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Official CL weekend Lycra warriors thread (cycling)



  • Joined the lycra warriors a couple months back. If you see a chap in a Charlton shirt flying through a red light as you try and cross the road, it's probably me ;-)
  • Strava users beware,
    according to Sky news thieves are tracking the app to find out where expensive bikes are being kept.
  • Strava users beware,
    according to Sky news thieves are tracking the app to find out where expensive bikes are being kept.

    as they've been doing for as long as Strava has been around. that is why there are privacy zones though a better way is to not start recording until you're a little way from home
  • rina said:

    Strava users beware,
    according to Sky news thieves are tracking the app to find out where expensive bikes are being kept.

    as they've been doing for as long as Strava has been around. that is why there are privacy zones though a better way is to not start recording until you're a little way from home
    Yep. This story comes round every 18 months or so. There's actually no evidence that it's true, and never has been - however the privacy zones on Strava are there precisely for this reason, so if it IS true, and thieves aren't just following people on expensive bikes home, then add your address to your privacy zones.
  • UCI World Mens Road Race Championship is Sunday ( tomorrow ) - live coverage starts on BBC2 from 1.45PM. Could it be another triumph for one of the Yates brothers, or may be Julian Alaphilippe ?
  • My money would be on Alaphilippe. Good form all year, course suits him and unlike almost every other French rider of the past 20 years, he isn't a choker. Adam Yates another strong shout, lot of work for Simon in the Vuelta, but looked like he was using it to get into form for this.
    Dan Martin a good outside bet too - if he can get away on the final climb (only problem for him will be that it doesn't finish at the top...)
    If Nibali is in touch at the top, he's got a good chance too - best descender of the contenders
  • Cycling stuff in Aldi tomorrow. Sunday 30 Sep.
  • iainment said:

    Cycling stuff in Aldi tomorrow. Sunday 30 Sep.

    looks like they've got a few different items this time
  • Looking forward to cycling again this weekend.
    Been suffering with chest infection for about 10 days.
    Intend to follow NCN1 from Woolwich and see how far is comfortable. So anywhere between Erith and Rochester for my "comeback".
  • after 6 months of cycling for work, lugging 70-80kg (bike plus kit) around I have gotten back on my road bike. enjoying it but need to move from basic pedals and a pair of trainers.

    any recommendations for some reasonably priced pedals/shoes? Are they any combo type pedals around so that for a nice sedate ride up the road to the shop I dont need to clip into a pedal? Is it worth hunting down second hand pedals of higher quality (not going to do that with shoes as sharing foot sweat is not for me).
  • Sponsored links:

  • kigelia said:

    after 6 months of cycling for work, lugging 70-80kg (bike plus kit) around I have gotten back on my road bike. enjoying it but need to move from basic pedals and a pair of trainers.

    any recommendations for some reasonably priced pedals/shoes? Are they any combo type pedals around so that for a nice sedate ride up the road to the shop I dont need to clip into a pedal? Is it worth hunting down second hand pedals of higher quality (not going to do that with shoes as sharing foot sweat is not for me).

    For a good pair of shoes at a reasonable price I have always found Northwave to be a good choice. I have had several pairs of Northwave's and all are super comfy and fit like a glove.......well a shoe actually.
  • kigelia said:

    after 6 months of cycling for work, lugging 70-80kg (bike plus kit) around I have gotten back on my road bike. enjoying it but need to move from basic pedals and a pair of trainers.

    any recommendations for some reasonably priced pedals/shoes? Are they any combo type pedals around so that for a nice sedate ride up the road to the shop I dont need to clip into a pedal? Is it worth hunting down second hand pedals of higher quality (not going to do that with shoes as sharing foot sweat is not for me).

    You can get spd pedals that are flat on one side.
  • kigelia said:

    after 6 months of cycling for work, lugging 70-80kg (bike plus kit) around I have gotten back on my road bike. enjoying it but need to move from basic pedals and a pair of trainers.

    any recommendations for some reasonably priced pedals/shoes? Are they any combo type pedals around so that for a nice sedate ride up the road to the shop I dont need to clip into a pedal? Is it worth hunting down second hand pedals of higher quality (not going to do that with shoes as sharing foot sweat is not for me).

    I got these and I love them:
  • EastStand said:
    That looks like exactly what I am after.
  • End of Sky sponsorship. Not a massive surprise - since Murdoch's son no longer pulls the strings, it was always likely that Sky would pull the plug - and the furore around Wiggins and Froome would have been the final nail in the coffin. There won't be a sponsor in Britain that is willing to step up - witness the number of British domestic teams folding in the past year. Cycling is clearly on the downward turn here after the Olympics and 'peak' cycling (somewhere around 2016) - It will clearly never go back to the niche sport it was back in the day, but we certainly won't see the level of participation we have in the past ten years ever again. Hopefully it doesn't have a knock-on effect on the 'cycling as transport' initiatives that are so needed in our cities
  • Not necessarily the end of British sponsorship
  • No one is likely to front up the £40m unless James Murdoch ends up somewhere else in the next 6 months.
  • My only sadness regarding Sky pulling out is we’ll no longer have the divine Orla doing the Team Sky reports. I met her last month and she is so lovely...
  • edited December 2018
  • Sponsored links:

  • I really don't know what to say...
  • edited January 2019
    Fair few miles in 2018 - less racing, more time on the bike with just me thoughts for company
  • Just off out for my first ride of 2019 .... an off roader , most of mine are. Not far 12-15 miles to clear the cobwebs
  • After 3 months of injury/illness I'm doing my first ride this week.
  • The second half of 2018 has been a mix of persistent niggling injuries and illness, hopefully it’ll be better in 2019
  • Ok, so I’ve signed up to the London to Amsterdam cycle ride for prostate cancer and haven’t ridden a bike for about 10 years since my son was born. Planning on getting back into it and getting a decent bike.

    Any recommendations for where to go to get sized up for a frame and must haves on the bike spec?

    Thinking max budget £2k
  • Ok, so I’ve signed up to the London to Amsterdam cycle ride for prostate cancer and haven’t ridden a bike for about 10 years since my son was born. Planning on getting back into it and getting a decent bike.

    Any recommendations for where to go to get sized up for a frame and must haves on the bike spec?

    Thinking max budget £2k

    If you're near Greenwich, Cycles UK. It's mainly commuter stuff but there are two young fellas work there that are roadies. They both like to chat and i'm sure they will do a bike fit with no pressure to buy.
  • I've a rough plan for this year.

    April - The shark. An audax from Greenwich to the coast and back with about a 2 mile ascent in it. 200k.

    July - The Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle. 180k of undulating Ireland.

    August - The Ring of Kerry the wrong way round. Part of the Killarney cycle festival. Slightly shorter but it picks out more hills than the July route. And is the wrong way round!

    September - (if they do it.) The Greenwich Mean Climb. Another audax from Greenwich to the coast, third of the way back and then return to the coast and then back to Greenwich. About 270k I think. With a fair bit of ascent.

    And regular weekend excursions on top of my commute.
  • Sounds good. Love a long day as well, but racing means I can't fit many of them in. Club are planning Chorley to Edinburgh to Chorley over two days - about 700km, so that'll be ace with about 20 of us signed up so far

    Where is there a 2 mile climb in Kent?
  • edited January 2019
    Cudham Lane North and Cudham Lane South, from Green Street Green, Orpington, to the top of the North Downs, is the longest climb in the area that I am aware of. It's not steep, but it goes on and on, albeit with a little dip two-thirds of the way up. I climbed it on New Year's Day using a 65" fixed gear.
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