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Lyle Taylor - signed for Cambridge (p268)



  • Valley11 said:
    I wonder if Taylor will turn out in the end? Bowyer’s words on him feel like an arm round the shoulder to sway him to pull his boots on one last time. 
    I think all chances of that happening are gone with the way that Charlton fans have spoken to or about Taylor today.  
    You fucking plead with him if you want to pal.
  • On a final months notice at work, I think most people would have their eyes on other things and their committment may not be what it was previously.
    Good luck in the rest of your career Mr Taylor.
    No they don't. Sarr isn't,  others aren't. Stop making excuses for the inexcusable. 

    Plus he has let down his team mates.

    Football stinks now so I am not sure I will bother after this lockdown.  There are other things to do, I have found.  I suspect others have too. So there will be high unemployment for a lot of them and less clubs.

    I was not making excuses.
    As you say, football stinks.
  • Just sums up football these days, a team sport played by selfish individuals.
  • He wasnt that bothered about getting injured playing for Monserat was he ? He picked up his wages for 4 months when he was out then. 

    Sewer rat.
    Sewer rat? Really? 

    Being a Financial Advisor you would have thought Mr Happy would appreciate footballers needing to look after their future.
    I certainly would not go to @golfaddick for advice.
  • edited June 2020
    It does sound like Bowyer has come out to put pressure on him to play. 

    I can't imagine Taylor would really care though what fans thought of him. He's set for life and walking into a new club where the fans will love him there instead. 
    But will they love him?  With the exception of Charlton (and possibly wimbledon) Taylor was an OK player and did not generate this type of loyalty.  We have a generation of kids at the valley due our recent 'success' that idolize him and he is breaking their hearts by not seeing this through.  I am not going to start calling him some of the names bandied around here and facebook today, but my 9 year old son cried when I told him we won't see him play for Charlton again as it stands today.  At least give us a chance to say a proper goodbye..
  • Lest we forget this is the same player who thought nothing of flying halfway across the world to play for one of the worst international teams and returned injured. 

    In this Covid-led environment what sort of contract does a 30-year old striker honestly think he will get and will future employers look positively at his decision?

    If the club had any leadership they ought to be suing him for all of the wages they've paid him since January and the transfer fee foregone when they had a chance to sell him but chose not to on the basis he'd be available for the remainder of the season.
  • Taylor liked this post... 

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  • hard facts are that all the fan love in the world in 10 years time isn't gonna be paying his mortgage or bills .... but turning his back on us in our hour of need to get that contract might ....
  • He wouldn’t have refused to play in mid March under normal circumstances so why now,it’s no different.  Disappointed with Solly too, Club captain, testimonial year etc.........
    A very poor way for Solly to end his career with us. Realistically he wouldn't have had to play much, and it's very disappointing that players with far weaker connections to the club are prepared to return and he isn't

    I don't blame Davis so much. Life for a short term loan player can't be much fun away from home, especially in the current situation and he may not want to be away from his family. Indeed I'm REALLY impressed with Hemed coming back from Israel as he had a very good excuse for not returning.
  • Taylor has been brilliant for us , shame he couldn't finish his career at Charlton by helping us to try and stay in the Championship  . 
  • how many games do we have this month? He should be available for selection this month!
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  • JamesSeed said:
    99% of us would do exactly the same as Lyle's doing, were we in the same situation. It’s a profession after all. 
    Still gutted though. 
    Evidence for saying 99%?
  • I wouldn't want to play him if he was more interested in avoiding injury. His game requires full commitment. Yes, fine him to recoup some wages by all means, but that is all we can do. We need to stay up using players committed to the cause. We need to forget about Taylor.
  • No doubt we have all made career moves for personal gain in the past but in doing so would have seen out the existing contract before moving on. This is what Taylor should do and if he did play those 2 or 3 games until 30 June then more of us maybe more understanding.
  • JamesSeed said:
    99% of us would do exactly the same as Lyle's doing, were we in the same situation. It’s a profession after all. 
    Still gutted though. 
    I wouldn't
    nor would I
  • JamesSeed said:
    99% of us would do exactly the same as Lyle's doing, were we in the same situation. It’s a profession after all. 
    Still gutted though. 
    I wouldn't
    couldn't say for certain until in that position but i'm 99% certain i wouldn't either - all down to your values as a person  
  • Lyle was always going to leave, I know I’m going to get pelters for this, but with all that’s going on in the world at the moment and having known 4 people taken, in just meh whatever, it’s not important in the scheme of things.

    Pre Covid I’d probably be spitting feathers, starting threads galore, and up in arms, I just feel lucky to still be around at the moment.

    Doing an ooh ah, yes we’ve probably got a 90% chance of being relegated without Lyle, of course I’d rather have him playing for us, but in really not surprised, or bothered as much as I used to be.

    Wembley May 2019, seems a long way away, even if I did miss Bauer’s goal by drinking too much in the green man!

    Don’t get too stressed out by this people, we’ve always been a selling club, players come and go, don’t get too attached to them, its their career and living, don’t give them abuse, we’re better than that.
  • not stressed out by it - its football, can understand it but also have a view on it - its definitely put the nail in our coffin  
  • If only he stayed till the end of June and we could all moan about him not staying till the end of the season .

    I mean all this shit about loyalty , bullshit, they all do what suits them not us the wanky fans 
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