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Another stabbing in Sidcup



  • This thread started ten months ago with the question 'what's gone wrong' ?
    I'll stick my neck out now at 08:50 March 5th 2009 and say, the answer will be provided when the piece of walking filth that murdered Rob Knox is sentenced.
    I am not privvy to all the details of the case, nor to the full record of Bishop. But i believe he has served time for a previous knife related incident.
    If he had no 'previous' he would have been sentenced to something like ten to fifteen years. Of which he would have served no more than half !!!!!!!!
    Because he has 'previous' the sentence will be tougher!!!! I predict he will get a 'minimum term sentence' of fifteen years. And there will be the answer to the question.
    He SHOULD be subjected to Capital punishment. Or at the least Life, meaning he would stay in prison until the day he dies.
  • At the risk of being labeled reactionary.
    There is no doubt its got worse.
    My mate worked in the Triumph dealership in WOolwich/Plumstead Bridge(Boyer Racing)
    and was so pleased when it closed and he moved with the guys to West Sussex. Daily they had all kinds of Aggro
    and damage all of it by sub 20 year olds. He had been there man and boy .

    Some areas had always been a bit tasty in S E London /North Kent, we all know where they were. But now its totally out of hand !

    I now live close to Petersfield a so called upmarket South Hampshire town but on the weekend
    it kicks off with a combination of local 'youfs' and some of Pompeys /Leigh Parks finest on a night out.
    The local OB are laughable and clearly out of their depth. They just don't have the backing to
    command respect.
    Its the R E S P E C T word which underpins all of this. That is what has gone.
    Being interested in the Biking world its a big thing. But its seen as 'old SKOOL' by the
    young erberts who have had all the counselling and 'understanding' and none of the demand to show respect and take an ownnership for the resposibilities which come with all their so called freedoms.
  • [cite]Posted By: Les Addicks[/cite]The idea that the French police would continue to staff speed traps at the same levels they currently do if THEIR towns were full of drunk, tooled up agressive gangs of yobs is ridiculous to be honest. There's not a community or mayor in the country who would condone the police continuing to pull motorists while their kids were stabbing each other in gangfights or battering someone who looked at them a 'bit funny'. I've seen more manned speedtraps in the last 10 months than in the last 20 years in the UK and long may it continue as it means that they don't have very much else to do to be honest. I can see what Suzi et al are saying about speeding but the long and short of it for me is that the knife/gang culture thing has to take a priority. Surely?

    As an aside, harking back to the post re:someone dropping their trousers in front of a van of police, if that had been Gendarmes, they would have never have got anywhere near a court but would certainly have been eating hospital food for a while instead. Summary justice ain't always a bad thing and maybe if British coppers felt able to give a yob a slap from time to time there'd be a bit more respect about?

    So absolutely true !!!!
    Speeding is seen as a CRIME out of all proportion given the rate of real crime.
  • edited March 2009
    this guy took 1 life is a repeat offender and stabbed 5 more people on the same night.

    as for OB doing their stuff --- i had 2 phone calls about 1 month apart re the incidnet on the same day outside my house " we will get back to you" total useless twats.

    PS there are scum who dont deserve ever too walk amongst us but i dont believe the State has the right to take life.
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]this guy took 1 life is a repeat offender and stabbed 5 more people on the same night.

    as for OB doing their stuff --- i had 2 phone calls about 1 month apart re the incidnet on the same day outside my house " we will get back to you" total useless twats.

    PS there are scum who dont deserve ever too walk amongst us but i dont believe the State has the right to take life.

    Did it turn out that the guy yelling and screaming outside your house that night was the actual murderer? I guess that's what you mean about the OB not getting back to you?
  • [cite]Posted By: Nelsenout[/cite]I now live close to Petersfield a so called upmarket South Hampshire town

    LOL - Never heard that one before :)
  • says on the bbc he's jailed for life. he will serve a minimum of 20 years before being considered for parole. its funny how different news agents put a different spin on it.
  • How can life be 20 years?!
  • [cite]Posted By: Medders[/cite]How can life be 20 years?!

    He's got life but would be considered after 20 years. I think I'm right in saying that the judge has to give a minimum tariff.
    He could be out still in his prime of life, I hope not.
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  • I was literally seconds from walking past the metro bar before it all kicked off that night :-(
  • [cite]Posted By: Medders[/cite]How can life be 20 years?!

    There are two "life" tarrifs - "whole of life" which means literally that and "life" sentences" which tyoically are given for serious crimes like murder etc. Why they can't call the latter something like long-term sentences I don't know...
  • There you go. Five hours ago i predicted he would get fifteen years minimum. I was five years out. He's got 20yrs minimum. That means he will be out on the street at age 42, ready to kill someone else. Rob Knox will never walk the street again.
    And that in a nutshell is why some 'humans' will continue to carry knives, and use them on other humans.
    That's "what's gone wrong"
  • [cite]Posted By: Daggs[/cite]There you go. Five hours ago i predicted he would get fifteen years minimum. I was five years out. He's got 20yrs minimum. That means he will be out on the street at age 42, ready to kill someone else. Rob Knox will never walk the street again.
    And that in a nutshell is why some 'humans' will continue to carry knives, and use them on other humans.
    That's "what's gone wrong"

    Agreed. You take someone elses life, you get life. And life means life, not 15 or 20 years.
  • [cite]Posted By: Daggs[/cite]There you go. Five hours ago i predicted he would get fifteen years minimum. I was five years out. He's got 20yrs minimum. That means he will be out on the street at age 42, ready to kill someone else. Rob Knox will never walk the street again.
    And that in a nutshell is why some 'humans' will continue to carry knives, and use them on other humans.
    That's "what's gone wrong"

    20 year minimum so that doesn't mean he'll be out at the age of 42 at all. That is the earliest possible date he can ask for parole.

    I hope he stays in a lot longer than 20 years but don't try and pretend that 20 years minimum is somehow and example of "what's gone wrong". He was caught and is being punished.
  • Rob Knox's death was very saddening but if he wasn't an addick would you have used him and his killer as an example?

    I still see Damilo Letaylor as the no.1 most important stab victim as it all went crazy from there!
  • 20 year minimum so that doesn't mean he'll be out at the age of 42 at all. That is the earliest possible date he can ask for parole.

    I hope he stays in a lot longer than 20 years but don't try and pretend that 20 years minimum is somehow and example of "what's gone wrong". He was caught and is being punished.

    Henry, why do you always feel the need to correct people. It's obvious what Dagg's means. Personally, I think the sentence is a joke & is one of a thousand (I don't mean that literally Henners!) examples of "what's gone wrong".
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]

    20 yearminimumso that doesn't mean he'll be out at the age of 42 at all. That is the earliest possible date he can ask for parole.

    I hope he stays in a lot longer than 20 years but don't try and pretend that 20 years minimum is somehow and example of "what's gone wrong". He was caught and is being punished.

    Look Henry. The government are throwing people out of the jails as quick as they can. They refuse to build more. Only today it's been announced 65 rapists and murderers serving 'life' sentences were let out early by New Labour. Only to go on and commit further rapes, murders and child molestations.
    Bishop will not serve a day over twenty years and you know it.
    If you think 20 years is punishment for murder, i suggest you go and speak to MR & Mrs Knox and ask them if they agree.
    Your opinion would change pretty damn quick if your family were victims of knife crime (and i'm not wishing that on you or anyone)
  • Here here Daggs.
  • [cite]Posted By: stop shouting[/cite]2

    Henry, why do you always feel the need to correct people. It's obvious what Dagg's means.

    Sorry, but if someone makes an error of fact when making an arguement then why shouldn't I correct it. Others can do the same to me or is it that you don't want to be challenged on what you say and feel you should be allowed to misrepresent the facts
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  • Going forward, I for one will do my best to make my posts factually correct.
  • [cite]Posted By: Daggs[/cite]
    How do you know that my family has not been a victim of knife crime or some other form of violent crime? (why is knife crime different) Why do you need to make that assumption or another assumption that my opinion would change? How do you know that and what do you base that on? Nothing at all, just a glib line to throw out to justify your own views and dismiss my points without bothering to come up with anything of any substance.

    I had already said that I hope Bishop would serve longer than 20 years and I still do. Don't get annoyed because you were factually wrong.

    You were sure this morning he would get 15 years. You were wrong by 33% so you will excuse me when I say you may also be wrong when you say Bishop will only serve 20 years. I don't know as I can't see in to the future tow days let alone two decades on.

    As for refusing to building new prisons there is whole new prison being built just a few miles from the Valley as we speak. Sorry Stop Shouting for correcting someone but there is. :- (
  • I don't know what 'factual' error i made! Unless other people believing Bishop will serve more than twenty years makes the statement 'minimum of twenty years' wrong!
  • [cite]Posted By: Daggs[/cite]He's got 20yrs minimum. That means he will be out on the street at age 42,

    Factually incorrect. It does not mean [/b]he will be out in 20 years it's only your opinion that he will be out then. "Could" be out in 20 years would be have been correct.

    They refuse to build new prisons. Factually incorrect. New prison being built in Plumstead now.
  • As for refusing to building new prisons there is whole new prison being built just a few miles from the Valley as we speak. Sorry Stop Shouting for correcting someone but there is. :- (

    Where's this? Is this the site adjacent to Belmarsh?
  • edited March 2009
    Can an Admin sort this thread out? all this arguing is saddening...

  • Forget what sentance this piece of shit actually got and realise that whether he`s out in 20 years or not the sentence is not hard enough. He should be in prison for the rest of his days. No argument as far as I can see.
  • [cite]Posted By: stop shouting[/cite]As for refusing to building new prisons there is whole new prison being built just a few miles from the Valley as we speak. Sorry Stop Shouting for correcting someone but there is. :- (

    Where's this? Is this the site adjacent to Belmarsh?

    Yes, not clear if it was going to be a Young Offenders Unit or an Male prison but it won't be part of Belmarsh.

    As well as the new prison in SE London there is meant to be one being built on Merseyside. What does that tell you? : - ) In total 1300 new places with 6700 new places at other sites such as Maidstone.

    Personally I think the 8000 new prison places aren't enough and some criminals should be locked up for longer.

    More importantly I think some criminals should be locked up earlier in their offending "career" as it may be a deterrent to them and others and might have made a difference with the Rob Knox case but that is not fact, just an opinion.
  • When Bishop was originally told that Rob had died by a Policeman his response was to smile and say "sweet".

    He refused to go to Court to receive the sentence. Throughout the proceedings he laughed in Court and looking up at his 6 mates in the Gallery. He was visibly shaking with laughter when he heard that Rob had received a commendation for helping Police arrest a man for assault when he worked at M & S in Bluewater.

    I've lived in Sidcup all my life and the town has steadily gone downhill over the last 20 years. The Police do very little to break up the gangs that congregate on the street corners and we've even had a Happy Shopper alcohol delivery service to kids in a local park.

    It really is time for the "do gooders" to take a step to one side and for offenders to receive sentences that might actually scare them.
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