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Most scared at a charlton game



  • Keith Giles who once threw a sheep in the back of a transit on the way home from an away game ---- heard about the "dirty protest" as well. I heard he was living up north somewhere and another rumour was he got sectioned !
    Hope not ... he used to hang around with our lot in Cherry Orchard Estate quite a lot between games and, despite his reputation, you could have a good laugh with him. 
  • Me and my brother missed the train to Cambridge along with Kieth Giles. Anyone remember him. 
    Anyway when we got to Cambridge we got a taxi to the ground arriving about 5 minutes after kick off. 
    So we done what was normal in those days and headed for the home end.
    Upon entering the ground we were in the middle of all the Cambridge hooligans. There was a row of police between us and the Charlton fans  so we pushed our way to the front and decided to wait for the next bit of bother and run through to the Charlton fans.
    Keithy Giles grabbed a Cambridge fan and we took him into the Charlton fans with us .
    Keith then said to the poor bloke who was absolutely shitting himself  every time Cambridge fans try to attack us you are Getting a smack.
    This happened a couple of times until we released him.
    Happy days. 
    If the same bloke, was my coach at Villacourt Rovers when i was in the U8's - about 1979. We trained at Delucy School in Abbey Wood. A good coach, perhaps a better nutcase.
    I would be very surprised if it's the same Keith Giles. Last time I saw him (many years ago), he had tried to start a fight at a railway station up north right in front of half a dozen coppers who promptly nicked him. He began struggling and they put him on the ground. He shouted "steam the Old Bill" to two of us who were watching this. He then physically shat himself on purpose and began laughing hysterically as the disbelieving officers carted him off. I might be wrong but he didn't strike as someone who would be into giving up his time for anyone else.
    The bloke at Villacourt was called Keith. I saw him again about 10 years later at Norwood Junction as he was steaming into Southampton. Then on the train he was co-ordinating the second phase of the battle. As soon as the train arrived at London Bridge he was out and at the front in what was one of the more lively encounters I've seen. And there were no tactical shits.
  • Millwall at home in the Kent Cup was no joy. Fights all over the ground and with such a tiny attendance, it was difficult to avoid.

    Perhaps the most violent match was Harlow away in the FA Cup. Claret covered fans all over the place leading up to the ground and just chestnut fencing on a grassy terrace during the match to separate fans. Luckily missed out on a pre-match drink as we went by motorbikes.
  • Millwall at home in the Kent Cup was no joy. Fights all over the ground and with such a tiny attendance, it was difficult to avoid.

    Perhaps the most violent match was Harlow away in the FA Cup. Claret covered fans all over the place leading up to the ground and just chestnut fencing on a grassy terrace during the match to separate fans. Luckily missed out on a pre-match drink as we went by motorbikes.
    Seconded about the millwall kent cup games.

    In the pub before the game at Harlow was like a proper wild west saloon brawl. During was here there and everywhere and after we had a sort out in the multi story car park.

    Allegedly it was Tottenham.
  • Definitely Spurs at the Harlow game. Some big fecker with a Spurs beanie hat on took a couple of swings at me and I managed to move out the way a caught him with a peach. Don't know who was more surprised, him or me.

    Worst I got out of that day was grass stains on my jeans after slipping down that bank.

    Huddersfield away in '81 at Leeds Road was tasty, particularly in the car park post match. A flying brick just caught my nose on the way through to smashing one of our coach windows. A few of ours came pouring out of a couple of vans with virtually every tool, jack and tyre lever they could get their hands on and saved a few of us from getting a serious kicking.
  • Me and my brother missed the train to Cambridge along with Kieth Giles. Anyone remember him. 
    Anyway when we got to Cambridge we got a taxi to the ground arriving about 5 minutes after kick off. 
    So we done what was normal in those days and headed for the home end.
    Upon entering the ground we were in the middle of all the Cambridge hooligans. There was a row of police between us and the Charlton fans  so we pushed our way to the front and decided to wait for the next bit of bother and run through to the Charlton fans.
    Keithy Giles grabbed a Cambridge fan and we took him into the Charlton fans with us .
    Keith then said to the poor bloke who was absolutely shitting himself  every time Cambridge fans try to attack us you are Getting a smack.
    This happened a couple of times until we released him.
    Happy days. 
    If the same bloke, was my coach at Villacourt Rovers when i was in the U8's - about 1979. We trained at Delucy School in Abbey Wood. A good coach, perhaps a better nutcase.
    I would be very surprised if it's the same Keith Giles. Last time I saw him (many years ago), he had tried to start a fight at a railway station up north right in front of half a dozen coppers who promptly nicked him. He began struggling and they put him on the ground. He shouted "steam the Old Bill" to two of us who were watching this. He then physically shat himself on purpose and began laughing hysterically as the disbelieving officers carted him off. I might be wrong but he didn't strike as someone who would be into giving up his time for anyone else.
    The bloke at Villacourt was called Keith. I saw him again about 10 years later at Norwood Junction as he was steaming into Southampton. Then on the train he was co-ordinating the second phase of the battle. As soon as the train arrived at London Bridge he was out and at the front in what was one of the more lively encounters I've seen. And there were no tactical shits.
    That does sound like Keith Giles though....
  • Addickted said:
    Definitely Spurs at the Harlow game. Some big fecker with a Spurs beanie hat on took a couple of swings at me and I managed to move out the way a caught him with a peach. Don't know who was more surprised, him or me.

    Worst I got out of that day was grass stains on my jeans after slipping down that bank.

    Huddersfield away in '81 at Leeds Road was tasty, particularly in the car park post match. A flying brick just caught my nose on the way through to smashing one of our coach windows. A few of ours came pouring out of a couple of vans with virtually every tool, jack and tyre lever they could get their hands on and saved a few of us from getting a serious kicking.
    Huddersfield in '81 was a classic. Charlton fans had been singing a very unpleasant song about a national news incident in Dewsbury to wind the locals up and it worked (we also won which didn't help the mood). When I walked out onto the road after the game there was was a wall of older men coming towards us, many of them actually rolling their sleeves up. I was 18 and moved tactically towards the pavement between the coaches and a wall where I was faced by a load of skinheads in a similar mood and there was nowhere else to go so there was only one thing left to do. I felt I was fighting giant octopus. Thankfully some Bexley boys piled in to support me and suddenly they were on the back foot. It was raging around the coaches for a minute or two before the local constabulary arrived and stopped it. The Bexley boys have been good mates ever since.
  • I think that was the first home game Huddersfield had lost in two years as they had stormed the old fourth division the previous season.

    Remember their Cow Shed singing to the Tom Hark Piranhas song "The Charlton sing I don't know why cos after the match they're gonna die".  Thought I was after the game. I was also 18 and seeing their mob walking down the road we went on the pavement as our six coaches were parked there. There was a small wall which had a load of Huddersfield skins sitting on it. Fortunately I got on the coach.

    As we drove off we were told to pull the blinds down as bricks were likely to be thrown. Peering through the blinds this big black guy looked to be throwing something our way. We all ducked down but nothing happened. We looked outside and the guy was laughing at us. Little bit of humour after a frightening experience.

    We'd parked in the Valley car park and got home at the same time as the players. Benny Fenton came up to us and asked us if we had been. He said the result was due to great commitment from the team. Then told us that Mike Bailey was on match of the day that evening. @Big William drove us home at break neck speed. A great day. Miss those days so much. 
  • addick05 said:
    Definatley the Chelsea play off game,where Leaburn got done off the ball and went potty.I was there with my then 2 young sons and wife,nursing a broken arm sustained in a freindly over 40 5 a side tournament,When the final whistle went,I really thought we were going to be invaded as the home supporters went mad.Met a few Leeds supporters at the service station after the St.Andrews game,and they were fine,if anything some Charlton Lads tried to irritate them,and security was called.One other occasion was when we went to Sheffield utd for a cup replay and the coach broke down on the way,We got there for the last 15 minutes and went straight into the home area where we were immediatley attacked,luckily stewards sorted it out quickly moved us out.

    I was at the Chelsea game with my youngest boy - and how around 50 or so Chelsea somehow got into our end. They went mental when Chelsea scored that dubious penalty; wrong move. There were thousands of us in that away end and I could see many slowly making their way to where these dipsticks were jumping up and down just in front of us. It was like Custer's Last Stand. They got well thumped- and they couldn't escape because of the high fences. Funniest thing was OB stood and waited till the carnage was over then moved in and nicked them!
    Speaking as a former hoolie, Chelsea came unstuck everywhere that day, inside and out of the ground, they never expected our numbers and “firm” that turned out, so much so that a group of Chelsea headhunters actually came to white city tube the next season when we played qpr looking for revenge, a group of 20-30 attacked as we came down the stairs to the platform after the game, CS gas was used (by them) they came unstuck again 
  • Was at that game at Leeds Road.  Went up on the Lewis coach. 

    Phil Walker scored at the cowshed end to give us a 1.0 win and we went top of the league that evening for the first time that season if I remember rightly. 

    Was only 14 at the time and can't remember what happened outside. 

    Had a bit of trouble up there in around 82/83 when we got off the train and went into the William Hill shop nearby and there was a few of them in there.  One big lump kicked off and one of ours threw a fire bucket full of water all over him.  Keystone cops then followed with the big lump trying to catch our bloke hahaha. 

    Then a load more of them came in the shop and things were a bit nip and tuck for about a minute until the police stormed in and halted proceedings.  No one got hurt on our side thankfully.

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  • My old boss was one of their old lot & he said he passed up the chance to come into our end (lucky for him)  when the HHs were discussing it before the game. He then said it was like ants swarming round/towards an insect when it booted off. Got it from my dad after the game as he could see my red hood diving in & out fighting. Got told a story, that  Chelsea had done the same thing a few years before & our older lot were in the Chelsea end, came out during the game & proceded to run Chelsea out our end again.
  • I remember a night game over there when our older lot were in the shed end.  I think it was a 2.2 draw with Paul Walsh scoring our goals or at least one of them. 

    Remember a big gap opened up around the Charlton lot and you see scuffles going on.  The police then got them out and  I am sure they walked them around the pitch to our end instead of throwing them out. 
  • DA9 said:
    addick05 said:
    Definatley the Chelsea play off game,where Leaburn got done off the ball and went potty.I was there with my then 2 young sons and wife,nursing a broken arm sustained in a freindly over 40 5 a side tournament,When the final whistle went,I really thought we were going to be invaded as the home supporters went mad.Met a few Leeds supporters at the service station after the St.Andrews game,and they were fine,if anything some Charlton Lads tried to irritate them,and security was called.One other occasion was when we went to Sheffield utd for a cup replay and the coach broke down on the way,We got there for the last 15 minutes and went straight into the home area where we were immediatley attacked,luckily stewards sorted it out quickly moved us out.

    I was at the Chelsea game with my youngest boy - and how around 50 or so Chelsea somehow got into our end. They went mental when Chelsea scored that dubious penalty; wrong move. There were thousands of us in that away end and I could see many slowly making their way to where these dipsticks were jumping up and down just in front of us. It was like Custer's Last Stand. They got well thumped- and they couldn't escape because of the high fences. Funniest thing was OB stood and waited till the carnage was over then moved in and nicked them!
    Speaking as a former hoolie, Chelsea came unstuck everywhere that day, inside and out of the ground, they never expected our numbers and “firm” that turned out, so much so that a group of Chelsea headhunters actually came to white city tube the next season when we played qpr looking for revenge, a group of 20-30 attacked as we came down the stairs to the platform after the game, CS gas was used (by them) they came unstuck again 
    and when the train came in the ones one board wished they hadn't called us on.
  • E_cafc said:
    I remember a night game over there when our older lot were in the shed end.  I think it was a 2.2 draw with Paul Walsh scoring our goals or at least one of them. 

    Remember a big gap opened up around the Charlton lot and you see scuffles going on.  The police then got them out and  I am sure they walked them around the pitch to our end instead of throwing them out. 
    They did indeed.
  • Many great memories from the 80s travelling the country with the B Mob. Never felt too threatened in our tight group. Although one time at Derby just me and Kev G got out of the police escort after the game and we made our way to the station. Sitting there on the platform and a mob of Derby came in and made a beeline for us. Just at the right moment the double doors opened and the police escort had arrived with the rest of ours. Thank the lord!!!
  • E_cafc said:
    I remember a night game over there when our older lot were in the shed end.  I think it was a 2.2 draw with Paul Walsh scoring our goals or at least one of them. 

    Remember a big gap opened up around the Charlton lot and you see scuffles going on.  The police then got them out and  I am sure they walked them around the pitch to our end instead of throwing them out. 
    This did happen

  • Away and home games were mental back in the day.
    Reading all the above posts brings it all back!
    We never took big numbers but we always stood together.
  • From the reaction Millwall got out there in 03/04 and seeing snippets about them since, I don’t think they gave changed too much on the FV front GH even if the Country itself is much improved.

    Always fancy but equally fear getting Hungary in our qualifying group each time.

    I’ve probably commented on a previous page, but definitively Ukraine away in 09 for me. Got a kicking in Kiev the night before the game and then had to run the gauntlet all day in Dnipro on match day. Barely saw any England that trip, most sticking to hotel bars, except that was a small group of older, nutty primarily Huddersfield who we got ‘stuck’ with and ended up having a pop at their mob which resulted in black eyes for a few and a long fast run to the ground for the rest of us.

    2012 and 2013 were better out there.

    Montenegro was hairy pre game in 2011 and when we were getting escorted from the home end to away end dodging coins and lighters.

    Croatia 06 also ropey when they spent the whole night trying to get at (a sizeable mob of England tbf) down the street of a thousand bars.

    Marseille with the Russians you had to be on your guard, esp late at night with the locals also on the hunt.

    I think all of the above were child’s plays compared to the 70’s-90’s watching England away when you often had to fight your way out of situations.
    Croatia 06 i was there and up their with the most scared ive been. And scarred ive been.
    70s and 80s was just before my time but ive heard many bloody scary stories. Be interested to know do you mean Ukraine was most scared you have been? Or all of them examples dont compare to 70s-90s
  • I think that was the first home game Huddersfield had lost in two years as they had stormed the old fourth division the previous season.

    Remember their Cow Shed singing to the Tom Hark Piranhas song "The Charlton sing I don't know why cos after the match they're gonna die".  Thought I was after the game. I was also 18 and seeing their mob walking down the road we went on the pavement as our six coaches were parked there. There was a small wall which had a load of Huddersfield skins sitting on it. Fortunately I got on the coach.

    As we drove off we were told to pull the blinds down as bricks were likely to be thrown. Peering through the blinds this big black guy looked to be throwing something our way. We all ducked down but nothing happened. We looked outside and the guy was laughing at us. Little bit of humour after a frightening experience.

    We'd parked in the Valley car park and got home at the same time as the players. Benny Fenton came up to us and asked us if we had been. He said the result was due to great commitment from the team. Then told us that Mike Bailey was on match of the day that evening. @Big William drove us home at break neck speed. A great day. Miss those days so much. 
    Yes, they weren't impressed with their unbeaten home run being ended.....I had nearly made it to the coaches and there was one of ours and one of theirs having what Danny Dyer would call a "straight up". One of the local constabulary pulled the chap from the red corner away, gave him a hefty clump and invited him to "fuck off home". Welcome to Yorkshire! I think a few brickbats hit the coach on the way out of town as well.

    It was the first season I went to a lot of away games, most of them passed without any real trouble, but I'm sure it was the year of the cup tie at Harlow where every herbert in town (and a few from Spurs) were determined to have a row. I still chuckle thinking about the huge pile of bodies sliding down a muddy grass bank behind the goal, with arms and feet flailing away everywhere.
  • Around 86 or 87 we played at Newcastle, end of season and we turned them over, 0-3 from memory. Cannot remember how that result affected Newcastle in the league but it well and truly pissed the locals off. At the end of the game, the Gallowgate end went mental, they broke down the fences, broke the crossbar then about ten thousand Geordies ran the length of the pitch towards the small pocket of Addicks stood in the corner of the terrace baying for blood. That was unnerving but what really topped it off was a copper, he stood and announced over a megaphone -  'as you can see Charlton fans, we have a bit of an issue and we are going to try and get you out safely, unfortunately it is even worse outside at the moment.' That was squeaky bum time coming out of St James's that day!
    Bank Holiday Monday - I was in a bar later and took the piss out of Glenn Roeder. Then I noticed he had Peter Jackson with him, so I fucked off sharpish. Got a train back to London at about 1.30am and went straight to work in Westminster. Fell asleep in the bog at 7am and was woken up by the security guard. That was a long Tuesday.....
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  • edited November 2019
    No I don’t think so but I wouldn’t put my life on it .
    Think the injured one was in more miserable weather,  than a reasonable(for Newcastle)  May day 
    Yep, different games.

    3-0 win was 4th May 1987 - we had to win to have any chance of staying up. 

    1-2 defeat was  28th Nov 1987 - Andy Jones put us 1 up very early but Walsh broke his leg and they scored either side of half time (John Cornwall and Mirandinha)
  • Got fronted up by Millwall's top boy a few years back

  • Without a doubt play off game at Leeds it was a horrible threatening time!
  • Had a similar experience at Norwich again mid to late 60's, my mate and I had travelled up by train and were wandering around the city wearing our colours when we were confronted by 10-15 Norwich we decided running was the best course of action so off we went, as we rounded a corner a Lewis's coach came along with big Chris sitting in the front seat ah we thought we're safe we'll flag them down and everything would be ok, imagine our dismay when despite our frantic waving they just waved back and carried on,  we had to have on our toes again ditched our colours and hid in an alley as said Norwich supporters went past not very brave I know but I lived to tell the tale.
  • Bit late to this thread, but back in the late 60's/early 70's went to Norwich by train and managed to bump into one or two of 'faces' from the Covered End at that time at LIverpool Street.  Thought I would be fairly safe travelling with them, so joined them and stood with them at the game.
    Just before the end they said they had got a lift back in a mate's car. Fuck it I thought, I had heard about the canal on the way back to the station and what they had done to some Spanners previously.  I was wearing a Parka at the time so stood out a little amongst the Country Folk.

    Anyway, made my way very gingerly back to the station and was almost in sight of the station when I came across a big crowd of Naarch obviously looking for anyone resembling a Charlton fan.  I don't think they wanted to swap Christmas cards either.

    I managed to duck into a doorway out of sight, and thought my best plan was to take my right arm out of my sleeve and poke that in the pocket hiding my arm inside the coat. Having done that I put on the biggest limp I could must and made my way slowly towards the station.  Getting a bit nearer the Naarch crowd a few of them turned to look, and I got 'Leave him, he's a spaso' (PC at the time) and they let me through to the station.

    Had to keep that pretence up until I got back on the train much to the amusement of fellow Addicks.

    Happy days.
    This is genius!
  • From the reaction Millwall got out there in 03/04 and seeing snippets about them since, I don’t think they gave changed too much on the FV front GH even if the Country itself is much improved.

    Always fancy but equally fear getting Hungary in our qualifying group each time.

    I’ve probably commented on a previous page, but definitively Ukraine away in 09 for me. Got a kicking in Kiev the night before the game and then had to run the gauntlet all day in Dnipro on match day. Barely saw any England that trip, most sticking to hotel bars, except that was a small group of older, nutty primarily Huddersfield who we got ‘stuck’ with and ended up having a pop at their mob which resulted in black eyes for a few and a long fast run to the ground for the rest of us.

    2012 and 2013 were better out there.

    Montenegro was hairy pre game in 2011 and when we were getting escorted from the home end to away end dodging coins and lighters.

    Croatia 06 also ropey when they spent the whole night trying to get at (a sizeable mob of England tbf) down the street of a thousand bars.

    Marseille with the Russians you had to be on your guard, esp late at night with the locals also on the hunt.

    I think all of the above were child’s plays compared to the 70’s-90’s watching England away when you often had to fight your way out of situations.
    Croatia 06 i was there and up their with the most scared ive been. And scarred ive been.
    70s and 80s was just before my time but ive heard many bloody scary stories. Be interested to know do you mean Ukraine was most scared you have been? Or all of them examples dont compare to 70s-90s
    Sorry for the delay. Ukraine most scared for me personally, but I’m well aware that it is nothing compared to what others experienced in the 70’s - 90’s watching England.

    As it happens I was very close to a new entry on Sunday. We were being escorted on coaches from Albania to Kosovo. We pulled into some shitty services in the middle of nowhere for another piss stop but this time almost as soon as we got off the Coachs the police started shouting that we needed to leave which was odd. I had started pissing so had to finish. Walked out the bogs and two coaches were pulling in, “more of ours” I thought. As they got closer I could hear them, then saw each was full of absolute lunatics dressed all in black, thumping the windows, giving us slit throat gestures, the lot. We were ushered on to our two coaches whilst the police blocked the doors of their coaches. On we got and our coaches shot off. We could see them being let out in the distance as we drove away, but we had to go under a subway which is exactly when they started running to hurl things at our coaches.

    We laughed afterwards, but it was mins away from a very dodgy situation. And we then worried they’d return once in Kosovo and were beginning to doubt the amazing welcome we’d been promised.

    Turned our they were actually Albanians travelling from Kosovo to Albania to watch them play France and could not believe their luck nearly landing on us.
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