fans. At least 3 people u know , can vouch that is a true story.
  • Jimmy just a point fella who was it that said " Tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime" ? maybe people did vote for that and what they got was spin.

    True but people voted for them a second time. That's what I don't get.

    The fact that this debate got so screwed towards the speeding issue is ridiculous IMO. If you speed you might kill someone. If you stab someone you almost definately will. What's the most important to stop? I agree with your general argument Suzi, but I also agree that with the others who believe that the police are out to catch even the most minor offences just to make money. The point is, should the police prevent crime to protect the populace, or just simply to make money?
  • don't want to get involved in all the other discussions just want to express my sadness at the events in the town I live in today. the 3 kids stabbed, 2 died, by their f****** parents - literally 10 minutes walk away. shocking to see all the big tv companies camped outside the house etc etc I know they doing their job I just mean being ont he doorstep----i only know this because my sons table tennis club is in the same road.
  • I saw that Ledge - it is beyond comprehension.
  • Friday might mid night near the john evlyn pub in Deptford. Im on way to pick my mrs up from work. This mob over 50 yoofs come steaming into the road. It was like when ur at footie and you see THAT mob and u thnk "am i in trouble here ?". I locked the doors though what a twat i was taking the wheel brace out the car and puting it the boot, then i thought thank f**k my Mrs wasnt there. They wernt intrested in me at all but was steamng up and down the road -- i just sat there moving would have ment driving over or into em. Then they ran and 2 yes 2 OB batons drawn ran past the car chasing this mob. Thats when hell of a lot of people to be in one group at midnite. I picked the mrs up and went home a differant way.

    Today im doing the dinner and when i look out the kitchen window i se this nice young man jump into my back garden ! the nice young man waves at me !! which was very nice-- i was out the back door carving nife in hand screaming like a mad man on acid !! the young man was well gone over the next two gardens and then into the old Brooke Hospital estate.

    never seen either of those incidents before, im sure they happen alot but there is a very large part of me (and geting bigger) really dont want to live in the middle of so many scum bags any more.
  • Just been contacted by OB re the incident i saw on the Friday of the murder. Thought if i told the detective what i saw with a brief discription it could be cleared up. Not so they are sending someone to take a statement !
  • Dont get flashbacks fella

    Mind how you go
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  • Yes dont like idea of the Mets finest being in me front room.
  • Again
  • I've noticed that Bexley Council are reviewing the Metro Bar's licence on the grounds of serious crime and disorder.
  • [cite]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]I've noticed that Bexley Council are reviewing the Metro Bar's licence on the grounds of serious crime and disorder.

    in fairness, what's the point ?

    Metro attracts a younger age group in the evening, but if its licence was revoked, they would only move on elsewhere. They're also very active their in holding different kinds of evenings, discos, quizzes, competitions etc. All the council should do is insist on greater CCTV, better door presence on a friday / sat night, firmer controls on proof of age on entry (the ivory lounge in bexleyheath takes a scan of everyones passport on entry)and those detectors on the way in. Otherwise, you'll be shifting the problem somewhere else.
  • afka, took the words right outta my mouth there dude. ps where is the ivory lounge (or what did it used to be??)
  • rat n parrot
  • ah, and they sorted it out then afka?? dont ever go to bex eee eeef no more, to many lil scrotes! I actually hear good things about it, is it good?
  • I'm 18, I goto Metro a sometimes late on Friday/Saturday, doors shut at 11, as it stays open till 1am. Never seen any real trouble, although there always is people in there you think might start a scuffle if they have a few too many drinks.

    Before that I always drink in the portrait. Never seen any trouble in there whatsoever, nice place.

    So overall Sidcup, apart from a few weeks ago is relatively trouble free in regards to when peeps go out drinking. Would be a shame to see places close down just because of a few morons.
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]
    in fairness, what's the point ?

    Metro attracts a younger age group in the evening, but if its licence was revoked, they would only move on elsewhere. They're also very active their in holding different kinds of evenings, discos, quizzes, competitions etc. All the council should do is insist on greater CCTV, better door presence on a friday / sat night, firmer controls on proof of age on entry (the ivory lounge in bexleyheath takes a scan of everyones passport on entry)and those detectors on the way in. Otherwise, you'll be shifting the problem somewhere else.

    Keeps the yobs in one place though.
  • This is mainly for those fellow expat Addicks who may not have seen the UK news, the lowlife who stabbed poor Rob Knox to death last year has been found guilty at the Old Bailey, sentencing will take place today (Thursday).

    Reading through the reports that this evil scum had already served time for a knife attack makes you think (and hope) that he gets a proper life sentence.

    What an absoliute tragedy, it certainly puts our pending demotion into proper perspective, what the bloody hell does a game of football matter compared to this?

    RIP Rob Knox.
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