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The General Election - June 8th 2017



  • I call skulduggery @cantersaddick / @LuckyReds

    The mystery of the incredible disappearing posts.....

    Eh? What post of mine vanished?
  • Are you seriously saying the DUP are not historically allied with the UVF/UDA?

    A quick Google search should set you straight - try 'Peter Robinson Ulster Resistance' for a start.
    "Historic links" implies it's in the past.
  • LuckyReds said:

    Labour hold Hammersmith.

    This was one of the ones the Conservative's were targeting specifically. (A bit optimistic, as I couldn't see them grabbing anything extra in London... I thought that was pretty obvious!)

    I never lasted 10 seconds at my peak!
  • It is the challenge not to move to the right and it won't now. That was our objective. The polls converged and we probably needed another month. Corbyn has gone from the local election results due to the in -fighting when the election was called to reeling in a 20 point lead. If you watched the incredible convergence and really analysed it you would see it for what it is - one of the most meteoric rises in a short space of time in political history.
    I knew it, you work for Corbyn don't you :wink:

    I agree that Corbyn has had a meteoric rise, however that often comes before an equally meteoric fall, just ask Leicester.

    When the full information is out I can do some more analysis from age demographic to party alliances where the Greens/UKIP and others agreed not to stand to help labour or conservatives.

    I just hope that one day, 27 years after reaching voting age there is a party that I actually want to vote for rather than what I consider the best of a bad bunch.

    Corbyn is approaching 70 so I don't think he'll be on the political landscape too much longer and I don't see a queue of like minded individuals to take over. I think there are many labour politicians who could win a general election and form a government but they'll all move more to the centre than Corbyn ever would.

    We'll find out one day, that's the beauty of the future :wink: in the meantime from a governing perspective we've got to deal with, thanks to our idiotic politicians, what we all voted for and it doesn't look pretty........
  • Did Labour win?
  • Unlikely I know, but if we haven't got a government with the credibility to negotiate Brexit I would like to see Corbyn, a Eurosceptic, and May agree a joint Brexit negotiating team representing a Parliamentary majority, rather than a lame government.

    Parliament as a body is certainly now going to have the final say and unless the negotiation has the force of Parliamentary support no UK demand will be taken seriously by Brussels.

    It would solve the madness of the UK exposing its position in advance for a Parliamentary vote, or the same madness of going back to Parliament with a proposition when negotiations are completed.
  • Take a look at this video on YouTube:

    Thats DUP leader Peter Robinson admitting to supporting UDA prisoners and denying that the UDA - which killed over 400 people in the troubles were even terrorists at all.

    So, I think we are pretty safe to say these guys are pretty close.
  • May saying she will form a government.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Chizz said:

    Just a quick reminder to anyone who voted Conservative in 2015 and Leave in 2016. Your votes have helped secure the transition of power over the United Kingdom from Brussels to Belfast.

    Churlish comment I know but last time I checked Belfast was in the U.K.
  • Brexit, Anti-terrorism crackdown, Brexit again and no one left behind.

    Country needs "certainty" and "only the Conservative and Unionist (yes she used the full name of the tories) party can deliver that"

    Says can work with the DUP in particular.

    Brexit again. "now let's get to work".

    Didn't take any questions.

    That was it.

    Nothing about last night other than she won the most seats. No reflection or thanks.
  • Huskaris said:

    Great victory speech from Theresa May there. Has anyone told her the result though?

    Along with around 30% of the people on my friends list, but they seem to think that Labour won
  • So I'm trying to work this all out...Tories campaigned against a coalition of chaos with labour, pressed his links to the IRA etc. Didn't win the election and then go into coalition with a party with known links to IRA terrorism and extremism...AND May stays on as PM after the biggest backfire in politics? Not sure I see the democracy in that :(
  • Why aren't press allowed to criticise the government?! Isn't that what you've been asking for all along.

    Damned if they do..
    I'm happy for them to criticise. It's just that that paper told us they were backing the Tory party on Wednesday.....
  • So I'm trying to work this all out...Tories campaigned against a coalition of chaos with labour, pressed his links to the IRA etc. Didn't win the election and then go into coalition with a party with known links to IRA terrorism and extremism...AND May stays on as PM after the biggest backfire in politics? Not sure I see the democracy in that :(

    I dont think the DUP every supported or had links to the IRA. The UDA perhaps.

  • edited June 2017
    Evening Sub-Standard:
    'Vote Tory' (* Gasp*)
    'You Decide'. (How very liberal of you, George)
    'Bread prices rocket due to mass trespass of wheat fields'.
    - 'Saint Theresa's Our United Kingdom'
    - 'Corbyn in drug-fuelled sex romp'
    - And a story about a bloke from Peckham with a big beard and a pint of Craft American Pale Ale, buying two three-bedroom flats with a 0.003% deposit' (*Gasp*)
  • MrOneLung said:

    Churlish comment I know but last time I checked Belfast was in the U.K.
    If we have to "repatriate" powers - particularly over spending, I'd prefer them to be repatriated to London.
  • Sponsored links:

  • So I'm trying to work this all out...Tories campaigned against a coalition of chaos with labour, pressed his links to the IRA etc. Didn't win the election and then go into coalition with a party with known links to IRA terrorism and extremism...AND May stays on as PM after the biggest backfire in politics? Not sure I see the democracy in that :(

  • Does this mean corbyn ain't in and my corporation tax is staying down
  • Does this mean corbyn ain't in and my corporation tax is staying down

    Yes. Enjoy the strong and stable economy that the Tories will deliver over the next few weeks or months until the next election.
  • Does this mean corbyn ain't in and my corporation tax is staying down

    Yes, not sure for how long.

    A week or two, perhaps.
  • Does this mean corbyn ain't in and my corporation tax is staying down

    I don't know - you'd better take a look at the DUP's manifesto to find out what's happening with your corporation tax.
  • What on earth is going on over there
  • se9addick said:

    I don't know - you'd better take a look at the DUP's manifesto to find out what's happening with your corporation tax.
    I'm just glad everyone in the UK had a chance to express their democratic right to agree or otherwise with the DUP's manifesto. Oh wait...
  • Take a look at this video on YouTube:

    Thats DUP leader Peter Robinson admitting to supporting UDA prisoners and denying that the UDA - which killed over 400 people in the troubles were even terrorists at all.

    So, I think we are pretty safe to say these guys are pretty close.

    At least they were on the right side
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