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Official CL weekend Lycra warriors thread (cycling)



  • I’ve not used either but I believe these ones are “better” than the white&orange ones...
  • @JamesSeed Jim, sent a DM on twitter. Guess I’ll be reading this thread a lot more, if I’m starting this cycling game. Extremely nervous I admit!
  • I put 5 hours 30 minutes and got 6.44 start time for Ride London
  • edited July 2018
    Selling my Carrera Virtuouso road bike. Cost me £375 just over a year ago. Has done two London to Brighton's, plus training, so around 500 or 600 miles in total. Was serviced before this years event, and had a new rear tyre (gatorskin) and new rear innertube.

  • Another 100 miler today. Last 10 were f’ing torture. Back was stiffining up and I didn’t eat enough.
  • My bike is back from being repaired and with the weather hopefully cooling a little am looking forward to getting back out. What's sorts of distance are you all doing before you consider eating? It's all I can do to drink without throwing up!
  • edited July 2018
    T_C_E said:

    My bike is back from being repaired and with the weather hopefully cooling a little am looking forward to getting back out. What's sorts of distance are you all doing before you consider eating? It's all I can do to drink without throwing up!

    I carry 4 small packs of wine or fruit gums and 3/4 cereal bars on a 100 miler. Also have two water bottles with isotonic tablets added. Usually fill both twice while out.

    I stopped 3 times today 10mins at 30 miles 20mins at 55 and 10mins at 80. The middle stop is usually half an hour and includes some proper food from either a cafe or something similar. Cardinal sin today, wasn’t overly hungry so just had a packet of chrisps.

    Fat bastard coke or vanilla yazoo is also a favourite of mine on long rides. Good sugar hit in those. Don’t eat gels as they play havoc with my guts the day after.
  • T_C_E said:

    My bike is back from being repaired and with the weather hopefully cooling a little am looking forward to getting back out. What's sorts of distance are you all doing before you consider eating? It's all I can do to drink without throwing up!

    I'd always go by time as opposed to distance. Eat after 1 hour. My preference was peanut butter and banana sandwiches cut into quarters. Clems right about gels.
  • T_C_E said:

    My bike is back from being repaired and with the weather hopefully cooling a little am looking forward to getting back out. What's sorts of distance are you all doing before you consider eating? It's all I can do to drink without throwing up!

    I carry 4 small packs of wine or fruit gums and 3/4 cereal bars on a 100 miler. Also have two water bottles with isotonic tablets added. Usually fill both twice while out.

    I stopped 3 times today 10mins at 30 miles 20mins at 55 and 10mins at 80. The middle stop is usually half an hour and includes some proper food from either a cafe or something similar. Cardinal sin today, wasn’t overly hungry so just had a packet of chrisps.

    Fat bastard coke or vanilla yazoo is also a favourite of mine on long rides. Good sugar hit in those. Don’t eat gels as they play havoc with my guts the day after.

    T_C_E said:

    My bike is back from being repaired and with the weather hopefully cooling a little am looking forward to getting back out. What's sorts of distance are you all doing before you consider eating? It's all I can do to drink without throwing up!

    I'd always go by time as opposed to distance. Eat after 1 hour. My preference was peanut butter and banana sandwiches cut into quarters. Clems right about gels.
    Thanks, with the school holidays coming up it'll give me more time to start towards a 50/60 mile target over the next 8 weeks or so.
  • Gels aren't for everyone, but other people are fine with them. They're OK for me - the Torq ones are absolutely lovely. If I do a solo training ride I don't eat if its less than two hours - longer than that I try and eat about halfway through. After two hours I always eat every hour - usually a gel, sometimes a bar if I have one to hand.
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  • Lil 23-miler this morning, just to The Valley and back, don’t know where you boys find the time for anything longer....
  • Gels aren't for everyone, but other people are fine with them. They're OK for me - the Torq ones are absolutely lovely. If I do a solo training ride I don't eat if its less than two hours - longer than that I try and eat about halfway through. After two hours I always eat every hour - usually a gel, sometimes a bar if I have one to hand.

    I'm ok with gels but don't like them.
    I usually have (vegetarian, I have to watch what gelatine is in them) jelly babies, bananas, biscuits and cake. It helps that I almost always take my pannier bag.
    With a sports drink in one bidon and water in the other.
    Usually taking too much for what I do.
  • If I'm training/needing to lose weight, I don't eat before I go out and then I don't eat for the first hour at least, when I'll have a banana/half a bar...after that, I may have a nibble as and when I feel like it up to about 3.5/4 hours..if I'm still out after 4 hours and I haven't eaten much/at all other than after the first hour, i start to get hungry and will have whatever a cafe will provide me: cake, sausage roll etc....just enough to get me home. Don't use gels at all as suffer with the guts... Don't like anything other than squash or water in the bidons either...although if really hot and have stopped, may well get a lemonade or similar...

    If a social ride (100km/3.5-4 hours etc), then will likely have breakfast and carry a banana as well as stopping and having some cake etc half way round... Trick here is not to over eat when getting home and feeling that 'you've done some exercise so I deserve it'...

    For bars, I've just been introduced to Veloforte and I used them through the Pyrenees in June...dense, natural and not full of sugar...not cheap though... :-( Would recommend.
  • Cliff bars do it for me, although I've just made a batch of my own protein bars using peanut butter, honey, maple syrup, protein powder, rice crispies and nuts. You just warm the first three ingredients a little and then mix in all the others. Press in to a baking tray and shove it into the fridge for a couple of hours. Then you can cut them into bars. Much cheaper, although my kids tend to eat them really quickly.
  • Did my usual 25 miles for work today. Which is my commute plus going from one workplace to another.
    Felt like much further due to the heat.
    Might rely on public transport and shanks's pony later in the week.
  • edited July 2018
    Desperate to get out on my newly repaired bike but not enough to want die doing it. Rode the 6/7 miles home from the shop in low to mid 20s so I'm not stupid enough to take these temperatures on.
  • Ride London completed. Rode an extra 19 miles as I pedalled to the Olympic Park and home from Buck Palace.

    Mixed emotions on the day. Ride itself was far easier than I was expecting. However, unless I get a start time around 6.30am I won’t be doing it again. Leith and Box were ridiculously busy with loads walking. Killed my average speed completely.

    Loads of crashes in awful conditions. Some utter helmets riding the course. One bloke crashed on an 8% descent, he thought doing it no hands and at about 25mph was clever. Thankfully when the inevitable happened he only took himself out.

    Horrible moment at the bottom of Leith Hill. Old guy receiving CPR and being shocked. Didn’t look good at the time and subsequently found out he died.
  • Yep, it needs changing. Same shit every year. I binned it a couple of weeks ago when I found my start time was 7:50, despite putting down an expected finish time of 4 hours. I knew loads of people riding it - all said the standard of riding was horrendous. They'd be better off taking the 'hills' out of it completely for anyone who estimates a finish time over six hours. People just unclip and start walking at the bottom of Leith without even attempting it. Add ran and wind into that mix, and it's not difficult to see why it has a reputation of being such a chopfest
  • Yep, it needs changing. Same shit every year. I binned it a couple of weeks ago when I found my start time was 7:50, despite putting down an expected finish time of 4 hours. I knew loads of people riding it - all said the standard of riding was horrendous. They'd be better off taking the 'hills' out of it completely for anyone who estimates a finish time over six hours. People just unclip and start walking at the bottom of Leith without even attempting it. Add ran and wind into that mix, and it's not difficult to see why it has a reputation of being such a chopfest

    Not only do the unclip and start walking, they walk 3 abreast!

    Some of the crap I witnessed today was terrifying. How some of those idiots haven’t killed themselves is beyond me. Had some silly bint scream abuse at me when I leant down for my water bottle, tiny wobble and she was effing and blinding at me. The fact she appeared to be about 2 inches from my back wheel probably didn’t help her.
  • My mate described it as a six hour 4th cat crit in the rain...
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  • edited August 2018
    Tweet from Ethan Hayter, ex-VC Londres rider at Herne Hill Velodrome.

    Really excited to announce I will be a stagiaire with Team Sky for the rest of 2018!
    Grateful for the opportunity and looking forward to making the most of the experience.
    Thanks to all that have helped me along the way, especially @VCLondres @HerneHillVel @TrinitySports_
  • Hayter, who became a World Champion in the Team Pursuit earlier this year, and has yet to turn 20, has won the Omnium at the European Track Championships. Chapeau.
  • Burning toes, anyone got any top tips to avoid pain in my feet when cycling. After about an hour in my left foot only, my two toes next to the big one start to get pins n needles (burning sensation) I have loosened my shoes completely, to no avail. If I unclip, it does ease of. I have Sidi shoes wide fitting. But also get the same pain when on my MTB with flats.
    I,m considering bolt cutters to remove them
  • edited August 2018
    Orthotic inserts might help.

    Google - pain foot cycling

    There's a lot of good info from that, about why we get the pain and how it might be overcome.

    Good luck.
  • Yep - very common. Slightly different cleat position, knee tracking differently causing pressure on a different part of your foot in the pedal stroke, shoes too tight, inserts needed, saddle too low, pushing too big a gear for too long with more inherent weakness in your left leg ...

    There's a long list that could cause it. Good news is that you can generally fix this a lot easier than you can knee pain - you just need to experiment. Inserts are a good shout - because you can go and get your feet analysed and have definitive scientific proof that you need them, rather than waste money on something that might or might not work.

    One thing you might want to try - don't laugh. Looser socks. I used to wear two pair of socks in the winter to keep my feet warmer - but it had the opposite effect because the inner sock was stopping my toes from moving. If your socks are tight, that might cause it - and you may only get it in one foot because your pedal stroke is different and your left stroke encourages your sock to pull tighter round your left foot
  • Thanks Gents I'll work through those top tips and keep you posted
  • Just registered for Ride London 2019 ballot. Gave very slow time target. The site was concerned about my age!

    Anyone know when they let you know if you're in?
  • edited August 2018
    Usually around February. I wouldn't worry too much about the target time - I put down estimated 4 hours and got 7:50 start, club mate put down 5 hours 30 and got 6:10. The way they allocate start places is an absolute farce.
  • Usually around February. I wouldn't worry to much about the target time - I put down estimated 4 hours and got 7:50 start, club mate put down 5 hours 30 and got 6:10. The way they allocate start places is an absolute farce.

    I put down 8.5 hours! On the assumption most over estimate their time.
    Even I go faster than that.
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